Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 26, 1889, Image 3

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    $159 mmEm
LAPORTE, I*A. JULY, 20th, 1889.
We are now on the down grade of |
Lopez is the metropolis of the
Working men are very scarce in
La Porte.
City guests arc arriving at La-
Porte, daily.
The weather last week was favor
able for hay making.
The latest: "three minutes in a j
mile,"from the Mail.
Last Sunday was a good day for
the liverymen of Laporte.
E. J. Flynn, outside boss at the
LaPorte tannery, is on the sick list. I
Geo. W. Fox of Ilughesville, was I
in town doing business o' l Tuesday.;
Miss Minnie Crossley of Denton, j
Columbia coutity, is visiting friends |
in town. I
Chas. Humphety of Towanda, was
registered at the LaPorte Hotel on
Candidates for the fall election j
are commencing to blossom in all ,
A reasonable man will accept a J
poor situation until he can get a ;
better one.
Mrs. F. M. Crossley of LaPorte, j
is visiting friends in Benton, Col-j
umbia county.
S.F.Colt, Jr., was transacting I
business in Philadelphia, the early ;
part of this week.
County Commissioners of Penn
sylvania will meet in Allentown on ■
Sept. ?itl 25th and 2Gth.
It has been moved and seconded
that the nominations for Sheriff ot
Sullivan county be closed.
James 11. Gansel of LaPorte i
township, was transacting business
in Towanda, on Tuesday last.
Sealed bids for the building ol the
new school house at LaPorte " ill
be received until August 7tb, 'B9.
Thos. Kennedy and John Boyd
both of this place, were visiting
friends in Dushoro, on Sunday last.
Cherry street opposite Fairvicw
Cottage has been repaired and now |
presents a very creditable appear
A new maxim maker asserts that
a fly in the hand is worth two in the
soup. A sound philosopher has
J. E. Lacey of llillsgrove, a pro
fessional horse doctor, was register
ed at the Li Porte Hotel on Satur
day last.
Those of our delinquent subscribers
who have received bills from this
office, will save cost by promptly
paying the samr,.
Department Commander Thos. J.
Stewart, of Philadelphia, says that
ho will encamp 50,000 Grand Army
men at Getty shiny in September.
We will be pleased to receive from
every locality in the county, items
of news and communications that
will be of interest to our readers.
Stewart Chase purchased the hay
on Maple Park and cut the same on
Wednesday. The Park now pre
sents a very creditable appearance.
Miss Mattie B. Sinclair of La-
Porte township, left for Muney
last week, where she will attend the
Muncy Normal School oi that place.
The busy bees do not surpass the
busy farmers at the present time.
Storing away grain and hay is going
on at as lively a gait as storing away
Mr. C. J. Coon and Miss Kattie
Kennedy and Mr. John Tait and
Miss Lizzie Downs, all of LaPorte,
took a pleasure ride to Eagles Mere,
on Sunday last.
The Hotel Raymond four seat- d
hack, of Eagles Mere, was conspic
uous upon our streets Tuesday,
heavily loaded with guests of that
popular boarding house.
Mr. Sherwood of Jamison City
while skidding logs at that place was
instantly killed by a fellan tree, on
Friday last. The tree was decayed
and it is supposed that the jar of the
logs which Mr. Sherwood was haul
ing caused it to fall striking him on
the head and shoulders causing im
mediate death.
The Lake Mokonia Land Com
pany are making preparations to
riprap the Lake Mokoma dam.
They will build the dam several feet
higher and also widen the roadway
several feet.
I>r. J. C. Reifsnyder of Blooms
burg who is spending a few weeks
of the heated season at the 'Mere,
made LaPorte a visit on Tuesday.
The Doc lias many friends in La-
Porto who were pleased to see him.
The ladies of the M. E. Church of
LaPorte, will hold a festival r the
rooms under the Odd Fellows Hall,
Saturday afternoon and evening,
July 27. Supper served from <5 to
8 o'clock. Proceeds to be applied
to the payment of Pastor's salary.
Brother Newell you are condemn
ed by brother J. !S. Ilamaker, of the
Wyalusing llockct for deliberately j
clipping from that paper matters of
news without giving the same due
credit. Are you guilty or not
guilty ?
Just out—"Robin's Farewell,"
Caprice for Piano, by Fisher.
Brilliant, not difficult, and easy to
commit to metnory. A capital
piece for young progressive pianists.
Mailed on receipt of 50 cts. in 2-et.
postage stamps by any music dealer,
or Ign. Fischer, the publisher, j
Toledo, O.
Chas. R. Funston wife and daugt- j
er of Shamokin formerly of LaPorte,.
meet with quite a serious accident
on Sunday July the 14th, but fortun-1
ately escaped without prions in-1
juries. We give full account ot the
misshrp, elsewhere in this issue clip
ped from the Shamokin Tlerukl.
The furniture wagon of Lawrence
Bros., of Dushore driven by Eugene 1
Derail, visited our town on several
occasions last week, heavily loaded
with furniture. The Lawrence Bros,
sell goods cheap and are patronised
by a large percentage ol the Sullivan ;
county people. j
The Dushore Review says it is
dull in Dushore—once the metropo
lis of the county. It is said that
Lopez lias 1-y fair and persevering J
industries taken this title to itsself ;
within the past year. Won/ler b\
what renown title the village of
Dushore will be known in the future, 1
Come you editors should this
important matter a thought.
I John Utz of Dushore, so we are
| told, will make his announcement as
a candi iatt for Sheriff in the
Gazette this week. We imagine
t'ifl his local notice in the columns
of that paper will be flattering in the
extreme. The • her lin >o frys
in the Democratic party who
are seeking the nomination of Sheriff,
will be called upon to take a back
seat, by that journal. Will they
heed the invitation?
John Aunmiller of Eagles Mere
was awarded the painting of tho
■ Presbyterian church at this place
! lor the sum of SIO.OO. Mr. Aun
miller is said to be an A. No. 1
painter and the people of LaPorte
jmay expect a good job at his hands.
;He will commence the. work next
! week, aud will finish the same be
fore the expiration of the time set
by the committee for doing the
work, August tftth 811.
Eugene Tripp of Laporte who is
j engaged at Jamison City was home
l on Saturday and Sunday and reports
I business booming at the City. He
says:—The foundation for the large
[tannery which we have all heard so
much about, has been commenced
and the work of frameing the build
ing is under headway. The engine
formerly used 111 Col. CorcoranV
Paw mill near Shun! will furnish
powei to run the wheels in the new
Montrose, it is expected, will soon
have an outlet to I'inghamton. Tin
proposed extension of the narrow
garge railrord is in a fair way of ac
complishment. Engineers are at
wolk seeking the best route. The is lbuiid to be good averag
ing over the line already traversed
less than ten feet per mile. There
are short distances where ninety
feet per mile is the highest grade.
The cost of construe tion will not be
heavy. \n effort will be made to
interest capital iu the project, and it
is thought t hat work will be com
menced at HO early day. The ad
vantages to shippers and to farmers
will be great. The road will add to
the chances of New Mi I ford becom
ing the county seat of the projected
new county to be cut from Susque
hanna and Wayne.
Millinery goods reduced below
cost. Miland straws 50c, each,
formely SIOO. Canton straws 25c,
formerly 75c. Sun hats 2525 c,
Misses 19c. At the millinery store
of Miss Ida J. Keeler, LaPorte Pa.
A strolling Italian musician has
an improvement on the monkey. It
is a parrot which sings operatic
music in a soprano voice that is
heard for squares, and then collects
coins from high window s. The bird
can fly where the monkey would fail
to reach.
From the Montgomery Mirror :
Tlie Mirror has it from n. reliable
source that the Pennsylvania rail-j
road will build a line on the east
side from the bridge to W illism?-
sport via Muncy and Montoursville. |
It will be built, within the next eight- ■
ecn months and will be what might j
be termed an emergency road, and j
the through ti a flic for Elmira will ■
pass over that line,
Captuied on the premises of Mrs.'
C. E. Grim in LaPorte borough, by j
Larry Millmore, a genuine blue
racer with a white ring around his
neck. This second cousin of the
lion family was four feet three inches j
long. A s serpents of this kind are i
not indigenous to this locality, it
must have emigranted from the low
lands of Muncy Creek below Sones—
town, where they are comparatively
plenty. No fear need be entertain
ed of snakes of this character, their
bite is not poisonous and they will
not attack man cr beast. *
Democratic papers are in great
trouble about Pension Commissioner
Tanner, and call loudly for his re
moval, because he puts too liberal a
construction on applications for pen
sions and hurries them through. It
is sing.'tar that these organs arc so
distressed about elisions being paid.
In the meantime the Commissioner
goes steadily along recognizing the
claims of veterans without paying
any attention to his bitter enemies.
Sealed proposals will be reeeivt 1
until August 7th 'Si' at 2 o'clock p.
m., by the School Directors of La
porte borough for the building of a
School House ins 'id Boro , accord
; ing to plans and specifications which
i may be seen at the otlice of James
j McFarlane Co. The proposals
•diould be directed to James McFar
lane, President of the Board.
By order of the S. Lool Directors.
July, 18, 'B9. W. C. MASON.
Streby of the Dushoro Gazette
published sometime since a state
ment to the cll.'Ot that John I'tz of
Dushore was not a candidate l'or the
otlice of Sheritl this fall. We of
course, coming from the source it
did, supposed the statement to be
otlicial and so informed our readers.
Notwithstanding this, however, the
assertion has proven false. It is now
positively known that Mr. Utz will
be in the field for Sheritl' and will
make a desperate struggle for the
nomination of the DEMOCRATIC party.
It is quite essential that the name of
tho party from which he seeks his
nomination be given as the gentle
man has been a good worker in see--
eral of the 1 • ding parties of the
county and on one occasion came
out as an independent candidate for
Sheriff and was successful in his elec
Eighty-five fresh air childr. u at
the age of from 7 to 10 years, of N.
V. city, were brought to Dushore on
Saturday evening last. They were
accompanied by two ladies who acted
as their Guardians in finding them
homes in ttie country A large per
centage of the children were taken
by good reliable farmers of Cherry
township and .vill be furnished a
home for a period of two weeks
when they will take their departure.
On their arrival at Dushore they
formed a procession at the depot
and n arched down Railroad avenue
to Main street and down Main street
to Carroll's Hotel where they made
their headquarters until arrange
ments were made for their disposal
as above stated. Quite an amusing
incident happened shortly after their
ariival. One of the children became
homesick and ran like a wild girl
through the streets saying that she
wanted togo to Washington street,
her home. She was followed by
several persons and was finely caught
and taken care of by her Guardians
who took her back to the city on
Monday morning.
O. F. Mingoi a Merchant of Monroe
ton Drowned in Kipp's Mill Dam.
A fearful accident happened at
Kipp's dam a few miles above Lope/.
<>n Thur day of last week. The facts
are as follows : Four gentlemen were
standing on the dam known as tin-.
Kipp splash dam during which time
a splash was being let off. Among
the number was O.F. Mingos, a
highl\ respected citizen and a well
to do merchant of Monroeton. They
were standing near by the gate
arnuseing themselves watching the
logs pass through when that part of
the dam on which they were stand
ing gave away and they were all,
with the exception of ouc who barely
escaped, washed down with the tide-
Two of the unfortunate were rescued
ja few rods below the dam and vere
I badly bruised by logs. Mr. O. F.
: Mingos was drowned and when his
J remains were found on the following I
j day between the hours of:s and ;"i p. j
j in., was flight fully mangled by logs
and debris. His remains were taken
to his home in Monroeton on Friday
| eve., where interment took place on
I Sunday.
Mr. Mingos had many friends re
siding in LaPorte, among the nuni
; ber Judge Mason and family who
i sympathize with the bereaved .".unly.
i The following is written by an eye
witness of the sad accident at Kipp's
S Splash dam on Thursday .July 18th.
It was received after the above was
in type. ED.
. Special to the P.< jublicnn.
On Wednesday of last week 0. F.
I Mingos and I). M Hinmun of Mon
roeton friends of G \V. Kipp made
a visit to Mr. Kipp's place of busi
l) ss, abciit four miles above Lopes
to enjoy a nnef vacation and see the
log drive. On Thursday pin., Clias
Swepenizer, Mr. Kipp's book-keeper.
O. 1 . Mingoes, Isaac Kipp and ('has
Burrus, all ot whom bad been giving
a helping hand—finding that the
splash dam was full and over-flowing
, left some men working on a jam of
ilogs about 25 rods above 'he dam
I and repaired to the dam to raise the
i gates. Mingos and Burrus taking
the right hand lever and Kipp and
; Swepenizer the left. The levers were
raised and brought down once, then
there came a map, a crash and the
gate and timbers raised and at the
same time sent forward with great
foice for about ten feet, when men
and all took a horrible leap of fully
ten feet, some of the timbcis going
end over end, all in the mad rushing
I waters together. Just as the snap
wa heard Kipp. who very thought
fully planned an avenue of escape,
should an accident occur, made a
quick spring, and fort unately struck
upon some planks leading to tic:
shore, and was safe. In a moment
after the mad leap of timbers and
men, all came to the surface again.
Burrus in the midst of the timbers,
to tho right and Swepenizer and
Mingoes to the left. Then came the
struggle for life. Burrus, however,
seemed to be in luck. In a moment
the timbers separated and he was
carried with great force toward the
shore, and finely made a landing on
the right bank 40 rods below the
dam. Swepenizer and Mingo- were
! carried with the main current, the
latter being siren for the last about
! eight rods below the dam, when his
bodv disappeared. C. F. Ileverly
who had been on the dam about live
minutes before the accident and feel
ing the dam give, had communi
cated this fact to the others when
they went onto raise, the gates. Mr.
H. was a spectator to this horrible
j scene and at once put down the
stream in search ot the unfortunate
men. About 40 rods below on the
right bank he found Burrus, who
I was veiv fortunate, only receiving,
two or three slight bruises. About
80 rods below the dam on the left
! hand side he found Swepenizer com
j pletelv worn out in bis terrible fight'
for life. !!<■ was badly bruised and
jcui.but not serious. Swepenizei
'said he could have stood it only a
few minutes longer. In his strug
; gle logs had passed over him and he
. as under water for the greater par
'of the distance he was carried. Ilis
j escape certainly was a meriele. Only
j for a projecting tree that he came in
[contact with and caught onto, he
I would have been drowned. The
Leandi was continued to the mill, a
'mile below the splash dam. and Min
i-goes' body not found. It was evi-
I dent that he had been killed wien
| lie went down with the timbers. Men
•gathered in large' numbers, sear.'h
| ing for hi - body tint i! dai k, and w
I resumed again on Friday morning.
| Finally |o v .* in the
dam at t ue iuiTHW(Jjly was found
badly cut and bruised, at 4 p. m.,
(Friday). The body was at once
taken to M inroeton. Mr. Mingos
was about years of age and a
prominent businessman. Ilebaves-
Ja wife and Iw-isous lo mourn his
untimely death. *
JACKSON'S BLOCK : : Dushore, Pa.
LAWKEKOE BBOS. offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. HAKDWQOD SUITS as cheap as soitwood
suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything manufactured
from the best material by skilled workmen.
A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Embalming
when required Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) for attend •
dance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage.
L. —Lawrence Bros.
To the People of LaPorte,
have recently removed our stock of hardware to
T*in ftiriiSx©,
_ . - ..
known as "Riddle" Block." We have increased our stock immensely
and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
<DROiaS BY ' M&ILt
WII.L receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of goo eta
kept in a first class hardware store. Rooting, Spouting, Job wo k
and manufacturing of 'iSn a specialty. At
Cunningham & Co!e, ush Zy\Z%
loyal bock coai*
+ttt t t t t
Tit K best and cheapest coal in the market. I.C
customers from —•
T ii k price is reduced at the breaker to
qvot Kni'K R
qliCicOU TOX.
The State Line & Sullivan fi. R. Co I. O. BLIGHT, Supfc.
BliO M
J. S. HARRIGTON Proprietor*,
Dushore, - - Fa
, j | | ZTj"| | =-: | =-= | =-: | [ -
It will pay you before purchasing to call a id examine my large stocks
of new aud well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for small
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods ojl
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Iv,s
hand turned goods are very tine and low in price. All goods guarantee '}
in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
BOOTS & SHOES made to order
If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing
done on short notice.
J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUSHORE, PA. junessi 3 87
SO~ CfcS- tfer DEALER IN
Mens' Youths Boys" and Ghil
drens Cltohing
Cronia's New Block, Dushoe, Pa.
Tlave on hand several u.-w wagons which I offer at bottom orices All
work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock.
\ Apply one now fbr
rfrr B 1 k I IjßioHcha, Bldeacbo, Tihemnatlam,
L IWl' NA f* 1 ft I C Klrtniiy Weekkncss, T»nder Longs,
)/ ' P Hr If ljff Bore Chosl. Stiff MuaclOß, Femolo
/ SOLO E i * J Pains, Crick, Sprains, ©to.
/? EvtRVWHtRt S fr j It cures every sort of Pain, Ache, or Wtiit nc-V*|
25 CTS. H yf anil quickly, too. ,
' 6 FOR SI.OO Ttootfor tiffnafurt of HOP PLASTER,CO.,'*
or mailed for price. J PwopmtTOWS. BOSTON, tin UteQfnuuit jiuOiU.