Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 26, 1889, Image 2

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W.M. CHENEY - - - Editor
FRIDAY, JUI.Y 20th 18>-9.
John L. Sullivan received twenty
thousand dollars as his share of the
stakes and the dog collar on the
recent Sullivan Kilrain light. He
may got twelve months behind the
grates as a reminder ol the occasion
before he gets through with the
< circumstance.
Sixty-one members of the Read
ing Bar have already signed a piper
protesting against the renomination
of Hon. Jermiah Hagenman for
President ,Judge of that district.|
Just why there is sucli an opposi
tion to Judge Hagenman does not
appear, but it must be remembered
that Berks is a queer country, when
' viewed from a political standpoint. |
Extraditing a person charged
with prize-fighting has a precedent.
In 1877 JoeGoss, the pugilist was
delivered up by the Governor of
New York to the Governor of Ken-,
tucky, where he served a term ol ■
eighteen months and pjiid SIOOO fine,
for fighting in the latter State. So |
Governor Lowry may got hold of |
Sullivan and Kilrain yet, if he keeps
on hunting for them.
Representative Oatchings, of Ji -
>Bissippi, is a brave man, no doubt,
but he will not scare anybody in this
part of the country. "Let the Re
publicans go ahead and organize tho
House of Representatives if they
can," ho declares in a public inter
view, adding: "There is going to be
music in the air while the Fifty-first
Congress is m session." The music
we fear, will not be of the kind that
General Catchings likes. It is one
thing to overcome a Republican,
majority of even one vote in the j
House of Representatives. General
Catchings will find that out.
. ——»—■
Speaking of politics in the State.
Collector Cooper said: "I do not
think that the Republican party ol
the State ever was in better condi.
tiou than it is now. The talk about
discord is largely imaginary. Both j
Senators Cameron and Quay are j
exerting themselves in behalf of!
harmony, and I do not anticipate;
any party disturbance this year or
next. The prohibition question has
been disposed of as a measure be-,
fore the people, and I think without
effect upon either party. Tho ques
tion was left to the people and was
disposed of without tho use of party
flood, is the terrible suggestion that j
a deferred penalty accumlates venge-j
ance. The longer the stroke is de
layed the heavier it is when it falls.
It were better to make terms with
violated law or outraged justice or
insulted Providence at once. As it
would have been an immense saving
of life and property to hoed the.
early admonitions of the prudent j
people who foresaw disaster from j
the treacherous flood, so it would be
incalculably wiser for all who are
taxing the forbearance of God bv
abusing His goodness to make haste
and repent. Interest on debts ot'j
that kind compounds, and it will be
found that there is no insolvency
court. The uttermost farthing
must be paid.
Robert D. Layton, of Pittsburg,
has been appointed an immigrant in
spector under the provisions of the j
alien contract labor law. He is ap-l
pointed as the representative of the j
labor interests of this country. It i
is to be hoped that Mr. Lay ton lias
acuteuess and shrewdness, and that
he will be able to break up the
pauper labor traffic in this country.
It is tho greatest, curse to the Amer
ican labor to-day. It cuts his wages
compels him to enter into competi
tion with the cheapest and meanest
paupers of the slums of Europe. It
degrades the American laborer by
him work by the side of the poor
house shipments from over the is.
There is nothing better that ti.e
Harrison administration can do to!
make it populai —and deservedly so!
—than to stop the importation of
paupers. And if Mr. Layton w.dl
succeed even measurably in stopping
it he will not only benefit his fel
low workmen, but he will be a valu
able acquisition to the administra
tion. Every true American ought
to wish him success.— JJarrisOury
AXtrrsl li S'KAI D.
Selling; II in«» i« Xcßrm-s For U«o on
Liberty county, CI a., is greatly
excited over Ihe proceedings of a
man calling himself Dupont Bell,
who claims' to he the New Messiah.
He lias succeeded i:i working the
negroes of that section up to such a
point that the white people are afraid
of serious trouble. The negroes
kneel before him and struggle with
each other for the privilege of kiss
ing his feet. lie has told them that
the Judgment Day will be here
August lfi. On the eagerly-looked
for 16th every white man will be
turned black and every black man
will become white. His schemes for
raising money are varied and pecu
liar. The last effort of his genius
was to declare that he had sent to
august Father for a consignment of
wings which the negroes will need
OH and after the lGth of August
There was a corner on wings when
requisition reached heaven, and the
Almighty was only able to send him
300 pairs. These he claimed would
be delivered on the Judgment Day,
and in the meantime he would sell
them at $5 a pair. Every pair has
been bought and paid for, and now
the lucky ones are practicing the Hy
ing motion.
'l'liift Avar's Ulnlioii.
The elections that are to be held
this year in a few of the States will
not prove very exciting in the coun
try. \Ve quote from the Philadel-
North American: In Pennsylva
nia a State Treasurer will be chosen,
and Speaker Boyer is tho favorite
for the position. Ohio elects a
Legislature, that will choose a United
States Senator, and a Governor will
also bo selected by the people.
Foraker will probably prove suc
cessful in the contest for Governor,
and a successor to United States
Senator Payne will develop the
strength of the Republicans who de
sire to act as allies with Sherman.
New Jersey Las a contest for Gov
nor in the fall, and the issue will be
made on the partisan laws enacted
by the last Legislature, including
the repeal of tho local option law.
A strong fight will be made in \ ir
ginia to obtain control of the State.
The small plurality of votes for
Cleveland last fall encourages the
Republicans to combine their vari
ous elements. New York elects a
Legislature, and the fight "ill be
very bitter to obtain control of tho
State Senate. lowa, Kentucky,
Massachusetts and Maryland will
also hold elections.
Strange liviilcnrr lit Court.
In a San Francisco .court recently
a couple who had lived as man and
wife wero making bitter charges
against each other, on account of a
recent quarrel. The man demanded
| that the children be taken away from
' their mother, as she was not rearing
them properly. What followed is
thus pathetically told by the
Finally the mother said, in answer
to some charge made by Chrisuian :
"Don't believe him judge. I have
raised my children as they should
i be."
This was all Recorder Prince
| wanted, and he said: "I'll test it,
! madam, and turning to the younger
! girl, a little tot not more than 3
j years old, he said: "Can you say
your prayer ?"
Then ensued a most touching
scene. The little girl without a
word, climbed from her chair, knelt
on the floor of the court loom, with
the palicemen, spectators, judge and
her father and mother around her,
! and folding her tiny hand and lift
ing her eyes to heaven, she made
the grandest defence of a mother's
work possible. Slowly, but distinct
ly, and without a tremor in her
voice, the innocent little darling,
born with the stain of shame upon
her and discarded by her father,
lisped in childish accents the Lord's
As she proceeded, utterly obliv
ious to her surroundings, she utter
ed that prayer which many in the
room had not heard lbr years, strong
men bowed their heads and sobbed
aloud. Finishing her prayer she
added : '"God bless papa and mam
ma and Uncle Duliss, Amen," and
arose from her knees.
Tho case was settled and had,
William Chrisman sworn a thousand
oaths that his wife was bad he
would have been disbelieved.
Mayor Grant, of New York, is j
trying to surppress Land organs in
tlmt city. Whether the TVlayor can
thus antagonize the Italian Tote
with impunity remains to be seen.
Southern !>'c#ro NirpcrhlitioiiN.
Women in the north have troubh
enough over the servant girl ques
tion, but their ways are paths of
pleasantness compared with those of
southern women—except that the
southern women is less disturbed
over the more serious situation.
When a Virginia women wants to
change girls she is compelled togo
at least three days without any girl
at all. The help is black, of course,
and superstitious. No colored girl
will go into a house until three days
after the retiring help lias vanished,
for fear of being "tricked"—in other
words, hoodooed, placed under a
spell—by the dismissed help.
Whatever the colored person
dosen't understand he fears. He is
full of superstitions, believes in good
luck from the rabbit foot when in his
own possession and in bad luek
When it is "put on him." Not long
ago a larijc number of negroes were
on a Virginia railroad platform
waiting for a train to take them to
a picnic ground. A Boston drum
mer, with a face as serious as a
parson's took a piece of < halk and a
rabbit foot and in the most business
like way began to make crosses on
the hacks ot the negroes and touched
them with the rabbit foot. The
crowd broke for the woods in a panic,
and there was 110 picnic that day.
At Jd9ii)*>lowr*
The Johns town Tribune says:—
"During the past week only ten
bodies were taken to the morgue, as
against thirty nine the week pre
vious. It is likely that but lew will
be found from this time 011, though
it is more than probable that the
cellars and portions of the town
where much of the debris remains
will yet give up a few of the victims.
The morgue reports contain a list
of 2,802 bodies found of which 1,351
are unidentified and 951 identified.
But 2,302 does not include near all
the lost. There are several hundred
persons, including some of our most
prominent residents, who are known
to be lost but w hose bodies have not
been recovered; the number of those
found at points along the rivers as
far west as Steubenville (besides
others found still farther down who
could not positively be identified as
victims of the Hood) willl exceed
two hundred ; while the number re
duced to ashes at the stone bridge
and thoso otherwise unaccounted
for ".vill in all likelihood raise the
total to at least 3,000."
OVK« TH>: HUM Mms i\ iiauk-
Nnrrow Escape ofC. H. Funston, Wife
and Daughter From instant Death—
The Horse Frigntened by a Hugh
Black biiake Lying in the Hoadwuy.
From the Bhamokiu Herald:
C. R. Funston drove over to Dan
ville 011 Sunday July lltli. Ho was
accompanied by his wife and daught
er. They did not start on the re
turn journey until late and night
overtook them 011 the road. While
crossing Shamokin mountain, the
horse shied, went olf the road, and
with vehicle and contents plunged
down the mountain sido, which is
very steep. The carriage struck a
tree and stopped throwing the oc
cupants out and tumbling the horse
over. It was so dark that not even
! the outlines of the wreck could be
made out. Mr. Funston found him
self lying across the horse's head
uninjured. Neither Mrs. Funston
nor the daughter were seriously in
jured. After considerable exertion
the horse was taken from the har
ness and led back to the road.
Here a match was struck and a huge
black snake was found dead, while
another snake was seen gliding away.
It is supposed that the reptiles
frightened the horse and caused him
togo over the bank. At the time
of the accident Mr. Funston was
holding his child on his lap, and
could not, as a consequence, manage
the horse.
The little daughter was placed on
the horse's back and the parents
walked to Reed's Station, nearly
two miles distant, through thick
darkness. At Reed's a carriage was
procured and the journey from
thence to Shamokin was made with
out accident or incident.
On Friday evening last we!
were favored with a sermon from an 1
aged Indian Preacher. The only
Rev. we have had the pleasure of
hearing that would not accept a col
lection. He sold his original poems
to defray his expenses.
We learn from the I'. M of this
place that J. C. Steck is a subscriber
of the RKPUBI-ICA NT, and of course
his chances are good to be elected)
Ralph and Frank Magargle made
a purchase of a fine Dexter Queen
side bar bujrgy ou Wcdno.-dav and i
now the first pair of young ladies
that smiles the sweetest upon the
fair lads are the ones that will have
the pleasure of riding in the new
Several of our boss carpenters
have gone fo South Fork, near
Johnstown, to work in the employ of
the Fen 11. R. R., at bridge building.
Success to you gentlemen
Among the visitors to our town
during tiie week, were Rev. ShulU
and Mr. Ilerst, of MifflingburgPa.
Mrs. Snyder, Miss Kitty Snyder
and Mr. Edward Snyder, from
V> illiamsport were the guests of Airs.
11. A. .Emory and daughter over
The foundation for the new Evan-,
aelical church is now finished, j
Parties wishing to contribute can do
so by consulting Rev. >S. S. Mumey.
All collections thankfully received.
Ervin Green moved in the W. &
X. B. R. Co., house at Nordmont j
011 Tuesday and will now be in the 1
employ of said Co.
Several of the young ladies arid
gents of our place visited the 'Merc
011 Sunday and say that the cottage
oft;. La Ru Munson is the attraction j
of the' Mere in the way of buildings
Chas. Hazzen meet with an acci
dent 011 Saturday, that might have
been more serious than it was, hut
Chas. is tough and did not loose his
Saturday night out. He was load
ing stone 011 the gravel train when
the bank gave away above him let
ting a large stone down upon his
lens cutting'them badly and bruising
his knee cap, but he sa_\ s that won't
stop hi in from getting married all |
the same. We wonder it lie will go
to Elmira N. Y.
Miss Mary lless of Hughesville, is
now in our town, :.t Mr. J. Loraii's
sew ing. If you have a good dress
and want it made tip in t'le latest
style with good fit and good work,
employ Man.
Arrived at Evan Jones 011 Mon
day night. A human object in the
form of a little baby. The popula
tion of our little village, is increas
ing at a rate that in the near futitfe
it will be Republican in politics.
The new I'. O. case lor the Lf—
Porte P. (). passed over the W. fc
N. 1!. 11. 1!., ou Tuesday. This case
is from the Yale & Towne Mfg.
Co., Philadelphia, and is one of the
linest in the county. Oil! ferathou
sand toungs to sing—the advance
ment of our country under Re
Next week I w ill favor the readers
with an original puzzle, and hope
the editor will be lavored with a cor
rect're ply from some one as there
will he a premium for the first cor
lect answer. PATEJIFAM 1 LIAS.
"hats What's .ho Matter.
We editors are an abused set.
We don't envy the minister, for lie
is even a worse abused man than we,
yet he has the bulge 0:1 editors when
it comes to marriages. It takes a
minister two or three minutes to
perform a marriage ceremony, re
marks an exchange, lie makes no
charge, but is generally handed a
live dollar hill—sometimes a ten—
and gets a good supper besides.
The list of presents is sent to the
' editor and it takes two or three hours
j hard work to put it in type. He
makes 110 charge for it, and gets 110
j live dollars. Perhaps he gets some
[ dry, broken pieces of cake and sells
!an extra copy of his paper for a
nickel, but just as probable the par
ties are not even subscribers to his
paper and beg a eop\ ofthcir neigh
| bor to cut the list of presents from
to paste in a scrap-book.
F. M CROSSLEY, Proprietor
Leave Lapoite at 0 a. in.for Nordmont
Leave Laporto at 8 a. in.for Dushore
Leave Norduiont at 11 a. in.for Lnporte
Leave Laporto at Ip. m.for Sonestown
Leave Dushore at 2 p. in.for LaPortc
Leave Sonestown at 3:30 p. in.for Laporto
hen I3* given, that I have taken out ad
ministration upon the estate of August Oeeh
sley late of Cherry township, dec <I. All per
sona who havo claims against said deceased
will present them duly authenticated for get
tleuicnt iind whose who know taen>?elves in
debted will please make payment without de»
NICHOLAS KARGE, Administrator.
Riagvillo, I'a., July, 3d.
HFBIFF'P SALE,— By virtue *f a writ of
W .'Fi. Fa- out o' tbi? Court »*f Copimon
Pleas, ot' f-ulliv n ."!< an: ~ Fa., ami to me dir
ect d there wi'l ' < •j • ■:- •' to nat'iie rtde on
the jiren ne* of W. li. Denslow in
inere Shrewsbury t\vp. 4 Sullivan County, Fa,
ou Saturday the th<rd day of August ISoO, at
11 o'elock a. in. The following ) roperty, vie:
nil that pie.'e parcel or lot of land eitunted in
Eagle*mere, Shrewsbury twp.. Sullivan County
Fa., hound 1 anil described ;i» fol own vi 7.., at
the easterly r-ido of Fennsyivnnia Avenue at the
corner of Clay Street, tlunco Northwardly
along easterly ile of Pennsylvania Avenue
41 feet to line o! lot to;*> of c-cti< r No. U.
tlietice a! »ng l"t No. J on :i li».«> at right
angles with aid Pennsylvania Avenue 2i)o
feet to a point in thf, Northerly boundary line
of 1< t No. 7. of g.M-tion No «i, tlien -c Nor.h
ten decrees West along euda of Jt'tn No. u,
4 and 3. I. r >o feet to corner in lino if lot of
Mr* - . fillicott. thonee along said tillicott lot
Nonh 80 degrees l ast 160 112« e» tc a post,
tbi ncc South 10 decreet 1 t 105 feet o inches to
line <-f ( .iv street, tlience along tin naid stre.t
south 21 dearies west 2'<<U let to angle in
C!av street, thence along Clay streot we tward
ly 2('»0 feet to pi; o«- of beginning, Corttuit ing
about one and one half acres. lJaiug lot? No>
2 f>. 7. and 8. of section No. ft., of a plan of
Eag e.-Mere, as laid out by Win. A. Ma-on.
and being all improved, an I C(-nt:iining there
on i-rieted a two siory frame or plunk dwelling
house with kitchen part at ached, a plank Cot
tuge one- story um<l as sleeping apartments, an
ice house woodshed or summer kitchen, frame
barn, plank -tore building one story, a large
building 60 by I 12 feet built for a skating Kink
u c d for that and a hall Ac. The whole being
subject to the restrictions contained in deeds
from Wm, Bradford.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty ot W. H. Denslow. At the suit of
National Bank of Towanda, Fa.
."-heriS'a Office, LaFortc, Fa., July, Ist, lSb9
VTOTICE KaglesMere, Fa., Oct. 1 1889. The
1 firm of K. V. Ingham A Co is hereby
disolved by mutual c usent. All persons having
claims against .said firm will present them to
the successor Ingham and Breed and all persons
owing said firm will pleuse settle.
K, V. INttllAM it .T. RREEP.
E. V. Ingham X. W. A. Freed have formed
a co-partnership in der the firm or In am >{.
Freed, and will continue the business of 'lie late
firm and will be pleased to see their friends at
Hotel EagUsMeie.
i\ hereby given, that I have t;ikcu out ad
mini.* tration upon the e>tate of (100 (JoWer
late of 1 vids< n twp, doe'd. All persons who
have claims against said deceased will present
them duly authendict I lor settlement and
th<».*e who know themselves. indebted will please
make payment wilhuut delay.
Sonestown Jun« 10th 18KV. Admrx.
13. HILL, M D.
Office on Hie corner of Viiin <& Eeech S
\\ railroad. Iu effect Monday ilnv. 1J S8
9 Oil' lld W :'o 3 67
9 In! 1 20'...Muntou»\ ' » 24j !> 47
y 2 5 3«! Hills j 9Hi 536
y3l j 6 411 Fentisvillo j8 5i 415
0 3-.H 5 4Vi..Opp'b Crossing.. 8 4'i 4 Uti
y a.'! t> ();»• ...Fictureßocks... 8 350
10 oh| 610 ....Lyon's Mi 11....1 8 I j 344
10 02 6 12j Tivtdi '' 8 22i 342
10 lui 6 20i...fGlen Mawr...j F 11 634
10 IS| G 2s Edkins 8
I(*2 7 < H37 j.... Beech (Jicd.... 750 3 Itl
10 Muj 6 4oL..Aluccy Valloy... 7 o4| o 14
10 3i»i 6 10; So"< stowu i 7 3 0, r j
10 4s OS' Glidew 11 j 7 3tl! 2 sfl
10 '7 ! 707 ....Long 8r00k... j 7 27j 247
II Ooj 71 ! k Nordmont 7 1 5J 2 4(]
At M' r cy Valley stages connect to and from
EaglesMer, and I'orksville.
At Nordmci.t stages connect to and from La-
Ft»rti-, Dushore. Towanda and Central.
LfeNJ. G. Wl.Lt 11, General Manager.
lugbe-vilb. Fa.
QOK'T Ij'./ERlOtfil
T. J. Keeler,
Has jr. t rc-coived a new line of -i>i int(
goods at prices v. liicb will aston
ish the piivchaf r in quality
and styles.
G" Consist ing of Pry Goods, Notioii?,
1 Jvcad.s uiadi Olot Lin sr. Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes, nsware,
Hardware, and in fuct, e\ rything
that is kept in a genual store. Cal
icoes from 5 to v cinta per yd-
Boy's suits of clothes SI -■> to s6.o(>.
Men's suits ol clothes fonu !?*>.ooup.
Three cans of corn 2oc. Call and
couvince yourself of the variety t>f
goods and low prices.
T. J. Kkklek.
LaFortc Pa., May Bth, 18$!).
Campbell Son.
General merchants of Shunk, wish
to call the attention of the many
citizens of the Wostcrn portiou of
1 the county to the tine selection of
poods just received, consisting of:
i Summer Prints, Dress Suitings,
Ginghams and all kind of Dry Goods
and Notions, Jerseys, Gloves ancl
Mit's, Ladies and Oonts Furnishing
Good?, Men's Boy's and Children's
clothing Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes. Straw Goods, Crockery and
Glassware, Hardware and Having
tools, and a Fresh line of Groceries
Tobacco and Cigars, and everything
usually kept in a General Store, also
Agents tor
We have the finest and lnrpest
assortment of goods ever offered to
the people of Shunk and vicinitv,
and sell as cheap as any firm in t lio
county. Give us a triitl and be con
vinced. Thanking our eld custom
ers for their patronage in past, and
trusting that they may continue,
we remain yours etc.
J. H- Campheli. & Sox.
June, 188'* Shunk, Fi
W. ¥. P, GhEEN.
Jylain btrtJEt, iowsnds, Fs,,
Has just received a liaiulsome line of
Spring Suitings-
They are handsome, stylish anil the
very latest. Ladies are requested to
all and examine anil price them
whether they buy or not.
in hin regular HUO(-k he IIFIS many
miliar wsi
which will just suit bargain hung
ers. A full lilie of
and in fact everything kept in the
DRY GOODS line, at low prices.
IMy goods weie ill bought to sell: If
you don't believe it, price them and
see. We urge the people of Sullivan
'to pay us a call and price our goode
while iu Towanda-
W. H. D. GREEN, •
R. 13. WAKBURTON, I'rop'r.
This is a large and commodious
house, with large airy rooms, and is
furnished in first class style. The
best of accommodations offered tran
sient. or steady boarders. 1 orksville
is situated along the Loyal Sock and
is a very pretty town and a favorite
summer resort for city guests.
R. 15. \Y A LUU'I.TOX, Prop'r.
Forksville, Aug. Ist, ISBB
Tnis is a largo and commodious
house, with large airy rooms, furn
slieri in tirst class style. A desira
ble place for those who desire to es
cape the heated term. Hunting and
lisbing in their season. The bar ie
supplied with choice liquors & cigars.
2s ov. 13 'BS.
|Edwin Stanley.
Work done in any part of the
Country. Estimates and designs
furnished free on applica
tion by letter.
P. 0. box 5, La Porte, I'a.
The undersigned has opened an
agricultural store at Forksville, and
carries in stock a full line of Seed
ers. (The celebrated "Warner".)
Rloins, Harrows,
J loving Tichines, Binders,
Reapers, Farm "Wagons,
Spring Wagons, Jhiggies,
■Sleighs, Cutter s,& etc.
1 lu f'ict all lint yof farm utensils
land .'.griculturul implements. Come
land examine my stock and prices.
April 11th.. ]&feß.
Ex-Protbonotary, Register «t Recorder of Sail.Co
I Cfcent Rtaid( nee cn h \ i < > street
T. J. .v. F. 11. INGHAM,
Attorneys at Law,
Onshore* Pcnna*
Lfgal Business attended to in this
and adjoining Counties,
i Telephone communication diroct
with County OHices at Laporte.
January, ISSB.
Oils} OilslOilsl
Or mm +f£cm€,
of the times for illuminating puposes,
or a family light—family snl'ety oil
Vou can pin your faith to it aa a
If you value light and satcty ir!
your home?, ask for Crown Acme.
For sale to ihe trade by
Yours Truly,