Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 19, 1889, Image 3

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LAPOHTE, PA. JULY, 19th, 18S9.
Monday was a cold day.
Black raspberries are in market.
The campmeeting season will soon
be here.
Diphtheria is rageing in many parts
of the state.
It is said that there are 400 guests
registered at Eagle-Men
James P. Walsh the liveryman of
Laporte, is on the sick li*t.
Airs. Dr. J. \\ T . Murrelle of Athens, |
is visiting friends at Laporte.
Bead tie history of Lake Mokoma, J
of ancient days, elswhere in this is
There are five hacks making three
trips daily, between Muncy Valley
aud EaglesMcre.
Miss Freddie Miller head nurse in I
a Baltimore Hospital, is visiting
friends at this place.
It is said that the chf-tnut crop ;
will be very large, the trees being
covered with burrs.
It is rumored that a new baptist -
church will be erected at the Mere,
in the neat future. 112
The courthouse yard was uowed ;
last week and now presents a- very j
' creditable appearance.
Atty. 11, T. Downs of Laporte, |
was transacting business in Elmira,
N. V.on Alonday last.
BOHN: —In Laporte, July 15th a
brand new daughter, to Air and
Mrs. Frank AY. Gallagher.
The LaP'orte P. 0 , is now located |
'in the store room underneath the I
lIEi'UHUCAN printing office.
Agents for the "History of the
Johnstown Flood." are canvassing
the state i:t large numbers.
l)r. Metzegc.r and wife of Hughes
ville, were visiting Dr. Hill ;'ud fam
ily, of this place, last week.
Work of taking t< timory in the
■judicial contest ease in Lycoming
county,'ivnuied on Tuesday.
The i'ies are unlisally pl( nty this
torrid wef.ther, and have lost none of
'their vicious and annoying propensi
Mr. and Mrs. Rev. C. F. Sweet of
Salisbury, Md., ivourn the death .of ,
their inlaht child, on Friday July
12 th "'B9,
Mr. F. A. North wife and two j
sous and Miss 11. Comc3 and Air j
Ray are summer guests af j
Maplewbod Cottage.
Eleven city guests arrived at La
porte on Saturday evening and took
up quarters at the Mountain House
and at Maplewood Cottage.
Win. A. Mason chief engineer on
the W. A N. B. railroad was engag
ed at firghesville in the interest, of
the l\. R., company, last week.
Aug. Buschhausen while enjoying
a boat ride on Lake Mokoma last
week, aecidcntly fell out of the beat
and took a "dutchuiaus" bath.
The town council should have the
grass and daisies cut on Ala pie Park.
At present it presents a neglected
and an unpreciated appearance. ,
Frank Cole of Dushore who was
stabbed by Mile3 Drake on the night
of July 4th, is improving and hopes
are entertained that he will recover.
The L. y. engineer corps who have
been surveying in the vicinity of La
porte, left on Wednesday. They will
make a survey of a route via Thorne
dale to Lopez.
Air Michael Carmody and wife'
and James Sweeney and lady all of
Dushoic and F. M. Crossley and
wife of Laporte, visited EaglesMcre
on Sunday last.
George Mosier of Cherry, has an
nounced himself a idate for the
office of Sheriff, of Sullivan county',
subject to the decision of the Dei»o
cratic Convention.
Contractor Watrofts of LapoHe,
who has the grading of the road be
tweew this place and Lake Mokoma,
is doing an excellent job. He has
recently taken the contract of build
ing the entire road to the lake.
F. M. Crossley of Laporte was
visiting in the rural districts of the
county on Friday and Saturday last .
We imagine he was looking up Dem
ocratic friends who will fall in the
Crossley ranks at the Democratic
bonvention this lull
The case of P. P. Vincent vs. W.
E. Hunsinger, rule to set aside
sheriff' sale of real estate, which was
argued at special court June 24, —
rule made absolute.
It. J. Phillips, of Muncy Valley,
was in the city yesterday getting the
political situation.— Gazette atul
John E. Gallagher of Dushore, who
recently graduated at Rochester, in
sterographering, was calling on
friends in town, on Sunday.
Ih'puty Sheriff' If. M. Stonnont
purchased a line horse of Shaler,
Towanda. on Monday. The de
puty is kept busy these days attend
ing to Official business.
Air. and Airs. John I. Reardon;
Mrs.'S. I'. Orafius; Mrs. A. Candon i
anil Master John G. Candon all of
Williamsport, are summer guests of
the Mountain House.
Al. E. Rosenlield, out popular
clothier, has placed a very fine new
safe in his stole from the Afosier
Safe & Lock Co., of Conciunati, :
Oliio. Bradford Rep.
The Governor of Mississippi is| (
persistent in prosecuting all who
were connected with the Sullivan—
Kilrain figlit, as will be seen by his
statement, elsewhere ir. this issue.
A trout about 13 inches in length <
was found dead with a sun-fish in its .
mouth in Lewis' Lake last week. It J j
is supposed the trout choked to
death in attempting to swallow the
The new furniture for the Episco
pal church at this place arrived last
week and was purchased of the Law
rence Bros., of Dushore. The pieces
iire exceedingly grand and the cost .
n . n
quite expensive.
Ellery P. .Ingham of L:. Porte,
Chief Deputy Collector for Collector i
Cooper, wns among the prominent |;
guests at a banquet given the new 11
collector iu Philadelphia, on Friday! l
evening ot last week.
The I)ashore Itav'cio quotes a
prize light as living one of the chitff, .•
att'aciiom at livrnice, 011 the 4th, of
July. -We are pleased to announce
that tins statement- is contradicted j
by the people of Bernice.
Ingham o Hived of Hotel Eagles-j
Mere are erecting a brildiiig at ' Min
eral Spring' about two miles from
the 'Mere. The water from, this
spring is s:<id to b< excellent for
diseases caused by poisonous blood
> 1
it is a common oceurranee to see
from one to a half lozen rigs driven :
into town by Eaglcs.Moreguests and
011 over the hill to Lake Mokoma. '
Many of the visiting guests are
quite taken with the new entcipiisc.
Messrs. Fredericks and Law she of
'Williainoport, members oft! <. Lake
M okorna Land Company, were in
town 011 Thursday oflast week look
ing after the fiii erest of the Company.
They registered at the Mountain
Miss .Jennie Davidson of Williams-1
port, who has been \isiting friends
in town for the past two weeks re
ceived a telephone 011 Tuesday
evening thai her father had been
■taken suddenly ill. She left fori
her home on Wednesday morning.
Bids are being received .for the'
paii>tirtg \,f the Presbyterian church
at this place, by the committee in !
charge of the repairs. The con-j
tractor w ho ever ]io may be is ie
quired to have the building coin-1
pleted by the 1 ;>th of August.
There promises to be quite a lively j
strangle for Senator Cooper's placi
in the State Senate. VJx-Represen-1
tntive Robinson wants it, while'
T?cpresentative Baker believes that
he is the man for the place. Time
will show which man will win.
She ri AT Tripp is looking after his
interest on his farm in Shunk this !
| week. We imagine the Sherilf will j
do considerable "looking" and just
a little work in the shape of making
hay and such. He has an excellent
tenant and often speaks of him as
being an excellent worker.
A sensational statement was made
on Monday morning, July 15th by a
gentleman who said tliat the diver
who had examined the foundation of
the stone bridge for the Penna. liail
road Company at Johnstown had
made seme startling dis< overies.
Tire st.oiy is that the bottom of the
Conemaugh River, near the bridge,
is full of dead bodies', and that prob
ably hundreds are lying there, one
upon another, held down by tons of
iron that has been wraped and twist
eel into unknown proportions.
The reported resignation of Sec-1
retary Blaine is positively denied by
Walker Blaine, who was visiting Bar
Harbor on July' 15th to consult the
Secretary upon matters pertaining
to the State Department. Mr. Blaine V
health is said to be good.
Capt. J. 11. Seesholtz of Catawissa.
Columbia county, is a candidate for
I the appointment of Deputy Internal
Revenue Collector, for the 12th dis
trict. A petition is ill circuhd ion
'throughout Sullivan county, and
many influential businessmen have]
signed the same.
We will visit Lo] ez on July 18th,
with a large assortment of ready
made clothing which were damaged
in the W illiamsport flood. We aie
selling the same below cost price.
Should you desire anything in this
line give us a call, at Deeg'an
Eairell's Hotel, I opez Pa.
II My EES, Williamsport. Pa.
The hot weatl'er got in its work
lastveek. The result was quite
gratifying to proprietors of summer'
hoarding houses as thousands of city
guests, in consequence, are flocking
to the country to enjoy the mild and
gentle breezes which arc perpetual
on the mountain.
The RuPtßLi! v,\, la't week an
nounced that a shawl Irid been found
between this place and Dushore On
Sunday the ov.ner calksl for the same.
This is proof that advertising pays
and that the proper paper published
in the county in which to cv-press
your wants, is the RKPLBI.ICAN
The telephone wi'-e between Soncs- i
town and EaglesM(ire, via LaPorte,
was repaired, 011 Saturday. The
telephone instrument recently erect
ed in the express otliee at the 'Mere
was changed to the post ollice build
ing 011 the above date, and will be
looked alter by the express agent : s
There seems to be a detmninnfion
irrespective of party, to make Alju
taut General Hastings the i-ext
Governor, as a reward for his great
work Johnstown At a meeting
held at the Stockton House, Cape
May, the other evening, many
speeches were made by men of both
parties commending hi in for his
course and recommending him for
The Kepubli - ins of Pennsylvania,
by their representatives duly chosen
according to party rules, will meet
in Coiiven'ion in the Opera House
ut 11 arri-burg, 011 Wednesday, Aug.
7th, V:>. at 10 o'clock a. in., to place
in nomination a candidate for Sfntc
Treasuier, and to transact such other
business as may be presented.
Pi rson ' who liavi a superstitious
drefalon Friday, will not be pleased
to heai that this is a \ear of Frida\,
It came in on Friday and will go out
on Friday, and will have fi'ty-three
illoihciud days. There are four
months of this \ ear that hhve live
Friday 's each ; change of the moon
occurs five times on Friday, and the
lo'ngi stand shortest days of the year
occur 011 Friday.
The lirsl •onvielion under the law
forbidding the sale of cigarettes to
children has been had in Brooklyn,
and the otiender has been compelled
to pay a line of SSO. This looks as
though tin law was not going to be
a <iead letter. It fan be enforced,
mid it ought to put a stop to die de
moralizing practice of cigarette
smoking among boys, or at least to
I give it a decided check.
! It is reported that John L. Sulli
van will be the nominee ofthe Dem
ocratic party of Boston city, for dm
j ollice of Mayor. The Boston people
are proud of their "knocker" and to
I show the people of the world the
(honor they esteem him seek to thrust
j upon liini the highest ollice in their
1 <4il't. It strikes us that he would be
'better adapted to pint a proclamation
in force than he would lie to write it.
Our Sonestown subscribers will
be pleased to learn that we have se
cured a correspondent in their vicinity
who will correspond for the Riu rn-
LICAN, commencing this week as you
will notice elsewhere in this issue
and also that his quotations are up
with the times. Sonestown and
Davidson people should ajl subscribe
for the RKIM-ISLICAX and secure the
live news of their respective town.
The REPUBLICAN, is 25c, cheaper
than either of the other county
papers published at Dushore.
Newell of the Dushore Jieri/ir
is anxious to see and publish the
doings of the town council of the
Borough of Dushore and urges that
a copy of their proceedings be given
to both the Jievit'tn and the G<n.r(',<
for publication. The Dushore coun
cilnien refusing to allow their min
utes togo into print would almost
convince the public that they repre
sent a corporation and not the peo
In these days when boating on
Lake Mokoma is a daily occurrence,
and frequently by young gentlemen
and ladies for pleasure, they should
be warned of the danger of rising
and attemptivg to pass each other
in the boat while on the water.
Drowning accidents from this cause
are of frequent occurrence. The
boat thrown oil' its balance become- 1
capsized and all maj be plunged into
the w.-.'er with iatal lesults.
It is expected that the first cai<
load of logs to be brought back to
the city from down the liver will
reach here in a few days. Evcr_>
exertion is being made to get logs
here promptly and it will be gratify
ing to hear when they have coin-'
inenced 1o reach the boom. The
mills have lost a month and a half of
the line >eason for sawing,and every
day additional that they are forced
to stand still for want of logs redu
ce the stock to he manufactured.
The entire city i.- interested and is
anxious to see the saws in motion at
the earliest day possible.— Gazette
and H Uethi.
A minor has been tried and con
victed in the Pittsburg courts of a
misdemeanor, the offense consisting
in his haying represented himself as
being of age lor the purpose of pro
curing liquor where it had been de
nied him because he was believed to
lie under age. lie was let oil' with
a nominal fine and payment of costs.
There «an be no question but scores
I mid hundreds of boys are continually
j doing the tame thing in order to
! procure liquor. It would be well if
j taloon keepers everywhere were to
jdo whit was done in Pittsburg where
such a person presents himselt.
i It is rumored that there are five
candidates in the field seeking the
Democratic nomination for the of
fice of Sheriff of Sullivan county.
The ollice of Sheriff of Sullivan, is
quoted as being the poores', paid for
the work done of any in the gilt of
' lie people. For the reason that he
is obliged to bo on duty twelve
months in the year, which only af
fords him employment about one
third of the time while County Com
missioner receives a compensation
for work actually done and is to no
expense for 10.-s time. This being
a tact it is a mystery to us why so
maiiv uid' iiluil-s of the county seek
the o!liee of Sheriff.
F E. Gkim cs.j., cashi'-r of 'the
West Branch National Bank of
Wi'.liamsport and eashi< r of the
Lake Makoina Land Company ac
companied by Col. James Corcoran
president of the Consolidated Lum
ber Company <>f Williamsp. rt, and
Samuel S. Wigfield agent for the
1 liladelpliia Land Company who
are tile owners of thousands of acres
;of land in the vicinity of .Jaiuisoi?
City and Mr. Fred Corcoran, son
of Col. James Corcoran were reg
istered at the I aporte Hotel 011 Sun
day last. The party drove up from
Jamison City to view the pleasant
seeneiy about Lake Mckoina a' the
, request of cashier tlleim, and were
very much elated over the new en
; uC).*]ji iSe.
As it is provided ii* the United
j States stf iUtes that tl" 1 additional
star for a new state shell be placed
011 the national colols 011 the !th ot
July following the passage of the
act of admission by Congress, See
| retary Tracy, of the Navy depart
ment, issued an order calling in all
j the flags used in the navy, to be re
placed July t with our national en
i in which the field will bear 42
stars, arranged in six rows of seven
stars each. This is an unprecedent
event. It typifies the admission into
! the Union of four new states—the
! two Dakotas, Washington and
I Montana. Never before in our his
j torv have four states been adinitfcd
at once, nor is it likely a similar
event will ever occur again. The
year of the constitutional eenteuary
ofthe government has witnessed a
great many impressive occurrences
and not the least among them is the
creation of the quartette of West
ern commonwealths. It will not be
many \ ears before the flag will be
completed, so far as our present
territories are concerned; and the
stars that will thereafter be added
must be by the absorption of other
| countries on this continent—Canada,
; for instance.
JACKS OA'S BLOCK : : J) a shore, Pa.
LAWRENCE BROS. offei new l'urni-ture of all lands, at price which'will
astonish the purchaser. HAUDWOOD SUITS as cheap as softwood
suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything manufactured
tram the best material by skilled workmen.
m rrri)E«TAKiirtf
A full line cf caskets and coffins (constantly in stock. Embalming
when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend
dance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage.
-Lawrence Bros.
To the People of LaPorte,
ll IVC rc J nove( l our stock of hardware to
'pHK j^OLDie,
rno-.vii as "Bieldle's Block." We have increased onr stock immensely
and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
WILL receive onr prompt attention. We cany in stock all kinds of good-:
kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job woik
and manufacturing cf Tin r. specialty. At
Cunningham & Cole, J *"X' i ,«.
ttttt + tt
' '■?
Tn E best and cheapest coal in the market, 'J. i
customers from—
T ti E price is reduced at the breaker 1,0
qvci KAPER
The State Lino & Sullivan R. R. Co I. 0. BLIGHT, Supt
v. R o 1:
j. S. HAh'RIGTON; Proprietor*,,
Dushore - - Pa
It will pay you before purchasing to nil and examine my stocl:
o' new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for smal
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying ,r 00 ds c*f
inc. Everything new neat and first "lass. My stock of French Kic
hand turned gocds are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
11 price and in quality to be the bi st that any market can afford.
BOQTS&SHOES made to ardsr
1 If you want a fine so wed boot or shoo try a sample pair. Repairing
! done on short notice.
I t*&~ fc-ir DEALER IN
Mens' Youths Boys' and Ghil
drens Cltohing
Cronin's New Block, Duslxoe, Pa.
I manufacture all kinds of heavy and light wagons at reasonable [ rices
Have on hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom urices All
work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock.
n J k j w\ Backache, Sldeacho, Rheumatism,
y y N A rj I t Kidney Weaiciiosn, Tender l.unp»,
/ SOLO 1u I or ijt ft Sore Chest, Stiff Muscles, Fuiiiulo
P EVERYWHERE E F Pains, Crick, Sprains, etc.
I r -_ r Eft k* It cure*, every sort of Pain, Ache, or Weakness,
y 25 CTS. j and quickly', too.
6 FOR SI.OO Look/or tignahtre of HOP PLASTER CO
k or mailed lor priLt. 112 PBOPHICTOHS. BOSTON, "» the genuine gootl».