Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 19, 1889, Image 1
SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. W. M, CHENEY, Publisher. VOL.VII. BULLS AND BEARS. Tl\e farmer with the banker ranks; He's not afraid of "bujjs and bears;" He manages substantial banks, In which he holds "advancing" shares. Tender his lambs, fit for the slaughter; "Lively"' the stock he has to water. His bonks arc banks of loam and clay, He shares his plow-shares in the mould. Nature he trusts, and gets his pay In dividends of green and gold. His "margins'' are in fields grown over With crops, and he can "live in clover." His stock if "down" is suro to "rise" When he "rails" "white face," "spot" and "roAn;" And ho is "cute" and worldly wise When speculators ask a loan. He prospers well ut money-making E'en when his richest banks are breaking. The farmer with his "spanking" team, "Lightfoot" and "Swit't" can sweep tho plain. His "splendid sorrell" and his •'cream" Will "take no dust," with might and mane; They speed in triumph fast and faster, Uphill and down without diaster. His face is bronzed, his hands are brown, But on his name there is no stain. Ho sleeps well when his stock is down, For well ho knows 'twill rise again. And when time brings fate's rainy weather He'll discount what he's "put" together. In field and orchard we behold Tho plowman's promissory notes. His green backs are redeemed with gold, And not with "stuff" the broker floats. His best protection his good sense is. Nor bulls nor bears break down his fences. —George W. Bungay, in Harper's Weekly. DENNY'S LUCK, BY WILLIAM G. PATTEN. Dennis Lowry was his name, but every ono who knew him called him Denny. He was a tall, rather good-looking, yet slouchy-appearing young fellow of twen ty-two or three. He had always lived in the sleepy little country village of New ton and every one for miles around knew him. He was called lazy and shiftless, and it was true that he had never excited himself a great deal to prove the charge false. lie was inclined to lay his poor circumstances to luck. Worse than being born poor, he had been unlucky. This was what he told himself, but peo ple who knew him, averred that he had never made any vigorous attempt to change his luck. Denny was a dreamer. It was his delight to wander away through the woods or fields, and to lay all alone amid the sweet-scented grass and watch the clouds as they sailed along above, or to follow the swift flight of the swallows as they circled and whirled at dizzy heights. He would lie thus for hours with his mind filled with wild fancies of the future when his luck had changed. Denny had a poet's soul, but lacked a poet's power of expression. Denny and Inza Porter grew up to gether. They were playmates while chil dren, and their friendship seemed to grow stronger as they became older- Denny was so kind and gentle that he seemed much like a girl himself. Inza was a little, dark-eyed, red-lipped witch, whose very soul seemed always a-bubble with mirth. She was unlike Denny in many respects, yet something seemed to bind them together. Denny never kuew when he beguu to love Inza. It seemed to him that he had loved her always. She seemed a part of his life, and his dreams by night and by day were colored by her presence. And so the days became weeks, the weeks months, and the months years, still Denny was the same shiftless, dreaming, unlucky fellow. One night they wandered away across the fields to an old moss-covered wall, where they stopped to watch the sunset. Inza sat down upon a flat stone and Denny flung himself at her feet. The sun had just sunk behind the western hills, but the purple and gray clouds were painted with the various colors of damask,crimson and molten gold. A rich purple haze hung about the distant hills,and stretched down over the woodlands, growing fainter and fainter as the distance became less. A little' Stream wound through the hollow at their feet, from the farther side of which came the plaintive bleat of a lamb. A slowly circling crow shouted hoarsely from away in a distant, wood. For several moments they sat there en raptured at the beautiful scene. Finally Inza spoke: "Isn't it beautiful, Denny?" she breathed. He drew a long breath as though a sweet spell had been broken, and his eyes sought hers. "Beautiful!" he whispered, in a soul - thrilling way. "Yet the word does not express it. Painter or poet cannot repro duce the beauty, the peace, the lcrve of God there is in tuch a scene." "Denny," said Inza, in sudden convic tion, "you ahould have been a poet; you have a poet's soul." "I know it,"he replied, a touch of bit terness in his voice; "but I cannot put my thoughts 0:1 paper. I have tried Inza, but I cannot express a hundredth part of what there is within me. It is my luck to be thus unfortunate." For a long time after this they did not speak, but feasted their eyes on the scone before them. Finally Denny took Inza's hand, and gazing into her dark eyes, said earnestly: "Inza, I love you. You know this already. We have grown up together, and our affection for each other has been no secret, yet now I wish to tell you that it is not merely as a friend that I love you, but I want you for my wife. Will you marry me?" Inza was startled. "Denny," cried she, "you surprise me! I have not dreamed of hearing such words from you, and yet I—l have," she confessed, falteringly—"l have not al lowed myself to think of such things, for it seemed that when you spoke such words you would tear us asunder for ever." "Why" lie asked, hoarsely. "Why tear us asunder? If you become my wife that will simply bind us closer together." "Denny," she spoke softly, "can you support a wife? We have been together from childhood and I acknowledge that 1 love you, yet would I not be a burden on your hands? You have nothing with which to begin life, and you say luck has always been against you. Would not your situation be still worse were you married?" For a fer moments his head fell upon his breast. They sat there in silence. From a pasture far away came the mellow sound of a cow bell and the crow that was still circling over the woods uttered a few harsh cries. Suddenly Denny started to his feet and stretched his hand toward tho sun-painted west. "There is gold there!" he* cried. "Gold in the western land! You can see it re flected against the sky! Inza, I am going there to make my fortune. From this hour I am going to be a man, and, Den nis Lowry's luck shall change. I will come back rich to claim you, Inza. You will wait for me, darling?" Words were not needed for his answer; one look into her dark eyes was enough. He clasped her in his arms, and for the first time their lips met in a kiss of true love. A week later Denny started on his l . ! journey. Soon she received letters from Denny —hopeful, encouraging letters. She an swered them all, trying to cheer him who was workibg for fortune—and her. He was in the mines, toiling, sweating, hop ing. Others were making big strikes and securing fortunes; it would be his turn soon. But slowly a year dragged by and still Denny was as far from fortune as ever. His old luck hung by him like a spectre. Finally he cased to write. Inza was tortured l.y hope and fear. Had he made a fortunate strike and was coming home, or was lie sick, perhaps dead? She could not tell. Another year wore away and theu Inza was married. It was a match of her parents' making, and she consented, to please them. Her husband was a well to-do young farmer, and he was really fond of her. Inza found him kind and affectionate, and she surrendered her life into his care, feeling that perhaps it was best that she should do so. One evening just at sunset, eight years after Inza's marriage to Joel Gray, a be whiskered, footsore, weary-appearing tramp turned into Mr. Gray's dooryard. His clothes were ragged and his entire appearance was that of a man who had seen hard times, indeed. He came along the path with a slow, tired step. Near the door a little dark-eyed girl was play ing, and the tramp paused to gaze stead ily at her for several minutes. Inza,who was standing by a window with a baby in her arms, regarding the stranger with some alarm, saw him dash a tear from his eye. Then she kuew that there was nothing to fear from him. Just then Joel came from the barn yard with a brimming milk pail in either hand. The stranger turned toward him as he approached and asked if he could have something to eat and a night's'lodging. "It is asking much, I know," said the tramp, in an unsteady voice, "but if I do not fiud shelter, I must sleep beneath the open sky with only God's green grass for a bed. I have seen better days, sir, but luck always was against me." Joel Gray had no particular love for LAPORTE, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1889. tramps, yet there was something about this man that won his sympathy. As a result, the stranger was given some supper and permission to stop at the farm house that night. I The tramp ate his bread and milk In silence, but Inza was conscious that a pair of sad blue eyes were watching her every movement. ' The man did not eat much for one who professed to be eo hungry, and when Inza spoke to him he replied in a low mumbling manner. When lie had finished eating and moved away from the table, little Lucy, Inza's oldest child, came to him and deliberately climbed upon his knee. He gathered her up in his arms, while his whole frame trembled with emotion. The child lay there trustingly, passing her fingers through the man's beard and crooning to herself. And thus he held her while the twilight shadows gathered and she stopped her soft sing ing to close her eyes in slumber. The shadows concealed the toars that ran silently down the man's face and were lost in his beard. No one saw him as he tenderly kissed the sleeping child. That night Joel Gray's buildings were burned to the ground. To this day it is a mystery how the fire caught, but. some time in the night the family was aroused by the smoke and flames. The fire had already seized the house in its fatal grasp, and with difficulty Mr. Gray and Inza escaped, the latter with the bain; in licr arms. Close behind tlvem the tramp came staggering out of tho burning house. Joel caught him fiercely by the throat. "This is your work!" shouted the farmer, hoarsely. The stranger daslied aside his assailant's hands as he replied: "As God is ray judge it is not!" Inza seized her husband's arm, as she shrieked: "Lucy! Lucy! Where is she?" "Great God!" groaned Joel, as he staggered as if about to fall. "She must be in there!" "I will save her," declared the tramp, quietly, as he turned, sprang up the steps and vanished through the doorway into the burning building. Every moment that followed seemed like an age of suspeuse and horror to Joel Gray and his wife. Suddenly a dark figure appeared at 0110 of the win dows, and all about him the fierce flames seemed leaping and curling. He held a large bundle in his arms. There was a crash of glass, a dark mass shooting downward, a heavy thud, and the tramp lay at their feet. Joel sprang forward and unwrapped the blanket that enveloped the form of his little daughter, and to his joy found her alive, though nearly smothered. The stranger lay quite still where he had fallen. The farmer bent over the brave rescuer of his daughter, and as he turned the tramp upon his back, tho man's eyes opened, and he murmured: "Inza!" There was something familiar in that voice that seemed to touch the very depths of the woman's soul. Quickly she bent over him. "Inza, don't you know met" he mur mured. "Denny!" she cried, wildly. "Denny, is it you? Have you come back after all these years?" "Yes, I have come back, and I brought my old luck with me. I have come back to die t lam going to try my luck in another country, and with the Master to guide me, I think it will turn fo. the better. The gold that seemed to be re flected against the sunset sky was not for me. This life has been a failure, Inza, but I hope to make amends up yonder." And while Joel Gray, the thrifty far mer, worked hard to save his cattle and a part of his tools, Dennis Dowry, the man of hard luck and a poet's soul, lay dying with head resting in Inza's lap. He told her all his sad tale, his struggles, his sufferings and failures. He whispered of a blow on the head that had deprived him of his reason for years, and how, when he was once more himself, he had hastened to find her. lie loved her still, and his dying wish was that she might be happy always. And so, with the red light of the burn ing house all about him, he breathed his last in Inza's arms, happy with her kiss upon his lips. Yankee Blade. Census Superintendent Porter has ap pointed S. N. D. North, of Boston, Secretary of the Natioual Association of Wool Manufacturers, to have charge of the statistics of wool and worsted in dustries and of the newspaper and periodical press throughout the United StAtes. Mr. North was formerly editor of the Utica (N. Y.) Herald. CURIOUS FACTS. The "watermelon center" of the world is Quitman, Ga. The first shoe was patented in 1811, by two Massachusetts men. A three-legged alligator was shot the other day near Albany, Ga. Concmaugh is pronounced Kon-e-maw with accent on the first syllable. The rattles off rattlesnakes fetch $1 a string in the snake centers of Pennsyl vania. There is a man in Hart County, Ga., who spells his entire name with two letters, Bob Bobo. Sprenger computes that during the Christian era no fewer than nine million witches were immolated. A Selma (Ala.) paper says there aro "222 girls, 222 boys, and one Chinese boy" in that school district. Another portion of the old city wall by which Loudon was surrounded has just been brought to light in the neighbor hood of Ludcrate Hill. George Shank, a Pliiladelphian, has spent $(>000 trying to find a way to pre serve watermelons the year through, and he hasn't struck it yet. A boy twelvo years of age has been sentenced to one mouth's imprisonment at Miltown, Ireland, for inciting the people to boycott, a sate of cattle. A Canadian paper figures that iu the event of a war between England and the United States it would last at least five years, and that 1,500,000 men would be killed. Little No Heart is the name of a Sioux j Indian at Cheyenne Agency who always wears tailor-made suits, and is said to be as dudish as the Little No Brains tribe found the larger cities. The proceedings of the Japanese Parlia ment are reported verbatim by means of a stenographic system original to Japan. The characters are written in perpendi cular rows from right to left. A foreign jiaragrnph announces the es tablishment of a " subscription" bar, in Europe, where a man by payment of a fee of $l5O per annum can obtain all ho wishes to drink without further cost. A grocer at Lexington, Ky., had a picture of the prettiest girl in town painted on the cover of his delivery wagon, and her brother shot it off with a sliot-gun. The grocer dropped to the hint. The Emperor of China is seldom dis turbed iu his sleep. A Pekin paper an nounces that "strict surveillance is kept by the gendarmerie around the palace to prevent the imperial repose being broken by firing of crackers, street cries or wrang ling voices, the blowing of horns or noisy marriage or funeral processions." Clerks in the postal service say: Never use a square envelope. Women are more in the habit of using them than men. A square envelope, large or small, but es pecially large, is anathema in the eyes of a postal clerk. He likes an oblong en velope of a mc 'erately largo size— crnment numbe '4 or 5, corresponding to the stationer umber 6. A prominent > en of Parsons, Kan., determined to su /ith a party of friends against the will < his wife. He was re solved that he wc ..Id, and she that he should not go. His friends missed him, and just for fun envaded his residence, where they found him and his wife sitting in their chairs fast asleep. He had given her an opiate that he might slip away, and she had given him one that he might not. A Huge London Hotel. The largest hotel in London is the ! Metropole, and the fact that 1000 per ! sons were accommodated there during j the jubilee celebration affords the conti ! nental papers an opportunity to express j unbounded astonishment. Upward of ! 6,000,000 bricks were used in its con ' struction, with 11,000 tons of iron-work, j and 70 miles of electric light and bell wire have been laid. The building is ten stories high, as many as 1000 people have dinner in one day, 500 people J can be seated at separate tables, u staff ' of a dozen clerks are needed to attend | to the bookkeeping, and 35 to 40 men j arc always busy in the kitchen, from i which region over 300,000 pounds of j meat, 44,000 pounds of butter, 460,000 eggs and 75,000 quarts of milk are sent per annum, while the water used ap proaches 20,000,000 gallons a year.— San Francisco Chronicle. Life is no chestnut; it is story that is only told once.— K«u> York Herald. Terms—sl.26 in Advance; $1.50 after Three Months. A White Waif Rescued From Chinamen. Chief of Police Crowley received in formation several weeks ago that a little white girl was an inmate of the large Chinese tenement-house at 1110 Dnpont street. Acting upon this information De tectives Cox and Qlennon of the China town squad made a careful search of the premises in question,but failed to find the girl. The disappointed officers, after finishing the fifth floor, were to withdraw, when the quick eye of Detec tive Glcnnon perceived a suspicious-look ing cracker box inverted in one corner of the room and carefully guarded by a huge vase and an old Chinese. With him to think was to act, and promptly stepping across the room he pushed the ancient Chinese aside and turning the box on its side discovered lying on the floor the pros trate figure of a child. It needed but a glance to convince him that in this odd looking figure he had discovered the ob ject of their search. The child was too frightened to cry, and uttered no protest when Olennou reached down and took hor in his arms. Then, despite the pro testations of the excited Chinese, he car ried her to the receiving hospital, leaving Officer Cox to inquire Into the matter. At the hospital it was discovered that the child was a slightly built girl, ap parently about six years of age, and to all appearances of either German or Swedish parentage. She was dressed in the usual garb of Chinese children, with her hair shaved from the forehead and temples and plaited with long colored braids, as is the custom with the Chinese women. She was unable to speak a word of English, and when addressed could only reply in Chinese, which she spoke most fluently. Sho was turned over to Mrs. Murphy, the hospital matron, and submitted in silent wonder to the un known luxury of a bath, from which she emerged a very pretty and attractive lit tle girl—an appearance which was greatly heightened when she was clothed in a gay red dress kindly sent in by one of the officers. Stockings were something she evidently had not been accustomed to, and she resolutely refused to put them on. Once dressed she ran about the hos pital in great glee, and in a short time her odd little ways and the infantile Chi nese voice have rendered her a prime fa vorite with everybody about. Dr. En right announced that he was goings to adopt her as the hospital pet until pro vision could be made for her elsewhere. All that could be learned with regard to the child was that, she had been in Chinatown for five years. The persons from whom she was recovered profess en tire ignorance of where she came from. The officers believe her to be the daughter cf some unfortunate mother who aban doned her while still a babe.— San Fran cisco Chronicle. Ancient Laws Auout Suicide. The Grecian Areopagus and the magis trates of the Island of Ceos had discre tionary power to permit suicide. Justinian said it was lawful to commit suicide, provided the State or public treasury was not affected thereby. In Thebes no funeral rights were granted the fclo de se, and his memory was branded with infamy. In Athens the hand of the self mur derer was cut off and buried apart from his body, which was also immediately buried without being burned. During the reign of Tarquin, the Ro man authorities exposed the bodies of sui cides upon crosses for birds of prey to feast on. A standard authority on ancient Jew ish law says: "If any one shall commit suicide, there shall be no mourning, nor keriah (rending of garments), nor any of fice performed in honor of the dead. !■ A Ring Thirty-Five Hundred Years Old. The Smithsonian Institution has re ceived a gift of great antiquity from the Chinese Minister. It is a "jade" ring, about ten inches in diameter and one eighth of an inch in thickness, with a hollow center about four inches in diam eter. It is of a pale hue. The ring is known as the "Han Pek" jewel of the dynasty of Han, an old-time Monarch of 3500 years ago. Court offi cers of that day, when an audience was accordeil them liy the Euiperor, held the ring with both hands and thrust their fingers into the opening to guard agniust moving their hands while addressing the throne, the emphasizing of their remarks by flourishes of the hands presumably be ing contrary to official etiquette. The ring was used as an emblem of submission or respect for the sovereign. It was re cently unearthed from a sepulclier, hav ing been buried with the owner. NO. 41. FUN. A boom in pickled pork is a case of salt rising. A lynching party always travels at a break-neck speed. Oftentimes the boldest of ventures is to venture an opinion. If you are traveling in a Pullman car you want to give a fat man a wide berth. —New Orleans Picayune. Appropriate Ending to a Mask-Maker's Advertisement. — constant ly added."— Pittq/ield Sun. "Bromley, I hear you are going to housekeeping." "Yos, Darlinger." "What have you got toward it?" "A wife."— Detroit Free Pre*!. Geologists tell us of a time in the earth's history when vegetation had a monopoly of the life upon it. That timu must have been the foliage.— Cleveland Sun. A young Frenchman, living at Bor deaux, has advertised that he will sail for the United States in July and com mit suicide at Niagara Falls on the first day of August. Get your tickets now and avoid the rush.— Detroit Free Press. It was a Connecticut boy who surprised his teacher in reading the other day by his interpretation of the sentence: "There is a worm; do not tread on him. ' lie read slowly nnd hesitatingly: "There is warm doughnut; tread ou him! ■ Christian Register. Morris Parke—"There is Franklin do Belleville. Let's turn down this street." Madison Squeer—"l thought you and he wen- great friends." Morris Parke "So we are, but he moved into the suburbs lately, and I don't want to hear anything about his garden." She (romantic)—"Oh, how beautifully significant those Indian names are! Ala bama, for instance. 'Here let us rest!'" He (unromantic, but determined togo her one better) —"Yes, andther's —er — Monongahela. 'Here let us drink!' A pause follows.— New York Ilernld. Delicately put.—"Glndys, I oiler you my hand and my heart. I " "Thank you very much, Mr. Hiekelberry. If I thought your heart was as largo as your hand I might accept, but Well, you know I was always a skeptic." (Engage ment not announced.) — Mrinsey's Weekly. Hot si Clerk (suspiciously) "Your bundle has come apart. May I ask what that queer thing is?" Guest —"This is a new patent fire escape. I always carry it, so in case of fire I can let myself down from the hotel window. See?" Clerk (thoughtfully)—"l sec. Our torms for guests with fire escapes, sir, are invari ably cash in advance."— New York Weekly. On Pike's Peak. The officer in charge of the United States Signal Service Station on the top of Pike's Peak passes his days in a low, flat building made of stone, and anchored and bolted to the granite boulders. Dur ing the winter he has no connection what ever with the rest of the world. No hu man being can ascend to his station, and it is almost impossible for him togo down. Lee Meriwether, who ascended the snow covered mountain one July day, says the signal officer's face wears that careworn, depressed expression which comes from unbroken solitude. " You don't often see snow in July ?' he said, after I had thawed out before a blazing fire. "Not often. You don't yourself, do you ?" '' Yes, two or three times a week. Snow is my only water supply. That boiler there," pointing to the stove, "is full of melting snow. Even in the heat of summer there is always enough snow at my door to furnish all the water need ed." '' Does not life become weary and des olate here, so far from the world 112 " "So much so, that I sometimes fear it will drive me crazy. My official duties are light; they require only an occasional inspection of the instruments. The rest of the time I have nothing to do but to read. Too much reading becomes weari some. Sometimes I stand at the window with my telescope. The wind without is keen and cutting as a knife. " I can sec the houses of Colorado Springs," he continued, " twenty miles away; see the visitors sitting in their shirt sleeves, sipping iced drinks to keep cool, and the ladies walking about in white summer robes. Then I lower the glass; the summer scene is gone. Green trees and animal life, men and women, fade, j away like creatures in a dream, and I am I the only living thing in a world of eter ' nal ice and snow and silence.