Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 12, 1889, Image 4

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How the Cardinal Thrilled the
French Senate—The Story of
Ginevra—A Shivery Tale
of-a Spectre Guest.
In 1866 a most dramatic scene oc
curred in the French Senate —a scuue in
real life that would have been voted im
possible on the stage.
A petition hud been presented point
ing out the dangers of hasty interments
and suggesting measures for their preven
tion. la Gueronniere proposed to
shelve it. But the venerable Cardinal
Donnet, Archbishop of Bordeaux, arose
in support of the petition.
His argument was long and interest
ing. He had himself, he said, while yet
a cure, saved several persons from being
buried alive. He had seen a man taken
from his coffin and restored to health.
He had seen the body of a young lady
laid out for dead, the attendants cover
ing her face as he entered, yet allowing
him to observe so much as convinced
him she was not dead, but sleeping.
With a loud voice he cried out that he
was come to save her.
"You do not see me, perhaps," he
said, "but you hear what I am saying."
And she did hear. Ilis voice reached
her numbed sensations. She made a
mighty effort and woke into life.
"That young girl," said the Arch
bishop in the midst of a profound silence,
"is to-day a wife, the mother of children
and the chief happiness of two of the
most distinguished families in Paris."
But the Archbishop had another and
still more impressive story to tell. In
1826 a young priest fainted in the pulpit
and was given up for dead. He was
measured for the coffin, the funeral bell
was tolled, the De Profundiswas recited.
Meanwhile the seeming corpse could hear
all that was going on. "You will easily
feel how impressive was the agony of the
living in that situation. At hist, amid
the murmurs around him,he distinguished
the voice of one known to him from
childhood. That voice produced a
nyirvelous effect and stimulated him to
superhuman effort. Of what followed I
need say no more than that, the seeming
dead man stood next day in the pulpit
from which he had been taken for dead.
That young priest, gentlemen," and here
the old man's voice thrilled every listener;
"that young priest is the man who stands
before you to-day—more than forty years
later—entreating those in authority not
merely to vigilantly enforce execution of
the legal requirements in regard to burials,
but to enact fresh ones that may prevent
the occurrence of irreparable misfortunes."
In spite of official resistance the Senate
voted that the petition should be referred
to the Minister of the Interior. Some of
its modifications of existing laws were
eventually adopted. But the French,like
the English, have always resisteed the in
novation of mortuary chambers, such as
the German and other nations have
adopted, in which the dead are retained
for a time before interment. Here me
chanical appliances are so arranged that
the slightest motion on the part of the
buried would sound an alarm and sum
mon an attendant. Since 1828, however,
when the system was adopted, not a sin
gle case of apparent death has been
proved to occur. Of course; this negative
evidence cannot be cited as conclusive
either for or against the system. full of instances of burial
during suspended animation, many of
which from their grewsome and startling
character have passed into literature.
Duns Seotus, known as the Subtle, is
said to have been buried while in a fit,
in the absence of his servant and of all
who know that such fits were periodical
with him. When the servant returned
he insisted on opening the vault. The
corpse was found dead then beyond hope,
but bearing all the evidence of a terrible
struggle, one hand being bitten off and
half eaten. It was no doubt the finding
of other corpses in a similar condition
after burial that led to the hideous
medinsval superstition of vampires, which
fed upon human bodies.
A celebrated romance of real life, which
has also found curious counterparts more
or less authenticated in all lands and peri
ods, is the Florentine story of Ginevra.
Married against her inclination in the year
1400 to Francesco degii Agolanti, the one
of her two lovers who loved her least,
Ginevra was buried alive during a trance
which looked like death. At midnight
she awoke, and, horror-struck, made her
way out of the vault to her husband's
house. But he, sorrowful for Her death
as he was, refused to believe that this pale
revenante crying at his uoor was aught
else than a ghost, and repulsed her with a
hasty benediction. So did her father; so
did heruncle. Then, nearlydyingin good
earnest, she remembered her other and
truer lover, Antonio di Rondinelli, and
dragged herself to his doorstep.
He answered her timid knock himself,
and though startled at the ghostly vision,
calmly inquired what the spirit wanted
with him.
Tearing her shroud from her face Gin
evra exclaimed: "lam no spirit, An
tonio! lam that Ginevra that you once
loved, who was buried yesterday—buried
alive! " and fell swooning into the wel
coming arms of her delighted lover.
He took her in, warmed, fed and com
forted her, and when she had been nursed
back to health he privately married her.
The next Sunday they appeared together
as man and wife at the Cathedral. There
was universal consternation among
Gincvra's friends. An explanation
sued, which satisfied all but the lady's
first husband, who insisted that the orig
inal marriage had not been dissolved. The
case was referred to the Bishop, who de
cided in favor of Rondinelli, on the un
scientific but none the less poetically sat
isfying ground that the lady had really
died once and been released from all
former ties. The first husband was even
obliged to pay over to Rondinelli the
dowry lie had received with his bride.
It would be easy togo on citing from
poetry, romance and history example after
example of premature burial, but space
and time have their limitations, and it
may be as well to conclude with this eerie
talc which comes to us from Spain:
An undertaker in Madrid, who lived
over his shop, one night gave a grand
ball. At the height of the festivities a
gentleman in full evening dress joined the
company. He danced with the hostess
and her daughter, he danced with the
guests. He seemed to enjoy himself
thoroughly. The undertaker thought he
recognized the face, but didn't like to
be rude and ask the stranger's name. By
and by all the guests departed and only
the unknown was left.
"Shall I send for a cab for you?' 1 said
the host at last.
"No, thank you; I'm staying in the
"Staying in the -house! Who are you,
"Why, don't you know me? I'm the
corpse that was brought in this after
The undertaker in horror rushed to the
mortuary chamber, where in Spain it is
usual for the dead to be removed. The
coffin was empty. His wife and daugh
ter had been dancing with a corpse!
But it turned out that the gentleman
liad only been in a trance and had sud
denly recovered. Hearing the revelry
above, and being possessed of a keen
though ghastly sense of humor, he had
got out of his coffin and joined the
festive party. He was presentable,'i for
in Spain the dead arc generally buried
in full evening dress.— Neic York Herald, j
A System for Reducing Corpulency . J
The Banting process for the reduction
of corpulency is abstinence from bread,
butter, milk, sugar, parsnips, beet roots,
turnips, carrots, champagne, port, beer
and potatoes, on account of their con
taining starch or saccharine matter tend
ing to create fat. The diet prescribed is:
For breakfast, for or five ounces of beef,
mutton, kidneys, boiled fish, bacon or
cold meat of any kind exctept pork,owing
to its fattening character; or veal, on ac
count. of its indigestible quality; a large
cup of tea (without milk or sugar), a lit
tle biscuit or one ounce of dry toast. For
dinner, five or six ounces of any fish ex*
cept salmon, herrings and eels (owing to
their oily nature), and meat, except veal
or pork; any vegetables except* those
above precluded; one ounce of dry toast,
fruit out of a pudding, any kind of poul
try or game. For tea, two or three
Minces of fruit, a rusk or two, a cup of
tea, without milk or sugar. For supper,
two or three ounces of meat or fish, simi
lar to dinner. Banting took his meals as
follows: Breakfast, between eight and
nine; dinner, between one and two; tea,
between five and six; supper at nine.
Several eminent physicians have declared
Banting's system to be productive of kid
ney disease.— New York Dispatch.
Lengthening Life of Humanity.
It is estimated that the life of humanity
has gained twenty-five per cent, all the
world over in the last fifty years. The
lowest average that has been calculated is
twenty-three years, which represents the
life expectancy of the Soudanese; but
even this is high when it is remembered
that in Geneva in the thirteenth century
fourteen years were all that were allotted
toman. The United States census of
1850 shows that 7.47 percent, of the per
sons who died in the previous decade
were more than seventy years of age; in
1850 the percentage was 7.54, and in
1880, it was 10.35. The deaths of
adults have diminished in a continuous
ratio, so that the proportion of infant
victims to the whole number of deaths is
constantly on the increase. In 1850,
16.90 per cent, of the whole number of
deaths were of children less than one
year old; in 1860 the percentage was
20.74; in 1880 it was 23.24. These
figures in tliemseives show the increasing
triumph of medicine over death, since
they evidence that it is the new-born,
semi-lifeless infant and not the adult in
valid that fails to respond to the physi
cian's curative touch. Philadelphia
A Cirous Hone's Broken Heart.
The emotional life of the horse is re
markable. There are instances on record
where the death of the horse has been
traced directly to grief. One instance is
called to mind which occurred more than
twenty years ago. A circus had been
performing in the little town of Union
ville, Penn., when one of trained horses
sprained one of his legs so that he could
no travel. lie was taken to the hotel and
putin a box stall. The leg was bandaged
and he was made as comfortable as possi
ble. He ate his food and was apparently
contented until about midnight, when the
circus began moving out of town. Then
ho beenme restless and tramped and
whined. As the caravan moved past the
hotel he seemed to realize that he was
being deserted, and his anxiety and dis
tress became pitiful. lie would stand
with his ears pricked in an attitude of
intense listening, and then as his cars
caught the sounds of the retiring wagons
he would rush as best he could with his
injured leg, from one side of the stall to
the other, pushing at the door with his
nose and making every effort, to escape.
The stableman, who was a stranger to
him, tried to soothe him, but to no pur
pose. He would not be comforted. Long
after all sounds of the circus had ceased
his agitation continued. The sweat poured
from him in streams and he quivered in
every part of his body. Finally tlio stable
man went to the house, woke up the pro
prietor and told him hetbelieved the horse
would die if some of the circus horse?
were not brought back to keep him com
pany. At about daylight the proprietor
mounted a horse andsrotle after the cir
cus. He overtook it'ten or twelve miles
away, and the groom who had charge of
the injured horse returned with him.
When they reached the stable the horse
was dead. The stableman said that he
remained for nearly an hour perfectly
still, and with every sense apparently
strained to the utmost tension, and then,
without making a sign, fell and died with
scarcely a struggle.— Western Sportsman.
Why He Wore a Toupee.
A story that is causing amusement in
the circles of the Astors and Vanderbilte'
is of a young gentleman who is favored
at this moment with a large amount of
money and a decidedly small amount of
"Yes," he snid, "that is a good growth
of hair, but it is stuck on with gum."
Struck aback, the writer asked him for
an explanation.
"This is a toupee," he said, "and I
wearing it because the hair has been
bu# ''ed all off the topof my head."
' 1 He then drew a receipted doctor's bill
from his pocket. It was close to SIOOO
in amount.
"That," he said, "is all for a vain at
| tempt to secure some new hair. I have
been through what about half the men in
New York go through sooner or later.
Every one seems to be growing bald
nowadays. Something in the atmosphere
must cause it. Don't, jou notice how hair
restoring shops are springing up all over
town? Well, I wouldn't take any stock
in nostrums, but went to a regular hair
doctor. It cost me just that thousand
dollars, and it didn't do me one bit of
good. Finally I took the advice of a
young belle with perfect golden hair to
goto an old Indian herb doctor, who,
she assured me, preserved her hair when
it was fast falling out. I could want no
better proof than her head provided, so
off to the Indian went I. He mixed me
up a liquid and directed me to apply it
when I retired at night. I did so. Luckily,
I rubbed it only over the top of my head
where the hair was thin. The next morn
ing I found what little hair I had gloried
in sprinkled over my pillow. Jumping
up, I gazed at myself in the mirror. 1
was as bald as a white crockery door
knob. Now I wear a toupee. My hair
is growing in a little less thick than it
was before. When it gets back to a point
so my friends won't howl at me when I
heave in sight I will dispense with the
toupee."— New York Sun.
First Method of Producing Eleotricity.
If a piece of amber or resin and a piece
of glass be rubbed together and then
separated, they are no longer indifferent
to each other as before, but each attracts
the other. In this condition the bodies
are both said to be electrified or charged
with electricity. Evidence of this condi
tion is easily secured by suspending one
of the charged bodies so that it can
move freely and then presenting the
other. An electric charge may be com
municated to bodies which have not been
rubbed on merely bringing them in con
tact with one which is already electrified.
For example, a light ball of pith sus
pended by a silken thread will be charged
by such contact, and it can then serve as
an electroscope; that is,' it can be em
ployed ns a means of detecting the elec
tric condition of any body to which it
may be presented. A light straw, bal
anced so as to turn freely on a fine point,
may serve the same purpose.— Scribner.
There are twenty-seven more dogs
than sheep in Miami County, Ohio.
Distanced In the Race.
Why should Dr. Pierce's medicines not dis
tance all competitors in amonnt of sales, as
they are doing, since they are the only medi
cines fold by aruggists possessed of such won
derful curativo properties as to warrant their
manufacturers in guaranteeing them to curjs
the diseases for which they are recommended.
You get a cure or money paid for them re
turned. The Doctor's "Golden Medical Dis
covery" cures all diseases caused by derange
ment of the liver. biliousness, indigestion or
dyspepsia; also all blood, skin and scalp dis
eases. tetter, salt-rheum, scrofulous sores and
swellings and kindred ailments.
Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, disßUSt
ing everybody, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy and be cured.
THE German admiralty has ordered ten tor
pedo boats and the French flfteen.
Can tho sale of an inferior article constantly
increase lor 24 Dobbins's Electric Soao
has been on the market ever since 1866. and is
to-day as ever, the best ami purest family soap
made. Try it. Your grocer will get it.
THK Russian beet crop of last year produced
500,000 tons of crude beet sugar.
Oregon, the Paradise «112 Farmers.
Mild, equable climate,certain and abundant
crops. Best fruit, grain, grass and stock coun
try in the world. Full information free. Ad
dress Oregon Im'igrat'n Board, Portland, Ore.
A Fair Trial
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla will convince any reasonable
person that It does possess great medicinal merit.
We do not claim that every bottle will accomplish a
miracle, but we do know that nearly every bottle,
taken iiccordlng to directions, does produce positive
benefit. Its peculiar curative power Is shown by
many remarkablo cures.
"I was run down from close application to work,
but was told I had malaria and was dosed with
quinine, etc., which was useless. I decided to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now feeling strong and
cheerful. I feel satisfied it will benefit any who
give It a fair trial."—W. B. 13HAMISIL 201 Spring St.,
New York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Here It Is!
Want to learn all about a Af r
Horse ? How to Pick Out a A
Good One? Know imperfee-^^^^* -
Hons and so Ouard against \ TV
Fraud ? Detect Disease and J V
FfTectaCure when same Is /A /*V
possible? Tell the age by # J Y
he Teeth? What to call the Different Parts of the
Animal? How to Shoe a Horse Properly / All this
and other Valuable Information can be obtained b£
reading our 10U-PAUE ILI.UHTRATEI)
IHIHSE ROOK, which we will forward, post
paid, on receipt of only cents in Htauips.
134 Leonard St.. New York City.
Special Offer for One Month.
Crayon Portrait and Handsome Gold
and Plush Frame for $lO.
The Centennial Portrait Company, comprising
8om«» of the leading artist* in New York, have de
cided In order to make the quality of their work
more generally known, to furnish a life-size Dust
Crayon Portrait, 20x24, framing as above, for ftio
(ordluary price sls), to any one sending on order
witbin one month from date. Satisfaction guaran
t«*e*l. Send photograph or however old or
defaced, and receive a life-Ilk** portrait. AfiENTS
1360 Broadway, Nen York.
VTANKF.K MIXTURE, prepared by Okas* C.
X Kraeiner, Apothecary, 202 Marlon St.. Brooklyn,
N. Y. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Gout, Neu
ralgla sad accompanying troubles. One bottle ren
ders the blood non-rheumatic* Price refunded If not
satisfactory. Cheaper to doctors. Send cash,
stamps or money order.
m For t3c. a 100 pajre book, experience of
practical poultry raiser during 26
years. It teaches how to detect and
cure disease*; to f**ed for eggs and
X**---! . .-jl* f° r fattening , which fewla to save for
***"— breeding, etc., Jtc. Address
llOOk r; K. iiOl ■»»:, 134 l.'unn rf sc.. >. Y. City.
for nil domestic aulmals, will cure 99 out of every 100 eases of colic, whether flat
ulent or spasmodic. Uarely more than lor 2 dose* necessary. It does not con
stipate, rather acts as a laxative and Is entirely harmless. After 20 vears of trial
In more thau 30U0 cases, our guurantee Is worth something. Colic muni he
treated promptly, ttxpcnd a few cents and you have a cure on hand, reudy
when needed, and perhaps save a valuable horse. If not ut your druggist's, en
close 50 cents for sample bottle, sent prepaid.
Address im. KOKIILF.It A CO., Ilei lileheni. Pa.
I use Dr. Koehler's '•Favorite Colic We cheerfully recommend Dr. Koehler's
Mixture" alonn with success. It is "Favorite Colic Mixture." Would not be
the be*t colic medicine I have ecer seen, without it as long as we have hor»es.
Brooklyn, S'nc York'. Sale and F.xchange Stal>les, F.nston, Di.
Gentlemen AND Ladies SJbIIIi,
Or BBJ of my aketi RdverMwi from tlae t* tlae li
tkU paper, that eaunet be procored from Pealars, will ba IMI te mmj addraaa 41raat from ut
fsctory, oa r«c«lpt «( pries. G W Wrmmd aleat whan aaaea sad prl<e ara aet itamped sa betten.
To Cure Disease You Must TJndei--
stand Symptoms.
To detect symptoms and understand them requires the ser
vices of a Dog Doctor, which are not to be had outside of largo
cities, and are expensive; hence the necessity for a good
Dog Doctor Book
We offer one written by H. CLAY GLOVER, D. V. S., of N. Y. City. Specialist in
Canine Diseases, Veterinarian to the Westminster Kennel Club, N. J. Kennel Club.
Hartford (Conn.) Kennel Club, R. I. Kennel Club. Syracuse Kennel Club, American
Fox Terrier Club, &c. f &c., which ought to be sufficient proof as to his capacity.
Elßhtcen Ilnnutlful Full-Pnu<- TI In strntloiiN or Cham
plon DOKH of Popular Hrecds.
134 Leonard St., N. Y. City.
Jt (fives Kngll-h Words with the German Equiva
hots and Pronunciation and German Words with
Lugllsh Definitions. Sent postpaid on receipt of SI
SAI.KM. MASS., May 31.1833.
Pook Pub. House., 134 Leonard St.:
The German Dictionary is received and I am much
pleased with It.l did not expect to find such clear
print in so cheap a book. Please send a copy to
and inclosed find $1 for same. M. M. HASKELL.
134 Leonard Street. New JTork City.
Abaltio for Cancer
;la the only successful treatment. After re
| moving the cancer we prevent reformation by erad
icating cancerous poisons from the system,
i Write for circulars to
Holland Medical and Surgical Institute,
Female Weakne* * is successfully treated by our
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Makes a clean sweep. Every
sheet will kill a quart of files.
Stops buzzing around ears,
diving at eyes, tickling your
nose, skips hard words and se
cures peace at trifling expense.
Send 25 rente for j) sheets to
F. DUTCH EH, St. Albans. Vt.
ffC TO s'£3o A .HON Til can be made working
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Spare moments may be profitably employed also.
A few vacancies In towns and cities. H. K JOHN
SON A CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. N. D state aq* and business* experience. Never
vtind about rendiiiq *t(imj> for reply. 11. F. J. £ Co.
OC tfKSftday. Samples worthM,ift Free.
3b Lines not under horses' feet. Write llrew-
HrW ater Safety Rein Holder t'o.. Holly,Mich
tar Get the Oeaulne. Sold Everywhere. _
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BiAiAhE In tit* worll' 1
stops th« molt y
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112 has dona msrs.!
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TERNAL PAIM, a few applications a«»
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In the Small of the Back, etc., more ex
tended, longer continned and repeated
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Great Liver & Stomacli Remeily
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BIL.IOCS'VKSS, will be avoided, and
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BY AL.L DRUGGISTS. Price »sc. per
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191 Pages, 91 Full-Page Maps.
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l"=»ton - SMITH & WESSON,
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If yon know how to properly care
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ycu can procures 100-PAGE BOOK. 131
giving the experience of a praetl- §MM
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Dr. Lobb,™*
Twenty years' continuous practice in the treat
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