Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 12, 1889, Image 3

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    LIPORTE, I'A. JULV, 12th, ISS^.
How did you enjoy the Fourth ?
This is good leather foV hay Vnak
Mr*. Dr. itill rtAid son of Laporte,
were visiting frieAds at Hiighesville,
last week.
Texas suffered a two million dollar
flood on July 3d. Several people
Were drowned.
Sheriff Tripp wife and daughter,
Miss Fannie, spent last Vreek with
irionds in Slnirik.
We had the interior tiif our office
repaired last week which has added
Very materially to its appearartfee.
Russel Karns-, proprietor of thfe
Laporte Hotel, was transacting bus
iness in Towandd, on Saturday last.
Harry Patton and Miss Carrie
Hi tig, both of Dushore, tore viewihg
Ihe scenery about Lake Mokdbia, on
Fishermen should remember that
the trout season cloSes Jul} - 15th;
Penalties for infringements $5 to
Miss Mbllie kceler, ilurse ih the
Penisylvailia hospitdl at Pllilhdel
])hia, formcily of Impose, is home
i-ecruting froiii a spell (if sickness.
The roads throughout the county
arc generally bad; but the bne lead
ing from this plate to Dushore is a
disgrace to tile cctirtniitnity at latgb.
Mr. Lincoln Moore of!*?. J.; and
Mis!i Jennie iiavidsoii of TP illiam ;
sport, are spending a portion of the
heated sertsln on the Mountain at
Chas. Wing, formerly fdrenian ol'
this office is receiving medical treat
ment for catarrh; at liutfald. John
lidyd, jr., of Dushore, Ims iaken his
place in this cffllce;
The' Mere base ball jflaycrs have
decided to grade a ball groilntl riear
the ilaj'mond house at their own
fcxpensc. They expect to have it
bompleted by Saturday July 20th.
William Kennedy and wife of Chi
cago, spent last week with their
parents, Darby Kennedy ar«l wife of
this jilace. Mr. Kennedy is bo s
tanner in a H>ry large tannery at
City guest; l arc arrivHig at the
'Merc in large numbers. Ori Satiir'
day 80 legistcred at various places
of afccommddations. proprietors of
boarding houses there anticipate a
superior season.
Prothoriotafy Walsh iSstied several
wedding licenses chi or about the 4th
day of July. Tills \Yas a befitting
day for wedding ceremonies and
should the future bring good results,
it will prot'e a cheap jollification.
The Fourth of July sc£'ms to bitfe
passed without witnessing serious
lire* in any part the country.
Evidently more settee and less gun
powder is being putin the Celebration
6f the great holiday every year.
The moTtntain breezes at this place
-Jvere a trine unpleasant on Tuesday
inorrtrng—the Jesuit of a p'blecat
slaughter oil Park st. by Chad. Latter
■Srho has slain his tens of thcAfns
rinds during the past, twelve months.
The' Skating It ink at Eagles Mere
is to be sold by the She/itf on the
ihi-rd diy of Augitst. It Is adver
tised as the property of W . H.
low of 'towanda and to be s6ld at
the suit of the First National Bank
of Towanda.
Fourth of July passed Off ievy
quietly at the county s6at; No
stabbing fracus nor even a fighf took
place upon our streets to m*ar the
day's enjoyment. Laporte' is the
proper plaie to visit on occasions of
this kind.
The' county Commissi oners were
in town' oiV Sfohday, on fh'eir way
to Sonestown, to Contract for the
erection of a bridge over Muncy
Creek near Geo. Rea's and tor the
repairing of several ofher bridges,
over Mune.y Creek, below Sbnes
Tt.'e Ucv DaVM Craft of "M ryalu's
ing will accept! our thanks
for a copy of the "History of the
141st Regt. Pa. "Vols," written by
his own pen. It is very neatly got
ten up and vci*y interesting. A copy
of this Valuable history should be
Owned by all surviving veterans who'
took in the Regiment.-
Russel Karns and daughter Miss
Cdra. of Laporte, are spending a few
days in Columbia count}'.
FOUND.—A black shawl and cape
'between Laporte and Ringville.
The owner ca'A have the same by
calling at this office. Charges 25c,
for ad.
MARHIED.—'-Mr. Arthur W. Cook
to Miss Eldo'ra M. Phillips, both of
Sonestown in the Rathburri House
Elmira N. Y., July 3d, by the ReV.
M. F. Pewitt.
The gi dss receipts front the eii
tertainmeht on the 4th of July, jit
Laporte lor the repairing of the
Presbyterian church, waS $147.78.
This considering the rainy morning
is a very satisfactory result, and
reflects great credit upon all con
cerned in it.
Mr. Lincoln Moore of N. J., a
ministerial student held services in
the M: E. church on Sunday even
ing last and was listened to by a
remarkable lalge audience. He
preached a very intcrcstihg sermon
from which he rtebeived many conl
The yard in front of the new Epis
copal church Was graded and put ill
excellent condition by the people of
Laporte during the fore-part of this
week. The yard in ftbnt of the M.
E. cluH'ch at this place is an eye sore.
The mbmbers should follow the ex
ample of their brotlie- .
We were complimented by citizens
of Ltipez forgiving the most correct
account of the accident which occur
red ill Terrcls and Trexler's saw mill
at Ldpez, recently; of either of the
county papers. To get the official
news bf the couiity, subscribe for
J. W. Flynn Ps<i M formerly of
Lapbrte who some eight months ago
invested in the M'uicy Mi'nufactur
ing Company, sold his entire inter
est in the same to Dell Peterman of
Muncy, oi' Wednesday of last we"k.
Mr. Flytih was Secretary and Trr'as
'irer of the eoiicehi.
The County Commissioners on
July 9th, awarded the contract of
building abutments and cribbing of
the proposed new county bridge over
Muncy Creek near Geo. Ria's to
Geo. Ilea for §159,00. Alsdthc re
pairing of the Hazcd's bridge toGeo.
Rea; for §43.00 and the cribbing of*
the Muncy Valley bridge to Jacob
Lorab for $35.00.
Will Young esq., a guetft and one
of the old time ball players o r
EaglfesMere was in town On Tuesday j
for the purpose of arranging a game
of ball with thfe Laporte nine. Owing
to the fact that there is fio base ball
organization at Laporte he was
doomed to disappointment. We
urged however, that he inclose a
challenge to the liernice boys.
On Tuesday last Mr. ti: P. Ing.
ham received a dispatch frotn Sena
tor Cooper announcing the latters
appointment as? Collector of the
Port of Philadelphia end requesting
Mr. Ingham to at tfn'6c report in
Philadelphia as Chief Deputy. Mr.
Ingham took the Wednesday morn'
ing train and will at once enter up
on the duties of his appointment.
The Philadelphia Recbird says tHit
the Williamsport North PranCh
Railroad has parsed irto the hands
of capitalists in the hiterests of the
Pentia. Railroad. The road runs
Northwest from the Reading R. 11.
at 1 fall's station, and gives access to
Eagles Mere' a'lid neighboring resorts.
The intention of the purchasers' is to
! make a connection witn the Phila
delphia and Erie Railroad.
At a redent meeting of the Direc
tors of the Episcopal church' of La
pbrte it 'Vas decided that a com
mittee of three persons be chosen
to select a carpet for the mnV church
recently erected at this place. The
committee cliosen were: E. P. Ing
ham esq.; Mrs. Clias. Wrcde and
Jrfisa Ettiie Lauer. On Moirday July
Ist, the conuniftee proceeded to
Williamsport Where they made' a
very cliVjice selection.
There is one practice' that nftiny
people who attend public meetings
have, thht is very unmannerly and
unbecoming in either sex, and that
is flopping themselves down at the
end of 'the seat wheii the centre is
unoccupied, and clinging to it with
death-like tenacity; then sitting
there as if bolted to the floor with
railroad iron, and Compelling others
to scramble over their pedkl extrem
ities as best they can.
A party of young people of La
porte, including the editor, took a
trip to Long Pond 011 Saturday,,
June 20th. The scenery there is
pleasing but can not be compared to
the views at the 'Mere. Lake Mo
koma is some larger than the Pond
and is a much prettier sheet of water.
011 our way we took in Lopez, which
to describe in shoit can be compared
to a bee-hive onilting the dtones
which are comuicb in the box of
honey. It is withollt doubt the most
thriVi'ng town in tile county. \Ve
were shown the machinery ol the
Jennings Pros., saw mill, by one of
the Firm, C. 11. Jeilbings, Esq. Tliis
is one of the finest sawmills ill
this section of the state and
the boys are. enjoying a good busi
ness which we are pleased to note:
We shall say more about this fcity of
industry,or as some of the residence
| call it, "t lie Metropolis of the county,"
in the near future.
J. 11. Thomas of Laporte recently
look quarters in the Court House
and now has charge of prisoners con
fined therein. Tlie Sheriff and fami
ly will take severill week's vacation
and visit friends in Scranton and
Carbon'lale as soon as Speht the
escaped convict is captured. Tlie
Sheriff'visited lllniira, tbcently; Hs
we garb in our last isstie, with tlie
expectation of returning Speht to
No. 3 cell at Laporte but he refused
to come until the Sheiiff had secured
a Requisition from tlife Governor.
Tlie Sheriff has made application
for this legal document and as the
pioper authorities of Elmira arb re
quired to kefcp Sp'tli t in custody
fof a period of fifteen days, the
Sheriff has hopes of returning him
soon to the Sullivan county jail.
LATTEK: —The Sheriff' received a
letter from the Governor at a recent
date setting forth that he would not
sign the Requisition owing to the
fact that he considered it too trifling
a matter.
lTonder who is entitled to the
silver mounted tishing rod fo'r the
finest mess of troi't captured this
season'( If one is to believe the
stories of the various niinrods, we
imagine it would be impossible to
make a cHoice. <Of course the last
fhan who relates his experience
fcomes odt, ahead on the first series
'of stories but wheW the first fellow
Realizes what he has got to biitt against
commences over arid tells of his ex
perience On Loyal Sock or FisWng
Creek, just as tWc ease demands,
anil when the party has finished, the
"stories" are so large that 110 person
tould distinguish very much /Tiffer
6nee, Prof, linker, however has put
claim 011 the prizb and unless his
opponents prove him unworthy he
will be presented with the hon'o'rs.
Jerry Kelly Esq. the popula? hard
ware merchant, and wife ot Hn'ghes
ville and Mrs. Win. A. Kraus, Sister
of Mr. Kelly ftftd wife of the deceas
ed member of the Lake Mokoma
liand Company, of Williamsport,
-foere viewing the scenery abo'ht La
porte and Lake Mokoma early
part of ladt week. Mrs. Kraus has
several htfnclred dollars invested in
the MokAm a Land Company a*bd was
](leased with the new* enterprise. Mr.
Kelly paid us a call during his stay
and renewed his subscription for the
Jos. 1 Walbum asd wife of tiopc ,
passed through town 011 their «ay
home from a short! visit to Lewistown
011 Mr. Walbufn is an old
time subscriber of the REPUBLICAN
and balled at our sanctum to renew
his subscription. lie is a good lie
publican and Expressed himself well
pleased with the mannei' in which 1
the REPUBLICAN is conducted for th<*
success of the Republican party of
Sullivan county. Mr. Walburn will
accept our th.iViks for tip* good wil
shown us in tli'c past as well as tlib
Protboiiotary Walsh v.'ill be a caiV-'
drdate for the I'e-noininat'ion of tl'fc
Democratic party for tbfe oflice of
I'nVthonotnry Register tihd Record
er of Sullivan' county. Mr. Walsh
has made an excellent official during
th£ past three years and it is ex
ceeded by all tliat no better choice
colild be made by the Democracy of
'Sullivan. Mr. Walsh in his pleasing
and a<icomni6'lating maimer in his of
fical capacity has won for himself
the friendship of a large percentage
of the voters of Sullivim county.
i'he W. C. T. U , will meet at the
.room over M<?ylert C'd's store FiVlav
July 12, at 3* p. 111.
112 Frank Cole of Dushore badly and
probably fatally ettabljed by Miles
Drake of Lopez.
On the night of July 4th Frank
Cole a well known young man of
Dushore was stabbed undfer the fol
lowing circumstances. It appears'
some two months ago that and
Cole had had some difficult}" at
Carmody's hotel Vliere Diake had
assitltbd Cole and nearly bloke his
leg. On accottiit of this bad blood
existed bekweteri the two. At about
12 o'clock at tiiglit Drake caiiie clown
tlife stairs froin the dance in Garey's
Hall tlli'd was accosted by Cble who
asked llim if he was as a man
as he at CanHbdy's. T" this
Drake teplied he was, and a better
man; They then cbuimenccd fighting
when Drake drew out a dirk
knife and stabbed Cole a mithber of
times about tHe head and breast
inflicting very serious wounds.
Cole was carried into Billiaus Restau
rant. I)rs. Waddell and Herrmann
were summoned. Cole was covered
with blood and with bach breath
it poured from him. After dressing
his wounds he was removed to his
home where he now libs in a very
dangeious condition Drake disap
peared alter the affrHy but was ar
restc'l 011 Friday and held in S2OOO
bail fbr his appearitrice at Sept ember
Tend. Miles Buriis and his L'rother
Drake being bondsmen.
July 4th,' nit LaPorte.
The celebration held at 1 fil'orte
was one of the p'leasiintest occasions
of the kind i'Jr many years. The
was not very large, but it was
orderly and bent oit having a good
timfe which evefy 011 r hail. There
was little or 110 drunkenness, 110
brails or street ligl'ts but pleasure
was enjoyed iii huge chunks. The
spee'fch of David C'taft of Wyattising
Orahd Master of Pennsylvania Odd
Fellas was one of the very best we
eve£ listened to. It was a thought-'
ful "'nd patriotic address and at times'
the orator gave his audience a treat
to genuine and inspiring eloquence,
j&ll who heard hifn united in the
most li&uty praisO. The Festival
for the benefit of the church was a
bomplete success the receipts being
over The da'neing in the even
ing and sports of ilie afternoon were
also* thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Frank Oallagher had charge of the
stand Erected fof the festival and
proved to be a model salesman, with
his assistant-George Lnurenson, he
turned in over #SO. as the result of
his labors. Comparisons are
so we can n6t mention the good
workers, but all united to make the
affair a success which it proved to
be. The good order which prevailed
was as gratifying to the ladies as the
supply of money which was so freely
given. The funds will be used for
the immediate repair of tbe church.
rif the LaPorte Aorough
School Board.
Regular meeting held at the ofllce
of Judge 'ngham, July 6th,' 18H9.
Present Jftmes McFai'lane, H. T.
Downs, Russel Karns, Clias Wrede,'
F-. P. Ingham and W. C. Mason.
Minutes of last meeting rtad and
The Clerk of tb6 Court of Quarter
Sessions filed a certified copy uncle?*
, seal, of the record in his otlicc of
! the result of the special election held
by directi'on of this Hoard June 18tli
1889, to determine whether the in
debted nc3s of the school district
rtiay be increased to' 1 per centuA
of the last adjusted valuation, and
by sai- 1 certiftlcate it appears that
thi: /-one votes wete cast favorihg
the increase and eleven votes against
said increase, and 1 that therefore ac
cording to the aci! of JfOtb", of April
1874 the increase of indebtedness is
duly authorized by the cpililitled elec
tors of Ihe Hoi J o of Laporte.
E. 1* InghaiiV moves th<tt a com
mittee of three be appointed to pre
pare specifications for a utew School
Houß'e, to be submitted" at
meeting of the Board and that the
presideVt shall be one of said com
mitter seConed l)y Russel
inot>' 4 carried where upon James"
y pßiane, E. P. Ingham and Chfts.
Wredb, were appointed as the com
On the meeting adjourned to
meet at the call of the president.
W. 0. MASON Sec'y.
Frank Boyd', of Dushore, was
registered at tlie Laporte Hotel, on
• Sunday.
:<{ *>:}-:.
JACKSON'S BLOCK : i Vushore, Pa.
LAWRENCE linos, offer hew furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. HA HI) WOOD SUITS as cheap as softwood
suits', could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything manufactured
lrom the best material by skilled workmen.
•, 1 'V . 1 ' • <T
A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Embalming
when required. Eieglant hearse (the finest in Slillivan coiiiily) lor attfcnd •
dance at funerals. >Vc request a share of the patronage;
To the People of LaPorte,
have recently removed our stock of" hardware to
fllK ]]riLllH} ;
Known as "Biddte's Block." We have increased our stock immensely"
and have reduced our price to bottotri figures, and cordially in
vile our LaPorte friends .to call when 111 need ol" any
thing ih our line.
o 5 O O 0~~0 0 0 0-^*o
zjOßaiSi 0 331* 0 MAZLJz
Vll.l. receive our prompt attention. e carry in stock all kinds of gobiiJ
kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing. Spoitting, Job work
and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At
Cunningham &Gole; ***&££
tttt tttt
Tll F. best and cheapest coal fn the irfirket. 18
customers from —
TU E piice is educed at the breaker to
Th£ State Line &. Sullivan R. R. Co I O. BMOIIT, Supi
I?HS RED afßosrr
J. 9. HAriRIGrTON, Proprietor.
Dushore ~ - Pa
- I =-: I :-= I I :I
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my lar«*e stoc.?
c'f new and well selectee? goods. Large sales fcnables me to settlor sfoal 1 '
profits. Cash iustomere" can save a good percentage by buying goods 0/
i\e. Everything new neat an<f first c'nss. stock of French sii
hand tufned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guarantee#
i"n price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
rn_: I .-7|
BOOTS & SHOES made ta drdef
If you want a fine se\?ecl bc'ot or shoe try a sample pair.
done 011 sliol t notic6.
U 1_ > t « V. 112
Me : ns' Yowtfis Boys' a'rid Ghil
drens Cltohing
6ronin's Nev) Block, Dushoe, Pa.
I manufacture all kinds of heavy and light wagons at reasonable prices"
Have 011 hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom prices AT.
work guaranteed". Call and examine my stock.
r IrV \ i I I I I V Kidney Vttkntn, Tender Lanes,
1/ ' _ • W mr #I PI Bare Oheet. BUT Maeclee, Female
I SOLS ■ I X 1/ M Peine, Oriole. SpreUje. etc.
/? CvcRY wM [M I Wr / It care* crcry »ort of Pain, Ache, or Weakncai,
* 26CTS. m 112 and qutcklf, too.