LAPORTE, PA. JUNK, 28th, IBS 9. LOCAL DEPARTMENT One week from to-day is the 4th. ; June bugs and humbugs are both J visible. Strawberries are selling for 10c a quart. We shall not issue the REPUBLICAN taext week. Summer guests are arriving in Urge numbers, at the 'Mere. See hand b-'ll announcing the 4th of July celebration at Laporte. Lycoming is a Democratic county. It went wet, by over a thousand ma jority. A. A. Ludy. J. P., of JlillsGrovc, was a guest of the Laporte Hotel, on ' Friday. Mrs. Walter Spencer of Laporte, is visiting her son J. 11. Spencer, of Thornedalc. Racing of all description and grease pole climbing, at Laporte, on July 4th. The blackberry bushes are cover ed with blossoms, indicating a big yield of the delicious fruit. The small trout recently placed in the Mokonia trout box, are myster iously disappearing. The W. C'. T. U., will meet at the room over Meylert A' Co's store t ri- 1 day June 28, 3 p. m. Never think worse of another on necount of his differing from you in polities and religious subjects. We give an account of the Cloud- Degen marriage, elsewhere in this issue, taken from the Tiradford Ji>ru. 11 Sheriff Tripp conveyed Judge j Sittser to Pusliore, on Thursday,! with his fast and pretty team of iron gray colts. Mrs. l)r. Hoinet and daughter! Miss Jessie Hornet, of Wyalusini!', j were visiting friends at Laporte, the fore part of this week. The Ti. V., engineer corps who are j 1 stopping in town, are a jolly lot of | fellows. There arc eight in the corps ! and nearly all of them are young | men. Special court which convened at j Laporte on Monday, continued until I Tuesday noon. The attendance was small. There will bo ten or twelve boats on Lake Mokoma for the use of. those who desire to take a boat ride on July 4th. Prohibition was defeated in Rhode Island by a vote of 5,4(19 more than the three fifths of the total vote nec essary to carry the amendment. The Prohibitory law was repealed in this state, thus giving it a very dark colored eye. Sheriff Tripp left on Wednesday for Elmira, where lie learned that Speht, the escaped convict of June 18th, is confined in jail in that city tor disorderly conduct. The Sheriff will transfer him to the Laporte jail where he will be dealt with pretty severely, we imagine. Mr. 11. Alvin Hunsickcr and Miss Helen Teresa Boice both of Philadel phia were married in the Presbyter ian church, corner or Broad and Dia mond Sts., on June 19th. Mr. anil Mrs. Hunsickcr are spending their honeymoon at Mnplewood Cottage in Lal'orte. The bride and groom have many friends in LaPorte who wish them the full measure of hap piness and success in all of which the REPUBLICAN joins. The ease of Meyers vs Jackson was tried at LaPorte on Tuesday last lie fore J. V. Rettenbury, Walter Spencer and W. 11. Davy, Arbitra tors. I*l ff. claimed $1,240 balance due on Rink at Eagles Mere. Deft, set up a failure of title to a portion of the land. T. J. Ingham and E. M. Dunham for pltf. E. P. Ingham and R. J. Thomson for deft. Award for plff. in SI,OOO. The Archdeacon and General Mis sionary, visited Eagles Mere Inst Thursday and arrangements are be ing made to commence the work of building the new church there this . season. The ground plans are made and bids have been received. A transfer of lots has been made from the old location to a larger lot on the corner of Jones Ave., ami the Forksvillc road near Hotel Eagles- Mere. The committee has now over $1,500 in bank anil #I,OOO subscribed and work on the foundation will be commenced as soon as the (fffntract is let which it is expected will be within a few weeks. We were in error last week when we stated that there was not a base ball club organization in the county—Bernice lias one. A project is underway to have the j 03,000,000 people of the United, States join in singing the "Star • Spangled Banner" at a fixed hour on the 4th of July next. Bradford county went for the Amendment to the tune of 3,199-1 Bradford, is a Republican county; and thus the large majority for the temperance cause. The P. O. S. of A., of Sonestown I and the Laporte I. O. O. F., lodges, 1 have l>een invited to take part in the 1 parade at Laporte, on July 4th. Mar-; tial music will be in attendance. | We shall not issue a paper next week. Fourth of July week is given the printer for recreation which is 'accepted by him with many thanks to his patrons for their generosity. While J. llarvey King and James Gansel both of Laporte twp., were drilling a hole in a rock, on Saturday ! last the sle Igo came off the handle' striking Harvey on the head inflict-; ing a severe cut. Visit Lake Mokotna for a boat ride on July 4th. Those who have never seen it will be surprised at the ■ beautiful sheet of water. It covers , more acres than Lewis' I.ake and is much more attractive. The L. V., engineer corps, who are stopping in town, made a visit to Eagles Mere, on Sunday. On their return they handsomely decorated their vehicle and horses with laurel! blossoms which attracted much at- j tention while passing through town. The REPUBLICAN like on former I occasions gave the people of Sullivan county the result of the June elec tion, one week in advance of either | of the other county papers. At this| J date it is stale news. Subscribe forj ! the REPUBLICAN and get the news i fresh from the mint. The Milton Record says a gentle | man called at their olllcewith a sam-j I pie of 'Democratic oats,' and that it j j measured 43 inches in heighth and I was well headed." The former has 'a resemblenee of Democracy, but the j I latter would sound more appropri ate with the word "be-headed." The vote on erecting a new school house in Laporte borough, on Tucs- j day June 18th was favorable. '1 lie school directors will take proper steps to have the building erected in the near future. The building is to co-tin the neighborhood of $2,500 and will be neatly and artistically ! c instructed. Pennsylvania defeated the Proliib itorv Amendment by 189,020 and against the Suflrage Amendment, which provided for the repeal of the poll tax qualification, 235,540. The people of the old Keystone state have no desire to nniend the Consti tution which has served us so well. The directors of the Lako Mokonia Land Co., met in E. P. Ingham's office. Laporte, on Monday evening. They decided that Capt. Meyers could place a steamboat on the lake and have the exclusive right of steam navigation on the same for a period of tive years. The fast line leaving Philadelphia at 8:30 a. in., will arriveat Sonestown on and after July Ist, at 3:43 p. m., and the fast line for Philadelphia will also leave Sonestown at 2:35 p. m., arriving ia the city at 10:10 p. ni. Train for Williamsport and the West will leave Sonestown at 4:15 p. m. The bridge over lloagland creek in Fox twp., was damaged by the recent flood. Moth abutments were damaged and one was destroyed be yond repairing. The repairing and building of a new abutment to this bridge, was let by the County Com missioners, to John Hileman, of Du shore, for $300.00, on June 21. The repairing of the abutments to the . Elk Creek bridge, near HillsGrovo, was let to Perry Benficld, for gxS.OO. The turniture wagon of Lawrence Bros., of Dushore, is seen two or three times a week upon our streets ! heavily loaded with choice turniture > transporting the same to buyers in ■ this section. The Lawrence Bros., • who are well known throughout this I portion of the county should receive a liberal patronage from our people. When in need of furniture give the Bros., a thought. Undertaking a specialty. j Bernice will celebrate on the 4th 1 'of July. ' Quite an amusing run away took place on our streets 011 Saturday | last. The parties concerned were Stewart Chase and "Nick" the Italian. They were coming up from the tannery, Nick with reins in hand. They turned 011 West Main street, go < ing at the rate of a mile a minute, the wagon turned bottom side up and spilled both occupants out. They were both slightly injured. Nick who struck on his head was positive I he was dead and called for an under taker. The horse was caught near the blacksmith shop and was not in jured in the least. The wagon was [damaged a trifle. Stewart rather 'enjoyed the experiment and says he can make the same horse climb a tree. Nick says he will roost on the ' top-most branch, should he be in his company. I The Hughesville Mail re-printed from the Labor Record, last week an amusing local squib which refers 'to Lake Mokoma. It says : "Some people are wondering if the new arti ficial lake up in Sullivan county, known as Lake Mokoma, will not in time prove to lie a death trap to the people of Mi ncy Yai.i.f.t." We would ' respectfully inform the editors of j the above named papers, that should Lake Mokoma spring a leak, (which is not probable) the flood would go directly opposite from Muncy Valley. The course would be down Mill Creek to Loyal Sock. The Record \ is to be excused for this report but' i the Mail owing to the political stand jit has taken in Sullivan county only! !expresses its ignorance in copying' the same. But when the Sullivan j county voter considers the stand the j Mail has taken 011 all political fights .in our County, they will agree with ! us, that Rutter lias invariably been Jon the wrong side of the mountain. It is interesting to read the pre dictions given by the prominent pol iticians throughout the state for the 1 defeat of the Amendment. The 'majority of the noted men say,'"The, ' people didn't want it; they object-j ied to interference with their personal ; rights, rights which they have enjoy ed in Pennsylvania for well nigh 011- jto 200 years." They also state that the result will have no effect upon jtlie Fall election unless the Republi can party should put up a man who was in favor of the amendment. Should rtiis Ik- done they are under i t lie impression that lie will be cut by the liquor dealers and by a large number of those who voted against j | the amendment. Chris L. Magee says,"it settles the question for iyears to come, which is a pleasing | thought to him." A party of young and old people of Laporte visited Columbia county 'Oll Saturday last. Among the num. liter were Rnssel Karns and wife, Sheriff Tripp and wife, F. M. Cross ley and wife, and George Cole and wife. The party 011 their way to Benton enjoyed a trout dinner at Hotel Perry and after amusing themselves for a few hours gazing upon the mourtain scenerj' continu ed their journey to Benton and put up for the night at Hotel McHcnry. Mr. Me Henry had been notified that a party of Laporters would register with him on Saturday and in order to give them a good time, invited the voting people of Benton to assemble at his house in the evening to join in a dance which he had arranged for the Sullivan party. There were a large number of people present and all enjoyed the evening's enter tainment. 011 Sunday forenoon the Laporters started homeward bound, and took dinner at Hotel Tripp, at Jamison City and after exploring the lumber city for a few hours continued their journey, reaching home at 5 o'clock p. m. All expressed a good time and- ex tended their many thanks to the Columbia county friends for cour tesy shown. LKTTINO: —The Corns, of Sullivan county Pa., will on the 9tli day of July 'B9 at 10 o'clock a. 111. let to the lowest bidder the abutments for new County bridge over Muncy Creek near (Jeo. Bea's. ALSO crilt- Iting at Ilazen's bridge over Muncy creek near Sonestown. ALSO, crib -1 bing at Muncy Valley bridge over ' Muncy creek, near Stevens Tannery. Will be let 011 ground. Specifica tions made known on the day of letting. Corns, reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Co. Coms. per B. M. Stokmont. COMS. OFFICE Lajtorte June 24, 'B9. 261475 On Thursday of last week a very sad accident hapi>ened in Terrels A Trexlcr's saw mill at Lopez. Tbe setter Mr. Frank Hoover of Smith Port, McKean county, was instantly killed and, Mr. Lord the saw- 3 r er was seriously injured. The facts of the accident as near as we can ascertain are as follows: The men had placed a small log on the car riage and when the "nigger head" came up it struck the log on the side next to the saw, throwing it over the guard on the carriage and in at tempting to put it Itack in its proper place the end which lay on the car riage slipped down and struck the lever which puts the carriage in motion, and runs at lightning sj>eed, bringing the hindmost end of the log around striking Mr. Hoover on the head and jamming it up against a beam crushing it almost beyond recognizing. Mr. Arthur Lord was struck 011 the back but hopes are entertained that he will recover- There were several other employees on the mill, among them Thomas Kangley who barely escaped death. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, | Archdeacon Win. llenrv Piatt, pastor of Trinity church, Cnrlton dale, visited Laporte l*#t week, in company with the Rev. Samuel I*. Kelly, (ieneral Diocesan Missionary, for the purpose of making arrange ments for services and looking after j the business interests of the church. I The majority of the executive com mittee were out of town, but as soon jas they are seen and the result of : the meeting made known to the 1 Bishop the announcement will be 1 made. » 011 Wednesday evening a service was held in the St. Johns church," where a large congrega tion was in attendance. The new chandeliers were in place ami bril liently lighted the attractive interior. Miss Jessie Hornet presided at the organ and the music was ex cellent. The Rev. Mr. Kel ley offer ed the services and in a few appro | priate remarks introduced the Areh ! deacon, who congrSulated the con gregation on the new church and made a few remarks tiring the people to different forms of church work after which he preached a brief but forcible sermon from the words, "Our Father who art in Heaven." From the report made by the Rev, Mr. Kelly to the Diosesan Conven tion in Reading, where it is shortly to IK- published in pamphlet form, Iwe gleam, in addition to the church and rectory built in Laporte during ■ the past year he has secured lots for the church purposes in five other towns and the work is advancing along the line. The statistical sum mary shows the work done in twenty seven counties in the State as fol lows : N umber of Services held 194 Holy Coinunion administered 56 Baptisms, adult 4 Baptisms, infants 14 Total lB Presented for Confirmation 8 Sermons 136 Addresses 81 Claims of Miss'ns presented IT Total Sermons, etc. 224 Burials 2 Pastoral Visits made 685 Places visited IV Revisited 140 New points explored 5 Parishes or Mis'us visited where there were 110 incuiolieiits 22 Points served where there is no organization 17 Scattered Communicants report ed to the nearest Rectors 83 Scattered Communicants too remote for such reference report ed to the Bishop 233 Communicants in Parishes or Missions without incumbents, or in charge of Lay Reader", also reported to the Bishop 170 Total under present charge of Diocesan Missionary 3i)B Number of miles traveled 14274 Traveling expenses $242,24 FINANCIAL KxinniT. Resources from all sources $266,92 U1 ,65 By traveling expenses 242,24 Amt. repaid to Bishop ltulison advanced 'BB 50,00 By dividend declaired aid | a : 7 v -5 36 /? wr # (teara tvery *on of Pain, Ache, or Wcakaaw, J 2SCTS. ■ 112 .ad quick*, too. , Bros SI.OO MT Loot for «112 HOP PIASTCRCO. * J or mailed for pncc. J PwoiMIHTOIW. BO»TOW.