The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 25, 1907, Image 1

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Men's Fine
The New
Sayre, Pa.
Decisive Victory For Nicara-
gua Brings War Near Close.
City of Cholutecsn, Strongly Fortified,
Falls inte Esemy's Hands—Gene
eral Barahona, Minister of
War, a Prisoner.
WASHINGTON, March 25. —Santos
Ramirez, director genera! of telegraphs
and telephones in Nicaragua. has ca-
bled the following statement from
“The Nicaraguan forces have ecap-
tured Choluteca, Honduras, which was
held by the Honduran and Salvadore-
an troops, and President Bounllla has
fled by boat
“Steamers are io pursuit of the fogi-
tive presidest, and I believe the war
is ended”
Amoug the prisoners captured by
the victors were General Sotero Bara-
bosa, Honduran minister of war, who
was severely wounded: General Lee
Christmas, an American soldier, for-
merly of Memphis, and other leading
officers of the Honduran forces
One estimate of the casualties places
Be killed at 200 and the wounded af
The Honduran revolutionists alone
espfured 300 prisoners, three pleces of
artillery, with s plentiful supply of
ammunition sod 300 rifles,
Two handred government soldiers
passed over fo the revolutionists dur
lng the Oght,
The disaster for President Boolila
is complete, as Choluteca is the most
strongly fortified town of Hondoras.
it 1s on .lhe Cholateca river, about
three miles from the gulf of Fonseca.
The fall of the Honduran capital,
Tegucigalpa. today Is predicted by the
Nicarsgusn secretary of foreign af-
fairs, Mr Games, in a special dispatch.
The cablegram reads:
| “Choluteca taken. Salvadorean and
Honduran combined armies defeated.
President Bofilila escaped and Is hid.
den in Sam Forense with 200 men.
Tegutigaipas will be taken today.”
General Ramirez, director general of
telegraphs aod teleplioves sends this
“It Is my opinion that the war ls
terminated Bonilla bas 8cd from
When shown the dispatch announce
Tog that President Boollla has ted
from Houdurss Minister Cores ex.
Pressed the opiblon that the fugitive
Bo to Salvador and
war Is ended otberwise be ls Srmly
convinced that it will only be 8 gues
tion of a short time until hostilities
are again resurted The Nicaragusn
minister wil! ask Secretary Root snd
the Mexicap ambassador Mr. Creel
to take some steps to force Salvador
and Guatemala to keep thelr neutrality
Taking advantage of the Nicaragusn
victory over Honduras near the latter's
capital, the United States and Mexico
will urge the beiligerents to cease bos
tilities as a preliminary to peace
Burton Accuses the President.
ABILENE Kan. March 25-—Jo his
speech here former Uplted States Sen-
ator Burton did pot confine himself
strictly to the speech he bad prepar
el In advance, and among bls spon.
taneous otterances was this statement:
“Five days after I was in jail the pres-
ident offered me a pardon. It came to
me personally at Ironton. The com-
munication was over the signature of
the pardon clerk. I never answered it.
I would uot answer It. 1 would not
accept a pardon from him under any
conditions He, gentlemen, Is the one
that should have the pardon.”
A Battle Over Pablic Servies BILL,
ALBANY, N. Y., March 25 ~The bat-
tie In the open over the Page Merritt
bill to substitute two public service
commissions for the state rallroad com-
mission, the state commission of gas
and electricity, the state inspector of
gas meters and the New York city
board of rapid transit commissioners
will begin this week. On Wednesday
the judiciary committee of the senate
and the assembly committee on rail
roads will give a joint hearlug on the
rm se
Six Killed In Santa Fe Crash.
LOS ANGELES, Cal, March 25—A
special train on the Santa Fe railway,
CArTYIng m score of students howe from
ap Intercollegiate field meet at Clare
mont. collided head on with the out-
bound limited train while both trains
were moving at a rapid rate within the
city limits. Six persons were killed
and seventeen Injured, several of them
probably fatally,
Visitors at Jamestown Exhibition.
NORFOLK, Va, March 25 Twelve
thousand people paid a fen cent fee to
enter the Jamestown 2xposition grounds
yesterday. Three thousaud men were
working. and the big twin pliers belog
Lulit by the government were the scene
of the principal activity, Except the
installation of exhibits and some land-
scape work the exposition will be prae
tically complete by the opening day,
April 2d
British Child Stolen From Saleniks.
SALONIKA, Ruropeun Turkey, March
25. Robart Abbott, the son of a well
to do British
Harry K Thaw lssues Third
Statement From Tomba
Distriet Atthraney, Notwithstandisg
Twelve ABidavits Alirming Pris-
oner’s Sanity, Still Says,
“Thaw Is Now Crasy.”
NEW YORK, March 25 —A day more
in the Thaw wurder case may see tlhe
sppointwent of a commission to pass
on the wental condition of Harry K.
Thaw and the cousequent Interruption
for some time of his trial before a jury
for the killlog of Stanford White.
Justice Fitzgerald now Las the af
davits of both sides and may at any
mowent announce his decision as to
the reference of the guestion of Thaw's
sanity to a commission of experts. If
he determines agaipst such a course.
bowever, the trial will go on, and as
practically all the evidence has been
given a verdict should not be far off.
Harry K. Thaw bas issued another
statement, this time denying a rumor
which he believes is current to the ef
fect that there is a dissension among
his counsel. He also refers to the affi-
davits filed with Justice Fitzgerald by
his attorneys in opposition to_the ap
polotment of & lunacy commission to
examine him.
A Russell Peabody, who gave the
matter to the press after he had bad a
conference with other members of
Thaw's counsel, desiguated It as:
“The third statemeut Issued
Thaw since Aug. 10 last™
It follows:
“I wish to deny the rumor that there
is dissension among my counsel
“Owing to the Hipited time aMdavits
Hartridge & Peabody Four that were
completed March 22 at the latter ollice
were transmitted to the former. and all
of that date were printed together un
der Mr. Delmas’ supervision
“Those made March 23 were brought
to me, as [| was nearest the court
“l examined fhe last four from
Messrs. Hartridge & Peabody and one
from Mr. Delmas’ office and found
them eminently satisfactory
“This metho] was sdrictioned hy Mr
Delmas. Had I considered that any.
thing in these jJast affldavite might be
considered inappropriate for this oe.
casion they would have heen with
drawn for the time and corrected un-
der Mr. Delmas® direction
“My mother sent her exceedingly
clear affidavit to be copied st the office
of Messrs. Hartridge & Prabody and
proceeded there later to nflix her sig
nature under oath
“It was written by her at her hotel
with no suggestions from any one
whomsotver and Is filed exactly as she
prepared It"
Tue monotony of Thaw's Sunday at
the Tombs was broken by ap unexpect
od visit from hiz wife This was the
first time since his detention that the
prisoner was allowed to recelve callers
other than his counsel! ou Sunday Mrs
Thaw bad come to the Tombs with a
message for her bushand and was
agreeably surprised when told that
she might visit bin. The two were to
gether for A half hour, and when Mrs
Thaw left she sald
“Harry Is In excellent health and ls
sure that everything will come out in
his favor™
The district attorney has received
the statements sworn to by Thaw's
mother, his lawyers and his alienists
and contained in the twelve aflidavits
filed by the defense
It was reported that Mr. Jerome In
temdds to present not only facts refut
lug the afMidavits presented by the de
fense, but to submit to Jodge Fitzger
ald new and corroborative facts =up-
porting the affidavits on which be
originally made his suggestion to the
court that Thaw's present sanity sbould
be loquired into,
When asked if he inteaded to rebutt
the twelve affidavits filed by the de
fense Mr. Jerowe sald:
“My opinion that Thaw |s now crazy
and should not be on trial for his life
has undergone no change since reading
these affidavits, and | certaluly expect
a commission to settle this polot defi
Even if Mr. Jerome mnkes answer to
the affidavits filed by the defense there
will be no further developments until
Wednesday morning, when court will
reCaouvYye ue,
When court adjourned inst Friday
the volumes containing the typewritten
transcript’of testimony were tilled with
more than 6.000 pages
A# the pages average 230 wonls the
total to date excesds 1.500000 words
France Gets Three Provinces
BANGKOK. Stam. March 25 ~The
Franco Sinmese treaty was signed here
Under the treaty France obtalps three
rich provinces, Battanokong, Hangkor
and Sisopbon, covering about 12.500
square miles of territory In return for
Port Kralt. Advantageous settlement
to both countries is made of ull out
standing questions
Forest Fire In Vieglaia,
DANVILLE. Va. Murch 25 The
forest fire which broke out near Stuart,
the county seat of Patrick connty. and
which spread southeast through that
county to Critz 1¢ still raging The fire
has resulted In heavy loss of property
including the burning of valuable tim
Der land and farm honses
Ambassador Meyer af New York.
NEW YOIK. March 235 —A special
the New York Chamber of
erce will be held in New York
Scores Cleveland, Dr. Fliot and Law.
rence af Boston Gathering.
BOSTON, March 23. Willa Lloyd
Garrison presided at a mass meeting
beld In Tremont temple yesterday un
der the auspices of the Industrial de
partment of Morris Brown ollege of
Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Garrison sald in part:
“What disturbs me more than the
attitude of the southerners who are
makiog capital out of race hatred are
the concessions of northern friends of
the colored people who have been tru
ly beipful In the encouragement of
southern schools. Because prejudice
Is deep rooted and Is again demon
strating its strength in the north It is
all the more urgent that no counte
nance be given tn this hateful spirit
“Not even southern lynching are so
disheartening to the friends of equal
rights as the acquiescence of such men
as ex-President Cleveland. President
Eliot of Harvard and Bishop Lawrence
of Massachusetts {all desirous of up
lifting the colored race) in the pullin
cation of the fifteenth amendment snd
the maintenance of caste schools
Mr Garrison argued that the white
south has shown no sense of responsi
bility since “usurping all political pow
or" and that it bas discriminated
against colored schools In appropria
Other speakers were William Ber
win, chalrman of the Reston beard
of aldermen: E. H. Clement. Rev. RB ©
Ransom. D D., pastor of the Charles
Street church, and Rev. BR. D Stinson,
D. D, of Atlanta. Ga. vice president
of Merri Brown moilege
Mr. Stinson presented a statement
regarding the work of the college and
its peeds
Cleveland Harding, a Negro, Lynched
by Florence Mab
FLORENCE, Ala. March 25 Clave
and Harding. a negro who attempted
to assault Mre. Ren F. Rice near here
ind who was driven off hy Mrs Hice's
shepherd dog, was summarily execnted
by a mob of 210 or 3%) persons
Tied to a tree with bis arms up, the
negro was riddled with bullets. the
first shot. it iz sald, belug fired by
Rive, following which every wan in
the cruwd emptied his revolver at the
prisoner Over 1.000 shots were fired
The negro was captured half a mile
helow town and was taken Lefare Mrs
Rice, who fainted at sight of him Up
on recovering she fully identified her
assailant and on being asked what
should be dove with him told the ne
£T0’'s captors to do as they thought
Harding war taken a short dl<tance
from the Rice home, where & confer
Wee of the moh lenders was held
Some favored hurning bot shooting
was decided on. Beyond coufesgug
his gulit the negro had nothing to sas
apd seemed indifferent ta Lue 1%
be body was left timl (0 the tree by
the mob, the wembers of whi hh nade
60 Sttewpt to shield thelr ‘identity The
sheriff overtook the crowd Lefore ti
iyochiug. Lut his appeals were unsavail
Teo Ald Roumanian Jews
NEW YORK March 25-The Roun
wanlay Jews of the lower east side
held two mass weetings last ulght to
protest agalust the “atrocities aud out
rages committed ob the Jews In Rou
mania” About a thousand dollars
was raised by contributions Botb
meetings were under the auspices of
the Roumaniap central rellef commit
fee A telegram from Jacob H Schiff
read at the meetings stated that the
American Jewish committee through
the state department and direct sources
to Roumanla was endeavoring to get
correct accounts of the =ituation In
Roumania. The president's ald will be
American Hoy Kldnaped.
HAMBURG, March 20 -While out
driving with friends in the vicinity of
this city Eddie, the young son of Dr
Gieorge Krieger of Chirngo, was mys
teriously kiduaped The hoy who 1s
twelve years old, has been living with
his mother at Gross Flothek It is he
flevedd that the youth has heen carried
off by relatives The Chicagn courts
a year age granted Mrs Krieger a 4)
arce and gave ber custody of ber
Taft Party at Charleston
CHARLESTON, 8 COC, March 25 —
Secretary: Taft apd party. en route to
Paunmst Cuba and Porto Rico, are in
Charleston, the guests of Mavor Rhett
ind a nomber of citizens The visitors
were laken In aptomoblles to see the
magnolia gardens, a private estate on
the Ashley river Mr. Taft only laugh
edd when suggestions of his possible
candidacy for the presidency
On the Traditional Pllgrimnge,
MADRID, March 20 King Alfonso
nnd Queen Victoria have commenced
the traditional pligrimage to the
shrines of the Virgin to offer prayers
for the queen In her approaching ac
conchement and for her <peady restorn
tion to health, It is understood (hint
in addition to Pope Plus the royal in
fant will have King Edwan! aud Em
peror William as sponsors
Shot Farmer and Himself
PETERSHAM. Mase, March 23
Henry Rarnes. a farmer wus shot and
serfously wounded here his hired
aan, Albert Leighton, the latter after
ward commitiiog Barnes
stil alive, but his condtion Is regarded
as critical. The hullet from Lelghton's
revolver enters] Rarnes' neck near the
sttlehde is
Spalding Mas 5150.00) Ware.
CHICAGO, March 25 The sporting
goods house of A 3 Spalding & Bros,
fhe west side of Walsh avenue.
partly destroy i! hs fire last night
§ 3 {| AZ
Beautiful Grand Opera Star
Accuses Artist Husband.
Julian Story. Famous Painter, Has
No Word but of Kiadness fo Say
For Actress Wife — Denies
All Wrongdolag.
NEW YORK. March 25. -Mme. Em
ma Eames Story, one of the most bean
tful and most popular of the grand
opera stars of the day and at present
singing at the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York. has appiled In
this state for absolute divorce from
ber husband, Julian Story. a famous
She was much applanded on the
boards of the world’s chief opers
houses and entertained intimately in
American and European society and
bs ap artist of rare accomplishments,
8 member of a family distinguished In
Art, # familiar Sgure bere and abroad
in exclusive society, they bave been
looked upon as that rarity of profes
sional life of the stage, a well mated
bappy and much envied couple
Rut their seemingly perfect domestic
romance has reached some unhappy
chapters, aod Mrs. Story has applied
for an absolute divorce upon statutory
Krounds under the Inw of this state
which dissolves marriage for but one
The action was begun in the supreme
court In White Plains, Westchester
county, and Is on the calendar for hear
ing in the first week in April, although
actiou by the defense In the mean
time may change this
The complaint Joes not give the
names of the corespondents, nor does
It state whether there Is more than
Papers bave been served and aso
iuswer has heen filed absolutely de
oyiug the charges. This answer is not
fworn to by the respondent, but. ae
cording to law, that is not aecessary
in divorce suits In this state
Though It had been a carefully
guarded secret, It became known a
few days ago to the most Intimate
friends of Mr and Mrs Story that a
crisis had come In thelr wedded life
And that a separation was Inevitable
Even the most delicate and tactful ef
forts on the part of Intimates of either
of the already practically divorced cou
ple showed the utter inutility of en-
deavors to bring about a reconciliation
“Had there been mad, unreasoning
jealousy, hot and bitter reproaches on
the one hand.” said a close friend of
both the principals, “and cold. cruel,
open defiance on the other there might
bave been some hope The trouble
bad it beep bot and Berce, would bave
burped Itself out. and human pature
would bave brought about a recoocilia
“But the difficulty Is that each Is so
yulet, so calin. s0 magnanimous to
ward the other, 50 to speak. that it re
fects au utteriy hopeless. fixed deter
wination to separate at once and for
ever. Mrs Story Is heartbroken over
It, and while indignant in ber right
tous, wowaunly wrath and xed lo ber
resolution she speaks of Mr Story In
the kiodllest way-except lu oue re
spect—and keeps saying. ‘| hope | am
uot dolug io an unkind way that which
nevertheless | must do
“Aud Mr Story when spoken te has
only the kindest words to say of his
wife, criticising ber In no way except
that gbe slould vot bauve sought di
vorce bere, where divorce. If success
ful, proclaims 8 man guilty absolutely
of the greatest of marital sins. He
would bave had her bring it elsewhere
were she determined to leave bm"
Foraker Halts Military Movement
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. March 25
Preparations relative to the movement
of the Tweoty fifth infantry to the
Phliippines have been suspended. Chief
Quartermoster Stevens bas been notl
fied to cauvcel all contracts for the
movement, which wars to have begun
At the end of “this month. The de
parture is delaved through the influ
ence of Seoator Foraker who contend
«0 that it would not be for the good
of the service to send the regiment
short of officers. Mauy of the officers
bave to rewaln here to complete testt
mony before the senate cowmittee and
court martial
Nine Hundred Ate Tainted lHinsh
LEAVENWORTH. Kan, March 25 —
One death has resulted bere amoug the
‘WM old soldiers at the National Sol
diers’ home here, who were poisoned
by eating taluted hash The vicUm
was William J Cook aged sixty four
vears, 8 member of the Fourteenth
Missour! cavalry Abont seventy five
of the veterans are still in a serious
condition. but it is not thought any of
these will die The wajority of the
others wade ill will recover
Monkey For Zoo Dies at Sen
NEW YORK. March 25 The Rritiah
ship Lawhill arrived here from Dela
cou bay. On Feb 10 Mitchell Campbell
of Picton, N 8S. carpenter. dial of
malarial fever aud was buried at sea
A monkey also died at sea. This was
a Mozambique grass monkey which
wag sent to Curator Hornaday of the
Bronx park zoo. The movkey was
very Intelligent amd was called Paddy
Murphy by the United States consul,
who sent him
Sons of Vulean Organise,
PITTSRURG, March 25 — With a
membership of nearly 1.200 members
the uew organization of puddlers
known as the Sons of Vulean was
made 8 fact at a meetiog held In this
city. The new organization comprises
seven-tenths of the puddiers’ lodges in
western Pennsylvania. Six states were
: t the
A Rousing
New White
Waists, worth
up to $2.00;
not all sizes
of every
number, but
very good
range of sizes
in most styles.
Every Waist
iS new this
year. Open
front and back,
long and short
sleeves. For
one day only,
Wednesday, 98¢
Globe Warehouse:
Taliasdge Block, Elmer Avenne,
Valley Phe ie
Application to Amend Charter.
In the Court of Common Pleas
Bradford County,
Notice is hereby given that an ap-
plication will be made to the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County
ou the first day of April, A. D, 107,
at 2 o'clock p. m., for the approval and
granting of certain amendments to
the Charter of “THE FIRST PRES
Sayre Borough, Bradford County,
Pennsylvania, as specifically set forth
in the petition therefor now on fle
in sald Court, agreeably to the pros
visions of the Act of General Assetn-
bly of the Commonwealth of Penn.
sylvania approved April 14th, 1908, re=
latine to the amendement of Church
Charters, and to the provisions of the
Corporation Act” of 1874, and ita
Mar. 4-11-18-25 Solicitors.
Application to Amend Charter.
in the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County :
Notice Is hereby given that an ap-
plcation will be made to the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County
on the first day of April, A. D, 1907.
at 2 o'clock p. m,, for the approval sad
granting of certain amendments
the Charter of "ST. JOHN EVANGEL]
Bradford County, Pennsylvania, #8
specifically set forth in the petition
thereofr now on file in sald Court’
agreeably to the provisions of the
of General Assembly of the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania approved
to the
April 14th, 1905, relating
amendment of church charters, mad
to the provisions of the “Corporation
Act of 1874" and Its supplements.
Mar. 4-11-18-26 Solicitors.
ES ————————————
Readers of The Record, buy froma
the merchants who have enough
gumption to ask for your patron
through the colamns of your Paver
local dally Dewspaper—The Vall
Record. v y w= pr IRN