The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 19, 1907, Image 2

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    mous stocks,
Rich Carpets
Elegant Rugs
Lace Curtains *
Novelty Curtains
Muslins and Nets 29¢ to $5.00 pair.
Tapestry Curtains
All colors and widths, 25¢ to $1.25.
New Spring Cloth and Sik
. We solicit your Banking
~ business, and will pay you
three per cent. interest per
. aonum for money left on
Certificate of Deposit or Sav-
ings Account
The department of savings
#5 a special feature of this
Bank, and all deposits, wheth-
‘or large or small, draw the
me rats of Interest
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
ished every afternoon except
oy 208 West Lockhart Street,
1b ption, $3.00 per year; 25¢
mn in sing
rates reasonable, and
a8 second-class matter May
9, at the postoffice at Sayre,
Whe Act of Congress of
h 3, 1879.
the mews that’s fit to print.”
BDAY, MARCH 19, 1907
jelalr Colony May Disband.
BWOOD, N. J. March 19.-
of Upton Sinclair's colony In
¢ committee which has been
i to consider rebullding Helicon
that it is best to rear a
getire on the ruins of the one
d by fire. It was proposed at
1 of the committee that the
Split {oto separate camps and
pore lo tents doring the re
If the committee dechiles not
again the colony will disband.
' Bars Poulrooms and Tlekers.
JSON CITY, Mo, March 19
r Folk has signed the bill pass
ant legisinture making it a
operate a bucket shop ln Mis
peoalty clause also Includes
BR of telephone company
information to a buck
pool selling Inw ws
and 1
FRANK E. WOOD, Representative.
News and advertising matter may be
left at Gregg's Racket Store, corner
Broad Street and Park Avenue.
After 12 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre. Both phones.
Mrs. E A Trea is {ll
Charles R. Rogers went to Elna
this mornlog
Mrs. W. E Johnson went to Elmira
this morning
T. B. Garrison of Binghamton, was
in Waverly yesterday.
Freedmapg went to New York city
business last evening
J. A. Beldelman of Wilwana was
calling on friends In Waverly yester-
Miss Alice Devlin has returned from
New York city, where she spent the
past week
| Albert Rice has passed the examina-
{tion for mail carrier, and Asa Nichols
tor mail clerk
Miss Anna Myers of Towanda, spent
Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Eunice
Plerce of Chemung street
| Mrs. C. F. Milspaugh of Chicago, Ili,
who formerly resided in Waverly, was
a guest at the Norwood yesterday
Miss Erma Goff Is seriously {ll at
her honde iu this place. It is thought
that she has an abscess on the brain.
| Miss Mabel Woodburn, who has been
home from, Ithaca visiting her par-
tents for the past three days returned
to the university city this afternoon
lewis Amrhein has moved to Can-
dor, N Y., where he will engage In
the bakery business. His family will
move to that place some time the last
part of this week
This Is the Place.
To get your halr cut, 15; shave
10¢; shampoo, 16¢. hair singed. 16¢c;
whiskers trimmed, 10c; sea foam, bc;
massage, 15¢; moustache dyed, 25¢:
halr dyed. §100; indies’ hair switches,
cheap. razors honed 25¢; shears
sharpened, 10¢; scissors, 6c; new
EE ——
Sons of Veterans Faotertain.
Waverly—Waverly Camp No. 88 §
of V. entertained the auxiliary last
evening. The entertainment consisted
number of speeches, including one by
Fred _Appleget were delivered. Wil-
liam Harris and Mrs. John Morgan
gaye recitations. At the conclusion of
the entertainment a banquet was serv-
ed. The spread was a most excellent
one. In all the evening was a most
enjoyable one, and thé Sons of Vet-
erans proved themselves royal
Election in Progress.
Waverly—There seems to be consid
erable doubt in the minds of many
Waverly citizens today as to just who
will carry the municipal election. De-
spite the Inclement weather the vot-
ers are gelting out in goodly numbers,
and at noon today there had been 230
ballots cast. This, when It Is known
that the polls did not open until 9
o'clock Is a very good showing
and it now seems likely that the total
will he very large
Elected Oflicers. |
Waverly—The meeting of Hope Leg-
fon No. 46 N. P. I. was well attended
last evening, dyer 100 members being
present. The officers for the ensuing
year were elected. Most of them went
in by a unanimous vote, there being
uo opposition. The election was as
follows: President, Miss Martha Lum
vice president, Miss Margaret Curry,
secretary, Miss Mary Muldoon; treas-
urer, Miss Anna Lambert; organist,
Miss Mame Wilcox
Funeral Yesterday.
Waverly—The funeral of Mrs. Fred
Tracy, who died last Saturday took
place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
the Rev. H B. Cook of the M. E
church officiating. She is survived by
her husband, one son, H. B. Bartron
and one daughter, Mrs. James Crow-
Won Scholarship,
Waverly-—Many Waverly people will
be glad to learn that Miss Anna Beach
of Nichols, was successful in winning
the first prize of a scholarship in the
{ handles on razors, 25¢c. If you have
{eczema call and get Lockerby's ecte- |
Lma cure. 50c a bottle. Thousands |
fish on hand the year round. Locker-!
by Is also an expert taxidermist
contest started by the Binghamton Re-
publican. Many in_this village were
working for her. She stbod at the top
Is something wrong? Usually it's
put the stomach right, and the sun-
District Deputy M. B,
Preseal—Third Degree Conferred—
Several Speeches Made.
| Waverly—Mott B Hughey, district
{deputy grand master of the 29th Ma-
sonic district paid his official visit to
ithe Waverly lodge No. #07 F. & A
IM jast eveulnme A large number of
{the Waverly lodge and visiting mem-
| bers from other lodges were in at-
tendance. At the regular session of
[the lodge fhe third degree was con-
{ferred.- Mr. Hughey gave a very in-
'spiring and instructive talk to the
sbrethern. It was delivered In a very
eloquent and forcible manner, and
very highly enjoyed and appreciated
{by all present. .
{ At the close of the business refresh.
menls were served in the banquet hall
‘of the temple. The menu had been
{prepared by Caterer Ballenstedt, and
{was served up in a very tasly manner
{About 125 Masons sat down to the ta-
ble. Dr. W. M_ Hilton acted as toast-
master and (he following men re
sponded to toasts M B Hughey F
iL. Howard, G. D. Genung of Waverly.
‘the Rev. CL. Lewis of Nichols, F. A
Bell of Waverly, Chauncey Shipman
lof Buffalo, J. F. Shoemaker and F. E
{Lyford of Waverly :
| Gare a Most Aceeplable Performance
| at the Loomis Last Night.
The Rosabele Leslie repertoire com-
| pany opened a week's engagement at
‘the Loomis last night to a crowded
‘house, presenting When London
Sleeps,” a four-act melodrama in a
most acceptable manner. The com-
{pany is large and stropg, carries a
‘fine line of special scenery for each
| performance, and it will no doubt
{draw big houses during the remainder
{of the engagement. Miss Leslie, who
{heads the company, has never been
here before, but she bids fair
to become a popular priced favorite
{She Is talented Young woman, and
{having the support of a capable com-
| pany, will give to the patrons of the
{Loomis satisfactory performances
| Tonight “The Gambler's Daughter,” a
"high class melodrama in four acts, is
the bill. The specialty
new and clever, and
the eutertainment
| seen
numbers are
add greatly to
Be very careful of your bowels
when you have a cold. Nearly all
‘other cough syrups are constipating,
{especially those containing oplates
| Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
{moves the bowels—contains NO opl-
{ates. Sold by C. M. Driggs, Drugs.
Readers of The Record, buy from
the merchants who have enough
gumption to ask for your patronage
(through the columns of your favorite
‘local dally newspaper—The Valley
‘Bradlord County PenSions,
Pensions have been granted to the
following Bradford countians during
the past few days. George G. Healey,
| Towanda, original pension of §6 per
month, from Dec. 24, 1904. Hew as
a private in Company lL. U. S. Infan-
try. An original widow's pension of
!$8 per month, dating from April 13,
11904, has been granted Mrs. Emma
{C. Campbell of Athens. Her late hus-
band, Emerson Campbell, was a pri-
vate in CompanyD 76th Regimeid,
Pennsylvania Volunteers Infantry
Harrison Jackson of East Smithfield,
{late private jn Company G 79th Reg-
iment, Pennsylvania Volunteer, Iue
Ifantry, will receive an increased pen-
{sion of $12 per month, dating from
Feb, 12, 1907, has been granted Rug-
{gles H. Brooks of Alba, late private
{In Company K, (0th Regiment New
| York Volunteer Engineers George
!L. Pendleton of Atheng, has been
{ granted a reissue of $15 per month,
{from Feb. 11, 1907. He was a corporal
{in Company E, 179th Regiment New
| York Volunteers, Ipfantry
A foreigner supposed to be John
{Hostatl, of Edwardsville, was struck
by an engine at the Lehigh Valley
{round house in Wilkes-Barre last
|evening, and was fatsily injured. The
[man came to the round house and ask-
led permission to dry his clothes, say-
{ing that he had come from Nanticoke
{and was bound for Scranton. Hostatl
| was passing out through the arch of
the round house, when he was struck
{by an engine that was backing into
| the house, It was necessary to ralse
{the engine with a jack in order to free
ithe man's leg. He remained conscious
throughout. the ordeal and made no
{sigh of suffering after the Wirst outcry
jas the engine strack Bim. He was
{taken to the Wilkes-Barre City hos
[pital in a dylug condition.
Is a little cigar a cigarette? The
It-will go from
one’ court to another until it is set-
irrespective of the courts
They will assert that one essential
Fine, Costs of Prosecution and 39
Days in Jail,
William Kelley, who was arrested
in Sayre several weeks ago, om a
charge of having stolen a traveling
bag from A J. Grant, a dritmmer for
a Binghamton firm, pleaded guilty to
the charge before Judge Fanning and
was sentenced to pay a fine of $10
and costs, and undergo imprisonment
in the county jail for a period of thir-
ty Gays. Kelley is one of the slick-
est speicmens of the tramp crook that
has visited Sayre in a long time
Towanda his mug was photographed
is it was belived that he is wanted in
other places *
Edward Dillon, another smooth gen-
tleman, also pleaded gullty to larceny
f brasg from the Lehigh Valley Rail-
road company. He received the same
dose as did Kelley
rested on the same day that
vas taken In custody
«ith a bag full of brass and when D
I. Kendig; the Lehigh Valley station
gent approached him, Dillon threw
the bag of brass away. He had prev-
iously tried to sell the brass
econd hand dealer
Tralo the Youth.
Many parents think it a deep root-
ed mystery that despite the good ad-
vice given thelr boys they grow up
io be reckless dare devil young men,
who possess no fear or sense of harm
[f these boys were taught from In-
fancy that home is the proper place
ifter dark instead of prowling around
of the mystery
moral and intelligent
a credit to their parents. The twig is
is hard to get in the desired shape
Always Have Kind Word.
Always have a kind word If pos-
gible, because kind words soften the
soul and win friends. Angry words
add to the flame or wrath and make
it blaze more flercely People are
frozen cold words and scorched
Bitter words Increase
while wrathful! words
wrathful. Suapplant
profane and boastful
words with kind words which always
make a beautiful Impression, besides
soothing and conforting their hears
ers. It pays to be kind. +
by hotness
our bitterness,
make more
Advertise in The Record
hilled on the Yalley Tracks.
John Boyle, of Ashley, was killed
on the Lehigh Valley road and his
remains were discovered along the
tracks by some workmen
He was a trackhand and it is be-
lived that he was run down by one
of the fast night trains. Two broth-
ers, Patrick Boyle of Peckville, and
Hugh Boyle of Freeland survive him
Commission in Lunacy Appointed.
Judge Fanning has appoivfed H. F
Johnson, Esq, Dr. S. W. Badger and
Lee S. Stacy, a committee to examine
and inquire Into the sanity of Grace
lee of Litchfield
Subscribe for The Record.
Only one of the 1.005 bills which
have been introduced In the Pennsyl-
vania legislature since the opening of
the present session on Jan. 1 has been
passed finally by both bodies and been
signed by Governor Stuart. This bill
authorizes commissioners to
uew bridges in place of those
deemed unsafe and was Introduced in
the House at the organlzation and was
approved by the governor last Fri-
This from an exchange Don't ask
the editor to publish a list of wedding
gifts Don't add to the terrors of
death by tacking stanzas of mere dog
gerel to an obituary notice. Don’t lug
an old second-hand clipping over a
column long on some threadbare top-
lc and tell the editor “the readers
would like to see It," and that (ts
something to All up with. Take him
a ton of beef or a pretzel, it fills up
quicker and is more speed producing
Nathanle! Wagner, a young man of
Readng refused to pay a fare of five
cents demanded of him for riding on
a passeneger train of the Reading rail-
road from the main depot to the
Franklin street station, in that city,
and also neglected to show a trip pass
that he had, belng an employe of the
company. The conductor had him ar-
rested for Illegal car riding and It
cost him $4.99
Readers of The Record, buy from
the merchant§ who have enough
gumption to ask for your patronage
through the columns of your favorite
local daily newspaper—The Valley
A. H. Murray, M.D.
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat and the proper fitting
Glasses. Hours: 9-13;
& $18
2 for 5c.
throughout the bod
grinate often, or a
pains and all female discases.
Gasvisves — Through
indoced ts try your Al
ample €
Boston, Mas
Yours truly
Cotenmsren, Conn,
me up
Large Sample Bottle by mail 10c.
Te Rent—A sult of modern unfur-
{nished rooms within a short distance
ord office.
Housekeeper —Middle aged lady pre
ferred Call or write to J. G. 419 Wav-
erly street, Waverly, N, Y.
Wanted-—A good girl or middle aged
women. Small family. Address or
call, Mrs H L Wolcott, No. 101,
North street, Athens 261-4
"irl Wanted for general housework.
Inquire 109 Packer avenue, Sayre,
Pa. 209-1
Mune room house, Clinton avenue on
street car line. E. W. Simmons, FarY
.ey's grocery, Waverly N. Y. 263-6
| House with all modern Improve
ments at 612 South Wilbur avenue,
corner of Madison street. Inquire of
G. W. Morse, 129 North Eimira street,
Athens or F. J. Taylor, Sayre. 2626*
East side double house, 6 rooms at
303 Maple street, Sayre. Possession
immediately. G. 8. VanScoten, Valley
phone 337¢ 202-6
For Rent—Lower flat, centrally lo-
cated, near shops. Inquire 319 West
Lockhart 260)-6°
Hooms and a half house for small
family. BE J. Neaves, druggist, Wav-
erly, N. Y.
melancholy; loosing
I hope you will give It prope
attention as | am needing it very m
Yours traly,
es. A. C. Tamron
Corcumsrun, Coww, July of, rong
| THE BLOODINE CO, Boston, Mass 1
vars truly,
| promptly
| Mus A.C Tamwyom,
Mail orders filled.
For Sale—House and lot, 129 Ei-
mira street, Athens, ten room house
with all modern Improvements. Two
acres or ground, fruit, etc. Inquire on
premises, 262-6°
For Sale-YCheap if sold at once. A
small house and lot in a desirable lo-
Apply to Mrs. Charles Claflin on
the premises 261-8
Por Sale—23 room house, all mod-
from shops, un easy terms Enquire
No. 207 North Lehigh avenue. : 260-8
For Sale—A No. 1 rubber-tired run-
about wagon, in excellent condition.
Bargain for an early purchaser. En-
quite of Paul BE Maynard, M. P. A.
block, Sayre. ar
For Sale—Fine driving horse, solld
bay, sound, kind and fearless of all
objects. Also. rubber-tired top bug-
gy, surrey, portland cutter, three Bare
nesses, robes and blankets. Bargain
to guick purchaser. Both phones J.
T. Corbin, Athens, Pa. : 251-
At Waverly, N. Y., building lof, ¢
venient to car line, large enough.
double house or 2 single houses.
particulars, Apply at 128
street. Waverly, N. Y.
J. MH. Soell, Athens, Pa, Con!
and Bullder. Also buildings mo
on short notice. 41