The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 12, 1907, Image 1

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¥ ==
Mr. Murphy
Overcoats worth
ad Overcoats worth $10.00
Bought for .. 73%
sEsEs saan as
and Overcoats worth
D. B. Heavy Reefers worth
Heavy Reefers worth 8.00,
mt —
'® and Youths’ Pants worth
3 can be Bought for.. "ns
f | and Youths’ Pants. worth
a be bought for ........ 03.00
pn's and Youths’ Pants worth
can be bought for .. $2.95
's and Youths’ Pants worth
ean be bought for ........018
i's and Youths’ Pants worth
can be bought for ........51.08
Knee Pants worth 75c¢c can be |
Knee Pants
bought for
Knee Pants
hought for ...
Furnishing Goeds '.
Shirts, soft and stiff
$1560 can be ought
on be]
‘can de!
Fine Dress
bosom, worth
‘Shirts, soft and sti
$1.00 can be bough 12
Shirts, soft and nr
| Ribbed Shirts, worth 50c,
i Boys’ Fleece Lined Underwear,
{worth 25¢, now . . 19¢
Riue Flannel Shirts, worth ne.
Blue Jersey Ribbed Shirts, worth
{ 76e, now
} EW inter Caps, worth $1.00,
Winter Caps, worth 70¢c,
Winter Caps, worth 50c,
Cotton Hose, worth 10e,
4 palrs
Cotton Hose worth be,
pairs for
Suspenders, worth 6
has many points in its favor that no
other present can approach. There
can be no doubts of its acceptability,
and If you would learn exactly what
a company of {irreproachable
Bayre, Pa
The constant repetition of deliver.
mg good coul das given us our repu.
tation, We haodle Lehigh Valley sad
snd Steam Coal
L103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Buildisg,
Both Phones.
Hill & Beibach's
For the Pinest Bears, Ales, Wines
and Cigars in the Valley,
Lockhart Street.
H.L. Towner, M.D,
Waverly. N. ¥.
If you buy from
No. 116 Erie Bt, Bayre
You get the tive Ask your meigh-
oo tails
Both Phones.
We Buy Junk.
— know that Blostein Bros
State Claims They Can Dis-
prove Mrs. Thaw's Story.
Jerome Blocked hy Sireaunous West.
ern Opponeni—ialsen Expert Call
od te Impugs Evelyn's Drug-
Ged Wine Testimony.
NEW YORK, March 12 - Lining up
his forces In rebuttal in the case of
Harry K. Thaw, District Attoruey Je
rome began Ly endeavoring to lay the
foundation for the introduction of the
affidavit sald to have Leen made by
Evelyn Nesbit In the office of Abraham
Hummel, He was blocked at every
turn, however, by objections from Mr
Delmas, leading counsel for the de
feuse, and soon switched lo the testi.
mouy of policemen who saw Thaw the
night of his arrest andl wbo declared
his actions seetued fo be those of a ra-
tional man,
Mr. Delian asked one of the oflicers
if be bad not overfreard Thaw iu his
cell say he hod heard the voices of wo
men crying out ~
The eoflicer sald there had Leen moO
The first witness called in rebuttal
by Mr. Jerome was Frederick W. Long:
fellow, one of the Thaw family's at-
torneys. He was questioned about
Evelyn Thaw's alleged affidavit in
which she was sald to have made
charges against Thaw,
Mr. Lougiviiow said he bud never
seen the atidavit until Jerome showed
lim the copy cu the wilness stand. He
el Thomas bad Leen served on Harry
Thaw. Ethel Thomas Is the girl Thaw
is alleged te have tial to a Ledpost aud
whipped The defense again objected
Mr. Delmas quoted at some length
from Mr. Jerome's remarks at the be
glaoning of the trial when Evelyn
Thaw was on the witness stand Mr
ferome at thht time sald that Mrs
Thaw's testimony was permissible oniy
as shewing lhaw's state of wind and
“That Is what the district attorney
sald.” declared Mr. Delmas, “from that
i lofty standpoint of judicial Impartial
We told hitn we would have
of the wife's story.”
“Now you do object” suapped Mr
“Yes, because you would not accept
our offer te walve aor right when the
story begun,” retorted Mr. Deimas
Mr. Jerome sald that more than two
years before Evelyn Nesbit told Thaw
the story which Is sald to bave unbal.
anced his mind be knew all about the
evil practices of wen In New York,
“Mri. Thaw herself says she was
told the story of Thaw tying a young
woman to a bedpost and beating her
That Is the story of Ethel Thomas”
declared the district attorney,
Mr. Delmas arose to protest. “I
must serfously object to the learned
district atioruey {estifying in (his case,
and I beseech Bl vot to continue to
give the jury as facts Lis undersiand-
ing of the poluts at issue” sald Del-
Justice Fitzgerald instructed the jury
to be gulded only by the sworn testi-
mony of witnesses and added that he
sustained the objection of the defense
to the question about Ethel Thomas
on the ground that Lougfellow was
acting as Thaw’s counsel and his deal-
Ings with him were confidential,
Lougfellow wus excused without
cross examination
Mr. Jerome sprung something of a
sensation by calling to the stand Dr
Rudolph Witthaus, a8 chemist and ex-
pert in poisons. The district attoruey
framed & hypothetical question cover
ing Evelyn Neabit's description of ber
night with Stauford White lo the studio
house and asked If thers was any
known polsou which would cause In
sensibility lu two winutes and permit
of the quick recovery testifisl to by
Thaw's wife
Around this vital point
as It did un path through which the
prosecutor could march his forces in
attack upon the truth or falsity of Mrs
Thaw's story, the storm of urguwent
raged for an bour or more Mr. Je
rome pleaded with Justice Fitzgerald
at great length Mr. Delwns ln reply
cited Mr Jerome's own woids at the
beginning of the trial
Mr. Jervine sald be was uot attacklug
the truth of the story. He was calling
for an expert opluion to the effect that
uo known drug would produce the ef
fect testitid to Ly Mrs Thaw
“My question Linlicates the answer 1
expect to get to this question.” sald
Mr. Jerome, “and If I can show there Is
no such polson In the world: If I can
show, in short, tht there was no such
oovurrence In the Twenty fourth street
house ss testified to, then It is for the
jury te infer whether or not Evelyn
Nesbit told her story to Thaw lu Paris
fo 1s"
Justice Fitzgerald bere sustained the
ubjection juterposed by the defense.
Coroner's Physiclan Lehane was re
called by Jerome to lestify us to bow
far he thought Thaw stood frow White
when shooting
Delmas objected, but Justice Fltager
ald allowed the witness to proceed. He
sald there were powder unrke on the
face. He was then excused
Police Over Dennis Wright was
called to the stand to testify as to con
versations he had with Thaw the night
of his arrest,
Mr. Delmas objected to the detalitug
of any conversations with the defend:
opening up
irrational at the time under the ruling |
of the court previously
“When | was In Madison avenue 1
saw him. I m=i 1 hig what the tron |
hie was He sakl he wanted me fo!
take Nm awas from the crowd He!
said to take hii: to the stutlon house ™
“Was there any wir i
“Yes. When we were In Fifth ave |
Hue some person unknown asked me)
it I knew the prisonef or what be had |
done | safd I dil not | asked the Je
fendant If he knew what be had done,
and be sald, “Yes [ asked him If Le!
knew who It was he bad killed He
sald he would =ay nothing until he
reached the station house. He asked |
ine for a light offered me a cigar and
then wanted ta fake a cab to the
tion. bat I would not agree ™
“Were his getlous rational er irra |
tional 7
On cress examination Mr. Delinns |
asked the witneas a few gnestlons
to when he had first told his story
Officer Wright created some
ment by replying once to Mr, Delmas |
as “No, your hanor™
Police Sergeant David MeCarthy,
who was on duty at the station house
the night Thaw was arrested] next tes
tiled. He =ald Thaw had described]
himself as John Smith, thirty-three!
years of age, white Lorn In the 'nited
States, a student residing at 13 la-
fayette square. Washington
“1 asked him who he had shot” con- |
tinued Rergeant McCarthy, “and he|
sald. “I think I had Letter not =ay any-|
thing at present ™
“Were his actions rational or irra-
tional >
“Rational.” !
Police Captain William Hodgins was
the first witness called after recess. |
captain Hodgins sald Thaw the night |
of the tragedy seectned to him “more!
rational than irrational” |
He was excused without cross exam- |
imation : |
Ar. Jerowe also called Janies Ciinch
Smith, a brotheriu law of Stanford
White, to the stand, and another long
argument ensued. Mr. Smith was ofl |
the Madison Square roof garden the
night of the tragedy He Kpew Thaw |
and spoke with him that evening He|
=ald Thaw sti=xl in the alsle a8 minute
or mote after reaching his seat and!
looked over the audience lutently i
Mr Delmas objected to this, and It!
was stricken out of the recond fhe at |
torney for the defense also objected
to Mr. Smith testifying at all, saving
he should have Leen produced during |
the presentation of the in chief. |
Mr. Jerome sald Smith was in Enrope |
when the state's ense first was present. |
od. He threw himself upon the discre
tion of the court, and the matte:
pending when an adjourunient was or
“We've got evidences to show an
for White, and we'll do it ton
court will let u<”
This statement
recess was taken fo the
me of the principal prosecating
He sald that by the photographer,
Elichelmeyer, who made the pictures
of Evelyn ou the day before swore
she told Harry =he had Leen drugged
by White, te could prove that White
wag not in town the next day. Evelyn
was uncertain as to the exact date
hut by Elchelmeyer Mr. Jerome hopes
to fix it and thus to show that Eve
iyn's story was made of whole cloth.
suse |
vil se
f the
made when a
Thaw trial by
Evelyn's Grandmother Bitter.
PITTSBURG, March 12 —A remark
able statement, written and signed by
the mother and two sisters of the late
W. Scott Nesbit, futher of Evelyn Nes
uit Thaw, has been received here from
Miles City, Mont, where the Neshit
connection resides. It Is a repudiation
of Mr=. Charles J. Holman, Evelyn
Thaw's mother The statement ac
cuses Mrs Holman of “sacrificing her
child's sonl for money by which to lve
without effort” and adds that “under
neath the fair and fragile Leanty of
Evelyn Thaw there lies a stratum of
pure gold.” It also suggests that Pitts
barg and Allegheny “should rise in
their indignation” against Mrs. Hol
man and burn ber ln effigy”
Nan Patterson Moves
PITTSRURG, March 12 Nap Pat
terson, now Mes I. GU Martin, who Is
still under Indictment la New York for
the murder of Caesar Young the
maker, bas left this city, and It is
by au attorney herve who was oo
el In her affairs that her decision *
QO away was prompted by District At
toruey Jerviue of New York
Twe Bodies In Fire Rulns
GREENVILLE, Me, March 12 Tha
axdles of Superintendent A, WN Wi
kins and his assistant, Arthur Hersey
are thought to Iw lu the rains of th
state fish hatchery at Squawbriok
which was burned here,
tigation has been begun to determin
whether there was foul play the
Both Wilkins and bis assistant
who were the only persons kuown to
have been at the hatchery, are wisn
thouzlh the ruins were too Lot to
overhauling, something
charred form
in the embers of the
connected with the
The loss is $5000
nid an inves
permit of
could be
dwelling Louse
hatchery building
Nefuses to Pat Rass Benvien Out,
General IL, C White, high sheriff of
Providence county, sent a letter to Gov
ernor James H, Higgins stating that he
will pay no attention to the demand of
Governor Higgins that the sheriff bar
froos his office mt the state capitol Gen
eral Charles R. Braylon. Governor
Higgine wrote a letter to Sheriff White
demanding that General Brayton be
removed from the statehonse, claiming
that he was using the sheriff's office
practices and
>eapitol wae
Richest Capitalist Strangely
Missing on Pacific Ocast.
Minneapolis Lumber Magnate Left
Home to Inspect His Foresis In
the West and lias Complete.
i» Disappeared.
Frederick Weserhauser, the western
lumber capitalist, whose wealth has
been reported to be in excess of that of
John DI). Rockefeller, has been missing
and his friends and
Associales throughout the
are alarmed over his disap
Fear Is expressed by some
hands of kid
ilug him for ran-
napers, who are hol
Mr. Weyerhauser left Minneapolis
some weeks ago to Inspect his forests
in the west. lle was seen when he ar
rived In 8an Francisco and was recog
nized at Santa Barbara about noon last
Friday on a traln bound for this cits
Since that time all trace of him has
been last. The mystery of his where
abouts is increased by the fact that
Robert IL. McCormick, confidential wan
to the wmliilionalire, was not with him
when he started on the trip and Is now
as moch in the dark as any one
A thorough search is being made for
the missing man, all rallmad officials
and trainmen having been notified to
Keep a sharp jookont for him. Inquiry
at the leading hotels of this city and
Pasadena have not resiiited In any
information, and there will now be a
general search of the Pacific slope
Mr. Weyerhauser, oho seventy
three years of age, wears a gray beard
and mustache and is bald. When last
seen he was dressed in a dark suit of
clothes and wore a dark bow tle
Mr Weyerhauser was horn in Nieder
saulbelm, southern Germany, In ISH
and worked lo a vinevant! until he was
eighteen years of age le came to
America In INS2 and settled In Erle,
Pa. From there he went to Rock Is
and, Il, begnu work (na sawmill and
later became one of the owners
From there he moved to Wisconsin
and. seeing the possibiiities of the Inm-
ber business, settled there In 1872 he
organized the Weverhauser syndicate
and became president of the Mississip-
pl River Boom and Logging company
which Is gow Interested in nearly every
lomber camp In the northwest The
company recently paid £00000 for
the plant of the C. N. Nelson company
at Colquet, Wis
According to a magnrine article pub-
lished a few months ago, Mr. Weyer.
Bauser is In partnership with several
hundred men, hut never lets any one
of them know of his dealings with the
others. The assertion wade in
this same article that Mr. Weverhaus
er and not John I. Rockefeller
the richest man In the world, but an
inquiry among lumber experts showed
that this statement was a gross exag
geration Lumber men who ought to
he In a position to know estimate Mr
Weserhauser's fortune at
(00) Ou
about $20.
lias wen de
missing man's life
to the a quisitio
He never attends put
erfugs and vever makes
It Ix business for him frow the
be rises until he goes to
entirely n
1 social
Frust Heaten
March 12. In
Armor Pintle
case of the United
Bethlehem Stew
claim by the company for $21 000 with
held by the government for
delay lu deliveriug six disappearing gun
carriages wade by the
INOS, the supreme court
States deliverwd
to the government The
the court of clals, favorable
company versed
remanded to that conrt
Ha a
cotupany, invol
as pe liality
oilprany in
of the United
A decision favorable
to the
and the case
Was nw
More “Nest Friends of Mrs, Bddy,
CONCORD, NH March 12 Fred
W. Baker of Epsom, N H., a second
cousin of Mrs Mary Baker G. Eddy,
and Dr. F. J Foster Eddy of Water
bury, Vt, Mrs Eddy's adopted sou,
have Lecome additional parties plain
HIT ar “next friends” of Mrs Biddy LE
the bill In equity brought to secure au
accounting «of her property against the
leaders of the Clristian Science church
Boatfaul of Greeks Drovwned
REDDING, Cal, March 12 Twenty
four Greek laborers started to cross
The boat capsize], aml twenty-two of
the men were drowned. Four bodies
have been recovered. The mem were
‘employed by the New DelmarPitt rail.
Our first complete showing of
new styles In Fancy Dress Goods
is now ready for your Inspection.
The display covers everything In
color and pattern that
fashion demands,
Home and
Have yiclded their very best pro ;
ducts for this annual exhibition,
which bas come (0 be ~ecopnized
by well informed pec; lc =: the
of fashions
events In this neighborhood.
For This
Try and
Get into the Fancy Dress Goods
Store some time this week. The
exhibition covers our entire sioek
Will You
Call On
Us Ther:-
and See
This wonderful collection of pew
fabrics, which Includes.
every novelty and staple weave of
You are cordially fn
vited to look and stay as long .
most importani
the day.
Buying Is
Talmadge Diock, Elmer Avenue.
Valley Phove. iy
for a plumber
who will do your
work just right
You can stop
right here. Send
for and we
will respond
promptly and do
work. quick-
For a Plumber
to slight or loiter
over his work we
consider decided-
ly poor pulicy, So
work Is
of the hurry-up
order. but with-
wut slighting. In
fact the only
part we are care
less about is the
bill We have
gut Into the habit
of not charging
enough, so other
plumbers say. ’
West Lockhart St.
[ can furnish laborers for companies
and all Kinds of contract work. I oan
get LOGO men in three days’ time, and
do not charge foi this service. 3
Waverly, N. Yu
The Valley Record fills vedere
job printing on shorter
all our
Both Phones,
h tl in
WY She rants