The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 06, 1907, Image 3

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Mops, Mop Sticks
Wash Boards
Wash Benches
A Full Line of
Everything for
Wash Day.
fo the old Postoffice
-gite and
Ready For
alley Record
‘Want Ads.
own paper; don't bor
Southern Skies” at the
, & former Sayre drug-
g on old friends here to-
extracted honey, at
the grocer, South El-
figured that there are
punds of ice in the Sus-
at the present time.
dressmaking done by
Sisson at 110 Hospital
phone 244y. 247-26t
express business Is
extra coaches have to
convey the extra mat-
prayer meeting at the Bap-
prrow night the quar-
} mbeting of the church
which at one time sup-
1s, will remain a dry
to the decree of the
licenses were asked for
but they were refuse.
“Barrington Hall”
Patent process steel cof-
, chaf removed) on sale
ght's grocery, South El-
; 262-5L
The Record for main mine.
Gieal resuits from Record Want Ada.
Read your own paper; don't bor-
During the session of license court
at Wilkes-Barre on Monday, 433 sa-
loon licenses were refused.
The Business Men's association will
hold their regular monthly meeting
this evening in the association rooms
The typhoid fever in Scranton Is at
an end, and Mirs Alice O'Holleran, the
| Wizzard Which Haged for an Hour
| Last Night, Changed Weather Con
3 -
! The apring weather of yesterday was
interrupted last night about eight
io'clock by a sudden furry of snow
‘which fell
‘hour and made travel exceedingly un-
pleasant for those who found it nec-
‘essary to be out of doors - The storm
{came without warning. aad within two |
minutes after it began a wild blizeard |
{was in progress. Inside of a half hour |
the ground was covered with three |
inches of the “beautiful”
which accompanied it caused the snow
‘to drift in places.
on the sireets of Sayre when the bliz-
ard began but they made a rush for
shelter. Pedestrians who were out in
the storm any
literally enveloped In snow,
wouldn't be recoguized by their Dest
friends Facing the blizzard It was
impossible to see three “set ahead, and
‘even on well lighted streets pedes-
trians had considerable difficulty in
keeping on the sidewalks At 8:30
o'clock the storm ceased
The<trolley officials pressed the
snow plough Into service and the
tracks were kept clear during the
night. Drifts caused some trouble hut
the cars were kpet moving and traf-
fic was not delayed
bly Now Safe in York State.
who was arrested on Monday even-
ing. charged by Goodwin Bristol with
larceny by ballee, [afled to show up
at the hour set vesterday afternoon
for a hearing, and his bail was de-
ciared forfeited Bates
Health to take charge of the work of
nursing the victims, has returned to
her home
It is feared that the new two-cents
per mile rate which recently became
effective, will lessen a number of
cheap rate excursions to
Mrs. Olive Nichols, who has been
employed at the Wilbur House for the
past four years, has given up her po-
sition and has gone to reside with her
daughter, Mrs Clarence Hozen, of 185
Cayuta street " Her many friends re-
gret her absence
“Josh™ White, who yesterday sev-
ered his connection with the Wilbur
how» where he had been employed
for several years as porter, left last
night for Buffalo, where he has ac-
cepted the position of janitor of large
apartment house
“Under Southern Skies’
was given
company is a strong one and those
who attended the performance say
that It was fine. The production will
be repeated this evening
The ground hog is making good
Ever since the little animal came out
of his hole on the 2d of February and
saw his shadow the weather has been
of the solid winter variety. There are
weather, during which time blizzards
and the like may be expected in abun-
Street Commissioner Fields was en-
gaged yesterday In “roughing” the
slippery walk In front of the M. P
A. building on Lockhart street. This
sidewalk, which Is constructed of con-
crete. had a slippery, greasy surface,
which was exceedingly dangerous for
pedestrians. At a recefit meeting of
the council it wag decided to
walks of this charcater in the bor-
ough “roughed”
less lability for accident
One of the church conferences In
session. in this state last week ap-
by Burgess Foyle.
engaged in laying
lobby of the Na-
When the ea-
‘the Interior of the
| employe of the
on Lockhart
| to the hospital
orfal to the various congregations of
the conference for an increase of pay
for the pastors. This is the spirit
of the times—wages generally are
Truly, the laborer is worthy of his
hire, and if thq denominated disciples
of Him who p ulgated that rule are
not to be Included In its working, why
apply it anywhere? Surely, preachers
as a class deserve higher pay, and
the action of conference making the
matter a live issue Is a commedable
step. .
Shirt Waist Sale.
The Waverly Racket Store Is now
displaying a large line of shirt waists
sylvania officers, and the latter will
not shed any tears. The only one
who will express any grief at his ab-
sence is the white woman with whom
he “boarded” In Milltown
Her Sth Birthday.
The many friends of Mrs E M
Ovenshire gave her a most pleasant
surprise yesterday, the occasion be-
ing her 78th birthday. She is one of
the best known wonren of the valley
and bas resided here continuously for
over 60 years. Friends began gath-
ering at her home, No. 710 Desmond
street about o'clock vesterday
morning, and later In the day the
house was well filled with guests
Refreshments were served and Mrs
Ovenshire was the recipient of many
handsome presents It was late In
the evening wher her friends departed
wishing her-many more happy birth-
Mike Boyle
will be
Justice Nelson
given a hearing
this afternoon
on a charge of non-sgpport preferred
by Boyle's wife
The W, CT 1! of Savre will meet
Elmer Gregory,
413 Key:ztone avenue, Thursday afto
2 o'clock
H. H. Mercereau, went to Ul
ster this afternoon, having been call-
ed there on account of the critical ill
ness of his grandmother, Mrs. Polly
Esq :
Mr. Ellery Stone. formeriy of Wil-
Uamsport, Pa, accepted a
as watchmaker at |
elry store. Mr
| recommended,
experienc °
A. Samuel's jew-
Stone comes highly
has had several years
on fine watches and is
properly fitted to take care of the
large repair trade established by the
late Mr. R. B. Camp at the above men-
tioned jewelry store
Que of the handsomest scemes ever
placed upon a stage is-shown In “Un-
der Southern Skies” in the first act
setting The scene represents a
southern country home, and is true
In every detail; ag the models were
made from photographs of a famous
old southern home taken by Lottie
Blair Parker, while on a visit to one
Louisiana. At the Loomis opera house
this evening,
Bad for the Treat.
Anglers state that the wenther ex-
perienced during February f(s very
unfavorable for good trout fishing
!when the scason opens. Low water
ice, they clalm, to be a
rure indication that sport will be poor
after the season opens. .,
Repairs to Boilers at the New Shops
linve Been Made and Operations
Resumed, .
The m=n employed in the new shops
ireturned to work this morning, after
last Friday
norning at ten o'clock when the shops
shut down in order (pat repairs could
be made to the grates under the boll
ers. [It is sald that about fifteen car-
{loads of cinders were taken from un-
derueath bollers.
For some time previous to closing
{down it was Impossible to furnish the
‘amount of steam necessary to operate
‘the plant. An Investigation develop-
ed the fact that the grates underundith
ihe boilers were in bad condition and
lit was decided to make repairs The
! repairs have now been made and no
further trouble Is expected
The Counell Will Now Decide as to
the Number Which Will Be Needed.
At a meeting of the “fire board held
n last evening It was decided to rec-
ommend to the council that the Lar-
kin nozzle be purchased for the Sayre
ifire department. This is the nozzle
which there has been consider-
rbie contention. Several of them were
sent here for trial, but through a
riisunderstanding to the price they
vere sent back to the company by
the chief enginéer. The council at
iis last meeting decided to leave the
matter of selecting a nozzle to the
{fire board. The council, however, will
{determine the number to be purchas-
lC. i. Austin Hos Been Named to Sue-
ceed John Pickley.
C. A. Austin, a former chief clerk
for the Pennsylvania division of the
Lehigh, but who has recently been a
| transportation, has been
trainmaster at this place,
Meet In Special Session and Unde
Monday Evenlng’s Reprohensible
the main room of the Bradford cour ‘y
the office of chief of police.
charges were preferred against
from duty
investigated The citizens,
feel that the council has done
chief an injustice, and at the meeting |
held last night resolutions were pass-
this Mr
is claimed that Mr
punished first, and will be tried af-
terward. The resolutions character
ize this act as olaysne
The council is also asked to meet |
the work of Monday night
lieved that the solons will
It is be
Snug Harbor a Hit.
plished through the American
than by presenting pure and whole-
some plays, that pleture life where
every act is for the good and better-
ment of mankind, ereating In
ance a desire to
better life
“Snug Harbor
Loomis opera house on néxt Saturdas
afternoon and evening with the clever
actor Henry Horton in the leading
part of Cap'n Dan Dawson, an old
and philosopher. All the char-
promoted to trainmastef. Mr
occupied the chief clerk's desk in the
superintendent's office during
of R. W. Baxter
youig man of fine qualities, and with |
‘all is known as a good railroader
the regime
{Married Thirty Years, Now Divorced.
After thirty years In wedlock, Myrtle
tHesley of Columbia X Roads, on Mon-
partner of over a
tury. John Besley
ried at Coluggbia X Roads on Nov
15. 1876, three children being
of the union According to the plain-
quarter of a ce
They were mar-
serted her in September 1500 without
Just canse or provocation, and on the
sustaining of that allegation in the
court was legally separated,
now to all marriage
naturally dead
to her relative
VOWR Lesley
Yard Conductor Squeezed.
0 5S Mcbhounald
a Lehigh Valley
was caught between
and a pasenger coach
forenoon and quite severe-
ly squeezed
a shift engine
in coupling the coach to the engine
and before he could withdraw was
caught between the bumpers. He Is
somewhat bruised about the hips but
his Injuries are not of a serious pa-
Rallroud Gate Dropped on Driver.
Another rallroad crossing accident
occurred in Wilkes-Barrd this morn-
ing. William F. Morrissey,
kes-Barre agent for the Singer Sew-
wus driving across
the Hazle street crossing, of the Le-
rapid rate. The gateman
dorpped the gates and one of them
came down on Morrissey as he sat in
his wagon
rear wheels of the wagon as i* flew by
Morrissey was severely injured by the
His condition is not danger-
Excellent Entertainment.
A large and appreciative audience
I'he entertainment given by Elias
and Orgnne Truitt Day,
one of the best of the course
Mrs. Day proved to be a most excel-
lent elocutionist, and Mr
jacterizations wers “eartily anplauded
{His Colonel Fayerweather of Ken-
ftucky was especially good,
country store
loafer produced peals
of 'afehter
Novelties in Furniture.
New novelties in Fine Furniture has
just been received at the D. 8. Andrus
|& Co. Plano and Musié Store, 128 Des-
mond street, Sayre, Pa. Will be sold
on the D. 8. Andrus & Co. Easy Pay-
sm It desired. Popular
are beautifulily blended The
iequipment is most elaborate. In the
third act a wonderfully realistic
storm at sea Is hown with a full rig-
iged ship rolling and tossing In the
| grasp of the giant ocean. No great-
ler stage effect has ever been produc-
{ed The company have been careful-
the charming
Miss Louise Hardenburgh In
Snug Harbor” every effort has been
{made to give the theatregoing public
{a dramatic offering that will be long
i remembered
young ac-
{Ice Jam, Not Ice Famine, This Year.
In view of the fact that Sayre has
seen one of the greatest runs of cold
{weather that has been experienced at
this season for several years, people
{are beginning to anticipate trouble
when the Ice gorge goes out of the
Susquehanna. At present there are
some signs of a change, and a warm
spell would send thousands of tons of
ice down the river. All danger of an
ice famine has passed. and the ques-
tion now resolves itself into one of
Summer's commodity
Gibson —-C siloned.
In respouse to a great demand,
Ulbson Picture Series of The Sunday
World will not end Another medal-
lion head will be given next Sunday
culated except In Mr Gibson's
exclusinve and high-priced books
This drawing will be followed by a
new series of Gibson's drawings. twice
the size of the series we have ben giv-
{ing away. Order the New York Sun-
[day World from newsdealer
Italian Stole Coal
Special Officer Shafler of the Lehigh
Valley detective force went to Tow-
unda this afternoon on No. 4 to arrest
jan [tallan who was caught stealing
{coal from a gondola at that place yes-
terday afternoon A man employed
iby Supervisor Kane saw the [tallan
lon top of a car shoveling the coal Into
{bags. The man learned the Italian's
{name and noted the detectives
Met and Adjourned.
The Sayre borough school drectors
{met for a short time in the superin-
tendent’'s room at the high school
| building night The board ad-
Journed without transacting any busl
An entertainment was being
{held in the high school and the board
{attended in a body
At the Loomis Tonight.
One of the chief charms of
{Southern Skies
[tuming of the characters
{lod In which the story is laid,
the early
the actors will be found, by
whose memories carry them back, to
be faithful and accurate in every re
is In
205 Desmond street
4 4 : 4
iSenators Edmiston Will Try to Land
Good Jobs For Veterans,
State Senator Edmiston is quoted as
{saving that he is planning to place
iaboutl 40 veterans of the Civil war ino
| positions liviihood
He sald that
soon be many opportunities
where means of
| could be easily gained
theie wil
{for appointments
jand he had
i5 health inspectors
asked to be
iame all the
permitted to
inspectors in his sena-
{torial district
| While his has Rot been
| granted he though that he could fight
{the and that he
allowed to appoint
He said he would
entirely to
jas he thought they
request through
douid probably be
iabout 40 men
give the places veterans
were more desers
ing than any other class of men
Proposed Law Raises \ge Limit to
Conform With Child Laber
Educators and manufacturers are
very im-
are now before the
‘mutually interested in
portant bills which
i House
Committee on Education
week before the
ian open hearing will
place within the
imitiee. One of these bills presented
by Mr Falr, Westmoreland, raises the
{age limit of children compelled to at
{tend school from 13 This
is for the purpose of harmonizing the
compulsory which
provides that children under 14 vears
to 14 years
educational law
of age must attend school
The present education-
al law fixes the limit at 12 years, and
there has been a dis
crepancy of one year between the fac
law and the compul-
law regarding school
tory inspection
sory educationa
One of the principal
the bill presented by Mr
of Tioga. Is that
lic attendance
features of
allowing the
officer to
children are
enter fac
employ ed
in the
officer to
13 no provision present
law allowing this enter
factories employing children and
he has been ruthlessly Kept out when-
he has
Keen, the
made an attempt to in-
of the law. Miss
Philadelphia philan
Is sald to be responsible for
Freight Car Takes Freak Run Down
Heavy Grade.
Bryan Moone y the
between Hazleton
conductor of
and Freeland, had an exciting adven
Monday morning, while shifung
freight the Freeland
A car on which he was standing got
and ran down the heavy grade
Drifton in the
the chain broke and noting his
the speed of the car
he jumped from the speeding car into
injury The
short distance around the curve when
it left the track and ploughed Into the
bank on the side of the The
wreck crew removed the
local Valley
cars at station
Inability to stop
a SNOW landing without ser!
ous car continued a
For Home Amusement,
One of tha
ers known Is the
The DD S Andru
Musle 128
Sayre, Pa
greatest home entertain
Edison Phonograph
& Co
Plano and
Store, street
carries a complete line of
records and phonographs
Sheet music also at
for 5
popular prices
15¢c per copy numbers wed-3
] Subscribe for The Record
Comfortable i,
Furniture Z%
You will find at-
tractive pieces for
every room in the
house among this
collection, and what
you lack in assort-
ment will be more
than made up in
price, for we are de-
termined to make a
prompt clearance of
all small lots.
Valley Phone 191 a WA
rs and tobacco users, here is
thing that will interest you. With
five purchase atl my slors
will be given a prem-
n coupon, and the man holding the
est amount of tickets every week
w given a pair of link buttons,
t# silver sugar shell.
also redeemable
department and will
payment for jewery.
represents one-quarter
a cent in trade for every Be
and it will therefors
that they are valuable
Remember that [ give a coupon with
each and every purchase at my store,
no matter what you bny. Save your
you will be surprised
rapidly they will accumu
Here is a sample of the coupon
with each purchase:
| Hr rt rer er CEP E200
{* Present this check at our #
I+ Jewelry Department and It will ©
+ be accepted in Payment for ¢
{+ Jewelry. *
+ W. (. WALKER *
+ Manufacturer of Fine Clgars and *
+ Smokers’ Artic les; also +
+ Postal Cards *
+ 105 Packer Ave. Sayre, Pa. ®
FETIP TERRE 0 00000000
A. J. Green
! Contractor “and “Bulider,
Clans and Estimates Furnished
625 Stevenson St. Valley Phone 112.
it pin or Hogs
The co
our jewelrs
ipons are
accepted In
be seen
{io see how
Thirk of the time
saved in themorn-
ig! Acditchops
virything clse,
Saves Thue,
Labor, Money.
Rooms are
Brothers Dining and Lunch
always supplied with the
the market and served In good
It Is our endeavor to make you
and happy We sollelt
Sayre, Pa.
best In
110 and 226 Desmond St,
The man whe SEERS experience
may seek it anywhere.
NR ns