The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 01, 1907, Image 2

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    Waverly—There has been arumor
days past to the effect that E E
Walker was going to run for village
president, on either the Democratic
{ticket, or as an independent candi-
| date
| The report has Been discredited by
many, and Mr. Walker was inter
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
every afternoon except
at 203 West Lockhart street,
., $3.00 per year; 5c
per month.
Advertising rates reasonable, and
known on application.
. as second-class matter May
1905, at the postoffice at Sayre,
Act of Congress of
E. Wood, Representative
3 and advertising matter may
fat Greggs Racket Store, Wav-
Alter 12 o'clock noon call the main
te at Sayre. both phones
It i An Up-to-Date Concern, and is
pated al 111 East Water Street,
Waverly—G. S. McGlenn & Co, the
“well known clothiers of Waverly have
opened & store in Elmira It Is lo-
‘cated at No 141 East Water street,
and like the establishments of the
frm in Waverly and Troy, Pa, will
i strictly up-to-date in every partic-
The store will be opened (omorrow
for the inspection of the public at
t city. The Elmira store is merely
"an extension of the business of the
firm and the store at Waverly will be
Tub the same as heretofore. During
the time that the sicre has been con-
ducted In Waverly Mr. McGlenn has
many friends who will wish him
best of success in his new venture
‘Weather During February,
Waverly—The local weather report
f shows that 12% inches of snow fell
‘during the month of February, and
‘that the total precipitation during the
month was 133 inches
"The mean temperature for the
month was less than it has been dur-
ng any February during the past five
years. The daily minimum average
the month was 848 degrees, as
Against 10.40 last year. The highest
temperature wis on February 5, when
ter registered 485 above,
the lowest was on the 7th when
went to 15 below zero
There were two clear days during
‘month. 11 cloudy and 15 partly
He Wanted a Drink.
Waverly—Last evening a lumber-
“man who hails from the wild of Pot-
er county, came to Waverly, and he
Drought a taste for liquor with him
He had quite a load on board, and at
one o'clock in the mborning he enter-
a saloon, and demanded a drink
‘was refused, and so he announced
“intention of getting it any way
started io to do so with the result
he was thrown On the
his complaints were long and
fd, with the result that he fell into
hands of the police and he was
ip. This morning he plead
gullty and was fined $3 which he
Will Inftinte Class of Thirty
Waverly—There will be a class of
‘candidates initiated Into the C. M
A. lis evening The meeting will
he held in the Hed Men's hall. The
degree team from Syracuse, and Vice
President Danie! Sheehan of Eimira,
| also be in attendance At the
usion ¢f the meeting there will
viewed this morning and stated most
emphatically that he was nol a can-
didate for the office, and would not
accept the nomination on any tickekt
whatever Andrew Hildebrand, who
has been mentioned as a candidate
for trustee also says that he will not
run for that office
Pn. T. b. Club Meeting.
club met yesterday afternooa at the
home of Miss Julia Park, and the fol-
lowing excellent “As ren-
Plano solo “Flowers and Ferns.~
Miss Carrie Baker
0 Dry Those Tears.”
Del Rigo
Vocal solo
Dorothy Atwater
Plano duet, "Sunflower Dance.”
wes : Engleman
Gladys Wood and Margaret Tew
Paper Incident in the Life of Mo-
zart, Blanche Robinson
Plano solo. “Am den Fruhling.”
Edward Greig
Barbara Lawrence
Vocal solo
Piago solo
Geirjrude Slaughter
cn ———
This Is the Place.
To get your hair cut, 15; shave
10c; shampoo, 15¢; halr singed, 16c;
whiskers trimmed, 10c; sea foam, 5¢;
massage, 15c; moustache dyed, 25¢c;
hair dyed, §1.00, ladies’ hair switches,
cheap. razors honed 26¢c; shears
sharpened, 10c; scissors, 6c; new
handles on razors, 25¢. If you have
sczema call and get Lockerby's ecze-
ma cure, a bottle. Thousands
of testimonials can be furnished. Bait
Ash on hand the year round Lacker-
by is also an expert taxidermist
Lockerby’s barber shop, 418 Waverly
itreet, Waverly. 236-6m
Dropped Dead at Auburn.
Waverly—Harry Wheeler, a former
res'dent of Waverly dropped dead yes-
terday on the streets of Auburn from
attack of heart trouble He was
a pattern maker by trade, and for-
worked for Hall & Lyons in
this He left Waverly about
15 years ago. He had many friends
in Waverly who will hear of his tak-
ing off with deepest regret. At the
time of his death his wife and two
children were in Mobile, Alabama.
spending the winter
Joined the Elks.
Gore, Harvey Brewster, G
Howard, E S. Se-
Waverly—Last evening E S
ford, A. K
DPD Genung, F. L
bring. F A. Bell,
and Dr. W. M. Hilton went
Owego, and were initiated into
lodge of the ‘Elks. There was a class
of 16 who went in at that rime
was a large number of members of
that order from Waverly, Elmira and
other places in attendance
Keeeived Flue Present.
Waverly—W. H. Hilton, who has
been employed in the N. P. L. offices
al Waverly has been given a leave of
absence from the offices for a time,
and will go to Elmira where he will
assist J H. Land, the N. P. I. agent
that district. It is his intention
eturn to the office after 4 lime
When he lef. his fellow employes made
hime 4 present of a very handsome
The local
J. F. Shoe-
has received a new minimum
This new one is to
the which has been in
the years. The oid
one was numbered 147, and the new
instrument number 9171
weather man
thermometer from
weather bureau
displace old
use for past 20
bears the
choli Pre ‘pyterian
requested re-
coming Sunday evening at the regu-
lar church service
have been
peat program g:.ven
Wanted, Girl to learn dressmaking
Mrs. G. M. Legg. 379 Broad stregt.
Leigh Osborn
city yesterday
went to New York
C. 0. Hoagland went to Litchfield
this moruing
Stuyvesant Fish In Turn Ac-
cuses Harriman.
Sew York's Big Financiers Each
Charge the Other With Using Cor
poration’s Money to Further
Thelr Own Schemes.
NEW YORK, Feb 28 Stuyvesant
Fish, whe, E H. Harrimao testified
at the interstate commerce tngairy
here, was deposed as president of the
Iilinois Central rallroad because he
! had used funds of the company in his
own interest apd put its money on de
posit with a small trust concern on
the verge of bankruptey, made a reply
in which he declared that Harriman
himself had borrowed millions from
the Illinois Central raliroad, of which
he was a director .
“1 have little to-say.” sald Mr. Fish
when asked if he wished to reply to
sr Harriman “1 shall not be drawn
jute a wmugle with that gentleman.
He and I sustained close relations for
many vears amd were jointly interest
ed In many large affairs, All of these
transactions, as indeed all tmusactions
i in which I have engaged, will bear the
{ clasest scrutiny
“It was at my instance that Mr. Har-
riman was made a director of the 1li-
nols Central company, and we got
along quite well until he became am
bitions to make the llinols Central a
part of the Union Pacific system. 1
disdd not believe thix would be In the
interest of the stockholders of the 11H
nols Central, for whom 1 held a trust,
and then and there Mr. Harriman and
{ parted company
He Is quite right In saying that |
borrowed funds from the HHinols Cen
tral. but he should have added that the
loan was made at a when
were most anxious to put out some of
the surplus, that | hunted from bank
to bank to lean our money, that this
particular loan was made on collateral
trhich was unquestionably ample and
marketable, that sever! of the other
directors borrowed from the company
in the same way amd fpally that Mr
fIarriman himself while a director bor-
rowed from the company In precisely
the manner frequently and In
sums aggregating several millions of
Ax a matter of business 1 did not
then regand Ht
Ww When
ired to repay
time we
ax lmproper, nor do 1
fall of 1993, 1 de
the debt 1 proposed to
segotiate a new loan from Kuhn, Loeb
£ Co Mr. Harriman asked me not to
do =o and volunteered to lend me the
sum himself, and | accepted his offer
“Respecting the deposits with the
Trust of the Republle, it
should be sald that this institntion was
one of the many New York trust cow-
with. which we carried ne
that the sums on deposit flne-
tunted with the general conditions of
our very large business and that there
in the
was no padding’ of aceonnts by me
I'he posit was never in danger. |
of the
til never au officer
the acquisition of the
Southern is
was a trustee
| of the Republic
I'rust Company
| Indianapolis
{ only necessary
to refer to the reconds
{of the IHinols Centra! company, which
{win tht action was fully
| and formally approved by the direct.
| ore’ -
“The Beauly Doctor.”
show Hi
| Will Philbrick, the general comed-
{jan whose acrobatic and facial con-
tortions and funny work so pleased
jour (beatregoers when “The Beauty
{ Doctor” was last seen bere, will still
{throw the public Into spasms of
{laughter ,when the new edition of the
{plece comes to the Loomis opera
{house on Saturday evening Many
{new and good things are promised by
| Manager Wright In this “second edi-
ition” of the big musical comedy, and
new faces, both among the comedians
and chorus In addition to those who
danced, sung laughed themselves
into popular favor, are to be a por-
{tion of the new things served up by
the beauty crafe melangs” On a Pa-
per and a Comb.” sung by Marie Hy-
lands with the chorus as Coster Boys
and Girls, is one of the features, while
Myron Brown, Farewell” with Mr
Philbrick and the chorus, Is one of
the most encored pleces among the
{yenson’s new musical offerings. “Come
Down, Mr. Man In the Moon,” is a
semi-sentimental ballad given with
ithe dancing strength of the company.
| “My Flower of the South” with Mr
{Farrington and chorus, with the beau-
!titul southern flower, the magnolia,
(very much in evidence
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism.
Painful in its mildest form, quickly
becoming an agony or torture if neg-
‘ected. When you feel the first pain
in the muscles, the slight stiffness
Ne Occasion fe Fear Tall of -
Pittsburg—Another big sun spot is
due about Friday of this week, ac-
cording to John A. Brashear, the Al-
legheny astronomer, who discovered
the big sun spot several weekks ago
Mr. Brashear observed five small
spots Monday. There is a possibility
that the large one that is coming will
disintegrate, but the present indica-
tions are it will be at hand [Its full
effect will not be perceived on the
sarth until the middle of next week,
when they may be electrical disturb-
ances caused by the great solar phe-
Johnsicwn, Pa —Fivé employes of
the Pennsylavnia Raliroad Company
have beer arrested, charged with loot-
ing the wreck of the Pennsylvania
Special, which went down the moun-
tain side last Friday night The ar
rests were made by Detective C. A
Robinson. of this city. The men un
fer arrest are Brakeman Charles E
Hoover and John Hall, Peter Grobin,
Alex Lysle and Joe Lakewitch, em-
ployes of the wreck train. Detective
fiobinson sald that four other Penn-
We have just received a new line of
Shirt Walsts, all the newest styles,
long and short sleeves, 88¢ and $1.25
Ladies’ Skirts
Big bargain In White Skirts, 58 and
#8¢. i
Some rare values in Blue and White
sylvania workmen are under =sus-
Hall, who was arrested, had in his
possession two diamond pins two
avercuials and a number of other arti-
icles of value. He also had a large
amount of cash, which he claimed
had been given to him by one of the
passengers of the wrecked (rain,
{whom he had gssisted. [iall gave a
{box party Tuesday night at a local
{theatre to a number of his friends, a
‘big supper following Immediately
¢Stories of this kind make me afterwards he was placed under ar-
angry.” sald Mr. Brashear. “The tall rest. .He is charged with grand lar-
of a comet Ix more attenuated than]
iceny, while charges of larceny have
a puff of steam. and If one should [been preferred against the other em-
strike the earth it would not be per-
celved so readily, nor have as much |
effect as the aurora borealis It takes {PROPOSE BOOSTING
100.000 000 miles of a comel’s tail to] FREIGHT ON STERIL.
obscure a star of the first magnitude
Of course, the comet itself i= more
solid. The tail of a comel swept the) ailreads Centeriug In Pitshmry Plan
earth in 1861 with no harmful 25,000,000 a Year.
The spot should make its appear-
ance Friday in the western part of the
sun. It will then gradually move to-
ward the centra! meriden, arriving
there in five or six days
Mr Brashear says the statement of
Professor Mateuccl, of the MU Vesu-
vius Observatory, Italy, that the earth
will be in danger If it is struck by
the tall of a new comet recently dis-
covered is rot
Raising Hates
Pittsburg — Railroads centering In
| Pittsburg to hoost their
freight $25 000000 a Year
hy increasing -the rates on iron and
steel which. incidentally. will
increase lo cnsumers
A secrel meeting was held Tuesday
;at the office of James P Orr, general
| freight agent of the Pennsyivania at
which plans for bringing tle
increase discussed
Mrs. 14a Westernberger Said to Have
Borrowed Thousands by Wrong
Man's Signature.
Media, Pa —It developed in court
Wednesday that Mrs Ida Western-
berger, who was arrested In Chester
a few days ago the charge of
passing bogus checks, negotiated a
mortgage for $2200 December 130,
1904, on her husband's property at
Glenolden, and the same was sold by
the Sheriff, without his knowledge
Witnesses the execution of the
mortgage testified that Western-
berger, who was in court, was
the man whom she presented as her
husband when she obtained the $2200
from a Philadelphia broker
It further testified that for
three years she had been borrowing
money on mortgages and
amounting to several thousand dol-|
lars by the aid of some man who
signed his name as John A. M West-
A year-agao the case was heard to
have the Sheriff's sale set aside, and
Wednesday the husband stated that
he had never signed the mortgage in
The $2206 obtained on the mortgage
belonged Miss Eva |
teacher in the Institution for the Daaf
and Dumb at Mt Airy and
toaned by her counsel
The meeting was atlonded by repre-
sentatives of the freight departments
of all the railroads in the iron and
steel districts, including the Pennsyl-
Company the FPennsvivania
Pittshurg and Lake Erie, New
Central, Baltimore and Ohlo,
lL.ake Shore and others The rea-
that of
railroads have
to the
sot is
operating expenses
not become greater
was Another Youth at Camprun Hecelved
Probahie Fatal Injury.
Dubuls, Pa-—-~Homer Hetrick, aged
18 years, of Emerickkville, was burn-
ed death at Camprun
night, and James Ohis, of the same
place, received burns that will prob-
result in his death
ed jo
operation at Camprun
work about-10 o'clock
and went to their
to Tuesday
two sounsg
men were employ-
Anfata Mining Company's
They finished
Tuesday night
shanty, where they
meal, and shortly afterwards went to
{bed About 11 Ohis
{awakened by smoke in the room. He
FIGHT OVER HANDLING {was almost suffocated, but managed
WEAYER MURDER CASE.’ get hold of his €ompanion, who
{was unconscious, and carried him as
Two Sets of Justices and Constables far the door, where he fell
Claim Jurisdiction Oevr Trial of | hausted Villagers managed to drag
{Ohis to safety, but were unable
«Snyder. | reach Hetrick. Ohis
{ Dubols
to Gustine. a
were llivhg alone cooked =a
o'clock was
as ex-
was brought to
York, Pa—A contest to who
shall handle the Weaver murder case
is being waged by two sets of jus-
tices and constables. This is at pres-
ent attracting as much attention
the case itsclf. Heariogs will be held
next week before Alderman Zinn nnd
Justice Robinson, and the court will
probably called on to decide
tween them
Solomon Snyder,
killed Samuel A
night Suyder has
charge of murder
The clerks in the local offices of the
{ Leh. gh Valley received their monthly
{pay checks this morning
be be-
Tralnmen on the Northern Central
{division of the Pennsylavnla raliroad
are reported today as favoring
strike unless a wage Increase, siml-
{lar ta that recently given the con-
ductors, is granted them
a mee—————
Lehigh Valley rumor Is to the
|effect that Mr. John S. Lentz, of Le-
{highton, for many years at the head
fof the Lehigh Valley at
| Packertdn, Is to be transferred to
the defendant's counsel to be present | Hethlehem, and that Mr. Ira Everett
Miss Thiell, who was to be the bride | 0 10 his successor
of the murdered youth, and who at-|
tended both hearings, sobbed contlau- :
ously, but insists thar she will do all
in her bring Snyder
of North
Weaver Saturday
been held on the
He claims ground
for jealousy. Mrs Snyder and Miss
Thiell, a boarder, say Weaver
visiting Miss Thiell, his fiancee
There was a partial hearing of the
case before Alderman Zinn, but it was
postponed, owing to the inability of
was A
The engineers of the fast trains on
{the Lehigh Valley rallroad of the di-
to | visions ending at Sayre were in con-
Hferencd Wednesday morning with
{ Superintendent Kinney relative to
{the handling of trains on the road
iNo one was censured, but all
cautioned about overspeading while
making up time on the line
power to
Sufcide Named Grave Diggers,
Stroudsburg, Pa —George H Fel-
ker, residing at Kelleraville, commit
ted suicide by drinking carbolic acid
He was found by neighbors mn his |
house, which he alone occupied Fel-
ker wrote a judgment note for $101
According to the Hazleton Standard
{the gate tenders employed in that city
[by the Lehigh Valley Railroad com-
to an acquaintance Just before he | pany will make a demand for shorter
died He left directions about his {hours The company, it is sald. Is
affairs and even named his grave dig- not (n favor of raising the wages of
gers {the men, and as they work 141 hours
S———————————————— every day, with the exception of Sun-
Accidentally Shoots Mother. day, they have decided to ask for a
Shamokikn, Pa—John Stast®y was | reduction In hours
examining a gun, in the home of his
mother, Mrs. Anie Stasney, Tuesday |
night. when she approached to ask | cent
a question. Suddenly the weapon | William's Catbolic Salve Rs Arniea
was accidentally discharged, a bullet ond Aze
The best Salve In the world for
entering her head and lodging at the Cuts. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Tet-
base of the brain.
She fell senseless |.or Chipped Hands and all skin
while her son, almost {nsane, rushed jerupt It ia guaranteed to give
for medical ald The vietim was |satisf refunded. Price
‘o ftated, but A 26c by ER rT lama Mig. C
Subscribe for The Record.
Enemel Ware.
New Goods
Store full of new goods comimg in
dally. No old trash here
Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave , Waverly
Jewelers Should He on the Lookout! PLEASE GIVE ME A TRIAL
crook, is
the State
Cheshro a very clever
in this part of
His scheme is to visit the
jewelry stores in town and
the pretense of making a pur-
chase as a present for his sister or
wile examines bracelets, diamond
rings. lockets and sunset stones After
the stock has been spread on the
tases for his inspection he suddeniy,
becomes ill, and requests the clerk to
zet him a glass of water, and If com-
plied with Is given an opportunity to
teal or substitute paste diaruonds for
the real gems
free! Pree!
“Mrs. A. C. Tralpor, Colchester,
Sonn. writes that a free sample bot-
tie of Bloodine helped her when she
was all run down. Bloodine Is a
body bullder and system tonic of won-
terful merit, and If you have not tried
t. you should today. The greatest
system Tonic In the world. Sick
Kidneys are positively cured by
Bloodine. Sold by C. M. Driggs,
Do you appreciate a good thig
| Know you all do, so when you
anything In the line of 0
upholstered or repaired, no |
what you have, I can do the work
o it right. My prices are right,
work Is guaranteed for siz me
A postal card will bring me to
ouse with samples and prices.
Cor. Broad and Pennsylvania A
Waverly, N. Y.
operating A
‘W. P. Smeator
Repairing and Refinishing.
Waverly, - +» ALY
Good for Medicine
$1.50 te $3.00 per gallon.
mparicd Macaroni 5c to 10¢ per
Elizabeth Streel, Warvarl
Heres a 3
Rates: —Wanted, Lost, Found,
Sal etc. % cent =n word each
serijon for the first threg
cert a word each insertion t
after. None taken for less than
cents. Situations wanted free to Ni
in advance subscribers
Lost—Medium size satchel =
night between Pine street, Athens
Fulton street, Waverly.
ward for return. Leave at
jewelry store, Waverly.
lovely -crisp=
unburnt , perfer/
toast in two
minates on 2 Gad
Stove. A Toaster costs
a rifle -a few pennies.
Waverly, N. Y.
for a plumber
who will do your
work just right.
You can stop
right here. Send
for us and we
will respond
promptly agd do
your work quick-
J. Hl. Snell, Athens, Pa, Contr
and Bullder. Also buildings
on short notice. $11.
Wanted—To rent small house
all improvements, situate pear
line in Waverly. Address T. M,
Record office ?
Lady stenographer and boc
would like a position in Sa
Athens. Inquire at 601 First
Athens, or 78y-Valley Phone.
Waliress at the Campbell BH
Inquire of C. G. Bonney, f
Girl Wanted for general ho
Inquire 109 Packer avenue,
For sale—Seven house one-hal
land. § room house, G Acres
located at Lockwood. GG M
For Sule—A No. 1 rubber-ti
about wagon, in excéllent oc
Bargain for an early pu
quire of Paul E Maynard,
block, Sayre.
For a Plumber
to slight or loiter
over his work we
consider decided-
ly poor policy. So
all our work is
of the hurry-up .
order. but with- At Waverly, N. Y,, building lol
venlent to car line, large
t slighting. In
5 os on double house or 2 single
part we are care- Rarliculara; Arp es us
less about is the street, Wavery. | :
bill. We have
got Into the habit
of not charging |}
enough, so other §
plumbers say.
floth Phones,’
to suit purchasers.
Q. Schrier, Maynard Block,
Malin street, Athens, No, 416.
ate possession. Ingulre
Vanscoten, Valley phous 337¢
Elmer Avenue.