The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, February 28, 1907, Image 2

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    je Valley Record
sing rates reasonable, and
known on application.
red as second-class matter May
| aj the postoffice at Sayre,
the Act of Congress of
AY, FEBRUARY 2§, 1807
B Wood, Representative.
and advertising matter may
at Greggs Racket Store, Wav:
ir 12 o'clock noon call the main
at Sayre, both phones.
ws. W. E Dodd went to Elmira to-
1. Howard left this morning for
I B. Rumsey of Watkins spent yes-
in Waverly.
PW. Towner left this afternoon
New York city.
ated, Girl to learn dressmaking
+6. M Legg. 719 Broad street.
Michael Frost of South street
seriously ill from an attack of poeu-
iss Bernice Garabrant, Is confin-
ad to her hone at Dry Brook by an
of the grip
1. Lang and wife left yesterday
‘Clifton Springs, where they will
for a short time
who are cutting ice say that
j¥ Are now getting the second crop
February, and thal each cutting
about 12 laches
jg C. M. B. A. will put through a
“of 30 tomorrow evening. Some
} state officers will be present
assist in the work
* The Republican caucus will be held
Saturday night in Stone's hall
2 whi ch time the candidates of that
ty for the village officers will be
party of fifteen Waverly residents
V | to Owego this evening for the
# of being Initiated into the
of the Elks. There is a class
20 who will go into the order
county seat odge this evening
This Is the Place.
get your hair cut, 15; shave
shampoo, 15¢c; hair singed, 15c:
ts trimmed, 10¢; sea foam, 5¢;
’ 15¢c; moustache dyed, 20c;
ir dyed, $1.00; ladies’ hair switches,
razors homed 26¢; shears
10c; scissors, 6c. new
indie: on razors, 25c. If you have
a call and get Lockerby's ecze-
y als can be furnished. Balt
‘on hand the year round. Locker
| also an expert taxidermist.
rhy’s barber shop, 415 Waverly
Waverly. 236-6m
on Walk, Hurt Hand.
jay from school Ir Brink fell
slippery side walk and injur-
Band. Some of the fingers
i out of joint, and It was
for him to see a doctor, and
under anasthetic before the
restoring the Joints to their
Will Open Feed Store.
| 3. 3. Hobart has rented
stores in the McCarthy block
System of the Villages Throughout
-the Slate. :
Waverly—Yesterday afternoon Theo
dore Horton. Sanitary Engineer of
the state department of health was in
Waverly calling on the members of
{he Jocal board of health. His visit
to Waverly was part of a trip that he
and (wo assistanls are making
through the state for the purpose of
investibating the condition of the sew-
erage in all the the villages and cities.
He is at present looking after the
| places that empty sewerage into the
| Susquehanna river, and streams that
‘run into it. He stated with reference
{to the plan that had been submitted
{to the state authorities by the village,
| that they were being examined, and
{would be returned to Waverly in a
{few days, at which Ume the health de-
| partment would state an opinion in
regard to them
In speaking of the rules that had
been promulgated for the care of wa-
ter supplies of cities and villages, he
said that In a short time the rules
would be enforced throughout the
state, and that the rule forbidding
Funeral This Morning.
Waverly—This morning the remains
of Stanley Gargosgyuski; the old civil
war veteran, who died last Tuesday
at his home la South Waverly were
buried in St James cemetery The
funeral service was held at the St
John's church in South Waverly. The
deceased was 3 Pole, who came to
the United States several years before
the breaking out of the civil war He
was a member of a regiment of his
countrymen, who enlisted from New
York city. He was in many of the
hardest battles of the war, and was
&t one time captured, and kept impris-
oned at Andersonville until exchang-
Mrs. Alexander Henderson Brutally
Done to Death In Candy Shop.
PAWTUCKET, R. 1. Feb. 25—Mrs
Alexander Henderson was murders
in her little candy store here by a rol
ber, who after emptyin: the
drawer and stealinz a quantity of cf
gars made his escape through
settled section of the city
hind him a
trall of blowd 300 yard:
years old and the fe
worker in a local factory, conducted ¢
small store at 151 Brooks street an
made her home In rooms above it. A
boy who entered the store discover
the body on the floor, with the face
and shoulders covered with blood. A
bloody ax lay near by
No attempt was made to notify the
police until after Henderson had beer
summoned from his work It was
found that death was due to a numb®
of deep cuts aud slashes on the head
With the exception of the murders:
the last persou who saw Mrs. Hender
of RB
a little girl who purchased candy. S
no one was seen to enter or leaye the
store from the time thie Stevens gir
visited It sitll a boy named Ralpt
Benuelf opened the door and found
center of the shop. The excited chile
rushed home and told his mother what
be had seen
A eanreful examination of the store
showed that the money drawer hac
teen robhed and that a few boxes of
cigars and a4 box or two of cigarettes
had also been taken. The police traced
bloody footmarks for a distance of 3X
yards to Waleeft street, where thes
were lost
The police hold the theory that some
person entersd the store for the pur
pose of robbing It while Mrs Hender
son was In her livinz apartments up
stairs and that, hearing sn noise below
the woman went downstairs and con
fronted the robber, who attacked bet
with an ax. A large force of detectives
and police are at work on the cud.
as That of State.
Pottsville, Pa—An additional or-
them to pass a county as well as a
State examination. was declared In
force here Monday, when three young
attorneys—J. F. Mahoney. T C Con
dren and H. L Maize, were admited
to practice
Former Judge D. C. Hennig stated
that hereafter all students would be
required to get a ree mmendation
Questioned by Attorney Joba L. Jef
fries for the two Strothers brothers
Mry. Gaines told In a shnple, nnaflect
ed way of Bywaters’ first lutrodaction
inte the Strother howe. his affection
for Viola and then of the circum
stances leading up to the tragedy at
Rotherwood on the night of Dec. 18
when while fleeing from the bedroom
in which his bride of an hour lay ll
he was shot and killed by ber enraged
There was ho color or passion at the
outset of her testimony, but when she
dwelt upon the criminal operation al
jeged to have been performed on Viela
at the insistence of Bywulers her Lit
terness agninst the dead man was ap
parent. She declared repeatedly that
her brothers did not entertain the re
motest thought of killing Bywaters up
to the time of the shooting
“Dio you think that any oue antici
pated the shooting of BywatersY' asked
Attorney Jeffries
“No, 1 do not”
quick and emphatic
Mrs Bywaters testified that her be
trayal was accomplished by promise
of marriage, told of the three trips she
and Bywaters made to Washington for
the purpose of having a « riminal oper
ation performed, tokl the story of By
waters” attempted fight on thelr wed
ding night, hix sudden breaking away
fromm her in her bedroom and the
shooting as he sought escape through
and over the roof of the
The answer was
a window
Feature Event on New Orleans Track
Taken by E. M. Fry.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb 28 The Car
pival stakes, at four and a half fur
jongs, at the Fair grounds was won
by BE. M. Fry, the 11 to 5 favorite He
led from the first step. finishing two
lengths in front
In the fifth race Refined and Royal
Breeze ran neck and neck the whole
distance, and not until the Iundges
showed the numbers did the grand
stand know that Refined had won
Holiday Attire, which slipped and
| suspended for several unsatisfactory
| rides. Summaries
First Race —No Quarter, first; Ala-
nle. second: Bert Osa, third
Second Race —Grenade, first
| Clifford, second; Bellindian, third,
Third Race Keator. first; Fancy
Dress, second; Soprano, third
Fourth Race.~E. M. Fry, first: Blue
Lady Caroline IL, third
Hefined, first: Royal
| Breeze, second: Coltpess, thind
Sixth Race —Bertmont, first, Cutter
| second: Tmpertinence, third
Seventh Race.— Donna, first: Sonoma
Relle, second: Happy Jack 11, third
| Lee, second
Fifth Race
Arkansas’ Racing tiocose (Cooked.
I HOT SPRINGS, Ark Feb. 28 ~The
| racing goose vrkansas Is cooked.
| This much was assured when Acting
Governor Moore sigued the Amis rac-
ing bill, which prohibits poo! selling
on horse races within the state Hits
of Arkansas, a violation of which by
the measure constituted
is a felony
foe £500 and
| imprisonment for six wonths
Pinehurst Golf Finals.
i PINEUJLUAST, N. C., Fel. 28 —In the
{play golf tournaus ut for women Miss
| Ethel Check of East Orange, N. J, de-
| feated Mrs T. F. Young of (Cleveland,
LO. by 5 up and 3 to play. Mrs, P. HL
| Lonergan of Cleveland, O., winner of
| the qualification gold medal, lost to
| Mrs Youug in the semifiual round in
a close match
| Anderson Golf Champlon,
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla, Feb, 28 —1In
{ the golf tournament for the champion.
| ship of north Florkda here Willie An-
victorious He won the
| tirst prize of $I and an additional
| prize of $25 offered for the player mak
the of
42 beating all previous records of the
| dersoun was
ing est nine holes, his <core
Iras Won In an Drive.
| two mile ree at Oakland wag won by
{ {ras in a drive, Dusty Miller showed
| a reversal of form and won the Aloha
handicap, at one mile and an eighth,
through clever handling.
i Jims Simpson, at 30 te 1.
Marathon amd Colonel Bob, hoth pro
| iibitive favorites in their respective
were defeated at Onklawn. Jim
liberally played at 30 to 1,
won the second race
28 —
| Shipson
| —
| President After Treasury Hohbhera,
| WASHINGTON, Feb 28 President
| Roosevelt has taken up. with Secretary
| Shaw the matter of the shortage of
| $173,000 recently discoversd in the Chl
je amd has asked the
| secretary statement as to the
The president
nga subtreasury
for a
shortage and the facts
from the local Bar Committee before |
they Amitted { also has asked for a statement of the
ey would be admitted to practice | tage recently discovered in the Rt,
refore the Supreme Court | Lonix subtreasury, which amounts to
$l en
Murderer Polkis Respited. Hartmanu Factory Burned.
| MOUNT VERNON, N Y.. Fel. 28 ~
Harrishurg—Governor Stuart today fhe sash and blind factory of Hart
granted a respite to Frank Polkis, | 'vann Bros and the stock in the lam
n {her yard adjoining were destroyed by
who was to have been hanged at
. t night. pl ~
Philadelphia Tuesday, until after the [10 boot matt The lous ix estimated at
March meeting of the Board of Par-| = =
dons Polkis' attorneys have applied | CK. Lexow Gets un Joh.
to the board for a commutation of | WASHINGTON, Feb, 28 —-The presi
his sentence to life imprisonment dont sent to the senate the nomination
: lof Charles K. Letow to be assistant
| sppeniser of merchandise for the dis
trict of New Yurk
<All well informed physicians ad-
mit hat a vaccinated persoh may con-
tract the disease after the lapse of
15 or 20 years-from date of vaccina-
As the re-action from innoculation
is more vigorous in some than oth-
ers, just so is the lasting influence
of the established immunity. As tUme
and physical changes progresses, this
protective power decreases, and re-
saccination 18 necessary.
12—What can you say of the num-
erous cases. where the victim from
smallpox possessed a doctor's certifi-
cate of "Successful Vaccination?
12—I have this to say: Many doc-
tors are in the habit of performing
ihe operation and immediately issu-
ing a certificate of “Successful Vac-
cination ” He probably does nol see
ihe patient again. The operation may
have been absolutely negative. Later
on in life this patient contracts small-
maybe dies The certificate
bohs up Now here is meat for
the anti-vaecinationists. Such a doc
tor is either an anti-vaccinationist or
s very careless practictioner
Since the gallant and heroic enemies of “Cow Pox” will not take his
chances to go to jail to prove his [alth, we will prove our magnanimity
giving them one more chance
With the one accepting this challenge, | will enter into a written agree-
ment, properly executed ard witnessed This shall provide that the affirma-
tive statements that are purely scientific shall be submitted to a committee
+f experts to be selected one by each of the parties hereto, and the third by
these two. All other statements are to be proven or disproven by certified
coptes of officiai records under proper seal The agreement shall
provide finally that for each-and every statement, the truth of which I fall
to sustain, I shall pay to the other party hereto $10.00, and work one hun-
dred (100) days, without pay, on lhe sireels pf his city —provided, however,
that for every statement sustained the party accepting this challenge shall
pay me $1000 and work one hundred (100) days on the streets of Sayre
without pay
FIRST STATEMENT: Bovine virus does not contain the poison of
syphilis and cannot transmit syphilis to the human belog
SECOND STATEMENT. That Eczema. Erysipelas, Scrofula and Blood
poisoning are not transmitted by bovine virus
THIRD STATEMENT. That since the enactment of the compulsory
vaccination law in Germany the death rate per 1000 has decreased tenfold
over that of a like period immediately before the enactment of said law
FOURTH STATEMENT: When Germany passed the compulsory vaccl-
uation law, her next door neighbor, Austria, refused and remained a non-
compulsory country Within twenty years thereafter Austria had a mortality
from smallpox more than twenty times greater than Germany
FIFTH STATEMENT: The percentage of smallpox mortality in Bel-
glum, a non-compulsory country, is from ten to fifty times greater than that
of its nexi door neighbor compulsory Germany
sory country, is ten times
SEVENTH STATEMENT: That the death rate in compulsory Denmark
per one thousand is tan limes jess than that of non-compulsory Spain
EIGHTH STATEMENT: That the death rate per one thousand
compulsory Norway ls tenfold less than that of non-compuisory Hungary
The death rate per 1000 in Sweeden, a compul-
jess than that of Russia, a non-compulsory
That the entire bulk of printed matter of the
anti-vaccinationists consists, in part or in whole, of a jumble of evasions of
fact, seif-contradictions, statements pot substantiated by official records,
mere private opinions or absolute untruths
TENTH STATEMENT: That the so-called authoritive article in the
Enclyclopeadia Brittanica whitten by the chief apostie of the anti-vaccina-
tionists, consists in part or of evasiong of fact, self-contradictions,
statements not substantiated by official records, mere private opinions,
or deliberate untruths
| know the slippery
enemies of vaccination do not take kindly to this
sort of proposition. They would much prefer to keep up an interminable
newspaper argument. | draw the issue thus clearly to give to the intelligent
people of Pennsylvania and the world a clear chance to decide who is the
fake. If this fails to locale and pin down the “Artful Dodgers,” what can?
If these stateruents are true the whole antl-vaccination argument falls.
My alm has been to close every door of escape. | wanl and must have
an unconditional surrender CHARLES J CUMMINGS. M. D
Sayre, Pa, Feb. 27, 1307
ter Weds Ahead of Telegram.
Fourteen-Year-0!d Duugh- |
Schuylkill Natives Do Not Want to
Be Tied Up With “Criminal Ill
* be Tu
Corry, Pa—It came out Monday | terates.”
that Arthur Wilks, aged 19, an em-|
plove of the Carnegie Steel Works in | Tamaqua, Pa —Farmers residing in
Greenville, and Miss Florence Mackey, t10€ northeastern portion of Schuyl-
the beautiful 14-year-old daughter of | Kill county which it is proposed to
Jobn H. Mackey, the wealthy superin; annex to a portion of Luzerne and
tendent of the same plant, were mar. | [orm & new county, are up in arms
ried in Jamestown, N. Y, on Satur- against the proposed movement. They
day evening, having come to that city declare that they are well satisfied to
from Greenville tha: da remain in Schuylkill county, and that
Several hours after the daughter | they will with all their power
left Greenville Mackey discovered her | any effort that is made to segregate
absence and telephoned the police |them This opposition of the farmers
Stop my daughter [rom marrying | '* becoming so strong that the boom-
that man.” ers of the new counly are becoming
The Greenville police wired James- nonplussed. The farmers have not
town and requested that both be taken only asked the Commissioners of
into custody. The Jamestown police Schuykill county to record them as
found that the marriage had already belog violently opposed to the plan,
taken place, and removed the couple but they have sent envoys to certain
froin a hotel after they had retired members of the Legislature, and par-
The husband proved that they had | ticularly in the western part
been married by Rev. C. A. Seaberg of the State, and asked them to use
of & Swedish ebureh. and the certifi- their efforts to defeat the bill
cate showed that the girl had given! When questioned one of the farm-
ler age as 1& ers, when asked why he and his
The father went to Jamestown and | Pelahtors were £0 strongly opposed
took his daughter hore Vilks re lo the proposed new county, sald they
mained in custody until late Monday | ¥&'¢ opposed to “being annexed to
afternoon. when an attorney secured | lefritory In which there are so many
{iliterate’’ among the popu-
his release crimiual
| it is probable that the farmers will
Murderer Dodged Pursaers. send a strong body to Harrisburg this
Scranton—Joseph Ambrose,
{talian who shot and killed Christo- |
pher Hughes in a road house in Old!
Forge Monday evening, is still at] wilkes-Barre. Pa—Fifteen hundred
large. although the local authorities, | ,pjicants for liguor licenses and
aided by the State police, are making | witnesses crowded into Court
the most determined effort to capture \yonday to be heard The Court
him {rooms will not conveniently accom-
Late Monday night he Was. ®uT-i,.q.e over €00. Bo great was (he
prised al a friend's house, but got OW [ pyeh that strong men fainted.
the back way and after leading the | EE ——
officers a chase through the woods for | You ought to know what you are
four miles, was lost track of it de giving your
Men Falut In License Court.
baby. Use Cascasweel,
{hat one of the men in the land look at the wrapper , Every in-
¥ Shirt Walsts, all
Some rare value
pnamel Ware
Do you appreciate a good thing? We
know you all do, so when you want
anything in the line of furniture
upholstered or repaired, no matter
what you have, I can do the work and
o it right. My prices are right, and my
work is guaranteed for six months.
* A postal card will bring me to your
ouse with samples and prices,
Cor. Broad und Yennsylianla Avenue.
Waverly, N. Y.
‘W. P. Smeaton,
Repairing and Refinishing.
Waverly, N. TY.
— I
Good for Medicine.
$1.50 to $3.00 per gallon.
mporied Macaron! be to 10¢ per pound
Elizabeth Street, Waverly.
17 Pleasant Ri. Waverly. N. ¥
One Night Only.
Clarence Bennett Productions, Inc,
(successors to Cordon & Bennett)
Present the Successful Pastoral Com-
edy Drama,
A Story of Old New England.
By the Author of “The Holy City,”
and “A Royal Slave”
The Sweetest Story Ever Told.
Prices: —25, 85, 50 and 6c
Seals on sale at the Box Office Mon-
day at 9 a. m. :
Note—This is the big city attrac
tion with Mr. Bennett in the cast.
for a plumber
who will do your
work just right.
You can stop
right here. Send
for us and Wwe
will respond
promptly and do
your work quick-
For a Plumber
Lo slight or loiter
over his work we
consider decided-
iy poor policy. So
all our work Is
of the hurry-up
order, but with-
out slighting. In
fact the only}
part we ate care- §
jess about 1s the
bill. We have
got into the habit {py
of mot charging ji
enough, so other
plumbers say.
the pewest styles,
s in Blue and White
lovely -crisp=
unburnt, perfd/
teast in two
minates on 2 Gad
a yifle-a few p
Waverly. NX. Y.
Rates: —Wanted, Lost, Found,
Sal elec. % cent sa word each
sertion for the first three times,
after. Noue taken for less
cents. Situations wanted free
in advance subseribers.
Lost—Medium size satchel
to pald
Fulton street, Waverly. Liberal re-
ward for return. Leave at Ware's
jewelry stove, Waverly.
and Bullder.
on short notice.
Waitress at the Campbell
Inquire of C. G. Bonney, proprietor,
Athens. 244-6
Girl Wanted for general housework.
Inquire 109 Packer avenue,
For Sale—A No. 1 rubber-tired nl
Bargain for an early purchaser.
quire of Paul E Maynard, M. PF, A
block, Sayre. nt
For Sale—House and lot 431 East
Broad street, Waverly. W. H. Allen
estate. 243-8%
At Waverly, N. Y., bullding Joi; ©
double house or 2 single houses,
particulars, Apply at 136 Cl
street. Waverly, N.Y. +
Several houses and lots for &
esirable locations in town.
to suit purchasers. (nquire of
0. Schrier, Maynard Block, Al
South side of double house on
Main street, Athens, No. 416.
‘tate posseszion. Inquire of
Vanscoten, Valley phone 3376.