’ Corset Covers 17¢ instead of Me instead of 46¢ Instead of.... Curtains in priced sacrificed iI pair Ladies’ Gowns 70¢ instead of $L19 instead of formerly formerly formeriy 1 pair = P_ir « pair : pair : pair ! pair formerly Ladies’ Pants Bae instead of #5¢ instead of Other equally them over. good i pair formerly fair 1 pair : pair WITH sic T%c come and look Sizes 16%. 17 and 174% See display in Elmer avenue A formeris formerly formerly formerly formerly : pair pair 3 pair pals 1 pair value for B85e. 2 pair 1 pair No lots broken, but FFLE. $1.25, now dec 9%. now 89¢c. 50, now 33e. RUFFLE. $1.00, $1.19. $1.35. A8 now now now now now now now $2.00, 2195. £1.50. £1.40, BORDERS, now $2.69 now $3.25, now $1.25, $2.25 COLORED £2 95%, now $1.95. 8S, now Ho. 1.69, now LI6O, 55. now 55, 48, now 50, 1.39 now L080, 239 now 2.39, Coats, Etc. WANTED HORSES AND CATTLE DEAD OE ALIVE. . Will pay $1.06 a head at the barr All calls promptly attended to day or night Valley telephone at store Bell telephone in house. J. H. DUNLAP, Busquebanna St, Athens, W. T. Carey, — Justice o. the Peace. Pa OFFICE Room 6, M. F A. Building. Valley Phone 246y. We Buy Junk. PLEASE GIVE ME A TRIAL. Do you appreciate a good thing? We know you all do, so when you want anything io the line of [furniture upholstered or repaired, no matter what you have, | can do the work and o it right. My prices are right, and my work Is guaranteed for six months A postal card will bring me to your ouse with samples and prices J. P. OTTARSON, Waverly, N. Y. Chas. H. Larnard, CONTRACTOR, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Plans drawn and esUmates given Hardwood and Stair Work a specialty All Work Promptly Attended to Shop.and Residence, 58 Lincoln Street, Waverly. Bell phone 296. H. Tuttle, M. D,, Specialist. ro metals, etc. ore disposing of your junk. wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Bolstein Bros, Cor and Broad Sts, Waverly Eo and Counselors at Law. "4 GENERAL LAW BUSINESS © : TRANSACTED. Valley Phone 180n A. J. Green, Contractor and Bullder, ~ Plans and Estimates Furnished. Sarre Practice limited to diseases of the! Hours 10 to 12 26, 7Ttof p m Office and tl 211 South Elmer Ave. Val- | ley ‘phone 156x. Attorneys and Counselors. M. P. A. BLOCK, SAYRE, PA. MAYNARD BLOCK, H.L.Towner,M.D.| Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Res | tum. Hours Tto%a m, 1 to 3.7Tto 8p m OFFICE—SAMUELS BLOCK. 128 Lockhart St | i } i Plles! Plies! Plles! Dr. Williams®' Indian Plle Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr .Willlam's Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Every box guaran- anteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, for 50c and $1.00. Willlams Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. For sale by C. I. Driggs, druggist Advertise In The Record. Sour No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all dus to Indigestion. | Kodo! relieves indigestion. This new discov- ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodel for Syspspss doea. not only relieve indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy | helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening Mr. A 3. of Ravenswood, W, Ve.. mys— | ia 38 trotdbied whi dour Kodoi cured belching of gas. ete. Pregered by £- ©: BeWITY & 60. OMIOAGO. E. M. Dunham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Roms 4 and §, Elmer Block, Lock- hart Jtreet, Sayre. Alex D. Stevens, Insurance and Real Estate. Houses Rented, Rents Collect- ed, Taxes Paid. Room 7, Elmer Block, ‘LOCKHART BT STREET, _ SAVER) Representative. News asd Advertising matter may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav- arly, After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, both phones ’ REPUBLICAN CAUCUS WILL BE HELD MARCH 2 Will Make Nomination fer the Coming Village Election te Be at Stone's Hall Waveriy—Seventeen members of the Republican committee met at F. L. Howard's office last evening and discussed plans for the coming cor- poration election which’ wil be held March 19th. OH Lawrence was elect- ed chairman of the committee and FC. Simmons secretary. The plat- form of the party will declare for uiunicipal ownership of public util- ities and for everything which will tend to the upbullding of Waverly The caucus to put In nomination candidates for the various village of- fices will be held at Stones hall Tuesday evening, March 2 at 7 o'clock 30 POSTMASTER HAS AGE PENSION BLANKS. Sm o— Any Veteran Can Obtaln Them at the Postoffice—Any Veteran Over 62 Years Old Entitled te Pension. Waverly—Congressman Dwight of this district has sent to Postmaster Genung blanks for the new pension applications which pro- vides for the payment of a pension to evry soldier of the union in the civil war the sum being graded ac- cording to age Veterans 62 years of age will be entitled to $12 per month, those 70 years of age $15 per month; those 756 years of age $20 per month : Mr. Genung states that any veteran who will call at his office he will furnish the blanks and will fill them out for them free of charge John W This Is the Place. To get your halr cut, 15; shave 16¢; shampoo, 16c; whiskers trimmed, 10c; sea foam, He; 1%¢, moustache dyed, 25¢; hair dved, $1.00, ladies’ halr switches, sharpened, 10¢; scissors, new handles on razors, 25¢c. If you have eczema call and get Lockerby's ecze- ma cure, 50c a bottle Thousands of testimonials can be furnished. Bait fish on band the vear round lackor- by Is also an expert taxidermist Lockerby’'s barber shop, 418 Waverly street, Waverly 236-6m hair singed, 15c 5c; Patrick Kenalr. Waverly—Patric Kenair the home of his daughter, Mrs. P morning of old age. He was eighty- three years of age and has been a resident of Waverly for over 40 years coming to this place from Barton, N Y. He is survived by two daughters Mrs. Patrick McHale of this place and Miss Susie Kenalr of Geneva, and one son John of Depew, N.Y The funeral will be held from the St. James Catholic church Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The Interment will be at the St. James cemelery died at Erie Cars Derailed. Waverly—A broken alr hose derail- ed three Erie freight cars at Wells- burg last night and completely block- ed poth the east bound and the west bound tracks. Trains Nos 13, 5 and 7 were obliged to run over the D L & W. tracks from Waverly to Elimra as a consequence and are visit- Grace on Mr. and Mrs James Grace daughter of New York city, ing at the home of R J. Loder street. Mr. and Mrs “ulton street, Elmira Patrick Galagher of are soon lo move to Wanted, Girl to learn dressmaking Mrs. G. M. Legg, 379 Broad street. Watson Sliter went to New York city last evening Piles of people have Piles. Why suffer from plles when you can use DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve and get rellef. Sold by C. M. In the MEN'S WORK SHOES Men’ s Lumber Entertainment Tonight. the in Baptist church this evening, adition the refreshments at and to tertairment ADDITIONAL SAYRE NEWS Miss Nellle Flynn of North Elmer avenue, who has been (ll Is lmprov- ing Mrs J C. Green of Myersburg, upon at the hospital for appendicitis was operated this | forenoon KR. A. Stark guest of his sister, ford. of North Elmer of Mill City Mrs W avenue S. Huf- Harrigan of North Elmer avenue, who has been ill for the past four is Improving Terry weeks Donlin of North Eimer avenue on the sick list for is able to be out PP. H who has been some time, Miss Mary Brittan of Allentown, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Glass of North Elmer avenue, is ill Mr. and Mrs. John Kintenr and Mr and Mrs. Dunlap of Wilkes-Barre, of the late George Ritz Miss Sadie McKenna of Willard, N Y, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Quinn of North Elmer avenue, returned home today Mr. and Mrs. J W children and Mrs children are the Kleckner of North Balley and two Rinker and “two geusts of Mrs. A. Elmer avenue Miss Lena Spencer of Great Bend who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Ross of North Elmer aven- ue, is Ill and will be taken to her home tomorrow DeWitt's Little Early Risers, sure pills. C. M. Driggs, Drugs. safe, Church Diaturbers Arrested at Paris, PARIS, Fel Attempts were made again to Interrupt the services of the Independent Catholic church at the Church of the Holy Apostles, but they were quickly repressed. A dozen arrests were mnie Ax the congrega tion was leaving the church some young men belonging to the militant Catholic organization hooted an old veteran, who tured upon them, say- Ing: “1 was five years in the culras. slers, my father was thirty years a sol dler, an uncle was decorated on the battlefield and another wns killed at Relchshofon.. I am a better Freoch: SAYRE, PA. +> 2.25, 2.00. 1.65, 1.40, men’s Rubbers sale price 1.68 sale price 148 sale price 1.19 sale price .98 95 PEPPERS SAY E, PA. | DON'T CALL HIM | THE “OLD MAN.” | Boys, when you speak father don't call him of “the old man.’ | when were taught father. You are much you were then, you are much more manly loking. your clothes fit you better, your hat has a modern shape and your hair is combed differently, {in short “flyer” than you were then Your father has a last year's coat, a {two-year-old hat and a vest of still | | older pattern. He can't write such | jae elegant note as you can and all | that, but don't cal’ him “the old man." | him father. For years he has been rustling around to get things to- gether, he has been held to the horny path of uphill industry, and the { brightest half of life has gone from { him forever But he loves you, though goes along without saying much | about it, therefore, be not so ungrate- You to call him | smarter than | ‘A wise man maketh a good Don't call your mother “old wo- man.” We often hear that from young men. Stop and think how it sounds Od lady is bad enough, but the “old woman” applied to her who gave you life and nursed your infancy is rude and unkind. Once {t was Mother, I'm hungry; mother, mend my jacket; mother, put up my din- ner,” and may such things, and mother would spread the bread and butter and stow away® the luncheon with her heart brimming with affec-| tion for you Now Is she the oM | woman? | H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-At-Law. | Notary Public. ‘ Valley Phone lla. 112 Desmond Street, Sayre, A. H. Murray, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and | Throat and the Drone: Fitting of lassea 1-8; Sundays OSBORN’S LIVERY Heavy and Light Drayinc and Moving. Baggage called for and deliversd in any part of Sayre, Athens, and “Waverly, and all kinds of team work Susnded to promptly. Livery at- tached. 207 N. Lehigh Ave, Yalley Phone 398x Try an Ad. in The Record. You'll get: results; others do. Every Overcoat at Cost Suit and in Our