RDAY NIGHT. OUR ENTIRE DEPARTMENT. “THE MARKER SO THAT LATE COME EARLY. BUYERS TOO CAN BE WELL SERV ED. OUR ADVICE ALWAYS IS Corset Covers $1.30, $1.89, Children’s Gowns AL 49 and Te. Gowns for Ladies 50, 75, 98e. _ 95¢, $1.25, $1.50, 81.75, and $3.00. WANTED AND CATTLE DEAD OB ALIVE. I I pay $1.00 8 head at the bare promptly attended to day | Valley telephone at store Abo, V T. Carey, OFFICE Room 6, M. F. A. Bullding, yalley Phone 246y. We Buy Jonk. THEKE WILL BE OFFERED £3.00, 10, 12%, 15, IS, gL rs and $198 , $1.19, $1.25, $1.39, Waists At valu: usaally price of one. See PLEASE GIVE ME A TRIAL. Do you appreciate a good thing? We know you all do, so when you want anything in the line of furniture upholstered or repaired, no matter {what you have, I can do the work and o it right. My prices are right, and my | work is guaranteed for six months A postal card will bring me to your | ouse with samples and prices. J. P. OTTARSON, | Cor. Broad and Pennsylvania Ar Waverly, N. Y. ‘Chas. H. Larnard,| | CONTRACTOR, | CARPENTER AND BUILDER. | Plans drawn and estimates given { Hardwood and Stair Work a specialty Al Work Promptly Attended to. | Shop and Residence, 58 Lincoln Street, | i Waverly. a Bell ‘phone 208. | | H. Tuttle, M. D,, Specialist. i § ’ & from, metals, etc. Call on us y disposing of your junk We] and retall, Bell phone prices. Bolstein Bros, Cor mn and Broad Sts. Waverls. ws, & Winlack| and Counselors at Law. carn LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Sayre Vatiey Phone 180a. xe A J Green, Contractor and Balider, snd Estimates Furnished, pn St. Valley Phone 212y | Practice limited to diseases of the | Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses sceyutely fitted Hours 10 to 12} ,2t065 7to8 pm Office and | | Pastdence, 211 South Eimer Ave. Val- | ley ‘phone 1561. = Maynard, Maynard & Schrier Attorneys and Counselors. | A P. A. BLOCK, SAYRE, PA. | MAYNARD BLOCK, ATHENS, PA. i H. L.Towner,M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rec- tum. Hours 7to Sam, to 3, To 8 p m OFFICE—SAMUELS BLOCK {Valley Phone 27x. 128 Lockhart St 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29¢ 9ie, $L17, $1.23, $1.47. priced $1.25 and more at 9Sc. Small let of Just right onr hig window display. Plies! Plies! Plies! Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, aliays the Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Dr William's Indian Pile Ointment 3 prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Every box guaran- anteed. Sold by druggists, by mall, for 50c and $1.00. Willlams Mfg. Co, Cleveland, O. For sale by C. {. Driggs, druggist. Advertise in The Record. Sour ‘Stomach ! No appetite, loss of strength, nervous pees, headache, eonstipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all dus to Indigestion. | Rodel relieves indigestion. This new discov- ery represents the natural juices of diges- | tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, | combined with the greatest known tonic dnd reconstructive properties. Kodel for STIs So does not only relieve Indigestion | and but this famous remedy bys gies stomach troudb y cleansing, purifying, sweetening strengthening [= mucous membranes Mning the stomach. Mr. 3.3 0 of Ravenswood, W., Va. mys— EA. sour stomach for twenty years. Radel cured ste wd we a ine hn nd ! Prepared by £. O. DeWITY & 0O., OMIOAQO. E. M. Dunham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Roms 4 and 5, Elmer Block, Lock- hart dtreet, Sayre. Alex D. Stevens, Insurance and Real Estate. | Loans Negotiated, Insurance Written, Houses Rented, Rents Collect- ed, Taxes Pald. Room 7, Elmer Block, Po MOCREARY SINEEY STREET, SAYRE. ~~ | After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, both phones RE ET C. A. Neaves went to Binghamton yesterday. Wanted, Girl to learn dressmaking Mrs. G. M. Legg, 379 Broad street. James Mott of Deaver, Co, is visit ing his sister, Miss Anna Mott of Park avenue Duke Allen was arrested last even- ing for being drunk. He will be giv- en a hem ing later in the day. Jobn E. Ward fs again acting as operator at the Waverly stock ex- change after being ill for several days Mrs. Coultson and two children of Pittsburg, Pa. are visting at the home of her father, the Rev. Alanson Til- den J. F. Shoemaker was in Owego ves- terday for the purpose of offering the will of Mrs Mary DeWitt, deceased, for probate The new board of supervisors met at Owego today for the purpose of organizing. The board Is now com- posed of 7 Republicans and 3 Demo- crats. Anson Bissell and Miss Dora York of Syracuse, were married last Tues- day afternoon at Waverly by the Rev J. F. Warnes of the Sayre M. E church. - Ralph E. DeWitt of Larchmont, N.Y and Archie DeWitt of Port Chester, N. Y. who were called to Waverly by the death of thelr mother, Mrs Mary DeWitt, returned to their re- spective homes this morning William O'Dell, alias “Cincinnati Red” who once served a term In state prison for shooting up a saloon in Waverly, was yesterday sentenced to serve a term of five years for a crime committed at Corning some time ago HORSE RAN AWAY MUCH MILK SPILLED. Street Car Woke Him Up With the Re. sult That the Cargo in the Wagon Was Scattercd Broadeast. Waverly—This morning a milk wa- gon, driven by Harry Hoagland was standing In front of a house in South Waverly while the driver was going to a house to deliver a dish milk The stieet car came along and scar- ed the horse s0 that he turned across the road and took a short run over a lot that was full of furrows made by plowing. The wagon jounced a great deal with the result that the milk was spilled all over the ground. After doing the damage the horse came back into the road and stopped AID SOCIETY WILL GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY AT M. BE. CHURCH. Will Cost as Many Cents as You Are Old—I! You Are a Hundred You Will Net Be Given Away. Waverly—Tomorrow evening Wash- ington's Birthday, the Ladies’ Aid so- ciety of the M. E. church will give a birthday party, to which every one is invited. If you go you should con- tribute as many cents as you are years old. If you are a hundred you are all the more welcome, and no one will tell on you. A person has been chosen who will represent each month and explain why it is the best month ot be born In. This Is the Place. To get your hair cut, 16¢c; slave 10; shampoo, 15¢; hair singed, 15c; whiskers trimmed, 10¢; seafoam, 6c; massags, 16¢; mustache dyed 25¢; hair dyed, $1; ladles’ hair switches cheap, razors honed, 26c; shears sharpened, 10c; scissors, 6c; new handles on razors, 26c. If you have eczema call and get Lockerby's ee- gema cure, G0c a bottle. Thousands of testimonials can be furnished. Bait fish on hand the year round. Locker- by is also an expert taxidermist. Lockerby's barber shop, 418 Waverly street, Waverly. Suits Original cost, and Overcoats, the MEN S WORK SHOES +444 : = PEP Ett bir bb PPE P bb bee STRUCK BY CAR THREE: RIBS BROKEN Horses Thrown down and Ome So Badly Injured That it Was Shet Drove Directly in Front of Car. Waverly—The condition of Charles | Peterson, who was injured In a col- iislon with a street car yesterday af- ternoon is very serious. Three ribs were fractured, and it is feared Jat he has sustained serious Interna juries The accident occurred on the high- way between the two bridges that’ are used by the street cars to cross the Erle and D. LL & W. tracks on Chemung street. The bridges are on- ily a few feet apart. Mr. Peterson had a team hitched to a lumber wag- on and was standing on the road be- | tween the two bridges. AD. LL. & W. train was passing, and as his horses were afrald of the cars, he had stop- ped at that point and was walting un- til the train passed. Just as the ca- boose of the traln went by the street car came over one of the bridgea. The motorman saw the team standing there, and thought that the driver was waiting for the car to pass. He ac- cordingly continued down the bridge. Mr. Peterson had not seen the car, however, and turned across the track directly in front of it The horses were knocked down, and one of them was under the fender when the car stopped, while the other was lying on the fender. Mr. Peterson was still in the wagon which was bad- ly broken. Eugene Thompson and his vung son were also in the wagon at the time. Both were thrown out The boy was not hurt, but Mr. Thomp- son was bruised to some extent. The team was brought to O. F. Benson's livery stable where it was found that one horse had broken its leg. and was shot. The other was badly bruls- ed, but had recovered sufficiently this morning so that it was taken home. Mr. Peterson lives between Waver- ly and Chemung at a point near Hol- bert's crossipg. He passed § sleep- less night, and did not appear to he any better this morning. You ought to know what you are giving your baby. Use Caseasweet, and look at the wrapper. Every In- English. Is best corrective for the SAYRE, PA. 2.25, 2.00. 1.65, 1.40, 1.68 148 1.19 98 wet season. sale price sale price sale price sale price 95 > ® REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETS THIS EVENIAG. Will Gather at the Office of F. L. How- ard to Make Arrangements for the Coming Election. Waverly—The Republican commit- tee for the village of Waverly will meet at the office of F. L. Howard this evening. The committee consists of O .L. Lawrence, F. IL. Howard, G. D. Genung, P. L. Lang and W. H. Brougham. Each man named repre- sent one district in the village, and they are authorized to appoint 5 men each to help at elections. These will all meet this evening at the place mentioned above | ADDITIONAL SAYRE NEWS L. M. Rice of the Reeser, Kessler, Wieland Company, is in New York city buying spring goods for the big store. Miss Mae McMoran, cashier at the department store, has been called to Great Barrington, Mass, on account of the serions illness of her only sis- ler » Black Diamond Legion, No. 326 have re-organized their drill team and ask all those not having been initiated to come and see the work done under the new ritual. Meeting every Friday evening at Red Men's hall. Public payoff March 1. Come out and see nice work done. in Subscribe for The Record. SAYRE, PA. H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-At-Law. Notary Public. Special attention to pension papers Valley Phone lla. 112 Desmond Street, A. H. Murray, M. D.. Specialties: Throat and the proper RUURR bo Glasses. Hours—3-12; 1-5; Sundays by appointment. Wheelock Block. 0SBORN’S LIVERY Baggage called for and dell in any part PAR Of A sub Waverly, and all kinds of team work aiteaged to promptly. Livery at- 207 N. Lehigh Ave, Valley Phone 308x Will alcept a limited number of pupils on the Mandolin. Lessons given at residence of C. T. Hull, Ferry street, Athens. For further Informa- tion address EDWIN FP. LOOMIS, Athens, Pa. Record. You'll get Every Overcoat at Cost Suit and in Our