served prior fo the sale. Probably 25 styles remaining. } CAITY Over. Coals for Second Floor Two long tables filled with Skirts, Vghtyonns fur v y Third Floer, In your home. quarts, Two styles of Sanitary Underwear, fraction of its value. Arrived nnd on sale now The sort you would see in New York's 8S AND CATTLE DEAD OR ALIVE. WII pay $1.00 a head at the barp J H. DUNLAP, Athens, Pa OFFICE Room 5, M. FP A Bullding, Valley Phous Moy. We Buy Jank: you know that Biosteln Bros fron, metals, etc. Call on us disposing of your junk. We plesale and retall. Bell phone mpt attention. exact weight » for prices Bolstaln Bros, Cor and Broad Sts, Waverly aws & Winlack Attorneys and Counselors at Law, GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Sayre. Tuttle, M. D., Specialist, ptice limited to diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses rat fitted. Hours 10 to 12 care and prompt attention moving of Planos, Household 111 Miller Street. OFFICE HOURS: u 00am. 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00 ¥ Bint an Shri dissin ; Both Phonea To have a mod- ern steam or hot water heating system installed before extreme cold weather sets in We can make your house ccm- fortable in every corner and your coal bill will bet no largr. Le us give you an estimate on ant up -to - date sys- tem. We sell the well known Cheerful Home furnace which can't be beaten. Plumb- ing, Heating and Tin work. Gas Fixtures, Burners and Glassware. APPROPRIATELY OBSERVED. Grand Army Hall at Athens Filled to Its Capacity Yesterday. Athens—The exercisés commemora- tive of Lincoln's birthday in Grand Army hall yesterday were attended by a large company of soldiers and their wives and were very highly en- joyed. There was an abundant sup- ply of eatables and everybody had a chance to sit down with the old boys and enjoy a good meal. There was enough and to spare and after thes crowd had been fed, committees were fent out with provisions for the sick comrades who were not able to at- tend. This made It a kind of thanks- giving dinner for all, and we are con- fident that there was real thanksgiv- ing over the coming of the social and congenial greetings of the occa- sion. Comrade George W. Morse had charge of the program which was opened by a speech from Rev. von Tobel. This was the first time he had been able to attend our social greetings and he gave us a most hap- py speech, brim full of patriotism and christian counsel, Next Rev. F. L. Allen was called and made a very eloquent speech giv- Both Phones, Elmer Avenue. THE CASUTA LAND CO. OF SAYRE. Desires to announce that they have some very desirable bulldiog lots for sale on cheap and easy terms, and that they have placed the agency for selling them in the hands of ANDREW EVARTS of this place. All those wishing to provide themselves with homes or to invest in lots for specu- lative purposes will do well to con- sult with Mr. Evarts before purchas- ing elsewhere. This plot of land Is pearly surrounded by industrial plants with beautiful scenery and all the ad- vantages of a modern town. Terms to sult purchasers. Steps are already being taken to supply all the land comprising this plot with a full sup- fords. When you come to look over the plot of ground take trolley to Springs Corners, cross bridge that crosses over L. V. R. R. when across bridge turn to the left and you are on the ground. There will be 3a man at the office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons of each week to show you over the ground, or any other day by calling Valley Phone No. 244c. Andrew Evarts, 108 Hospl- tal Place, Sayre, Pa. R. H. DRISLANE, coln Jara Kelley then sang a very charming patriotic song in her usual delightful manoer- She is a soldier's danghter and has “always manifested a deep Interest fn“ our social gatherings 5. 8 Then followed Rev. H. C. Blair, the fighting parson, who always has a heart full of pathos and is brim full of roldierly enthusiasm. His remarks touch a tender spot in the hearts of the veteran who has experienced the different emotins of soldierly trials. He was a guard at the White House for several months and had become familiar with the martyr president as he has received his daily salute while ont duty. Next came a recitation by Mrs. Louisa Snow the talented reader and elocutionist, a soldier's wife and a grand patriotic woman. She recited ‘The Volunteer” a masterly selec tion that depicts real soldlerly ex- periences and as she gave it touched a tneder spot In our hearts. Mra. C. E. McKinney read a selec- tion, giving the temperance side of President Lincoln's life, after which remarks were made by several com- rades and the meeting closed. It was a splendid méeting and will be long remembered by all who attended. Wintry winds whined weirdly. Willie wriggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win- dress on tkz Lifc of Lincoln. Athens-~The Patriotic Order Bons of America had a most dslightful meeting last evening. Their ball in the Samford block was most (taste 1y decorated with flags and other pa- triotic devices and the meeting was one of the deepest Interest A CC. Dorn had charge of the program and first called for a patriotic selection which was rendered by the grapho- phone operated by Jason R. Lord. Dr. E C. Richel was then Introduced and made a very appropriate speech on the life of Lincoln and at the con- clusion stated that the Lincoln farm in LaRue county, Kentucky, together with the old log house In which Abra- ham Lincoln was born was to be pur- chased and converted Into a Nation- al park and that they wished contri- butions made for the purchase of stock In order to raise the money for that purpose. Each. subscriber will receive a souvenir receipt for the rumber of shares purchasad contain- fng a picture of the log house In which Mr. Lincoln was born. The shares are 25 cents each and can be procured of Dr. Rishel Rev. W. A. Kelley was next called out and gave incidents in the life and charaéter of Lincoln that were very interestiig. Rev. F. I. Allen next gave a short talk on Mr Lincoln's character and in the course of his talk referred to several incidents In his Ufe that gave character to his pub- lic and social career. Mr. Hill then gave some life-like views on the screen of historic character repre- senting prominent events in the his- tory of this country. Among them as he threw a large view of the bhat- tie of Gettyshurg on the screen he de- scribed the pathetic incident of the soldier, ((Serg't. Hummiston) who was found sitting up against a tree “with the picture of his wife and two children in his hands viewing them as his life ebbed away. | The meeting was very interesting and highly enjoyable. ATHENS BRIEFS Bubscribe for The Record. Geo. E Vall was in Towanda today on business. Edward Joachin is sick at the home of his father, Hopkins street Elsle Jordan and Ida Corbin re- turned from New York today Thomas M Stalford of Wyalusing, was an Athens visitor yesterday. ‘The Lenten services are held dally this week in Trinity church at 4:30 o'clock. Perkin's Post will hold their next meeting Saturday afternoon next at 2 o'clock. Stanley J. Little and Sheriff Grifiin of Towanda, were in Athens today on business The Lenten social at the rectory last evening was well attended and they had a pleasant time George H. Patterson and wife of Sayre, attended the exercises at P. O S. of A. hall last evening. The young people of the Unlver- salist church will hold a Valentine social at the parsonage, 117 Payne street, Thursday evening. Everybody is Invited to attend. Remember that next Sunday even- ing there will be a lecture (llustra- ted by moving pictures at the Baptist church. It will represent incidents ‘n the life of Moses Elmer Gleason of New York, came to Athens a few days ago where his wife has been staying with her moth- er, Mrs. J. C. Flood. He received a despatch from Dexter, Mich. yester-4 day that his mother is dead and went to attend the funeral today. Charles Burney was before Esquire Tozer's court yesterday afternoon charged with a serious crime against a young lady and is held to court un- der $400 bonds to appear and answer to the charge. Hiram W. Russell of Lockwood. came to Athens on the train today noon and found the town had chang- ed so much that he was obliged to get a boy_to pliot him down to the busi- ness part of Main street. He was a former Athenian and it is rather strange that he has not kept tab on us better than he has. Charles Lewis was stricken with paralysis this morning at about 7 o'clock and Is in a very precarious condition. He was at the home of his son, Volney Lewis on 225 Centre street and had just gone fo a back closet when the family heard a noise and on going there found him lying uticonseious. Dr. Holcomb was call- +e For Women $4.00 Burt - 4.00 Patrician 3.50 a" - 3.00 La France 2.50 Superba 2.00 Doris 1.50 Bernalda 3 rifice prices. 1} i i“ Biss Library Club Meeting. Athens—The meeting of the Ladies’ Library ciub yesterday afternoon was well attended and the exercises were very lostructive and enjoyable. [he program was in charge of Mrs. Hels- ter Ploliet. The first number was a piand solo, Concert Waltz by Raff, played by Mrs. E M. Dunham, after which Mrs. B. F Carey read part of the annual report of the president of the Pennsylvania Women's Federation on Civil Service reform which was presented at their last annual meel- ing at State College, Pa. Mr. E H Shipman of Sayre read a very excel- lent paper on the merit system of ap- pointments to office and illustrated by the passage of certain bills that have been passed for that object. He stat- ed that it would be best to gain a more definite knowledge of conditions before commencing measures of re- form. He made a plea for an increase in the salaries of teachers in the pub- He schools and stated that the pau- pers in some counties were pald more per day thau the public school teach- ers. His paper was well received and a standing vote of thanks was given ut its conclusion. ’ Miss Clara Kelley sang a solo, “I Love You Sweet,” and afterwards gave the song “Leonore.” Mrs. P. E. Decker read extracts from a fine paper by Mrs. P. R. Ross of Waverly, which she had read be- fore the State Federation at State College at their last annual meeting. In this paper the Merit system as op- posed to the spolls system was ably presented. The club decided to continue the subject of Pennsylvania, adding, “Home Economics” for the present Year. Hospital for Consumptives. willlamsport—The Lycoming Coun- ty Medical Society has planned to build a hospital at Ellenton, located at the junction of Lycoming and Sul- livan countless, for the care of indigent persons who are sufferers from tuber- culosis. be appropriated for the bulldings by the State, $10,000 for the equipment and $10,000 mannually for mainten- ance, but before the State aid can be offered the project will have to be sus- tained by charitable giving people in adjacent counties. Willlamsburg Woman Dies, Aged 106. Altoona, Pa.—Mrs. Elizabeth Stalk- er, aged over 106 years and Peansyl- vania's second oldest person, died sud- ea AD now now now now now now now is 5.50 4. 00 is 3.50 ‘“ second quality * first quality second quality No Directorship for Alleghenlan Pittsburg—When Mayor Guthrie discovered Monday that, should the Supreme Court hand down its decision on the Greater Pittsburg blll and de- clare it constitutional, the death of Director James W. Clark, of the De- partment of Public Works. would leave a vacancy, which would fall to Director John Swan, of Allegheny, the Mayor hurriedly appointed A. B Sheppard, Superintendent of Water, to fill the vacancy. Seeback Charged With Abduction. Williamsport—Seeback, who ap- peared in the local vaudeville theatre last week as the champion bag punch- er of the world, was arrested at El- Elmira, N. Yon the charge of ab- ducting pretty little Harriet Doebler, aged 13 years of this city. Maynard, Maynard & Schrier Attorneys and Counselors. M. P. A. BLOCK, SAYRE, PA. MAYNARD BLOCK, ATHENS, Fi. FRENCH FEMALE MADAME PILLS. 75 Sars, Cow aiy Basia for Beyresmeas Nassres von, povie guswn TB FAIL Basi ont Bate! Bure! Breeds | Batis jie Je Sua, WHE 4 Sfp Aree Be ~ Free. 1 your draggiet eri Bape peri ee YRITED MEDICAL CO., pon T4, Lancasren, Fa. now now now now now now now ppl zemies SPELHELPOLIIRIEIELEI EL EE ESRI SIRI EASE 004 aa ah aas ashy et ht SG Gihdd " - ao = now now now now now Raxnsas Attorney-At-Law. : Notary Public. Special attention to pension papers Valley Fhone 1la. 112 Desmond Btreet, 5 AH. Murray, MD: Throat and the proper Fitting of Glasses. Hours—$§-13; He Sundays by appointment Wheelock Block. OSBORN'S LIVERY Baggage called for and deliversd in any part of Sayre, Athens, and Waverly, and all kinds of team work attended to promptly. Livery at pupils on the Mandolin. Lessons tion address EDWIN F. LOOMIS, Athens, Pa. ol STOCK Jan. 14