The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, February 12, 1907, Image 3

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Agate Basins
Mixing Bowls
are Agate Bread Pans
e Tin Water Pails
4 quart Agate Stew Pans
Large Agate Wash Basins
Large Tin Dish Pans
Flour Sifters
Wire Baskets
Whisk Brooms
Pliers—All Sizes
216 Desmond St., Sayre,
3 If you don’t trade with
Is Now Ready For
| The Valley Record
© %AIL (he mews that's St to print.”
Advertise In The Record
Best grade Lehigh Valley and Ber-
Fnice coal, well screened, prompt de-
® livery; bard and soft wood. Both
_ phones at yard and office at Raymond
& Haupt's. D. Clarey Coal Co
Advertise in The Record
Next Thursday is St
“Side-Tratked” is booked for the
Loomis on Saturday evening.
“Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the
. begianing of the Lenten season.
There was no court at Towanda to-
day in homor of Lincoln's birthday.
“What Happened to Jonks” al the
Loomis tomorrow afternoon and even-
~ “What Happened to Jones” tomor-
- row afternoon and evening at the
The employes of the Lehigh Valley
ou the 15th
On account of Lincoln's
the men employed in the
shops enjoyed a holiday today
The postoffice observed holiday
bours and the banks of Sayre also
closed on account of Lincoln's birth-
The condition of ex-Postmaster J
- N. Weaver Is discouraging to his
friends. He has been fallng rapidly
The pupils in several of the rooms
of the Sayre schools rendered pro-
grams today In commemoration of
Lincoln’s birthday
Miss Veva Williams entertained a
number of her friends at whist yes-
ay afternoon at her home
Wilbur avenue.
re will a Valentife social 2
bome of E. M Thompson on
street tomorrow evening for
‘benefit of the Sayre M. E church
ra. 0. L. Roberts and Mrs. G. F
ard entertained a large number
thelr friends at the borge of (he
iY. this afternoon. A most de-
ful time 1s reported.
Melxell, who was badly shuk-
p in the Lehigh wreck near Spen-
pn Friday, i reported as improv-
and will be able to be at his
of business In & few days
funeral of Fraveis, the infant
and ‘Mrs. William Miner
street, was beld from the
ernoon at two o'clock
stor of the
322 8. Main St., Athens.
us we both lose money.
Four of the Fifty-Six Steel Stretches
Swang Yesterday.
Under the direction of the experts
from the Phoenix Bridge company,
In a Communication te The Record
| Special Ofiicer Says That He Has
| Not Negleeted His Duty.
Below Is printed a communication
from R. A. Holcomb, the West Sayre
special officer. who was relieved from
ithe force by Chief Walsh several
‘weeks ago The chief charged Hol-
comb with dereliction of duty and de-
‘manded his badge. The chief then
‘preferred charges against Holcomb
which were presented to the council
at the last meeting. During a dis-
cussion of the charges at the coun-
cil meeling, which promised to wax
exceeding hot, Holcomb suddenly ten-
dered his resignation. The following
i# the communication received from
Mr. Holcomb:
Editor Record
At the last council meeting held
February 4, Chief Walsh preferred
charges ugalnst me, which appeared
in the Sayre papers on the following
‘day. These charges may appear io
‘some to be true. | stated to the coun-
cil that | considered it only spite
work, and that I could clear myself
of all them. [ will try and do so and
not leave the people with only one
side of the story. In the first place
Chief Walsh came into my place on
December “18, and sald
acrosss the Susquehanna at Towan-
da, the fourth of the big girders was
yesterday morning SWung out across
the river and dropped into place
This will end the spectacular work
of holsting the girders for a few days,
for the efforts of the bridge men will
now be devoted to bracing up the 58-
ton stretches of steel. The strength
of each girder is seen In the fact that
as each one is projected, the heavy
traveler is run ont upon it with all
The Pheonix Bridge company,
whose immense plant is located at
Pheonixville, Pa. is one of the larg-
esl concerns outside of the Bridge
Trest and they have no thouble In se-
curing the most desirable contracts
because of the reputation of their
work. The Towanda bridge was built
by the Phoenix company from the
fron ore to the finished painted gird-
ers and those in charge of the work
state that the bridge will be one of
the most successful undertakings of
the company’s history :
Eight lalians Paid $5 Each for Rub-
ber Tubing.
The sequel of the reported theft of
8 quantity of rubber air hose from
the Lehigh Valley, metioned in this
paper yesterday, came when Special
Officer T. B. Shaffer, accompanied by
Officer Douglass of Waverly, pre-
sented himself to the local officers
and enlisted their services in a search
of the Italians’ quarters in Wysox
The result of the visit to the box
cars where the foreigners reside was
the arrest of no less than eight of the
unfortunate laborers, upon whose feet
were found shoes that had been tap-
ped with rubber The men
great effort to avoid the officers, but
when brought before Justice Oreutt
each of the eight paid $5. The value
of the missing alr hose was placed at
The “Gum Shoe” men
made bold to state that they had no
objection. to others than
wearing soft soles, but thought that
such expensive “hose” should not be
worn with such heavy shoes as the
foreigners had; four more of the of-
fenders are expected to be found at
Sayre. This class of thievery Is sald
to have heen going on for some time
past, and will be broken up —Towan-
da Review
Susquehanna Is Closed For Miles,
For the first time in two years the
Susquehanna river is closed for miles
above and below Harrisburg At
some places the thermometer yester-
day dropped as low as zero, and the
stream, full of floating ice. came slow-
ly to a standstill
lot of alarm through the lower end
of Harrisburg, where an fce-flood {is
often the cause of thousands of dol-
lars. worth of damage
warm weather might
high water =
Dissolved Partuershipr
The shoe firm of Williams & Sutton
yesterday dissolved partnership and
the business will hereafter he conduet-
ed by R. D. Williams. The firm open-
ed a shoe store at its present loca-
tion on Lockhart street about two
years ago and it is regarded as one
of the finest shoe establishments in
this section of the country. Mr. Wil-
Hanis will continue to conduct it on
same lines with Improvements
tl H Hutton has
“The business men of West Sayre
claim you will not act when called
upon aud I want your badge nd key.”
I said to him: “The business men?
He said, “Yes-sir.”
I sald “if [that is a fact,
have them.”
He said that it was a fact and when
he went out I drew up a writing and
went out and saw the business men
and here is what they signed:
‘We, the undersigned merchants
ond business men of West Sayre have
not made any complaint in any way
to the council or chief of police for
police protection (Signed) W. L
Saxer, E. H. Jones & Co, C A. Childs
& Co, F. E Smith, J. B. Holcomb, D
D King
So | suppose he found out he was
caught in this one, and he had to try
and conjure up something else in or-
der to gain his point
At the February meeting he brought
in charges that occurred on August
first—a fist fight between two boys
THe following letter will explain it-
self in reference to this fight
You can
Sayre, Pa, Feb. 7, 1907.
Mr. R A. Holcomb,
Dear Sir
In answer to your request will say
I was in your barb®¥shop on August
1, 1906, and was an eye witness to a
fight that started between young
Waish and another boy, and saw you
EO across the street and stop the
fight. The boys went away and to
the best of my knowledge you did the
right thing as an officer
Yours respectfully,
Stephen Daaton.
{| Another charge which the chief
makes is that [ shirked my duty on
the night of the Itallan riots. This
{happened in the night and | knew
nothing of the affair until the next
The third charge is that | received
dollar for services which were
supposed to have been performed on
Hallow e'en night. The following is
4 letter from an officer who was with
me on the night In question
Sayre, Pa, Feb 11,
In reply to your request in regard
{0 your services rendered for the bor-
ough of Sayre on October 30, 1906.
will say that | met you first that night
about eight o'clock at the corner of
Keystone avenue and Lincoln street,
and left you about 11:17 pear the up
per end of North Elmer avenue
Fred House,
Special Officer
} 1307
Mr. R A
The fourth charge made by the
chief is In reference to a window
which was broken In Shedden's store
lon one Sunday morning I knew
nothing of a window having been
broken untill after Sunday school. |
{went at once and asked the burgess
{for information and | acted accord-
{ing to his Instructions
These are the charges which have
{heen made and are they the result of
spite work or ignorance?
R. A. Holcomb
Rallroads Will Protect Workmen.
Au order has been Issued for the
{protection of foreign workmen in the
‘employ of contractors along the
| Pennsylvania raliroad and as track
{hands on the main line. The number
{of these workmen killed in the past
(year has been little less than as-
Same of the men have complained
that they are compelled to work In
front of approaching trains until they
are almost run down. They are rep-
rimanded, they say, when they leave
| the track before the “bossa” thinks
they should. .
The new order will give the men
Opportunity to get away in time and
placed {no
Clarence Walker of the local post-
office force, returned this morning
from Owego where he-has been vis-
iting his grandfather, who is serious-
Attoreny J. J. Kitner, who has been
practicing his profession at Pittsburg
for several years, but who is now ar-
ranging to locate In Renovo, Clinton
county, this state, is the guest of Dr
L. B Denison.
Manning Limley of Canton. and Ar-
thie Rockwell of West Virginia. are
guests of thelr sister, Mrs Levi Flem-
ing. The latter recently underwent
an operation at the hospital and since
her discharge from that instituttion
has been staying at the home of her
brother on Welles avenue
Large congregations are attending
the revival meetings at the Church of
Christ in West Sayre each evening
Many conversions are recorded and
the interest is increasing Brother
Emanuel of East Smithfield will as-
sist the evangelist during the remain-
der of the week Everybody is wel-
come . 8
The man who predicted an open
winter has taken to the tall timber
This morning the thermometer stood
ten degrees below zero, and the pros-
pects for another cold night are ex-
cellent. The coal dealers, however
are wearing a ;broad smile, and the
Ice men are hustling to get the sum-
mer supply of ice harvested
ES ———————— .
The Arrival of Kitty" pleased one
of the largest audiénces of the sea-
son at the Loomis last night It was
the second appearance of the com-
pany at the Loomis this season and
the audience went wild with delight
It Is conceded by all who attended
to be the cleverest farce comedy that
has been given to the public in recent
Arrangements have been made for
the early appearance at the Loomis
opera house of Madame Modjeska.
long remembered 2s Americas great-
est exponent of the classic drama
Unusual interest attaches to her com-
ing as it is known by local theatre
goers that they will never again have
the opportunity to witness Madame
Mojeska's wonderful acting since this
Is positively her farewell tour
“What Happened to Jones.”
Laugh and the world laughs with
you" No saylog ever carried greater
meaning. Geo H Broadhurst cer-
tainly filled the bill to the letter when
he launched his now world-found far-
clical ecstacy, entitled, “What
Happened to Jones” He has made
the characters laugh and he has made
the characters make the audience
laugh. That's the secret of its un-
equalled success That's why it is
welcomed back each year, doing lar-
ger business each visit. That's why
It seems always so fresh and enter-
taining. There is too much good
wholesome flavor in It, to be absorb-
ed in one evening. Mr. Richard Mil-
ton will again be seen In his famous
creation of “Jones.” He has become
#uch a favorite with the public in this
role that they won't have him io any-
thing else, it seems. He is support-
ed by the strongest cast he has yet
had, and that is saying a great deal
A very novelty specialty is Introduced
by Mr. D. C. Mott, who Is sald tp be
the handsomest man on the American
stage. Will appear at Loomis opera
house tomorrow eveulng
“Side Tracked.”
A large audience should be on hand
Saturday to witness the production
of that sensational comedy-drama,
“Side Tracked,” which will be the at-
traction at Loomis opera house Sat-
urday afternoon and evening Its
startling denounments and mirth pro-
voking situations evoke raptuous ap-
plause. The company I= a strong one
in every particular and the numbers
are Intensely interesting. The spec
laltles consist of up-to-date songs
dances, duets, trios and choruses. are
given In a thoroughly capable man-
ner. The principal character in the
play Is the tramp through whose per-
sistent efforts a myterfous crime is
finally cleared up
Fi\Hared Both Bones.
Calvin Cole, an employe of the
shops, met with an acident yesterday
afternoon In which he sustained a
fracture of both bones in the left leg
just below the knee. Cole was hit
by a fying plece of steel about six
Inches In diameter, which traveled a
distance of about fifteen feet, strik-
Ing him with such force as to frac-
ture the bones. He was removed to
the hospital where the fracture was
Took Possession Yesterday.
M. J. Farrell yesterday took posses -
slon of the Brundage house, with the
exception of the bar which Is still be
ing conducted by the former proprie-
®r oo account of the license not
having as yet been transferred. Mr.
Farrell bas entirely refitted and re-
furnished and renovated the house
and will conduct a first-class hostel-
avery respect.
Two-Year-0ld Boy of Mr, and Mrs. L.
W. Dorselt Sustained “Green
Stiek™ Fiacivure of the Right
Lewis, the two-year-old son of Mr
and Mrs. I. W. Dorsett of Lincoln
street, met with an accident early this
morning when the little fellow In
some unaccountable maaner fell from
a high chair, sustaining what is
known in surgery as a green stick
fracture of both bones in the right
forearm The' child was sitting In
the high chair at the breakfast table
when it began slipping to the floor
The child's arm caught in the rungs
of the chair, causing the fracture as
There are
kinds of furnita
the flashy, uncom-
fortable style and
the good, solid,
comfortable kind."
The latter is onr
specialty and weean
surely give you sat- - gi
isfaction both as to
quality and price,
guaranteeing each
1s represented
piece to be all that
205 Desmond street
Valley Phone 191 a E+ .
as ee J 2/ AK
A) 20% ZINN 7 B
above stated Pr. C. A Haines was
sent for and arrived immediately An
examination that
disclosed the fact
had been
The doctor
removed to
botie=s in the forearm
fractured and splintered
advised that the child be
the hospital
Especially Those Whe Seek Special
Law for Stltish Benefit.
The Pennsylvania Sate Convention
on Nursing composed of many dis-
tinguished physicians, has sent out
a sharp circular protesting against
the unionism, commercialism and
general dictationalism among the
nurses who such pricps that
poor people or even those moderatels
fixed them
The State Nursing
has for, its objects the regulation and
advancement of nursing, the spread-
ing of information regarding
the duties and limitations of nurses
and the proper relation of nurses to
the medical profession and the com- |!
The j circular has
reference to a bill which is now be
fore the registration or
It declares state law for the “reg-
of nurses” is not
cannot! afford to employ
Committee on
eseqil special
istration only un
necessary, but as the experiences of |°
New York and New
harmiu The
such law is to lead the average nurse |!
much, and aot |
lessen her usefulness as a nurse hat
jeopardize the life of the patient t
Instead of such law being as is]!
claimed by its advocates, a protec-
tion to the community, it becomes a
menace to the pubiie
know that as a general
rule hospital trained nnrses claim toc
much They are often
and dictatorial and require too much
Jersey show, is
positively tendency of
to assume (oo only
positive good
attention and walting upon. Now to
pass laws to confer special marks of |!
distinction upon them is to accentu-|!
ate these qualities and
presence In the sick room a positive
The nurses in
laws are
asking for these
working against their own
best interests for if the laws are en-
acted it wil! only be a little while be-
fore doctors will refuse to
such nurses and will turn to those of
pretensions Lut of
employ |!
less greater use
The spirit
ish desire to maintain
of trade and the fever-
cover of “protecting the public” can
not be coucealed in this wild scram
ble for state recognition
Twenty-five to thirty dollars per
week and higher is the claim. Down
with the poor, down with the doctors
and down with patient—anything to
maintain and advauce prices And
mark that best
occupation now
law and
nursing is the pald
open to wonien
satisfied with the
best there is, we see unrest, jealousy
and a selfish zeal on the
few nurses for
Instead of being
part of a
persoan! recognition
and monopoly. Let these nurses of
fer some practical solution of the
problem of furnisbiig treined rurses
for the great body of the people, who
cannot afford their present
before they ask for the creation of a t
charges |,
The movement savora of trusts and
Aa I ee a
The (
The 1
lary las
u the
etal] «
Uniform Basis
sual sign of
t. and from now on. until
may expect a
main. much to the
strike of
strike of
seeking more
ef in
t is u
o han
ise to
It is
ng exh
ele=3 to flight against the
calli them by
Anthracite in
d territory have male
conditions in
and on a
Prices never go too
seiler of cual
id back hy
interesting to note by
wusted be fore the new
vy slip
vith hi
hen le
eft for
he dut
making the
carries most ail
ping in broken parts he
m, In
piece that
He charges the
$12 for
house and
as $10 or
saving the
There |
les of his new position
will join him later
od =
Just received a fine lot of Canaries
and Cages and Cage Fixtures. | have
one fine yellow-headed Mexican Par-
rot, perfectly tame, talks, laughs and
sings. Call or write before you send
away for birds
123 heystone Ave,
Sayre, Pa.
License Transfer.
Notice Is hereby given that an ap-
plication will be made to the court on
Monday, February 18, 1907, for trans- t
fer of Tavern License of the Hotel
Hrundage, situate in the First Ward
in Sayre Borough from Synthla J i
Brundage to Michael J. Farrell.
3 the
Lot fe
Sayre. Pa, Eph, 9,
proposals will be
Borough Clerk until
P.M Tuesday. March
the following trunk
including all labor and
{cet 24-inch pipe
feet 20-inch pipe
pet 18-inch pipe
Town Councll reserves
» reject any and all bids
check for §500,
i. H
Sayre, Pa
Towanda, Pa, Feb. 7, 1907 Clerk
General Contractor and Bullder,
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
Valley Phone 125. Rwaldence 208
J. G. Howe
Mother’s work
Save work, worry and time.
The Asbestos Hood keeps the
iron hot and the handle cool.
That's why it does the work
better, and makes Ironing a
The Asbestos Sad Irons are for
\ Samptuous Revival of The
Famed Farcical Eestacy
What Happened 0 ones
tico. M. Broadhurst.
The cleverest company that has evers
interpreted this cleverest play.
Prices—25, 50, 75, §1.00
Advance opens Monday morning at
Box eflice.
Do you appreciate a good thing? We
know you all do, so when you want
anything in the line of furniture
upholstered or repaired, no :
what you have, I can do the work and
do [t right. My prices are right, and my Pp
work Is guaranteed for six months
A postal card will bring me to your
house with samples and prices.
Cor. Broad and Pennsylvania Avenues
Waverly, N. Y.
Everything new and up-to-date. |
Class Accommodations,
Thomas Ave, Opposite LV.
Rates $1.58 Per Day.
ns —
Any one wishing to take Violin
sons, evenings only can do” so
iropping a line or calling at If
Toga street. Children my delight.
104 Tioga Sty, Sayre 3
Try the Record.