| NEW SPRING GOODS NOW ARRIVING R NOR BARGAINS MORE PROFUSE IN VARIETY THAN NOW, None of Our Furs Are Reserved But all now priced at one-third and one-half off. ‘Buy ous now and reserve after a month's wear for BEXi season. There is no easier way lo save than A rare bargain H Choice Eiderdown. _ you can use 30c¢ Eiderdown at 15¢ of about eight patterns. “buy furs right now at one-half off at There is a saving of one-half on a small quantity Wooltex and Other Suits. of ten styles in $1.00 patterns. Men and women They must go to Lhe early buyers, who will ¥ select one upon examination. Some patrons ‘have bought two on account of the unusual value, yet a few remain. Buy now Rummage sale of : z Boys’ Suits, ages 3 to 9, at less 8 now for Suits that were $1.98 32.48 and $2.69 $8 now for Suits formerly priced §258 E88 now for Suits and Overcoats formerly priced 357, $4.19, $4.69 and $498 pow for Suits and Overcoats formerly $5867 and $5.98 They are all sallor and Buster Brown effects in tans, blues and various mixtures wearing appreciated values for $2.69. will be BLACK SKIRTS, OUR REGULAR 9c LEADER, Ge. LIZ. Children’s Jersey Leggins. 25 Dozen Ages 4 to 10, now 19. Buy now, even if used Not a big selec New Spring Waists. ion, but very generous values GOODS FOR 1907 SHOWN IN OUR BIG WINDOW. THEY ARE RIGHT, THAT IS WHY THEY W. T. Carey, Justice ol the Peace. OFFICE ‘Room 6, M. F. A Building, Valley Phone 246y. THE CAYUTA LAND CU, OF SAXEE, Desires to announce that they have some very desirable bullding lots for sale on cheap and easy terms, and that they have placed the agency for selling them in the hands of ANDREW EVARTS of this piace. All those wishing to provide themselves with bomes or to invest in lots [or specu- lative purposes will do well to con- sult with Mr. Evarts before purchas- - ing elsewhere. This piot of land is | nearly surrounded by industrial plants We Buy Junk. |: : with beautiful scenery and all the ad- Jou know that Biosteln Bros. ',,,,ces of a modern town. Terms 8 highest price for rags, rub-|., quit purchasers. Steps are already b lron, metals, etc. Call on us |,.ny taken to supply all the land re disposing of your Junk. We 0, ising this plot with a full sup- ‘wholesale and retall. Bell phone |, of the best water the valley af- Prompt attention. exact weight. |orgy When you come to look over | for prices, Bolstein Bros, Cor. |p, pot of ground take trolley to and Broad Sts. Waverly | Springs Corners, cross bridge tat {crosses over Lo V. R. R. when across {bridge turn to the left and you are {on the ground. There will be a man {at the office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons of each week to show you over the ground, or any other day by calling Valley Phoue No. 244c. Andrew Evarts, 108 Hospl- tal Place, Sayre, Pa. 3. Tuttle, M. D., 10 to 12 5,7t08p m Office and 211 South Elmer Ave, Val- Insurance and Heal Estate. Loans Negotiated, Insurance Written, Houses Rented, Rents Collect- od, Taxes Pald. Room 7, Elmer Bloek, LOCKHART STREET, SAYRE. DR. A. G. REES, M. D. 111 Miller Street OFFICE HOURS: 5t011:00 a m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:08 Genito urinary and chronic diseases £ specialty. Both Phonea. A. J. Green, Contractor and Builder, Plans and Estimates Furnished. [25 Stevenson St Valley Phone 212y. of Women and of the Ree Hours Tto 9a m. 1 to | pairs Men's Pants, #8 pairs Men's Pants, pairs Men's Pants, pairs Men's Pants, pairs Men's Pants, pairs Men's Pants, * 'SIEA Foley—Phalin. Matthew P. Foley of Athens and Miss Etta I. Phalin of Elmira, were married at St. Joseph's church yes- terday morning at 9 o'clock by the Rev. Father O'Rourke. Miss Mary Doran was bridesmaid and Richard R. Francke was best man. After the ceremony took dinner at the nome of the bride's uncle, Purl Phalin, North Main street and later took the 1 oclock Erie train and later took the ding journey, They will return In abont ten days and will reside at 707 North Main street, Athens they The concert Conservatory given by the Ithaca Concert company at high schoo! last evening was fine and # large audience was present. The young Iadies have attained a high state of proficiency In the diving art and the audience was so well pleased that they were obliged to double the program with encores. Miss Rogers, one of our Sheshequin young ladies whom we would have been delighted to have heard once more was nol with the company. Her place was filled by Miss Smith, Laws & Winlack Attorneys and Counselors at Law. A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Valley Phones 180a. Sayre. C. J. Kitchin, Drs Sa Bepocial 3 Lailog or ananlion given to moving of Planes, Household Gaels, Safes, ete. R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Bullder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 210 Miller St Sayre, Ps The special wormen's train was half an hour late this morning The late Frank McMahon's remains have Leen buried in California E F. Loomis has been down with the grip all of the week, but is now better. Jahn Grippen went {o Lestershire last evening to visit with his sister a short time. Mrs L E Conrad went to Meshop- pen this morning to visit her father B. B. Dunlap. Miss Nettle Mix, who has been the guest of Miss Bertha Arnold, return- ed to Laguin today. N. 8 Frazer of Wyalusing, Is in Athens for u few weeks In the Inter- ¢st of an Insurance company Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson went Ww Wssox this morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Waldo - Fred Beers was acquitted of z the charge of burglary and larceny by the jury at Towanda yesterday John H. Chaffee of Hornbrook, at- tended the meeting of the Unlon Vet- eran Legion in Athers yesterday. Mrs. Milton Randal of Canton, N Y.. came to Athens today and is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. A Kélley Rev. H. G. Blair of Standing Stone, was in Athens yesterday afternon in attendance at the Union Veteran meeting. ~ There were ihree juries out deliber- ating on criminal cases when Chief Mulligan returned from Towanda last evening Charles Dewitt of Laquin, has been the guest of [riends in Athens a short time and returned to his home this morning The Ice men are having their inning now. The thermometer was strug- gling down in the latitude of 14 be- jow zero this morning WwW. W. Miller of East Athens, who has been dangerously ill with pneu- monia Is very much better and hopes are entertained of his recovery. The annual Hradford county dinner will be held In New York Thursday, Feb. 28. Mr. Will Perkins, who was elected president has declined the honor and Harry Horton has been re-elected. George W. Morse has purchased the lot on North Main street, near Tioga Point cemetery of Mrs. Harriet E Kinney and will erect a residence for himself in a few months with the purpose of making his home there for the future. Athens W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Nona Rice, Friday afternoon at 2:30. The meeting will be in charge of Miss Emma Bush. Evangelistic superintendent. This will be a very interesting helpful meeting. Everybody welcome. Cor- ner Malin and Frederick streets Washington Camp P. O. 8S. of A will celebrate Lincoln's birthday Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, in an ap- propriale manner. They have ar- ranged to have addresses, recitations and singing and the ocasion will be one of real enjoyment to all who at- tend. It will be held in their hall Sanford’s block, commencing at § o'clock. A concert will be given at High School hall on Thursday evening, Feb 21 for the benefit of the plano fund. All of the prominent musicans have volunteered their services and all of the proceeds will be applied to that fund. This is a special concert and the regular course tickets will not be available for admission. It will be a very enjoyable evening and should have a liberal patronage. Wintry winds whined weirdly. Willle wriggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win- ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore we write, “Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup.” Nothing else so good. Sold by C. M. Driggs, Drugs. SAYRE - = . = = “The New York Times having ad- dressed a telegram directly to the Im- perial government to ascertain the at- titude of Japan (with regard to ihe San Francisco school incident], you are authorized to make a categorical declaration of the absolutely pacifie In- tentions of Japan™ Neither Ambassador Aoki nor any of any of the war talk that Las gone on at intervals since the San Francisco school question became sn interna- tional Incident. Bo little weight was given by the embassy to this phase of ernuient But from other sources, it seems, 8 great deal has been cabled ta Japan, and the newspapers of Tokyo and oth- er cities have had more or less extend. od reports of alleged war feeling In this country. In this way the talk bas come to the attention of the haperial government, and It was sald at the embassy that evidently the government regarded such talk with serious comn- cern, not ns being » truthful index of the situation, but as indicating the possibility of a bellef in this country that Japau might really be entertain- ing unfriendly intentions” toward the United States, One particalar feature of the war talk seems to have been especially the cause of anxiety In Tokyo, and that wns the report that Ambassador Aokl had presented an ultimatum to Secre- tary Root. Such a report as that was too rideidulous to be telegraphed to Tokyo or for the embassy to deny, but it manifestly gave concern to the Jap- auese government that such = thing could find expression or belief in this country. The impression prevails at the sam- bassy from the dispatches it has re ceived from Tokyo that the Japanese government takes all this waF talk to mean that there is a serious bellef here in the danger of a hostile sutbreak. Nour Burned to Death at Pelham. PELHAM, N. XY, Feb, “During the height of the storm here fire swept through the livery stables and living apartments of Richard I. Vaughn and burned to death four occupants of the home. Mrs. Vaughn and her two year-old son were caught by the flames as the other, with the child Iu ber arms, was groping her way through the smoke toward au exit. A colored woman living with the Vaughns was burped in her bed. Thomas Micky, a stableman. escaped from the house nly to Jose his life in an effort to save the horses The iponetary loss was about $16,000 Engine Exploded After Callizlon. LEXINGTON, Ky., Feb. ".—In a wreck of freight trains on the Chesa- peake and®=Oblo raliway near Colby Station, near here, Engineer Edward Harp, C. K. Marshall and R. B. Wil. son, trainmen, were Instantly killed. Several other tralnmen were injured. One of the engines exploded, killing the men Instantly. The trains met in a head-on collision. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Queointions. Sloney on call steady al 1% per cent; prime mercantile paper. BPGg%'y per cent; exchanges, $&8 04 6%; Dalances, 518 <6 SN. Closing prices Amal Copper... Atchison nz N. Y. Central. 12 M% 116 Ts we 945 1a BL HY « IN Norf. & Weat, £4 Pean R R.... 13’ Reading LIT Rock [Island St. Paul........ Southern Pac Southern Ry South. Ry. pf.. & Bugar ANY 188 Texas oy, T'plon my U. S. Btee! . 1a UI. B. Bteel pf IY 8% West Union... 83% 544 B.&0.......... Brooklyn R. T.. C,C.C.&kBLL Chess. & Ohio Chi & Northw D&n Erle 5 Gen. Electric Ill, Central... Lackawanna Louis. & Nash Manhattan..... Int Met, Missouri Pac... Pacific... © Pacific... 170% | New Yark Markets, FLOUR-Firm, but dull; Minnesota pet ents MM 10k43; winter straights, $3. 0u : winter extras, $2563; winter patents $0001 8, WHEAT — Market advanced early on higher Liverpool cables and continued light receipts, but later reacted owing to snow in the belt; May, 84 11-1665 13-1 BUTTER-Creamery, extras per pound BLU (Mercantile Exchange official quotation, extras, 1Xc.); Arsis, 23G3c | sec onds, HPSc.; thirds, 20d. held, extras, DYUGIc.; Arsiz, Jade ; seconds, DY The : thirds, Ogc.: state dairy. tubs, firsts, TU Tie. seconds, Ie. thirds, LpZc, CHEESE-State, (ull cream, sinall and Iarge, September, fancy, 4c. October, bent, 1I3%dléc.; good to prime, LNG, winter made, average best, 12. !nferior, gli. ; lxht skims, llc. hall skid. best, $Uloc. ; part skims, prime, Ss falr to good, $490 TUC., common, iw, full skims, EGGS8~Slate, Pennsylvania and nearb selected, white, fancy, 3. choles, 8g 2c. . brown and mixed, extra, (So firsts to extra firsts, BRAT c.. dirtes, lic. cholce, 18430c.; refrigerator, DHE TALLOW-Firm; city, § bls. country, ©, Ne Steady, shipping, Wd8ic.; good to choles, 01 *q 10. STRAW Steady at 80667 %c HEANS — Steady; marrow, RI5GLITW,; medium, 71.16, pea, $1.O%ELW. red kid- ney NYG LE WOO L~Steady; domestic fleece, Darise ~“HOPS~-8teady ; state, common 10 choos, 1908, 8G. IWS, Selle; 1s, i605. 16, 1044130. POTATOES-Dull, but nominal; Penn- sylvania, cholee, per bushel, Kgl8c.; New ork and western, do. $gloc. do, fair to good, dao, 45C LIVE POULTRY -Firmer and in fair demand: fowls, 13514. ; old roosters, 94 We.; chickens, 106713¢c.; ducks Ge; eese, 13G14¢ ; turkeys, 1401 DRESSED POULTRY Quiet, but bare. iy steady; fowls, choice IT%Hlc | do fair 10 good 12 13¢ ; old rocsters, 0c. nearby chickens, 14910. ; western, do, 0 fl4ec.: turkeys, nearby, choles to fancy, Fife. do. western, do, TG | fair fo good, do, 1#Glec.; ducks, nearby, G18; western, 40. 120140, geess, nearby, wid 12c.; western. do, Paid Live Stoek Markets. CATTLE-Supply light; market steady choice, $5.75G%, prime, B.OGLN; veal calves, BEOGS HOGS - Receipts light. market active, me heavies, 57.5. mediums and heavy orkers, 11.28. light Yorkers, 513. pigs PIM, roughs. KGS Sifies adn" LAMB - 4 1; n market steady. prime wethers, soqf culls and common, U3. lambs, 6GT 7 Belgian Marriage Laws, In Belgium the law allows a Bel Pacific coast, - glan to marry 8 foreigner abroad ac cordlag to En, foreign 1 3 One Lot One Lot: ~ DRS 100 PIECE SET. It's Not Too Late To have a mod- ern steam or hot water heatin system install before extreme cold weather sets in We can make your house com- fortable in every coroer and your coal bill will bet no larger. Le us give you an estimate on an up -to - date sys- tem We sell the well known Cheerful Home furnace which can't be beaten. Plumb- ing, Heating and Tin work. Gas Fi Burners Glassware. sad Both Phones, Elmer Avenue. E. M. Dunham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office: Roms 4 and 6, Elmer Block, Lock- hart Street, Sayre. FREACH FEMALE MADAME DEAN’ PILLS. A fers, Canvass four for Arovasuss Nimes, fon, FrViR Known TO FAIL, Rafe’ Sani Rlemiy | Eadie wim Gearhead wm Messy Eefynded a prepaid for BLED pov ban. Wil sred (hewn en Uris, be Ye pall for wien reitsvad. Ramin Free, If pour druggies eh Bere thew send Fons orders te Lhe UNITED MEOICAL CO,, sos T4, LansasTen, Pa. Said in Sayre by the West Sayre Pharmacel Co. WANTED HORSES AND CATTLE DEAD OR ALIVE. : Will pay $1.00 a head at the barm or night. Valley telephone at store Bell telephone in house. J. H. DUNLAP, Susquehanna St, Athens, Pa. Atterney-At-Law. Notary Publle. Special attention to pension papers Valley Phone 1a. ; 112 Desmond Street, A.H.Murray, M.D Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Glassen, Hours—$§-12; 1-5; Sundays by appointment Wheelock Block. 0SBORN’S LIVERY Heavy and Light Draying and Moving. Baggage called for and delivered Waverly, and all kinds of team attended to promptly, tached. Office, Mandolin Teache: Will accept a limited number of EDWIN FP. LOOMIS, Athens, Pa. Jan. 14 & Bish ®