The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 23, 1907, Image 2

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    your Banking
and will pay you
per cent. Interest per
for money left on
pate of Deposit or Sav-
he department of savings
a special feature of this
and all deposits, wheth-
large or small, draw the
seme rails of interest.
MURRELLE, Publisher.
=. _ W. T. CAREY, Editor.
Published every afternoon except
ys at 203 West Lockhart street,
ption, 33.00 per year;
" rates reasonable,
known on application.
; a3 second-class matter May
at the postoffice at Sayre,
. under the Act of Congress of
3, 1879.
{eft at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav-
After 12 o'clock noon call the main
pe at Sayre, both phones.
C. Hall went to New York city
Frank Mitchell of Binghamton,
visiting relatives in Waverly
i ‘There will be a regular meeting of
ir ©. Hull post G. A. R. 1his even-
‘Danfel Hurley of Warren street,
Bas beén dangerously ill Is con-
George Walt, the commission mer-
sant of Nichols, was in Waverly yos-
r ont business.
number of Odd Fellows from
Wego, visited the Manoca lodge at
place last evening.
The K of C. will give another of
euchre parties in the lodge room
next Monday evening.
Messrs. C. J. and T. T. Hurley of
York city are visiting at the
of thelr parents on Warren
‘Word has been received in Waverly
‘a daughter was born a few days
to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Murphy,
mow reside In New York city
‘W, E. Tew, who has been serious-
{1} for several weeks past Is re-
ported as being very much better, and
now able to sit up a part of the
The Italian residents of the valley
will give three dances at Stone's hall
ln Waverly during the next three
weeks. The first Is to occar on the
ig ‘of January 24, the next Feb-
r) 2, and the third on Febraury 11
‘Music will be furnished by an Itallan
an American orchestra. Admit-
26 cents; ladles free
. of the Oldest Residents of Warv-
erly Will Be Lald to Rest To-
~~ merrew Morning,
Waverly—The funeral of Gersham
Pennell, who died last Monday night
Bis home on Ithaca street will take
tomorrow morning at ten o'clock
d the remalns will be taken to the
ton cemetery for burial. Deceay-
#2 years old and had Leen i
of Ellistown and Waverly for
ji¢ vicinity, and was a familiar
of the streets of this village
He Is
Appears In “The Volunteer Organist”
at the Loomis Monday Evening.
Thackreay says thal a man can no
more command courage than he can
make himself six feet high when na-
ture has only given him five feet und
a haif. As with courage, so with
hervism. It has to be born in a man
‘and when the opportunity arises the
{hero will be found equal to the ocea-
| ston A modest young hero. whose
{name will soon be known and honored
‘all over the United States Is Master
{Mellor Newman. By hard work ac
complished by incessant traveling. he
| supports his aged mother and his
{father who some years ago was strick-
jen blind
| Nature was very kind to young Mel-
{lor Newman in giving him a soprano
ivolce of wonderful sweetness and
ipower and of extraordinary compass
{Mellor supplemented nature's gift by
{study apd constant practice until al-
though only fourteen years of age at
{the time. he became recognized in
St. Louls. his native city and the home
of his parents, as the greatest boy
singer of the West. He was the prin-
cipal soloist of Grace church in that
city and his appearance in the cholr
was always a signal for a church
crowded to the doors
Young Newman's heroism is shown
by the fact that uniike most other
boys that are petted and felted, he is
not spolied by adulation and honors
and loves his parents Regularly as
each Monday comes round in St. Lou-
is so also comes a letter to the dear
mother and blind father containing
the major part of the boy's weekly
salary. Newman's ambition Is to earn
and save encugh money to purchasea
home for his parents and those who
know the boy are satisfied that he
will realize his ambition. Master
man has other tastes besides that of
music He is a very fine base ball
player and were he not a professional
singer, it is more than probable that
he would become a professional base
ball player. He has been engaged by
Mr. W. W. Newcomer as the princi
pal soloist In W. B. Gray's pastoral
drama “The Volunteer Organist” for
a season of forty-two weeks. Young
Newman is wise enough to know that
boy's voices change at some time or
other, so while still appearing in pub-
lle he is earnestly studying for the
ministery. Will appear at Loomis
opera house next Monday evening,
Janaury 28
Men Who Will Occupy Umiclal Posi.
tions Daring Year 1907 Placed In
Oflice Last Night.
Waverly—The meeting of Manoca
lodge, 1. O. O. F. was well attended
last evening and the officers who will
serve during the ensuing year were
installed. The installing officer was
P. DG M, M W Bakeman of New-
ark Valley, and he was assisted by the
following past grands WwW. W. An-
dross of Tioga lodge, grand marshall;
Samuel Ayres of Manoca lodge, grand
warden, O. Kline of Manoca lodge,
grand secretary: C O Hoagland,
Manoca lodge, grand treasurer, M
S. Hanford, Manoca lodge, grand guar-
The following are the officers in-
stalled: Noble grand, John C. Post;
vice grand, Fred 8. Terry; recording
secretary, Walter Weller; Financial
secretary, Lewis F. Lord; treasurer
Wesley Broughm: warden, G. B. Fen-
ner; outside guard Stanley Carroll;
inside guard, J. Rumsey. conductor,
I. M. Hoag: R. S 8S, Judson Mead,
LL. 8. S, Elbert Smith; R. S. N. G,
Fred S Morgan: L. 8S N. G,C. P
Ferguson. R 8S. V. G. Leon Snyder;
L. S. V. G.,, Samuel Sherman: Chap-
lin, George S. Blizzard
One of those loveable Irish clergy-
men who unite to a rich fund of humor
and tenderness of heart that makes
him the burden bearer of the com-
munity, the sharer of thelr joys and
sorrows, and their natural consoler,
is the leading character in the play at
the Loomis this evening. The story is
not a religious one, for Father Whalen
is rather the man than the priest. In
no act or suggestion does the play
allude to creed, but to what is human
and good in every man Or woman, re-
gardless of their religious bellefs and
it brings forth a laugh In nearly every
line. It Is & story of life with Its
hopes und disappointments. A play
like & refreshing breath of summer,
pure In every word, with not a line of
suggestion which is not absolutely
free from taint and laughter provoked
is of that wholesome sort which lies
close to the heart. Our thealre goers
last season pronounced it one of the
best plays ever given at the Loomis
in Waverly
Williams’ Kidney Plils.
Have you neglected your Kidneys?
Have your overworked your nervous
system ad caused trouble with your
Woodmen of America the following
officers were installed: Consul, Harry
Cowell; advisor, J. M. Clune; clerk.
(i. M. Thompson: banker, H. D. Hor-
ton; escort. F. J. Wood: physician,
C. F Griswold: watchman, W. J. Ho
gan: sentry, Wm. Shipman. mans
gers, 1 year W. J. Hogan, 2 years
Harry Cowell, 3 years F. J. Wood
Democratic Caucus Saturday.
Waverly—At the meeting of the
Democriutic committeemen it was de-
cided to hold the Democratic caucus
on Saturday next at 2 o'clock In the
afternoon at which time candidates
will be nominated for the town offices
that will be voted on at the town
election In February
Minister Finds Many Good Poinis In
That Much Ahused Wmoan.
Scranton —Rey. Dr. HH. E Tuckley,
who recently turned over the $200
increase in his salary to the poor, has
come to the defense of the mother-in-
law by preaching a sermon at the
Asbury Methodist church extolling
that lady's good qualities
He declared that almost everything
that had been sald in praise of a
mother is applicable to the mother-in-
lav, and while she had been a target
for abuse and ridicule, often she is
the means of blessing to all in the
Stove Blown up and Woman May Die
From Injuries
Scranton. —Dynamite which some
unknown person had placed in the
coal bin of John Belght of South
Scranton has nearly resulted in the
death of his wife and the complete
wrecking of his home
When Mrs. Beight put a pall of coal
on the fire in her kitchen stove this
morning there was a sharp explosion
that scattered the coal and blew the
stove to pleces. Mrs. Belight was in-
jured by flying pleces of iron and
part of the house was destroyed
Want Old Law Repealed.
Wilkes-Barre—Backed by the In-
dcrsement of nearly every merchant
¢f Luzerne, Lackawanna and Clear-
field counties, Senator Catlin of this
city will endeavor to have the legisla-
ture repeal the mercantile tax that
has caused merchants of the three
counties to pay an annual tax of $150
Not until a few years ago did thise
money go to the counties, and before
that time it went into the pockets of
the county treasurers. The act is a
relic of special legislation
Rejected Sultor Accused of Arson.
Wilkes-Barre—Zegman Brobsby of
Nanticoke, a rejected suitor of Mrs
Pauline Norwicky, of that place, was
lodged In jail yesterday on the charge
of arson, being unable to furnish ball
It is alleged that he has several times
fire to her store and house In
Mothers who give their children
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup In-
variably indorse it. Contains Honey
and Tar. Conforms to the National
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by
C. M. Driggs.
Desires to announce that they have
some very desirable bullding lots for
sale on cheap and easy terms, and
that they have placed the agency for
selling them in the hands of ANDREW
EVARTS of this place. All those
wishing to provide themselves wilh
homes or to invest in lots for specu-
lative purposes will do well to con-
sult with Mr. Evarts before purchas-
ing elsewhere. This plot of land Is
nearly surrounded by industrial plants
with beautiful scenery and all the ad-
vantages of a modern town. Terms
to suit purchasers. Steps are already
being taken to supply all the land
comprising this plot with a full sup-
ply of the best water the valley al-
fords. When you come to look over
the plot of ground take trolley to
Springs Corners, cross bridge that
crosses over L. V. R. R. when across
bridge turn to the left and you are
on the ground. There will be a man
at the office Tussday, Thursday and
Saturday afternoons of each week to
show you over the ground, or any
other day by calling Valley Phone
No. 244c. Andrew Evarts, 108 Hosp}
tal Place, Sayre, Pa.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
drives the poison from the body. A
25 cent box holds a week's treatment
Sold by C. M. Driggs.
Exposgre Brings on Rheumatism.
Paisfu! In its mildest form, quickly
becoming an agony or torture if neg-
ected. When you feel the first pain
{n the muscles, the slight stiffness
in the joints take Bloodine. It acts
“You say in your advertisements
said the man who had laid a package
on the counter, “that you ‘guarantee
satisfaction or money cheerfully re
funded.’ ™
“What's the matter? asked the
head of the department. as a frown
overspread his face.
“Come, now, youre not looking a
bit cheerful. I bought a shirt here
day before yesterday, and I find thai
it Is not satisfactory. | was told—"
“You will have lo see the clerk who
sold you the shiru’
“Will he refund the money?”
“If he wishes to do s he can”
“Ah, over there he is Here, my
friend, do you remember selling this
shirt day before yesterday? You toid
me it was—"
“1 don't think 1 sold vou the shirt
[ never saw you before”
“Yes, you did. You sold me this
shirt and guaranteed that it—"
“No; you are mistaken. | never
guarantee anything”
“You don't, eh? Well, you adver
tise that you guarantee satisfaction or
money cheerfully refunded Here
Look at this paper This is your
‘ad’ Isn't nt? .
“This is today's paper. It hasa't
anything to do with day before ves
“Where's the
“You'll find him back in the office”
After he had waited around for
nearly an hour the man with the shirt
succeeded in intercepting the propri-
efor. as he was trying to slip out to
“You advertise that the money Is
cheer! ily returned when the goods
you 8&8, are not satisfactory”
“1 must ask vou to talk to the clerk
you bought the goods from. | don't
know anything about this matter.”
“1 have talked to the clerk, and he
says you are the only one who cheer
fully returns money. This shirt—"
“You will have to excuse me
In a hurry. Go to the clerk”
“I'm in a hurry, too. [I've wasted a
lot of valuable time here now, and |
want to get this matter straightened
out. The clerk says he doegn’t do the
guaranteeing and can't therefore,
cheerfully refund. The head of the
proprietor of this
department looked unhappy when |
asked him if he would cheerfully re
fund, and now I find that you are not
inclined to be cheerful when I ask you
to return my money.”
“You are insulting, sir. | don't wish
ot have any further argument with
you. Mr. Walker, will you please
step this way? Did you sell this man
a shirt?
“l don't remember him at all.”
“Here,” said the man who wanted
his money cheerfully refunded, as he
tore the wrapper from the shirt, “you
can see that this came from your
stock, can't you?”
“Well, what's the matter with f(t,
anyway?’ asked the proprietor
“It isn't satisfactory, that's all. Yon
advertise that you cheerfully refund
money when goods are not satisfac-
tory. Why should it be necessary to
have all this argument? The shirt Is
not satisfactory I want my money
back. Now, will you cheerfully re
turn it?
“Take this order to the cashier’
said the proprietor as he permitted a
look of disgust that was not unmixed
with anger to overspread his coun
tenance, “apd your dollar and a half
Will be refurned to you”
“But are you cheerful? | don't want
the money unless you can be cheer
ful when you return it. | could wear
the shirt. If necessary, you Know,
Still, I thought that {f it would make
you cheerful to return the money be
cause the goods you sold me did not
give satisfaction, I ought to—"
“Say, are you crazy?’
"No: | am an altruist. | belleve in
spreading cheer wherever [| may
When read your advertisement |
came here and purposely bought a
shirt that was two sizes too large for
me, so that | might bring it back and
give you a chance to cheerfully re
turn my money. [| think every man
owes it to hiz fellow men lo make
them cheerful whenever and however
he may. [ see that you are not ln
clined to be cheerful, and I am sorry.
| will, therefore, keep the shirt and
bid you good-day.”
“That man ought to be looked after
by the police,” sald the head of the
shirt department
“He's as mad as a March hare”
sald Mr. Walker, the clerk.”
“1 belleve,” mused the propnetor,
“Il take that word ‘cheerfully’ out
of my advertisement. There's no
knowing what that crank’s next idea
may be. "-—~Chicago Record-Herald.
Be willing to do your best today.
There is no time lke the present
i ——
Saleen Men to Fight Hack.
Pottsville —The Sch:
interests will brine
against some of the © oats of the
Law and Order Society who havete
tifled against certain men at
license court Perjurs aul Asn
acy are the main hs: 2: 5
brought. The lifting of
cases where no
filed is well under wa.
nrosecut on
rede iT =: Were
Twe Years for lMailavzhier.
Wilkes-Barre—Hugh Harrison of
Midvale, who was placed on trial yes-
terday for the murder of Walter Tou-
sek, pleaded guilty to manslaughter
after four jurors had been selected
and the District Attorney accepled
the plea Judge Halsey sentenced
him to two years in the penitentiary
The shooting of Tousek occurred al-
ter a free fight in a saloon and Har-
rison claimed it was done in seif-de
Do you appreciate a good thing? We
know you all do, s¢ when you want
anything In the line of [yrniture
upholstered or repaired, no matter
what you have, I can do the work and
do it right. My prices are right, and my
work is guaranteed for six months
A postal card will bring me to your
house with samples and prices
Cor. Broad and Pennsyhania Avenua
Waverly, N. Y.
DR. A. G. REES, M.
111 Miller Street
$10 :1:00 a m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00
Genito urinary and chronic diseases
a specialty. Both Phones.
A. J. Green,
Contractor and Baullder,
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
525 Stevenson St. Valley Phone 2312y
We Buy Junk.
Do you kpow that Blosteln Bros
pay the highest price for rags, rub-
bers, iron, metals, etc. Call on us
before disposing of your junk. We
buy wholesale and retail. Bell phone
80w. Prompt attention, exact weight
Write for prices. Bolstein Bros, Cor
Johnson and Broad Sts, Waverly.
General Contractor and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
Valley Phone 126. Residence 208
Chestnut St, Sayre, Pa.
Laws & Winlack
Attorveys and Counselors at
Valley Phone 180a.
C. J. Kitchin,
Sa; ¢'s Leading Drayman.
Especial care and prompt attention
given to moving of Planes, Household
Goods, Safes ele.
W. T. Carey,
Justice o. the Peace.
Room 5, M. P. A. Bullding,
Valley Phone 246y.
Come and Hear
— BY —
Prof, Geo R, Kirkpatrick,
— AT THE —
on Maple Street, West Sayre.
INGE IAN, 4 and e
completely cured * Ricodine ful,
vitalizing tonic. If the Diood is impure, com:
plexion appetite lost, strengt
the whole sat seupeet b2
of humors, it is Ume © try Bloodine
Biesdine Cured Hemorrhage of the Kidseys
Mansurnis, Vr, Sept 3, song.
Boston, Mass. x
Tym Blostin Co.
We will forfeit if the originals of the shove
ental a EE
IJdver Pills
Chrosic Constipation, Sick Headache snd BO-
lomssess. 28 CVS. A BOX.
H. Tuttle, M. D,,
Practice limited to diseases of the
Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses
accurately fitted. Hours 10 to 12
am,2t6 7t8 pm Office and
residence, 211 South Elmer Ave. Val:
ley 'phone 166x.
Contractor and Bullder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
210 Miller Bt. Bayre, Pa.
Alex D. Stevens,
Insurance and Real Estate
Loans Negotiated, Insurance Written,
Houses Rented, Rents Collect-
ed, Taxes Pald.
Room 7, Elmer Bloek,
H. L.Towner, M.D.
Diseases of Women and of the Rec-
tum. Hours To 9a m. 1 to
3 7T7to8 p. m.
Valley Phone 27x. 128 Lockhart St
Everything new and up-to-date. First-
Class Accommodations.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L .V. Station
Rates $158 Per Day. Sayre.
Chas. H. Larnard,
Plans drawn and estimates given.
Hardwood and Stair Work a specialty.
All Work Promptly Attended to.
Shop and Residence, 58 Lincoln Street,
Bell ’phone 208.
when a Gas
With Famous Old Trinity Church, New
York City Choir Boys and the Best
Cast Ever Seen.
PRICES: 25, 50, Toe, $100
Advance sale opens Friday at Hall's,
W. P. Smeaton,
Repairing and Refinishing.
Waverly, - .
Rates: —Wanted, Lost, Found,
Sal etc, % cent a word each
seriion for the first three times,
cent a word each insertion there-
after. None taken for less than
cents. Situations wanted free to
in advance subscribers.
Taken from Sunday school room ia
Waverly M. E. church, Sunday evan-
ing, Jan. 20, 1907, between 7:30 and 8
o'clock, a nearly new 36 size, French
back black kersey length overcoat,
velvet collar, black serge lining, also
pair of dark red unlined kid gloves size
8, Adler's make. Liberal remunera-
tion for return or information report-
ed to John A. Johnosn. 215-8*
Wanted—Experienced table girls at
the Wilbur House. 3
Girl Wanted for general housswork.
Inquire 109 Packer avenue, Sayre,
Pa 209-1
Experienced grocery deliverymau
wanted. Inquire at D. M. Artur's Gro-
cery, Stevenson St., Sayre. 208¢
Wanted—Men and women to write
Insurance, excellent commission for
hustlers. Call at Room 2, Maney &
Page Bullding. 215-3°
For Sale—House and lot and vacant
lot adjoining with barn and fruit. In-
quire C. EB. Jackson, 302 Lincoln stre
Sayre, Pa.
Several houses and lots for
House and lot at $850, also ©
$1,300. A snap If taken at onos.
quire G. N. Angier, 103 Park PI
Valley telephone GSy. x
No. 126 South Wilbur, at once.
ern conveniences, gas and gas r
$15.00 per month.
Enquire C. C. West. 21