The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 22, 1907, Image 2

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    W. T. CAREY, Editor
every afternoon except
a 203 West Lockhart street,
gf rates reasonable, and
known on application
Entered as second-class matter May
at the postoflice at Sayre,
under the Act of Congress of
3, 1879.
Frank E Wood, Representative,
News and advertising matter may
8 left at Greggs Racket Store, Wav-
Alter 12 o'clock noon call the main
pe at Sayre, both phones
“The Regents examinations are be
held at the schools
C. H. Turney is confined to his home
Clark street by illness
Earl Albertson, who has had a very
1 # attack of typhold fever is re-
a8 being very much better
Chester Gillette will not die in the
ptric*chalr next week, the date set
his execution. His case has been
The Infant child of Mr and Mrs
' Donlin of Spring street died
afternoon from an attack
The cold weather promised by the
mt bureau yesterday arriv-
‘on time, and today the mercury
been at a low notch
0. 8. McGlenn & Co. are placing
ome very fine fixtures in their store
| Broad street, and the already fine
te of the place will be en-
The officers for the ensuing year
ll be Installed at the meeting of
lodge I. 0. 0. F. this evening
installing officer will come from
y Valley
this evening to decide upon a
will be placed in the field and
candidates will be selected to
bt the party at the next elec-
Lady Painfully Injured By a Fall
, on the Steep Incline on Fulton
: Street.
Waveriy—This morning an old lady
name could not be ascertained
_— sald she came from Athens,
very painfully injured by falling
3 the stone sidewalk that runs down
“sleep grade on Fulton street to
Erie station.
* Bhe was going to Owego on the
1:30 train, and as she started down
he Incline that is always very slip-
‘whenever there I# any snow on
hen she began to slide. She slip-
along, Anally losing her balance
striking her head on the stone
was badly stunned and her head
‘her eye and her face under the
cut very badly. She was
into the station, and after
recovered somewhat she was
M to the street car. and went
fof Athens
Plies! Piles! Plies!
Indian Pile Ointment
It absorbs the
, allays the itching at once.
Second Alarm Called all the Waverly |
Rat They Were Not Needed.
Last night about midnight the fire
alarm sounded and rang in an alarm
from the East Ward. This had hard-
ly rang when it was repeated This
called out the entire department and
jevery fireman in town climbed out of
ibed running to the town hall proceed-
ed to drag the apparatus over to that
part of town. The roads were rough
and it was a hard haul to get over
to the place where the conflagration
Was supposed to be
Having arrived there it was found
that the blaze was caused by three
box cars that stood on the Lehigh
{Valley tracks in that vicinity, and
j which bad been used as a residence
by a number of Itallans No water
Was turned on the blaze, and the fire
was allowed to burn itself out How
the cars came to catch fire is not
known, and aside from the fact that
the Italians were deprived of a resi-
dence temporarily no damage was
The firemen belonging to the com-
panies in the center of the village
were disgusted that they should Rave
been called out as it was entirely use-
less, and some one must have turned
in the alarm just to give them a hard
One report was spread around over
the telephone just after the alarm
sounded the fact that there had
been a passenger wreck at East Wav-
erly and that the passenger coaches
were burning. Those hearing it were
considerably excited for a time until
it was found that such was not the
“Lost River” Tonight.
Tonight the Chicago Stock company
will present the beautiful pastoral
drama River” at the Loomis
It is from the pen of one of the most
of Agercian
River is
ledged his masterpiece
Lost acknow-
The play is
founded around the plain, honest folks
of Southern Indiana, near West Baden
where the ‘city folks” gather to en-
joy the luxuries of the famous Springs
at this place The second
the ball at Tom Taggert's big hotel
and Is filled with little heart throbs
that never fall to flavor the intensity
of the scene with a sprinkling of
stiles and tears Act three shows a
intle indiana homestead, where
Grandma Gates, with her quaint but
honest lives with her little
granddaughter and the simplicity and
true comfort of the people make a
wonderful contrast to the fashionable
whirle of our so-called society The
the toll gate, where Ora
ride on horseback to save
and the in the
storm where she overtakes her sweet-
act is at
scene at
makes a
the aqueduct scene
heart on a bicycle as her country lov-
er is about to stab him furnish some
of the most exciting situations, but
there Isn't a dull moment in the entire
Met at the Central Hotel and Were
Entertained in a Most Pleas.
ant Manner.
Waverly—The Sunshine club met
last evening at the Central Hotel in
East Waverly and were very pleasant-
ly entertained by Mrs. Hays Excel-
lent refreshments were served after
the business part of the meeting had
been completed, and an entertainment
given The next meeting
will take place at the home of Mrs
Frank Lounsberry on Johnson street
was also
It Is no wonder that some of our
home merchants do not believe in
advertising. If the mail order houses
didn’t advertise how would the people
all over the country hear of them?
And if they never heard of them, they
couldn't send to them for things that
they ought to buy at home. Therefore
advertising does uot pay, and that
kind of a village merchant will con-
tinue to advertise by hanging a cod
fish on the door post and putting a
plece of stcky fly paper and a bolt of
calico in front of the window. Then
If folks don’t rush in there to trade,
the whole golug to the
country is
Willlams' Kidoey Pills.
Have you neglected your Kidneys?
Have your overworked your nervous
system and caused trouble with your
Kidoeys and Bladder? Have you
pains in the loin, side, back, groins
and Bladder? Have you a flabley ap-
pearance of the face, especially un-
der the eyes? Too frequent desire to
pass urine? If so, Willlams' Kidney
Pills will cure you. Sample Free.
By mall, 50c. Sold by Druggists.
Williams MTS Co. Prop'r., Cleveland,
0 Sold by C. M. Driggs. druggist
Try an Ad. in The
Record. You'll get
results; others do.
“Doesa’t have time to eat much, |
Steel. MU one of the girls
| “Oh, no, he only takes a smack and
| roms. sald the lanocent bride.
| And then they all laughed. —Yonk-
| ers Statesman.
Her View of Him.
Nupop—Tom Browne is a fine, manly
| young fellow, isn't he?
Mrs Nupop—1 certainly can't agrees
with you. When he first saw our dear
little baby he was just as cold and in-
different as—
Nupop—Of course. If he were wom-
anly he would have gushed —Philadel
phis Press.
Mr. Night Owl.
That he's given tosin
There can't be a doubt,
For he never turns in
Til It's time to turn out
=Toewn Topica
The Artist—Father, | have just old
that painting for $3,000.
The Father—Fine! Now you'll
able to quit painting and go into some!
kind of business —Philadelphis Bulle |
Neo Doubt of That.
Towne—But, do you really believe
the average woman's reading of the |
dally papers Is productive of any,
Browne —Certainly; the
to mer
Philadelphia Press
Off with the Old.
“Will you marry me?!”
“This Is so sudden
me time.”
“To consider™
“No. To break off my other en
gagements."—Clevelaud Leader.
“Pecple nc longer use the
‘your obedient servant,”
“No,” responded Mr. Housekeep;
“there's no such thing these days.”—
Chicage Sun.
Proof Positive
“l am sure now that George loves
“How did you find out?
“He watched me sharpen a pencil
and didn't laugh once "—Cleveland
remarked Mr.
Finer French.
The American Tourist—I suppose 1}
speak broken French, eh, Henri?
The Walter—Not eggsactly, M'sieur
You haf a word deescribes it bettaire—
Bound to Get There.
Casey—Well, good luck to ye In yer
new job. ‘Tis nervy of ye to try it, but
suppose ye don't achieve success?
Cassidy—Falx, If I don't I'll hov to
succeed widout It.—Philadelphia Presa
“What is the difference between rep-
artes and insult?”
“If the other fellow is smaller thag'
you are, it is repartee; If he Is larger
it Is Insult"“—Houston Post.
An Expensive Speech.
He—Your new hat is charming. but 1
fancy it doesn’t go well with that dress,
She (enchanted)—Ob, you dear old
dress as well?—Tit-Bits.
an office boy?
filing inkstands to attending direc
tors’ meetings." —Life.
Not Dangerous.
Yeast—Here are some verses my 12.
year-old boy wrote.
Crimsonbeak—Oh, | wouldn't worry
over that. He'll very likely ouig. ow
it! —Youkers Statesman
A Relief.
Stewdeus—| hear that you had ga
rough voyage coming over,
Miss HI! Oh, frightfully so! It
was such a reilef to set foot once more
on vice versa! Judge,
During the Spanking.
The Pareat—Tommy, this hurts me
more than It does you
The Child—No It don't, neither!
You've got a glove on, duro It alll—
Cleveland Leader,
Bo Different.
She—Oan you understand the parrot
next door to ua?
Ho—Obh, yes; it never talks with its
mouth filled with hairpins. —Yonkers
William’s Carbolic Salve With Arnies
and Witeh Hasel.
The best Balve In the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Tet-
ter, Chapped Hands and MR a a
It is
Willard, whose experiences as o tramp,
author and soclologist under the name
of “Josiah Flynt” have given him a
wide reputation, is dead at a hotel
Mr. Willard had been afflicted with
paeumonia for several ‘lave, but It was
Bot until he became ntterly helpless
that he permitted nurse or doctor to
enter his room
Mr. Willard bad tramped in every
civilized country, wearing the costume
of the working class of ewh particalar
nation he wanders through. [le was
A friend of sen and of Teolstol
He was born la Appleton Wis, on
Jan. 23 180. Francis BE Willard was
his aunt. Willan] was a graduate of
the University of Rerlin, which be at
tended from 180 te 185
Was Partuer of Cecil Hhodes.
NEW YORK, Jan. 22 William ©
Ashwell, a prominent broker, was
knocked down by a trolley car on Co
lnmbus avenue and dil at Roosevelt
hospital from a fracture of the skull
He never regunined consciousness. [le
amd his brother, Thomas went to South
Africa a bunting Just
when the great diamond fads occur
red. The hunting trip at once changed
into a diamond quest, apd Mr. Axh-
well was one of the pioneers In the
discovery of the Kimberley mines Ie
met Cecll Rhodes and was associated
with hin in the frst workings of the
diamond fields After several years
Mr. Ashwell =old out his mining inter
ests to Mr. Hhexles
oli exjuslition
Would Not Guarantee Viadimir Safe.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 22 Today
Is the anulversary of “Red Sanday,”
when Father Gapon led a demonstra
tion of the people before the Wintes
palace and many were killed Ly the
troops. The prefect of police has or
dered the police reserves under arms
the whole day. and strong patrols of
Cossacks and dragoons will be sta
tioned in"all sections of the city to pre
vent demonstrations. The Grand Duke
| Viadimir, generally although
mistakenly regarded as respousible for
the slaughter, has returned to Tear
skoe-Belo palace nt the request of the
police, who notified him that they
would not guarantee his safety,
who Is
Reds Falled to Kill Police Chief.
i MOHILEY, Russia, Jun. 22 —Chief of
tolionoff attacked while
driving in the street by two assallauts
aud had a from
death. One of the men emptied an au
{ tomatie revolver at Rodionoff
| hin, but mortally wounded his coach
| man, while the second threw a bomb,
and, although this instrulueut exploded
with tremendous force, the chief of po
lice was not hurt The assallants were
| pursued the police. One commit
f ted sticide sud the other was captured
Police was
wirncnlous escape
ti fssed
| Grief For Higgins at Albany
ALBANY, N XY <a Party lines
i were forgotten and only sincere respect
and affection for the man probably up
on his deathbed were displaved in the
futerest of =cores of members of both
houses of the
the conditlon of former
Frank W. Higgins
' houses referred
legishiture last night in
Chaplains in both
n their pravers to the
desperate condition of
! guished patient
the distin
Closing Stock Quotations.
i Money on call
! mercantile paper
changes, §
i Closing prices
Amal Copper
easy at wr cont. Prime
#ttly per cent
balances. $16
HH, N.Y. Central
Atchison 104 Norf & West
H&O nN Pern. RR
Brooklyn R T.. W% Reading
C.C.C.aS8LL. » Rock 1s]
| Ches & Ohio 2 St. Pan
{ Chi & Northw Southern Pac
iDan AS Bouthern Ry
Erie a South. Ry. pf
Gen. Electric 27 Sugar
Hi Central 165 Texas
Lackawanna “7 Un
Louis & Nash iy I! 8
Manhattan 14: 3.5
¢ Int Met 3 West
Missouri Pac
Steel pt
i U'nion
New York Markets.
FLOUR — Bteady, but slow
patents $454 3 w ints
5. winter extras
ents, £1417
| covering
later, however
der realizing
83 8-150 8 4¢
Shy R168
HOP'S- Steady
p 15 FEET
§IRE 130 ha
straights. BB sip
HN, winter pat
Firm abies
El weath
light world s
r in the belt and
wheat open higher
the advance was lost un.
and bear pressure May,
July. S353 5 1
Firm, « yc country,
domestic fleece, 150
state, comme to chokes
1¢ ir hin "ae ¢ coant
16, 106713
BUTTER Firm. creamery
extra, a3, held, comm:
The state dairy
| fic, renovated, common to «
CHEESE Firm mate
large and small. September
October, best, 13,4114 Kin
E013 winter made avenge
inferior. 116112 skims, 2610
EGGS -Easler, tute. Pen
nearby fancy ede cledd white
cholce, 03k mixed and Lr n
POTATOES Steady to firm
per barrel, $2556. Male g. 0354
1L@, state and westérn. In bulk, per IN
pounds, $1 TUG a2, state western and Je f
sey, per sack, N56, sweets Vind !
per barrel, $2 Smid other Jerseys per
double head barrel, $1 %%52 90. per basket
Te hn 12
CABBAGES—Quiet; white
per ton, $1617, red. $0
LIVE POULTRY Firm and In good de-
mand, fowls, 131ite old roosters, $444
ik chickens, 10718 ducks. 14 le
geese, 130 14c. ; turkeys, 16818
#ood demand: fowls cholee
falr to good, 12911% old roosters, Se
nearby chickens, Mulle , do. western, 11
SN nearby turkeys, choles to fancy
2s Lhe do western, 15%6 1% do. falr
to wood, 168417 nearby due Wise.
da, western, 12414 nearby 104
12¢.; do. western. Bil
mmon lo
nO xtra
ommon to first
per bt
Danish seed
irm and In
1304 do
Live Stock Markets,
CATTLE Receipts falr; market higher:
choles, BNE 10. prime. SOULS. veal
calves. B50
HOGB Receipts
prime heavies sm
roughs, Lae
market active. priv
eulls and common iad
ih E. BAKER,
Gotraeteh Eo wou.
market active
AMUS Aavrly
Waverly Free Press and Tioga County
Record Will Be Made One.
In Sayre and Athens.
Beginning with next Friday's issue
the weekly Tioga County Record and
The Waverly Free Press will be con-
solidated into one weekly newspaper.
The Tioga County Record has been
published at Owego continuously for
thirty-five years and the Free Press
founded in 1876 as a succossor to the
Enterprise, founded In 1868, Is the
only paper of Waverly, with the larg-
est circulation of any paper in Tioga
county. In their consolidated form,
the Free Press-Record wiil continue
to give all the news of the county seat
formerly found in the Record, while
the news of Waverly will receive as
Eeherous attention as before. In addi-
tion to this, special attention will be
given to general news and,
with regular correspoudents in every
town and village, the Lew paper will
easily become the representative pub-
lication of the county. In order to
give space for all the uews this plan
calls for, the size of the combined
papers will be increased to twelve
pages instead of the eight-page form
in which each now appears The
consolidated papers will be under the
editorial charge of the present editor
of the Free Press and It is hoped to
steadily add to the Improvements
which it is belleved have already add-
ed to the popularity of both papers
The subscription price for the Rec-
ord is one dollar per year if paid in
advance and one dollar and a half if
not so paid: that of the Free Pregs
is seventy-five cents if pald in ad-
vance. Notice is hereby given that
all persons paying up thelr arrears
for subscriptions before March 1.1907,
will receive the consolidated Tioga
County Record and Waverly Free
Press for seventy-five cents, payable
in advance. After that date the price
will be one dollar per year,
To Solicitors In Sayre and Athens.
We will also give one hundred dol-
lars in cash premiums as follows
Twenty-five dollars to the person who
first sends In one hundred new sub-
scribers, twenty dollars to the per-
son who sends in the second oe hun-
dred new subscriptions, fifteen dollars
to the person who sends In the third
one hundred new subscriptions, ten
dollars to the person who sends In
the fourth one hundred new subscrip-
tions, five dollars each to the six per-
sons who send in the next highest
number of new subscriptions
The subscriptions under these terms
must be pald in advance and reported
each week as received Subscriptions
to the Waverly Free Press should be
reported to the Free Press at Waverly
Of course a subscription to either pa-
per will secure for the subscriber the
consolidated Free Press-Record. No
subscription will be counted to the
credit of a canvasser until the money
has been turned into the office. As
stated before, all subscriptions to
enty-five cents per year and the ‘sub-
scriber will receive both papers In
their consolidated form. Further In-
formation In regard to the terms of
the premium contest will be furnish-
ed on application 214-3
C. J. Kitchin,
Sayre's Leading Drayman.
Especial care and prompt attention
given to moving of Planos, Household
Goods, Safes etc.
Try the Record
Contractor and Ballder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
210 Miller St Sayre, Pa
W. T. Carey,
Justice o/ the Peace.
Room 6, M. P. A. Bullding,
Valley Phone 246y.
Come and Hear
— BY —
Prof, Geo R. Kirkpatrick,
— AT THE —
on Maple Street, West Sayre.
INGS JAN. 8) and 25,
_ General Contractor and rid,
~ Plans and Estimates Furnished
Valley Phone 125. Residence
Chestnut St, Sayre, Pa.
Laws & Winlack
Attorneys and Counselors at
Valley Phone 180a
H. Tuttle, M. D.,
Practice limited to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses
accurately fitted Hours 10 to 12
am,2tb6 7tof pm OfMce and
realdence, 211 South Elmer Ave. Val-
ley ‘phone 166x.
Alex D. Stevens,
Insurance and Real Estate.
Loans Negotiated, Insurance Written,
Houses Rented, Rents Collect-
ed, Taxes Pald.
Room 7, Elmer Bloek,
H.L.Towner, M.D.
Diseases of Women and of the Rec-
tum. Hours Tto%a m. 1 to
3 7Tto 8p m.
Valley Phone 27x. 128 Lockhart St
Everything new and up-to-date. First-
Class Accommodations.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L .V. Station
Rates $1.50 Per Day. Sayre.
Chas. H. Larnard,
Plans drawn and estimates given
dardwood and Stalr Work a specialty
All Work Promptly Attended to
Shop and Residence, 58 Lincoln Street,
Bell phone 208.
when a Gas
in the parlor Libeagy
W. P. ‘Smeaton,
Repairing and Refinishing,
Waverly, . - N. Y.
We Buy Junk.
Do you know that Blosteln Broa.
pay the highest price for rags, rub-
bers, iron, metals, etc. Call on us
before disposing of your junk. We
buy wholesale and retail. Bell phone
S0w. Prompt attention, exact weight.
Write for prices. Bolstein Bros. Cor.
Johnson and Broad Sts, Waverly,
EE Ty,
111 Miller Street.
$t011:00 a m., 2 to 4:20, 7:00 to 8:00
Genito urinary and chronic diseases
a specialty. Both Phones.
A. J. Green,
Contractor and Builder,
Plans and Estimates Furnished
625 Stevenson St. Valley Phone 213y.
Rates: —Wanted, Lost, Found, For’
Sal etc, % cent a word each in-
serilon for the first three times, %
cenl a word each Insertion there-
after. None taken for less than 325
cents. Situations wanted free to pald
in advance subscribers.
Taken from Sunday school room in
Waverly M. E church, Sunday even.
Ing, Jan. 20, 1907, between 7:30 and 8
o'clock, a nearly new 36 size, French
back black kersey length overcoat,
velvet collar, black serge lining, also
pair of dark red unlined kid gloves size
8, Adler's make. Liberal remunera-
ton for return or information report-
ed to John A. Johnosn.
Wanted—Experienced table girls at
the Wilbur House. st
Girl Wanted for general housework.
Inquire 109 Packer avenue, Sayre,
Pa. 209-1
Experienced grocery deliverymau
wanted. Inquire at D. M. Artur's Gro-
cery, Stevenson St, Sayre. 208t
Wanted—Men and women to write
Huosurance, excellent commission for
hustlers. Call at Room 2, Maney &
Page Building. 215-3*
"Immediately information concerning
an old crucifix of metal or stone, sald
to have been dug up at Sayre within
Iwo or three years. Mra M. P. Mur
ray, Athens
For Sale—1905 Olds Automobile in
fine condition.
B. Bray, Waverly, N. Y.
quire C. E. Jackson, 302 Lincoln
Sayre, Pa.
Several houses and lots
desirable locations in
to mult purchasers
QO. Schrier, Maynard
$1300. A snap If taken at
quire 0. N. Angler, 38
Valley. telephone 58y.
A sulte
street, W