or small, draw the rata of interest H. SAWTELLE, MURRELLE, b: Publisher. Ww. T CAREY. Editor every afternoon except ‘at 203 West Lockhart street, $3.00 per year; 25¢ th, rates reasonable, and News and advertising matter may p left at Grege's Hacket Store, Wav- >. A. Neaves has gone to Meshoppen Attend the funeral of a brother of Will Accept a limited number of pu- # on the mandolin. Address Edwin Loomis, Athens, Pa 213-3t President of the Village A. H. Law- 1 8 was called to Kane, Pa, ves ¥ by the death of his father Neaves and wife went to Rum- id today to attend the funeral of # Lehman, Mrs Neaves brother le Lamont Eddy of New Albany and Miss Daisy Myers of Laquin “Were married by Rev. Geo A. [% at the Baptist parsonage ————— in, Miss Alice Devlin will close her i Store at 6:30 p m except Monday, Saturday every and at Patrick Regan, who has had consid experience in police court at } time and another, has again Leen “10 Owego to spend the next 40 y on tthe stone pile SON B. HIGBEE 2 DIED THIS MORNING fell Known Merchant Passes After a Week's Sickness, averiy—Alagson B. Higbee died at Apartments in Broad street a few ut before 1! o'clock today of onia. Saturday Mr. Higbee dressed f preparatory to going to his of business, when he was taken fainting spell. Dr. Gamble was moned and at once decided he was ill of pneumonia. Away 8d In a raliroad wreck at New- 3 J. And has never been strong “that time, and did not have the ity to throw off the disease and grew worse till death resalted . Higbee came to Waverly forty § Bago, and accepted a position H. M. Wilcox in his dry goods LHe contlansd in his employ 15 years ago. when he purchased F business of Mr. Wilcox and has ducted it since that time He was 8 man who made many always gentlemanly and obllg- and his death brings y hearts. i Integrity In business won him Bighest regard from his associates “the general public. He was al sadness to by twa brothers, Jesse E Hig- Hoopers Valley, who was with the time of his death, and J G who resides In the west. “remalos wl be taken to his fn Hoopers Valley to- ie the funeral will be 1 Plles! Plles! Court of Appeals Decides That the Waverly Spiritualist Society Cannot Hold $5000 Hequeathed by James Parks, Waverly—The highest court of New York siate has handed down a decis- ion that the Spiritualist Society of Waverly has pot the iegal standing In this state which would allow it to re- ceive a bequest The Waverly Spiritualists are or ganized under the pational charter of the Progressive Spiritualist Society About three years ago, James Parks, who resided on Lincoln street, at this place, was killed at Holbert's cross- ing, by being struck by an engine while driving to Chemung His will contained a codicil giving to the Waverly Spiritualist society er | $5,000 for the purpose of building an auditorium at the camp at Freeville, NX. The heirs contested the bequest and the Supreme Court at Owego sustained the bequest and decided in favor of the society, placing the cost on the heirs and giving the Spiritualists the $5,000 with accrued interest The case was appealed and the Ap- peiate division reversed the decision The case was again appealed to the Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, and yesterday the above de- cision was announced John B Stanchfield of Elmira, was attorney for the heirs and King, Waters & Co of Syracuse for the Spiritualists The heirs who contested the bequest were Mrs James Parks and W. D Pa™ of this place, wife and daughter of th deceased JANGLING COUPLE PAID %5 FINE. Had Only Enough Money to Pay One Fine But the Wife Secured Enough Coin to Get Husband Out. South Waverly— Zack his estimable frau, she seems family DeVore and because the financier of the provides the lucre when ueedel, were arrested early yesterday morning by Officer Reagan of South Waverly, and were given a hearing yesterday morning by Justice Edminster It that Zack and his wife have no regular domicile, but who live any place, out- doors or in, during the summer and almost any during the cold weather, secured a room at one of the south side hotels last Tuesday night They had not occupled it long. how- ever, before noises came therefrom that indicated that a family row was in progress. As time passed the noises grew louder, and when it came one o'clock and people wanted to sleep the noise had not ceased, but, on the contrary, grew louder, an officer was called and they were removed from the hotel When outside they went over Int South Waverly where they renewed the jangle on the street and disturb ed the slumber of the peaceful citi- zens. Officer Reagan heard the dis- turbance, and promptly escorted them to the lockup Whether they quar- reled after belong locked up is not on record. Yesterday morning they were a hearing by the justice and fined $2.50 each Mrs. DeVore had enough money to pay one fine, and she was released She then proceeded to hunt up the funds necessary to secure the release of “"Zack™ and about the middle of the afternon she came in and handed the Justice $150 This left one dol- lar to be paid, and along toward even- ng came with the balance of the cash, and she and "Zack" went on their way rejoicing Whether they proceeded to quarrel again Is nol known, but if they did they confined their operations to a locality outside the borough Pleasantly Surprised. estimable to be and it Is most seems who place given she Waverly —Friends to the number of twenty-five pleasantly surprised Miss Anna Yetner at her home on Poplar street last evening musie Parlor games and constituted the amusement of the evening. At a late hoor a very delicate luncheon was served, after which the guests depart- ed for their after haviug spent a most enjoyable even- ing instrumental respective homes, Exposure Brings on Rheumatism. Painful In {ts mildest form, quickly becoming an agony or torture if neg- ected. When you feel the first pain in the muscles, the slight stiffness in the joints take Bloodipe, It acts immediately 01 the Blood and Nerves, and will positively cure Rheumatism, however sevvre. Bold by C M Driggs, Sayre William's Carbelle Salve With Arnica and Wich Hasel The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Tet- Kingston Reported to Be Sinking In Sea. TWO LIGHTHOUSES TOPPLE OVER Thousands, Homeless, Sleep In the Open Streets. Death List Sow Placed at 1.200 Souls, Flooded by Entertained That Clty May Sip Into Rislug Water — Fears Water — Hasiness Section Entirely Wiped Ont, With Estimated Loss of BI5,000.000 — Many Euglish and Other Tourists Victims to Greatest West Indian Islands. LONDON, Jan. IS formation received here bBorror is growing. Communication with the Island i= partinliy restored, and every message that cowes through brings fresh details of the appalling catastrophe The number of dead in placed vari ously at frum five to twelve hundred, ~-According to In the thousands. Teu thousand people are sail to be homeless The danger of famine has increased, and with it stalks the specter of pestilence, There ald The city is a heap of ruins The shores of the harbor of Kingston are reported to be sinking, and there Is terror lest the ruined city slip into the sea [be waiter ln many places ia the harbor, it is reported, is now a hun dred feet deep Every wharf not de stroyed Ly fire Is sald to have sunk inte the water or to have been ren dered wortliless The business section of the city bas been wiped out, and the estimates of damage ranze from $10000,000 to $25, IRN INN) The Plam Polut and Port Royal light houses are both at the bottom: of the harbor, The navigation bas materially changed, and in some places the depth of the harbor has been alter ed by fron forty to sixty feet It is reported that the American steamer Prinz which reached Kingston from New York on Jan. 3, Is ashore at Plow poiuat, Amoug the dead and injured are a number of promiuent English persous, and almost every dispateh adds a pew uame to this list Elght Awericaos are recorded to be missing, and it i= sald that many tourists undoubtedly were ernshed Ly falllug walls in the shop ping district The American battleships and Indiana have reached the scene, and American officers and xallors are standing by to render every im their power A new horror Is added to the =itua tion by reports that the be slowly sinking Iuto the sea contour of the bottom of the barbor chaunel Hamburg: Waklemar. city seems to GOVERNMENT HOUSE, KINGSTON bas materially changed, and two light houses nt the harbor entrance are sald 10 have disappeared The ships in the harbor are crowded with lnjured people, and the death list is being Increased dally. Corpses lie in the being thrown into treuches The fearsome extent of the appalling calamity that has visited the capital of Jamaica has not yet wen recorded to the outside world, and it is doubtful It even the people of Kingston themselves are yet aware of (he full extent of the disaster that overwhelhined them last Monday afternoon The colonial office has received a ca blegram frown Sir Alexander Swetlen bau, the governor of Juwaica, which runs as follows ‘Continuing my previous telegram on the subject of the earthquake, the evil effects have been confined almost to three parishes of the island - namely, Kiogstou, Port Royal and St. Andrew The fire at Kingston has practically ceased. Ouly coal and rubbish are now burning. The district burned com prises 4 trisnugular area between the Parade gardens, the sea, Duke street and Princess street. The parish church forme the apex of this triangle, which comprises about onethirtieth part of the town. The wharf Unroed age George and Hranday ang Malabre, Huaggart, Lyons, Solomons, De Merca do, Henrlgues and one, not both, of the Reyal Mall Steam Packet company's wharfs “The burned area is being cleared slowly owing to the indisposition of the popuiavion to wr at double the usual wawes There ure a few bLodies stil voverad with ruins. The burials during the day cuotuprise 343. The persous ad- mitted to hospital Io Kingston total strects or are were d overboard from the wharf by the half maddened crowds seeking shelter from the flames. About 700 persons were saved In this way. The Myrtle Bank hotel, a favorite re sort for Americans, is completely raz- ed, and the large dry goods house of Nathan, Rherlock & Co. and all the other bulldings in the vicinlty have been consumed by the fames. When the dispatch was filed the bodies of many white persons who bad been staying at the Myrtle Hank hotel were still beneath the wreckage as it was impossible to secures workmen to search the debris. At least forty white per sons were killed when the hotel fell A conservative estimate of the cas nalties made by the police of Kingstm places the pumilew of killed at L330 judging from the number of bodies al ready discovered iu the few buildings which have been examined This es Ir to be very larcely increased when a { thorough search i= made of the wreck {8d butldings The treasury, on Harbor street, standing Lut tis house were { gffices | Government was aged The Colonial hank out the Nova Scotts bank of rains dnd the | Marshall collapsed like a pack of cards | Mrs. Marshall was dug out alive and The Roman Cath the parish church amd Wesleyan Baptist was id court government pototfice The ife for fd in ruins Yere un upation badly dom was burned was a heap regisdleme i bat slightly injured cathedral Scotch | olie the aud ater was destrovedd At Port Royal at the entrance of Kingston harbor. one of the batteries sank, awd a guuoer was killed The ships in the barbor were transformed Into hospitals. The deck of the steam er Port Kingston, i cabins Dr. Ey shambles. The | were full of dead and dying ans, the ship's doctor busy per forming amputations from 5 o'clock In {the evening to 4 o'clock the next morn jing When Captain Young of the Heoval | Mail steamer Arno was killed! First Officer MeCauley assnined command of the vessel and. seeing the fre spread ing ashore. he steamed alougside the | burning Royal Mail company's wharves { and there fought the fire all night long aud saved oue of the piers lu the | resembled a was CONSTANT SPRINGS HOTEL | meantime the decks of the Arno had become covered with bwrned and in Jured persons who were without a doctor to relieve thelr sufferings Ashore the negro population was in tan inde crilmble state of men land women sercaming and calling on heaven to them and holding re i ligious gatherings at which excited ora fors exhorted their terrified hearers to repentance Soon after the work of destruction had begun a great exodus of people from Kingston set in. The people be gan feecing to the hilltops, ships and other places for safety, and many thou. *ands are now camping in the open Throughout the terrifying scenes Governor Swettenham acted in the most energetic manner, but the disas ter ix so great that the entire city will have to be rebulit Oone unofficial es timate places the loss at kingston at $25 0m 000 panic, dye A pumber of fissures In the earth have appeared, the street oar tracks are out of shape, the rails are twisted the water mains and the tric pipes and wires are in on state of | complete disorder, while the destrie tion of the bonded warehouses fills the alr with an overpowering odor of rum Among the freaks of the earthquake was that the statue of the lute Queen Victoria, In the counter of the city, was reversed but it Is other wise infact Some very prominent business men are among the dead, Including A MI Nathan and Charles Sherlock, the lead Ing merchants of Klugsion gax and ele strange ney MILITARY HOSPITAL, KINGSTON the most prominent physicinns Captain T. Constantine, tendent for the Roynl Mall Steam Packet company hie governinent rallroad from Kingston te Port Ap tonio has not been damaged to any great extent, nnd special tralns are taking homeless people to Port An- funio for shelter, A number of vessels are alio engaged In taking people to the same port The Constant Springs hotel, od on the Pamde groamls, the race course md the open spews It is re luctant to return to Hix rulued houses during the fine weather. “The 1 provision shops dre in the and lend superin- A Apa. and there is consequently buying provisions. 1 sm mer Tort Kingston inte & tem porary Lespital and refuge by doctors and firemen fromm Spanish Town aad SIR ALFRED JONES by the commander of the troops, whe supplicd men to assist In keeping order aml to patrol “The direct line cable Is broken three The list of killed Inelude Sir James M. P., deputy chairman of the Hayal Mail Steam Packet company of loudon; Captain T. Constantine Jamalea for the Mail Steam Packet company; Yeung, commander of the Royal ‘aptain Packet company's fleet, Captain la woul, who was soon to be married to an American girl; Mr Brannel, re ported to have been killed in the Myr tle Bank hotel; Dr. Holertson and wife, Charles Sherlock, a well known merchant; A. M. Nathan, partner of Sherlock & Co. Bradley Verley of the family extensively interested in sugar two other members of the Verley -family, i. MeN. Livingston senlor clerk in the audit office of the wolonlal government, which was locat ed In the treasury bullding on Harbor street; Dr. Meunier, four Livingston reported to have Leen killed in the Myrtle Bank hotel: Dr RR © Gibb, Miss lockett, Lillsd Ja malca clob; Miss Sullivau and Edgar De Cordova, carnage and wagon maker. The missing are: J W Charles De Conlova, lmportivg pro vision merchant, Edward De Cordova a brother of Clarles, and a brother of Charles Sherlock, the werchant who was killed The injured include Major W, H Hardymoan, seriously; Lieutenant Colo Dalrymple Hay, Captain Marley, Lieutenant A. CH. Dixon and Quartermaster 8, H. Price. honor all of the West India regiment: Mrs SH. Price. serionsiy; Constantine. both broken; Mrs. A. A. Wedderburn, wife of depu ty police inspector. both legs broken Mr. Goduper of the Direct West India Cable company, severely and Mrs wife of Brigadiér General C. B, of the Jamai- in the Middleton jogs J. W. A. Marshall Sir Alfred Jones' dispatch, received during the night that every house in Klugston bad Leen destroyed and that the city was a heap of mmol dering ashes has awakened the British public to the extent of this blow to their favorite colony, as Sir Alfred Is among the most trustworthy figures in the commercial world Other delayed dispatches now filtering into business hotses give laconic details of the ter rible situation at Kingston, and others add to the vivid picture of the upheay- al, showing the appalling suddenness of the earthquake, hotels, plers and warehouses beiug Instantly destroyed while the people were engaged In recre ations or were attending to business A dispatch from Holland bay says that the first earth hock at Kiugston, which occurred at 335 p. m. Jun 14 did all the damage, the subsequent saving lesser shocks having little effect. Fires | spread in three directions, fanned by a | strong wind, and the firemen were handicapped owing to the ahlsence of water, due to the breaking of pipes The devastated region stretches from the wharfs iu the southern part of the city to the race course in the north and | to the customn house in the west to | Fleet street east, containing all the | principal stores, bauks aud government offices, all of which were wrecked belug leveled to the The damaged area comprises about a square mile All the large ware houses in the lower part of the city consumed, while not a single | All the plers are down with the | the Royal Mail Steam Packet company and that of the zovernment railway The Elder-Dew er Port Sdn son stean edulis nity sslel compsny’ Kingston and the belvaciog to the cleus building in St. Andrews’, six mies from Kingston, an establishment much frequented by tourists, wus de- stroyedd, mainly by fire. Many distin- guished people were stopping there, luclhuding all the delegates ta the West Indian agricultural confercuce, which was to have held ite sessions at Kings ton this week, snd Sir Alfred Jones, president of the Liverpool chamber of commerce. and a large party of dis. tinguished persons who arrived here recently from Eugland on the steamer Port Kiugston In order to study the agricultural cowditions of this Island. The party includes many British peers and wembwers of parka? The Hotel Titohifiel) i= 4 to be the only prominent Liotel in Jatnaica which has not sustained infiries No Americans have Hh osn Lilled or injured so far as known Lot one re port says that eight Alpriean toutiets wiksing states that the battleships Missouri and Indiana have arriv.¥ at Jamaica; also that the destroyer Whipple, having sboard Divisional Commander Admiral C. H. Davis, with a corps of surgeons and medical supplies, already has ar rived at Kingston. Owing to an error in deciphering the wireless message from Guantanamo. Cuba, it was made to appear that Rear Admiral Evaus personally had gone to Kingston to,extend rel'ef to the earth- quake sufferers. Admiral Evans dis patched Rear Admiral Davis, the sec ond in command. to Kingston on this mission, The navy department has a telegram fron the Hamburg American lipe steamship company stating that, ae cording to a4 cablegram from the cap- tain of the company’s steamer Pres. Ident. dated nt Port an Priues, alti, great cantion Is pecessary on the part of ships approaching Klug