The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 2

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    feature of this
‘all deposits, wheth-
or small, draw the
avery ARetnoon except
203 Wet Lockhart street,
$3.00 per year;
ates FaR2ONADle, and
Cs of
Scand ciate matter May
Re 0s at Sayre,
the" Act of Congress of
. 1907
BE Wood, Representative.
Advertising matter may
at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav-
12 o'clock noon call the main
Sayre, both phones
Hess was in Elmira yester-
's Little Early Risers, rella-
e pills. Recommended by C
and Mrs
Wednesday to Mr
« Coveney. Broad
gher of Waverly people went
last evening to wilness
p py” at that city last night
Recommend te the Stale Commission
That the Cutting of lee Be Allowed
Only Under Bird Inspection.
Waverly ~The board of health of the
town of Harton met last night for the
purpose of considering the evidence
obiained in the investigation that it
has been conducting with referguce
to the manner in which the ice is
harvested on the reservoir from
which the village draws its supply
After a sowmewhal lengthy discussion
of the matter it was decided fo submit
the following resolution to the stale
health commissioner That Presi
dent Harding be instructed to inform
commissioner Porter that it is the
opinion of the board that ice should
go! be harvested on the reservoir of
the Waverly Water Works Co unless
the town board of health of the town
N Y. be given the power
Wo employ such Inspectors as they
deem necessary at a sultable compen-
sation, to see that the strictest sani-
tary rules are carried out in the cut-
ting of sald ice. such rules and reg-
ulations to be posted in a conspicu-
ous place near the pond. and such
rules and regulations to be made by
the state board of health
The compensation for such inspec-
tion to be defrayed by the Waverly
Water Works Co, or any party or par-
piying to the village of Waverly"
The resolution was offered by Fred
Simmons and seconeded Ly J
P Falsey. The resolution was carried
unanimously, and will be sent to the
state board
Building and Lean Association Hax
Many Applications,
Waverly —It now seems likely that
building In
during the coming season,
and that it will be mostly along the
line of dwelling houses. The Building
and loan Association has a number
of applications on Band at the present
time. and it was one
the officers this morning that the
shares were all sold up to next July
There is some talk of a company be-
there will be considerable
stated by
ing formed for the purpose of erect-
rent for $10 to
per month
That the Dividend for the Tear
Remain al $250.00.
Waverly The execullve board of
the NP. L. I= still in session this af-
ternoon, bul it has Leen announced
that the members of the board have
decided that the dividend shall re-
main the same this year ax it has
been heretofore, namely $250
The organization is ln excellent
condiiton, financially and otherwise
and has never been stronger than it
is at the present time and there was
no foundation for the rumor that
there would be a cut in the dividegd
There was a rumor on the streets this
morning that the Legion had discharg-
ed a large part of those who were
working there, aud were in a hard
way fnancially, and would
This is not true, bul the order is
still doing business and will continue
to do so
Taward the of the year it is
necessary lo employ some extra help
a% the stress of business is greater at
that time than at auy other, and it was
the services of those thal have been
dispensed with, thus giving rise to
the rumor that was rampant today
Will Now Devote His Time to the Gas
Eugine Basiness,
Waverly —1. CC. Miller has sold out
his stock in his store on upper Broad
street, and has gone oul of business
The goods were sold to a number of
local parties For sce time Mr. Mil-
ler has been engaged in the business
of selling gas engines, and It is his
intention to devote his time exclusive
iy to that line
“When Women Love.”
One of the greatest of heart inter-
est plays is that eminently success.
ful melodrama, "When Women Love”
This is to be seen at the Loomis opera
Rouse tomorrow afternoon and even-
ing The play was given two seasons
ago for the first time and made an
instantaneous hit It tells of the
wrongs of a poor working girl and
how she is alded in her fight against
injustice by the unjon of which she
is a member. One of the scenes of
the play shows the interior of a fac-
tory where the girl was employed
with the machinery in full motion
When the cold winds dry and crack
|the skin get DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Sold by C. M. Driggs.
A slory that cannot .be (raced (0
any definite source is to the effect
that the (wo-cenl passenger rate on
steam railways, which all parties
pledged themselves 0 legislate “in
favor of, will not get the consideration
expected. Already there is talk of the
Machine going back on its pledges
It is argued that a two-cenl rate will
operate against those who work in
eities and reside In the country, and
who now get & special tickel at less
than & two-cent rale
The Democratic members of the
Legislature, aided by a few Independ-
ents, will fight for the new rate, but
unless the bosses are honest for once
and give the word that the bill shall
there is little hope for it
The warning has been sent io the
State Board of Trade, orgatized In
Harrisburg last fall, that the zeal for
a two-cent rate has grown lukewarm
and that body may hold a
shortly to take some action
Bring this ad
sard of Waverly free
to Strong for a post
Owen Host Was in Elmira last even-
Mrs. HB Ingham went io Binham
ton today
Mrs CC
this morning
Switzer went to Elmira
Sharies Wooden made a
Eimira last evening
trip to
Miss Agnes Hurley, who resides lu
South Waverly, has the diphtheria
Strong tinseis your name on
cards free while you wait
Tomorrow afternoon and evening,
“When Women Love’ at Loomis opera
Colonel! W. H. Loomis who has been
in town for the past four days return-
ed to New York city today
W. E Tew, who has been seriously
fl for the past few days is reported
as being somewhat better today
“. J Nasadowski has moved his tail
shop from the Clark
street the room occu
pled by L. C. Miller, in the same build
ing on Broad street
lor place on
to formerly
“I had tried everything for my baby
until Dr. Lyle recommended Casca-
sweet. [| can truthfully say it Is the
best medicine I ever used for bables ”
Cascasweet is sold by C. M. Driggs
The year of 1506 brought forth a
new record lo the number of couples
married by a Binghamton minister
and as (he record of (ormer years
was held by the Rev. Joan Phillips
of the First Baptist church, so the
record of last year was made by him
The number was 229 couples married
by Dr. Phillips. Of the couples mar-
ried by Dr. Phillips last year about
two-thirds came from Pennsylvania
The marrying business is an import.
ant one with Dr. Phillips, for while
a man pays whatever he desires, the
usual fee Ix $5 The biggest fee ever
paid to him by a Peansylvania ouple
was $15 Sometimes it Is §2 and oc-
casionally but $1 ~
Dr. Phillips has married several
couples when no money was paid But
on such occasions the man always
promises to send the money Some
times the money is sent; often it
isnt Last Saturday he received a
ietter from a man in Pennsylvania and
the letter contained a $5 bill Dr
Phillips married him four years ago
last Febraury and he then said he did
not have any money but would send
it later
Nearly all of the people who come
from Pennsylvania are Welch. They
are intelligent and saving pecple Dr
Phillips says that a great majority of
them come here because they do not
feel that they can afford to have a
wedding at home, as there are so
many friends to invite and then, too,
as an invitation to a wedding Is gen-
erally considered a bid Tor a present
Nearly all Pennsylvania people are
bride takes home with her a
beautiful gold ring. Some objection
has been made to so many marriages
being held in this city, as It costs the
taxpayers 20 cents for every wedding
on account of the person performing
the ceremony being allowed that sum
for filing the certificates
set this It Is argued that the couples
spend much money in this city. There
is the cab tare. the restaurant bill
and Dr. Phillips says that nearly all
of the weddings rings are bought after
the couples get here. Then, too, many
couples, after being married, buy
things at the local stores with which
to start housekeeping
William's Carbolie Salve With Arnlea
and Wieh Hazel
The best Salve In the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet-
ter, Chapped Hands and all skin
eruptions. [It i= guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25¢c by druggists. Williams Mfg. Co,
Props, Cleveland, O. Sold by C. M
Driggs. druggist.
animals who live one_ hundred and
twenty-five years These and many
others features of unusual interest in
the “Magazine” of next Sunday's New
York World.
tables in the newspapers Is noticeable
On the first of the year all contracis
with the various raliroad companies
expired Therefoge, if you should per-
chance see a time mabig in the papers
it either appears because the publisher
has undying affection for the company,
or he needs the stuff to “fill up with”
Call Em an lsosceles Triangle.
The cure for profanity —reformers
and educators please make a note—
is merely wit enough to handle your
words so that swearing will seem
like baby talk In comparison. —Ceon
cord Patriot
Founders of Nobile Houses.
The earldom of Essex was founded
by a dry goods dealer. that of War:
wick by a wool merchant, that of
Northumberland by a druggist, and
that of Tenterden by a barber
The Glove Bluff.
“I've saved many a car fare” ex-
plained the stingy man, “simply by
getting busy on the job of putting on
my gloves as the conductor ‘comes
around ”
Short Sermon.
It is better to put warm clothes oa
# few folks than to talk about celes
tial garments for many —Chicago
Poverty as a Burden.
Poverty is the only lcad which is
the heavier the more loved ones there
are to assist in supporting it.—Rich-
industry of Some Proportions.
There are more than 120 India rud-
per manufacturers in the United
States, employing more than 15,000
More Important.
A health journal is telling people
“how to lie when asleep’
persuade them t
awake It would be doling real service
I ————
We Buy Junk.
Do you know that Hlostein Bros
pay the highest price for. rags, rub-
bers, Iron,’ metals, etc. Call on us
before disposing of your junk. We
buy wholesale and retail. Bell phone
80w. Prompt attention, exact weight
Write for prices. Bolstein Bros, Cor
Johnson and Broad Sts, Waverly
Gireatest noted and original 1
fects ever wm :
Sayre, Way or Athens where
Valley Record does mol circulaie
Any one wishing an experienc
nurse In case of confinement Ingul
at G48 North Main stresl, A
Pa. 208-6
Lost —A ladies’ pocketbook, contain
glasses and a quantity of tickets. Lib
eral reward will be paid to the
finder who will return it to this of-
fice. 204-6
Lost—An S. C. I. class pin of "81.
Reward to finder at this office. 201
House and lot at $850; also one at
$13.00. A soap if taken at once. En-
quire G. N. Angler, 103 Park Place,
Valley telephone G8y, 204
Several houses and lots for sale In
desirable locations ln town. "Termis
to suit purchasers. Inquire of W.
G. Schrier, Maynard Block, Athens.
Farm 1% miles east of Athens, con-
tainlug 123 acres with good house,
barn, well and fruit trees. Price
$2500. W. GG. Pallerson, Box 74. Ath-
ens, Pa > 203-12*
Fer reat, office rooms in the
lock Block.
Ten room brick house, modern
provements. Inquire at this