Publisher. ha T CAREY. Editor. TS — orory afternoon azeepl 203 West Lockhart street, 25¢ and $3.00 per year: rates reasonable, rapplication. 28 Becond-class matter May the postoffice at Sayre, the Act of Congress of URSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1907 E Wood, Representative. and advertising matter may at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav- 0g tinsels your name on post ‘free while you wait 4 A H Crumb of Cangor, N ¥ ia Waverly last evening N. Y.. Mra Belle C. Hesel- and Mra Julia A. Scribner ofi piteaville, N. Y., visited Mr. and Jas. B. Bray and other relatives INSANITARY PRACTICES IN HARVESTING OF ICE Ask Health Commissioner to Forbid the Cutting of lee on Reservoir and Prohibit Man or Beast From Going Thereon For That Purpose. Waverly—The Village Trustees heid a regular adjourned meeting last even- ing. every member of the board being presenL The principal matter for discussion was the matter of the cutting of ice ofi the reservoir from which the vil- iage waler supply is taken At a special meeting held on Dec 28, 1906, the trustees had passed a resolution, asking the state health commissioner for his opinion relative to the regulations for the government of water supply of the village President Lawrence stated that he had received no réply from the com- missioner, bfit that he had six aM- davits ffom men who had worked on the reservoir putting in ice during previous seasons He read two of them setting out that men had fallen into the water and been completely submerged be fore they were rescued, that horses often fell into the water, and that a period of perhaps half an hour elap- sed before they were finally taken out. That on one occasion a horse burst a blood wessel during the at- Wmpts af rescue, and that it bled to death on the ice. That the men em- ployed on the ice often spit in the water and upon the ice. That the excrement from the horses was upon the ice, and while the solid substance was scraped up the stains still re- ain, and that the ice had to be dipped nder the water before it was taken by the convevor to the ice house, and Mis conveyor was about 25 feet from the intake of the main that carried the water to the village. The men often threw tobacco quibs intg the sanitary precautions were not observ. ed as strictly as they should be President Lawrence also stated that he had shown the afMidavits to Ray- mond C Reed. bacteriologist of El- a poof practice under the best condi- lions, aud that the conditions set out in the affidavits were almost sure Ww bring on pollution, and was frought with, grave danger. President Law. rence then suggested that it would be well for the board to give some expression of opinion relative to the Trusiee Lang then wanted to know whether the state health comumission- er had made an investigation or not It was then explained that the state beaith's commision had submitted sane rules relative to the method of caring for the water supply of vi lages and that it had been submitted to the water company and that they had objected to the rule relative to the cutting of ice The secretary Mr. Seymour, then came to Waverly, and latter Prof Ogden of Ithaca came as the agent. and under the direction of the state commissioner, secured evi- dence > Mr Lang then wanted to know i) there was not some way of forcing the state commissioner to make a report to the village relative to his findings He sald that he felt incensed. and offered the following resolution: “That the attorney be authorized and In- structed to take such legal steps as are necessary to procure from the commissioner of health of the state of New York a copy of the report of the represeulative or representatives of his department. who under his in- struction and order investigated the water supply system of the village of Waverly and for which report the board has petitioned, and been unable to secure.” No one was willing to support the measure, however, and it was lost Trustee Broughm then offered a resolution, recommending to the state health commissioner that the Ice on the reservoir shall not be cut for either public or private purposes, and that neither teams, cattle or men be allowed thereon for the purpose of cutting Ice. The aye and nay vote being called for the member: voted as follows Lang, Howard aud Brown, No Law- rence, Myers, Faclgye Broughm, Yes Motion carried President Lawrence and Mevers were then excused Trustee Howard themtook the chair and the meeting adjourned Trustee Parents who permit their children to run the night wonder why those children go wrong in later years. streets ot Subscribe for The Record Started Investigation of the Manner in Which Ice Has Been Harvest ed al Waverly Reservoir. Waverly —The board of health held a meeting last night for the purpose of taking evidence in regard to the manner in which the ice was cul on the reservoir from which the village water supply is drawn . The members of the board present were Theodore Harding. James Falsey, Fred Simmons and Health Officer G Several parties who ed in the water company present. including J. T. Sawyer, J B Floyd, ¥. E Hawkes Esq, and Dr W._ E Johnson. (A number of witness- es had been subpoenaed Many of them stated that the manner in which the ice was harvested was very lax and that men spit in the water. Vil lage president Lawrence was present and presented six affidavits by men who had worked on the reservoir dur ing the ice harvest, and {bey set oul that men and horses were submerg- ed at times, that the excrement of horses was allowed to remain on the ice, that the men spit on the ice and in the water, and that other sanitary precautions were not observed. Other witnessef who said that thay had come at the request of G. H. Goff, were sworn, They stated that they bad worked in the ice harvest. That the strictest rules had been promul- gated by the water company and that they were generally observed to the letter. None of then had ever seen any one spit in the walter, and one said that he never spit. That any droppings from horses used on the ice were promptly scraped up and placed in a metal basket, and carried off the ice. That the ice was never stained when it came to the conveyer, Kar! Dodge was called and testified that he had bossed the men on the ice That the orders were strictly enforced, althodgh he admitted that he was not always present, and that BU Man was discharged for breaking the rules interest- were also are ever Dr. Harnden was called, and stated that in the light of the testimony giv- he considered that due care had been taken, and that the only dan- ger was from the sputum charged with tuberculosis that might get in- to the water, and that it was harm- leas zo. long as wet, and while pollu- en 4 BEN lations were not strict enough, and the danger from (yphold or tabereu- losis was very great Dr. J. T. Tucker sald that he did not consider the danger greal. That the oaly real danger was from the sputum and that there was very lit- tle chance of that causing (rouble As for typhoid, he sald that-Uy the time 3 man was able to work in the fce harvest he would have recover- ed fo an extent that would obviate any very probable infection. All the medical men stated that they had never had a case directly attributa- they all admitted that it was within the bounds of possibility that the wat- er might become polluted and cause an outbreak of disease. J. T. Bawyer testified that the water had been analysed twice, and that he would furinsh copies of the find- ings Mr. Lawrence alse promised to furnish a copy of the findings of the state analysis. The board then adjourned but will eontinue the hear- ing tomorrow night HUGH J. BALDWIN * FUNERAL YESTERDAY Atiended By Large Number of Friends, Firemen and Members of 6G. A. R. and S. of V. in Body. ' Waverly—The funeral of the late Hugh J Baldwin took place yestreday afternoon from his late home on Penn- sylvania avenue, and a large number of his friends gathered to pay their respects to the memory of the depart- ed. Every business place was closéd during the hour of the funeral The entire Waverly fire department had gathered at the town hall and when the fire bell tolled the hour of fhe funeral they marched out, headed bY the police and ex-chiefs. They were then joined by Walter C. Hull post, G A R. and by thé Waverly camp, Sons of Veterans. These or- ganizations attended the funeral in a body, and marched to Forrest ceme- tery where the remains were buried The Rev. Peter R. Ross conducted Me Service at the house, and spoke of the many admirable traits of the deceased both in private and in pab- le Ite At the grave a host of friends gath- belng the age of Mr. Baldwin. The bearers were O. H. Lawrence, H. C VanDuzer, John H Murray, By- ram L. Winters, I. Preatice Shep- ard and W. T. Goodnow. = The honorary bearers, all pe of the G. A. R, were Hon W.F John- son, W. LL. Watrous, F. 8 Morgan, W. N. Ball, O. F _Benson, J. W. Knapp and 8 D Barnum. \FPELATE COURT SUSTAINS VILLAGE. Reverses the Decislon of Supreme Coart Judge Sewell Who Dismiss. company failed to do th ta the village to take the matter. WANT ed the Petition of the YMiage iu Condemning Water Plant. Waveriy—Yesterday the Appelate Division of the Supreme court hand- ed down a decision reversing the de- cision of Supreme court Justice Sew- ell who denied the petition of the vil- lage of Waverly in the matter of the proceeding lo condemn the water plant now owned by the Waverly Water Co Judge Sewell decided that it was necessary for the village to obtain the consent of the slate water commission before it could proceed to condemn the water plant, and for that reason would not grant the order appointing the commission to condemn it . The @lliage appealed, and the higher court sustained the village in itz econten- tion. Installed Oficers. Waverly—Walter C. Hull Post, G A. R. Installed officers last night, J F. Shoemaker acting as the installing officer. At the close of the meeting the velerans were very agreeably sur- prised by bdng invited to enter the adjoining hall and partake of a most excellent banquet that had been pro- vided by the Sons of Veterans and ladies’ ald A fine spread had been provided and all the good things received ample attention Held Yearly Meeting. Any one wishing an nurse in case of confingment at (08 North Main street, Pa’ A goed strong, middle aged to care for a wan who Is paralyzed. Valley telephons = House No. 3 North Chemung Waverly. = Wanted at once, a Nrst class at the Osborne House Woman first class washer and ird] er wants work (0 take home Or W go out by the day. Call or wrile! T. M. C. 106 Plummer sireei, ne Keystone avenue, West Sayre 201 LOST. Lest —A ladies’ pocketbook, con ing a sum of money, a pair of glasses and a quantity of tickets. eral reward will be pa finder who will return It fice. id to Reward to finder at this office. 201 AS A... Sd House and lot at $350; also one at $13.00. A snap if taken at once. En- quire G. N. Angler, 103 Park Place, Valley telephone 68y. 204 Several houses and lots for sale ia desirable locations in town. Terms to sult purchasers. Inquires gf W. Q. Schrier, Maynard Block, Attens, 139-1 Waverly=—Al the yearly meeting of the Logmis opera house company held | last Monday night all the former direc- ors were relected with the exception cf EE Walke r, resigned, whose place | ford, and H. J son Seward Baldwin being elected (0 the vacancy. All the officers were re- | elected by the directors Bring this ad to Strong for a post card of Waverly free it Farm 1% miles east of Athens, con- tainlug 123 acres with good house, harn, well and fruit trees. Price $2500. W OG Patterson, Box 14, A ns, Pa 208-1 i FOR RENT. -! For reat, office rooms in the Whee- lock Block. dd Ten room brick house, modern im- Inquire at this office.