THE [NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. CAPITAL SURPLUS £50,000.00 We solicit your Banking business. and will pay you three per cent interest per snoum for money left on Certificate of Deposit or Sav- ings Account The department of savings is a special feature of this “rank. and all depoafts. wheth- er large or small, draw the seme rate of interest MN. H. SAWTELLE, Cashier. Record W. T. CAREY, Editor FRIDAY, JANUARY 4. 1907 mm z as second-class matter May 10, 1905, at the postoffice at Sayru "Pa, under the Act of Congress of Mareh 3, 1879 Ee Frank E Wood, Representative Pe deft at Gregg's Hackett Store, Wav- erly. Aftdr 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, both phones Advertise in The Record George M. Legg was in Corning last night Edward Gardner Is working iu Har ry Conant's barber shop Miss Clara Decker of Monroeton Tisiting Mrs R N Booth The C M B A Eave a the K. of C. hall last evening “The Arrival of Kitty tomorrow afternoon and Woke! at the Loomis evening Special cut on patent medicines te E J Neaves drug store Mrs E J Neaves ha after spending the Canton returned home past IU day at The Sunshine club will home of Mrs M Monday evening meet at the George next Lege The condition of Prof E B Rob erts who has i is somewhat improved beet seriously Mr. and Mrs C E of Owego, were calling ou Mr and Mrs PE J Neaves yvesterdas Carpenter alr. and Mrs Ganther returned home York Fa spending the past two weeks in George to Miss Reba Parks of the Ithaca Cou Servatory of music has been spending the holidays with her sist Mrs. Fay Brown today who Ld returned to Ithaca ~ William Falsey and Daniel Reagan ‘both of whom have been working at Norfolk, Va. have returned to Waverl and will work in” the Lehigh Valles FURNITURE HOUSE i CHANGES HANDS, Purchased By . W. Sweet. Waverly —The furniture has been conducted Broad for the past year and a haif Graf & Co has been purchared by Oh W. Sweet, and ducted i} by My The change ic place ternoon. Graf purchased the ® Fear and a half ago from & Kingslury, COmiBE to Waverly from Scranton. Pa huring his sojourn Bere he has made a multitude of friends. and won the regard of all Just what bis plans are for the fu- business ot will be con e future Tw eet sterday af basin#ts about Freuch CROWD OF BOYS SSH WINDOWS i Were Merely Having Fun en New Years Came Into Court Veluntar- ily. Waverls—A number of Waverly are in line to make a lot of New bays j been to their advantage to have start ied them a few days sooner, and stuck : with "They are in trouble, and it will prob ably ong before et of of ition get the better of them again Ou New Years of them up the Shep- ito them great particularity be a time they ‘their excess the spirit destruc day four ird creek road and in course of their botuse the Dodge One of that caused window of the It proved contagious, and they the Before destruction had a whole glass in fraveis came of | an 1c a vacant property had fo Grant them inspiration ham Lreak out a house ail joined in their for peased there the the the This the sport desire Leen ap was not and all the loose stones in had been to of the hou + transferred bailiding vicinity interior vacant morning a warrant was issaed of Dodge One of was found and told that the warrant out for crowd, and he saliied forth all the boys caine to the justice office and reported They did this of their own accord and not 10 on the com piaint BOYS wa the and soon it was ary for an officer neces Lring then in The dvPrage Bove Ww Orse the de to than troying animated are and in they by It cropping of the spirit of destructive to property Were no malice merely the out was ness that pervade most boys Their case will be disposed of tomor ems Tow ANOTHER OLD COIN The One Possessed By Mr. Douglass Is An Infant By the Side of This One. It ed Vail that the old coin posse the Lehigh uot the on appear by William Douglass ey & Special officer, is iy one in existence, and that there are others who can go Mr This well Douglass one worning J 1 known attorney at the Record office stated that if the specialty of writing had one which he mentioned Mr Corbin says of the the one possessed bY befter Corbin Athens law calied by teiephone and LakiLg a Record was up oid should that and coins he Hike he has a penny Same size tvie acs ase which nas= coined in the year 1500 r The workmen who for the ' was found by in allors con were engaged excavating monument Thi Douglass by Gldier and Athen would a several to YEArs ago coln Mr Now G6 TT beat about 2ix year: to be engaged in the business if there who have old jesire written up we would to send them reach us over the telephone are any others coins which thes be pleased have them ih OF else Funeral This Mornlug. The funeral of Mrs who died at the granddaughter, Mrs. Sammons at North Waverly, last Wednesday took morning from the house at Graf & Co and the remains Forrest Home ceemtery Waverly - Frayer place thi 10 o'clock in charge were bur- “1 in “Scot-Free™ The word scot (ree from ancient is a survival Angio Saxon Scot In this sense comes from the old Eng lsh word, sceo!. meaning a portion of tribute or taxation, and it is still lo Ue in the Scandinavian languages to signify treasure however tions the and Jot scot [ree it occurs in waly two expres legal phrase to pay scot and the ordinary word, Fhe Sunday Magazine. American Pumps in India. The United States rach year to India by about $50000 worth of pumps apd pumping machinery, most of which i= imported through Bombay direct shipment ideas on Elections. Some men sald Uncle Eben takes an election serfous, an’ sow men jes’ likes to guess who's gwinete run fust, same 4s at a hoss race” World's Supply of Geld. The world's gold would. If collect form a plle about 45 feet high and {eet square THE ROLE OF HERD "PLACES TIES ON TRACK, THEN FLAGS TRAIN./ ————— TELLS TALE OF BANDITS Chicago Boy's Scheme to Get Free | Ride and Reward Fails to End According to Programme— Wreck Narrowly Averted. Indianapolis. Ind —There was 9 tem porary feeilng of gratitude ia the bBearts of a Hig Four train crew on the Cincinnati division of the road the other day when the train was fagged at the Tannes creek bridge by the wild waving of a sonth The big en gine and heavy freight train came tO a stop near the bridge and before the eves of the crew were four heavy ties piled on the rails the bridge A serious wreck and perhaps death to ithe men on the train had been narrow iy averted The vouth who gave his pame as (Chris Daus, 18 years old, of Chicago came in for his share of praise The traiamen pressed around him and he told 3 lurid story that would rival in sensationalism any tale of trans wreckers found ia yellow back novels The boy sald he was walking along the track when he saw two rougkhiy attired and Jow browed men piling (the ties on the rails When they zaw him, Dans said the men ran behind a section twolbouse pear the bridge Realizing the dapger of a serious wreck, Daus said, he caught hold of ‘the ties to drag them from the track when the alleged train wreckers sprang from their hiding place and pointed revolvers at him They threatened to blow his head off and Daus =aid he turned and ran south along the tracks In Dearborn county south of the bridge i= a cut through which the trains approach the bridge on An up grade sald took his stand at the head of the cut and when he saw the traln coming he flagged i The trainmen were loud In thelr praise of the boy's alleged heroism and after dividing the contents of thei: lunch buckets with him they took him wm the rain to Sunman, in Ripley county. Here the authorities were notified that a desperate attempt had made to wreck the train, and Daus promised to give the authorities ill possible assistance. He was 10 rewarded for his alleged bravery The sheriffs of bLoth Ripley an warborn counties were notified. and varch for the traln wreckers was be ih News of the matter was etle rraphed to Indiapapolls, and Lawrence i* Grady, chief of the Hig Four detec the place. He talked tives vith the boy told him all gid = The boy he heen a went to Daus, and A Wreck Was Averted he had given them Grady was suspicious not right, and be cou question the boy all Finally Daus became confused descriptions the varivd cunsiderably The alieged robbers had 44 caliber sit's revolvers, Daus asserted How did you know they were for ty-fours?’ demanded Grady Well, they looked big enough to be forty fours,” the youth replied, sul fenly Grady then accused the boy out right of placing the tiss on the tracks ! aus denled this at first, but afier | becoming hopelessly confused In {lating the detalls he finally confessed that the work at the bridge was doo | by him | When closely questioned as to his reason. the boy sald he was on his way back to Chicago and wished to pride He sald he bad & wov ing picture exhibit of traluo wreck era, and the idea came to him to flag a train and waybe get a ride to Chicago and some money as his ward Daus admitted that he did know the UUme of the trains merely took a chaoce that the train along would come from south What Serious Narrowly detalles as to e tralnmen all inued olnta ind his iin wreckers he 3 fiat Was to vi of tlleged ie seen re not and first the if & passenger traln bad come from the north? Grady asked The whole taln would have been wrecked and gone down the creek’ S They ild have been up woulda they? sald Daus sled ay! wo daliner It Is undigested food that sourness and palaful indigestion. Ko dol is a solution of vegetable acids It digests what you eat, and corrects ithe deficiencies of digestion. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food apd Drug Law, causes Peansyivania, Takes Office. PHILADELPHIA, Jin 4 After the meeting of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company the new prvsident, James McCrea, left in bis private car for Pittsburg. He will remain there until Monday when be wili return to Philadelphia, which will gow become his botne James Moi'rea expects every officer and employes to da his duty. Accom plishment is what he counts of vale During whole career he has worked on the theory that the sue his raiiraad cess of auy mauagement depends large JAMES M'CREA iy upon initiative throughout the eutire His mctinad Say wanils done aud to leave it to asic aliization is to w hat Lie those direstly re desfred ge inti give suggestions sponsibie Thn= He is aiways ready to fouks= his siplasreiinates to Bud wavs to reach the goal sel Fe