The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 04, 1907, Image 1

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    Policy For a Xmas
points in its favor hat no
gan approach. There
ae Ghia of acceptability,
you would learn exactly what
means and how it can be
send your mame, age, and
to us. We are agents for
ita Mutaal Life Insurance
ad of (irreproachable
coul has given us our repu-
We handle Lehigh Valley aad
Coal, Hard and Soft Woed
ad Steam Coal
03 Lehigh Ave. Lockhart Bulking,
Both Phones.
Three Per Cent Iuterest Pald on
: Time Deposits.
KE P. Wilbar, J. N. Weaver,
: J. W. Bishop,
: W. T. Goodnow,
a h. Haverly, Seward Baldwin,
F. T. Page.
R. 7. Page. Cashier.
e Do Not Ask You
We are the best Tallors, but
“who have tried us are con-
_ ¥inced Of he fact Those who have
tried yet are cordially iavited to
I US only ape trial—after (that
hey will be regular patrons.
We Are Genuine
A. Atkin,
Raymond & Haupt's Confection-
ery Store, Lockhart St.
If you bay from
a8 1580
Roosevelt In Senate.
“Racial Question Is Ureatest Problem
With Which the Union at the
Present Day Has te Deal; It
Cansed the Civil War.”
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 The debate
on the resolution offered by Seuator
Foraker concerning the discharge
of negro soldiers of the Twenty fifth
United States lofantry for participa
tion in thes Bruwusville riots. which
had been begun before the boliday re
TPE, Wis resumed in the senate
Senator Culberson (Tex), who uvpened
the debate with a stirring speech In
condemantion of the discharged negro
responsible for the trouble in Browns
offered to citizens of that town
A rufllanly negro sotdier, he sald. Con
ditiens Uad finally become so chaotic
that the mayor was requested to deny
streets. Such an order was made. |
ee He to declare evel iu this great |
J Shaimbae that they purpose 10 protect
u With their lives what jo their wo |
1h is the immediate jewel of
their sonia”
: Court Martial Postponed. i
| BAN ANTONIO, Tex, Jan 4. ~The
| court martial of Major C. W. Pen
and Captain E A. Macklin eof ae
| Twenty Ath infantry ou the charge of
| neglect of duty in connection with (he
| Brownsville affair, which wag te have |
| been begun here Lixlay, Las been pust i
| poned until Feh 4 on account of the
| disability of Captain Macklin, who re!
cently was shot by 8 sd, “used robber
at Fort Reno Okla
Negroes (all on Congress,
NEW YORK, Jau 4 At ga
meeting of negroes held at Couper |
Union under the auspices of the “con
mittee of a hundred negroes of Great: |
[ef New York” in celebration of the)
| emancipation proclamation resolutions
| were adopted calliug upon cougress to
make a wore thorough inquiry iuto the
Bruwusville affair
‘Report In Sew York and Pittsburg
! That He Had Quit,
NEW YORK, Jan 4 It Is ramored
| In Wall street and in Auancial circles |
i in Pittsburg that William E. Corey has
| lost his job
Alva C. Dinkey, present head of the |
Carnegie Steel comp any, bas been se |
peinted out that iu the face of the facts
people were asked to believe that the
citizens of Brownsville “rioted among
themselves, shot and wounded their
Dead at Capital
Ceneral Vea ive laure Assassin
Killed by Saber Thrust of Stag
USicer—Uead Hebel Not
Yet ldentified.
Geueral Vou der Launitz, prefect of po-
lice of St Petersburg, wus shot aud
killed by a young mau at the lustitute
of Experimental Medicine
Vou der lLauuitz, at the invitation
of Prince Peter Wlexaudroviteh, duke
of Uldeuburg, busband of the Grand
Duchess Olga, yonogest sister of Em-
secration of the lustitute chapel. Dur
ing the services there aud while In the
widst of a pumber of high officials the
& revolver aud shot him In the base
of the brain. Vou der Launitz fell
forward and Uied lu two winutes AS
the assassin turned to Hee vue of the
officers preseut drew his saber, cut the
| wan down aud killed Lim.
The ideutity of the assassin bas net
| been established
After the dissolution of the Russian
parilament powers little short of those
petty dictator were conferred
offending citizen
Mr. Culberson
the army, bad the right to discharge
any seldler without honor. But he ad
contended that the
Arrests could be made Ly his order
without process of law, Dewspapers
cvuld be forced to suspend publication
order without trial
On Nov, & last You der Launite,
diers from reenlistment or frow bold
ing say civil office the president's order
waa lnoperative
“Discharge without honor” was a dis
tinct class of discharce recognized by
the statutes over which the president
bad control. He read from the statutes
and from the Ary
pursuant thereto
charges and added that 4
men, both white and colored
discharged In that way
Mr. Culberson enumcrated the Inel
dents leading up to the riot. A white
wotnan bad been assaulted by a colored
soldier. wre had been a quarrel over
the detla! to the perro soldiers of
equality with the whites in sowie of the
saloons. A megro soldier Lad clashed
with a white customs officer and an
other uegro soldier bad been struck
over the head with a revolver by a
white custews officer for lusulting the
customs officer's wife,
To the officers of the army who inves
tigated the trouble, be thought should
be given credit for some Looor
word eught to go for something. They |
bad Investigated the whole matter {in
partially and had reported that the so)
dlers did the shooting.
“I care nothing about the president,”
exclaimed Mr. Culberson. “My per
sonal relations with him sre about as
cordial as are those of tha senator from |
blushed furiously. Other senators shar
ed In the hilarity at the expense of the
Ulie senator,
“There was never any question as to
who did the shooting In Brownsville,"
the senator continued, “until the ques
tion was raised ou the oor bere
2 enlisted
intharizing «
in the jast
honor of the voniform.” exclaimed Mr
Culberson. “Every true soldier ought |
to be luterested ia detecting these ruf
faus who have disgraced the uniform
and see that they are expelled from
the army #0 that the Louor of the en
uniform continue to be hodor
reference to the uegro yuestion lu gen
eral, saying It had existed frown the
early history of the country down to
the present time and still contioued to
be the wost Important and the wost
daugervus question which coufrouts
the American people. He referred to
the civil war, wherein nearly a willion
white wien lost thelr lives. Today, Le
said, the coudition of the black rusce,
With its sages of slavery, its ignorance
and poverty, excited the deepest sym
pathy eof the great body of the white
people of the south.
“But,” he continued, “in spite of the
past, with its countlicts and sacrifices,
sorrows and destruction of life and
property, this problem Is still the
greatest with which we bave to deal
It lavolves labor, education, suffrage
ment and the lutegrity of the white
race. The end no wan can see. South
erners feel deeply and profoundly ou
this race problews and Its ultia yg, so
“Speaking in part for the people of
Texas—and plainiess of speedy is best
—it Is Bot hmproper to say that they
have dealt fairly aud generously with
the uegro in all essentinls—in educa
tion, In charity,
and ln the protection of life, liberty
aud property. But I would not be can
did with you If I did vot say that In
Other respects thelr purposes are equ)
ly resolute and unalterable
“They are opposed to political domi
nation by the Jgnorant or vicious: they
Are opposed fo social equality with the
Negro; they ure opposed to every tend.
Ay which will ultimately be destrpc.
tive ot the purity and integrity of the
race. bove all
i 1 a 5
lected, according to the report, to suc |
ceed Corey as president of the United |
!Stgtes Steel curporation
This move is credited to Charles M |
Schwab, who, it Is sald, uss bLecowe
most bitter against Corey because of |
| bis 1nfatuation with Mabelle Gillman
the mctress, and all its attendant wo
toriety. Should Mr Schwab refuse to
relent, the beautiful actress will have
cust the stew! trust president the $100
RK) Job and kis conspicueus position ing
the industrial world
A. C. Diokey, who 1s only forty years |
old, was ounce a telegraph vperntor and
later a wachinist His rise to the bead {
of the greatest corporation ou earth!
| outside of Standard Oil bas been even
| more remarkable than that of Corey
| bituselt vlicw a day laborer at the steel |
| works |
Work of Expert Safe Blowers.
NEW HAVEN, Coun Jan 4 Rob
bers eutered the office of the Monarch
| Laundry company, blew open the safe
| with nitroglycerin, broke into the cash |
{register aud secured about $200 In
| ouey besides several packets of in
| Surdnce papers aud Lusiucss records
{ The robbers eutered through a rear
| window after first breakiug Into a
| wagon shed and taking half a dozen |
| blankets, which they wrapped around
{the safe to deaden the sound of the ex
| plosion The robbery wus uot kuown
{until the office was opened This was
{the second visit within a year of ox
| bert eracksmen
Murdered Girl and Cot Up Bedy
ST. PAUL, Miun, Jan 4A special
{from Ellsworth, Wis. says: "Michael
{Llo, alias Joe Safagusa, a metnber of
aD Italian raliroad crew, who was re
| cently convicted of the murder of John
Isanc at Prescott, Wis, but who was
{discharged Ly the court, has confessed
{bere that be murdered Marie Labrissl
io New York om the night of May 27,
1902, and then cut up her body. Lio
was arrested on suspicion by Sheriff
Nugent of this county, who secured
{the confession from him. ™
Balifreg Mines For Schwab,
BAN FRANCISCO, Jao. 4. Miues lo
the Bullfrog region of Nevada valued
by the owners at $2000.00 were
awarded to E. A Moutgomery by
Judge Z. Scawell agalust the claims of
C. B Flewing, who had sued for a half
luterest because of a dispute ln a grub
stake agreeuient. It Is now stated that
ithe property will transferred to
Charles M Schwab, who bax swalted
the verdict
Three Young Men Held For Murder
DANVILLE, Va, Jan 4.-Flet her
Harris, George Stevens und Albert Ad
Kins, three young white men of this
city, have been arrested and placed in
Jnll as suspects in the supposed wr
| der of JM. Thomas, whose dead bundy
was found In a ravine near this ity on
TFoesday worniug. All of them deny
any Know ledge of Thowas' death
Knox to Be hares With Marder,
NEW HAVEN, ¢ Ian. 4. Coro
ner Mix states that Samuel Knox, who
shot and killed Frederick McGann Kel
ley on the street New Year's olgbt,
will be held on the eharce of murder
Gabbas' Force racing Ljaat,
TANGIER, Moroecn Jan, 4, ~The
forces Muder uiste: of War
8 bigher suthority, dispersed a meet:
lug of Constitutional Democrats in St
viously sanctioned
Uo Nov. 14 Von der Launite sup
pressed the Russ of St Petersburg be
Cause of the publication of au articles
Uy M Karavaelf, 4 well koown Jur
debasement of all woral couscliousaess
tu Russia”
Some Idea of the recent uctivity of
the late prefect of police of Bt Peters
| burg way Le gathered from gures
which be caused to be published Dee
|= last. It was then anounced that
| the “fying section of the secret [21]
lice” had uiade 05S arrests in St Pe
tersburg during the three days preced
lug Dec. 25 The prisoners, who lo
ed with “revolutionary activity '
Ihe police have uot yot succeeded in
identifying the terrorist who shot and
killed Vou der Launitz and whe coolly
turned his revolver against bimself
while be was falling under the sabre
of the prefect’'s escurt
Tbe authorship of this crime. how
ever, like the recent assassination of
f Count lgoatielf and the unsuccessful
| attempt to blow up Premier Stolypin
With « bomb, has been traced to the
Oghting organization of the Soclal Rev-
olutionists, who recently resolved to
ductivity. The
proclamation svowing sud Justifylag
the killing of General Von der Lau
Ou the revolutionary death list
Beya te Choase Between Parents.
MILWAUKEE, Wis. Jan 4 Judge
Halsey has granted a divorce to Mrs
Clara 8. Heyl from Jacob Heyl. There
Was no contest, Mr. Heyl having with
{drawn bis answer to his wife's com
plaint. In the division of property by
Agrevinent the sum of $120 (ak of life
Insurance of the defendant is assigued
to Mrs. Heyl Mrs Heyl pays over to
(00, partly io real estate and partly lu
first mortgage bonds, and about $60,000
cash. Mrs. Heyl Is awarded the cus
tody of her two children, Reinhardt
aged fifteen, sud Helmuth, thirteen
years, but at the age of sixteen the
boys are to chovse for thewselves be
tween the parents
White House Heception to Diplomats
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 The recep-
tou in bouor of the diplomatic corps,
ther first of the series of forwal recep
tions at the White House, wus given
last wight by President aud Mrs
Roosevelt. About 2000 guests were
present. Invited to meet the diplomatic
Curps were the members of the cabloet.
the supretne court, the wembers of
both houses of congress, officers of the
ariny and pavy aud representatives of
otiicials and resident society. Andrew
Caroegle and Cornelius Vaoderbiit
Were preseut
Not Hurt After Long Fall
NEW YORK, Jan. 4 Although she
fell five stories and struck ou the stune
sidewalk, Lena Kopp, five years old,
escaped with a few slight contusions
The clilid lives on the top floor of the
five story tenement, She was playiig
In the front roow when ber mother
missed her, aud, looklug out of the
window, she saw her daughter lylug on
the sidewalk
Fatal Viase at Montreal
MONTREAL, Jan 4 -One man was
killed, six firemen Injured and $500 (6x0
worth of property destroyed by a fee
that stqried at 2 o'clock in the morning
on RL ADWiIne street. Two blocks w ere
burned, The death of H. Gaguon and
the Injury of thy sis fireiuen was caus
ed by the collapse of walls
A Town Without Fuel,
LAKIN, Kun. Jan. 4 This town 1s
out of fuel. Dorens of cars of coal
0 weeks sgo bay n diverted
{10 other towne or used SB the raliway
a, b
Troheld Epidemic Number
BCRANTON, Pa, Jan 4 Withato |
tal number of cas of almost 1 x and |
Pariefans Pelt and Hiss “A
Dream of Egypt."
is beginning to take
Nine deaths were reported during the
past twenty four hours. making a3 to
tal of eighteen since midnight Monday
i veuly aloe new cases were reported
in the same time. The tota’ number of
cases, acconding to oMcial Brures
hive not heey reported
The eomditions on the south side are
the worst that can be Imagined Doz
ens of the tenvment dwellers ure lying
sugrouninlings Iustances have
found of whole families prostrated by
the plague in two or three sinall rooms
ters were found lo an advanced stage
of the fever Iu one bed They were
The four hospitals of the city are ali
part of the new
treated in thelr bowes
twenty hours out of twenty-four to get
it In some kind of shape
head nurse during the
‘Butler epidemics and
First Have at New Urleans Went te
Eanliss. at 10 to 1.
NEW ORLEANS Jan ¢ The vic
tory of Zaullss at 15 to | in the frst
race at the Falr grounds was a sur
prise all around
ite, Affshed third, while the other
choices Bolsbed outside of the money
Jockey Aubuchon, who was injured
Wednesday, was back in the saddle
while Jockeys Swith and Gsroer are
First Race -Zaullss first; Dinewock
sevend; Npider Web, third
Second Race —Workaday first; Harel
M.. second; Rebel Queen, third
Third Race. Silverskin, first:
tling Slik, second; Limerick Girl third
Fourth Race Florizel, tirst; Telegra
plier, second; Kitty Plate, third
Fifth Race. Splon, first; Cawpalgn
or, seculid; Refined, third
Sixth Race. Flavigny
first; Harma
Racing at Oakland.
BAN FRANCISCO, Jau. 4-—Jockey
L. Willams had a narrow escape from
death at Oaklend, belug thrown
Caluiar after leaving the post
Liorse went rideriess arcund the track
not burt St Elwwood, Triumphaot
and Hooligau were the winnlug favor
Accident at Ascot Track
LOS ANGELES, Cal, Jan. 4
cident warred the races at Ascot
plechase and rolled over Jockey Collis
probably fatally lujuring bim Dr. Leo
May Bring Sault For Libel
NEW YORK, Jan. 4 I'he board of |
managers of the New York Cotton Ex
ter attack upon Congressman Living
Jordan of the Southeru Cotton Grow
cation to the postotlice
af fraud order against the exchange
The managers of the ¢xchauge are con
sulting counsel as to the advisability
of bringing a sult for libel
Raliroads Favored Jtandard 01).
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. —Discrimina
tion lu favor of the Standard Ol com
pany by raliroads agsinst other oll
shippers 1s charged In a petition and
culnpliaint fled with the Interstate cow
merce commission by the Natioval Pe
trolsum association against
Arbor Railroad company aud fifty oth
er lines constituting the Central Traf
fic association, the Trunk Live
ation and the New England territory
Little Warship For tireat Lakes.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4 ~The little Unit
ed States gunboat Saudoval, intended
for the use of the naval wilitis on Lake
Ontario, reached ber dock tn this city
baving arrived from Norfolk under the
command of Lieutennut EN Wal
bridge and wanoed by mewbers of the
Second Separate division of the naval
wilitia of Rochester, NY The Sando
val was captured at Guantanamo dur
ing the Spanish American war
Tas Riots In Spain.
MADRID, Jan 4 Serious
ances ocvurred at Alicante, lu the pruy
ince of Valeucis, as the result of a pro
posal by the authorities to
ctmnge In the collection of the
(the tax levied on the
the towns, by which change fod was
dearvr wublered, for
bade the provision shops from openiug
aud the shopkeepers who dis
wake n
mide Crowds
Galton! Pleads Not Gully
PATERSON, N 1) Ian. 4 Luig!
Gallonl, editor of an Italian paper In
Barre, Vt, who was arrested at that
place and brought to this city to su
swer charges of complicity in the silk
dye riots bere in 12 was areaigned
on six indictments (n the quarter ses
sions court. The defendant entered
pleas of not guilty.
+ Weather Probablittics,
alr and colder; nortiwest winds.
Notorious Moulin Houge Scene
Disorder When Marquise de ee —
Attrmpted Debut In Flay
Written by Herself,
FARIS, Janu. &
last ui!
There was a reinark
xlat thi
when the
| alle sowie at notorious
Marguise de
of the famous Duke |
de Moruy sud a nlece of Napoleon 1H
made ber debut in called
Prream of Egypt
i Moulin Houge
Morny, a daughter
an act
writtea by
with Mise
of “Ulaudine
herself |
in coaburation
! Villars, the author
| other decadent yoy els
The marquis
wife of the Belbeuf
already achieved an unenviable reputs
Hon, and ber heralded appearsnes
the stage brought out a storm of erifl
To this the marquise replied in
letter published un
wha Is the divoresd
Marguis de has
i vistu a
4 newspaper deus
ing thet Ler performance was intended
10 be suggestive and losisting that she i
Hieant to give au artisth
of the winnuers of anclent Egypt.
defending ber appearance on the
the marquise said This does not cou
stitute a disgrace to the French
tocracy, as a distinguished scion of this
aristocracy, the Privce de Broglie, has
| been earning his living for some tis
i past by conductiug an orchestra in
i New York"
Iu spite of this statement a aumber
{of clubmieu gut to
| gether sud went to the Moulin Rouge
i where they cunducted a
the like of which seldom bas been wit
{nessed in this city. For
tites the « urtaiy could HOt In Fai=edd «
the owing to the pandemio
iim frow galleries sud boxes
When it toally disclosing
the crypto
ran after the
of |
resfoubled |
} reproduction |
uid Bonapartists
ten full wig
new act
went up
working out
charm of life
8 Min
siies of every description, the audiegee
WAT Glse
uf the
fashion of Galatea
Egyptian wumwmy lu
| Me. Willy, din
{ This was followesl hy
uf fis
even throwing
i the
In spite of
thou the
pleting their act
| ingly
| on the Parisian st ge
When the enrtain
the crowd rushed tow
by Mue
Mile. Polaire
| Stage adaptation of
literally drove thew fron
hassocks and Loses at
Wollivnh on the singe
this vociferous demonstra
two women persistes] in com
Which was as disgust
Indecent as auything ever see
wis rung down
ard thie Imex
Ceatithiivr Villars
pied shad
in a}
the ths
Sudden Death of Ex-Mayur Henderson
I a bauquet to one f ]
| the Quincy House
Mayor John B. Henders
Was stricken with ap wud died
within a winutes Hetserson
| who was the chlef eves utive of Ever
| ett in 1597, had Leen street commis |
stoner of that city since At the
banquet to Mavor Tho Bayaton
who will begin a secoud term on Mon
day, Mr Henderson first to
respond to a toast was revit
ing an original poems be
{ drop back into bis chair
i ried to an antervomw
fwd Heuderson
{ vid
at |
last night former
uof Everett
is J
was the
As Le
was seen to
where Le expir
Was fifty seveu years
Wis Car
Trial on St. Valentine's Day
NEW YORK, Jan 4 The suboom
iittew appoluted to try Senator MoCar
! rea aud the state
Riuvgs county for political
during the last cam ign assembled
tere and adjourned until Feb 14 This
step was taken ff the legal
steps of McCarren and his colleagues
who have begun an action to fest the
authority of the state committée to ex
| pel its members or to Iuvestigate thelr
political opinions
cot tteeen from
Agnin Stricken Deaf and Dumb
BRIDGEPORT, Conu. Janu 4. For
the third thue within a month James
Wilson, Jr, has been stricken deaf aud
dumb. About a mouth dpo Lie lost the
{ use of his faculties, but recoveral a
few days after Later Le suf
fered a temparary lapse, and last week
be was stricken with the loss of speech
and hearlugi for the thind thue Wil
soli believes his waludy the uf
an fnjury to oue of bis bauds several
wouths ago
Germans to Study War In Japan
BERLIN, Jan 4 Fo i of
the general «tall started fog Jape to
Fday for two years the Japa
Arty to study
wethods of tralning aud oth
inntters officers have
Hat ™~
ery ioe it
| hese rls
in order pr
been |
things they
| er hese
wakivg especial prepatatione for
awl amoung other
Lave taken 0 course ln Japatuese
Ex-Army Surgeon Dead
| DENVER Inn ‘ bir Josepl
| Allrich, formerly a surgeon of
United States atfmy, 15 dead hers
vighty nine Durlug the Indian
wars be was stationed New Uh,
Mion, where he distinguished himself
hif Services. He Jeives a widow
daughter, Mrs Laura Hios
a book reviewer
| and
Bank Teller tint Pive Years
White, the youug paying teller of the
Canton National bank, pleades! guilty
ih the United States istrict
was seifenced ta serve five Years
the Baltimore city jail fur the embeg
themeut of $H.5M) from the bank, where
he had been employed since Lis early
Inn 4
court ami
Ricanora Duse 1). =
GENOA, Jun. 4. ~Eleanors Duse, the
actress, is lll bere of pueumonia,
rr ————— eS
Dress Goods
checks and mixtures 3c
be Braburn Plaids, special 17¢
Bc Worsted Plaids, special 3%
Black Panama 69%¢
Two new reds In Broadeloth
ew reds in Venetian
Sie Grey
Two n
January Hosiery Sale
© Ribbed Hoalery Sc, 3 palrs
Boys’ 18 to Ribbed. extra heavy
16he pairs $1 00
Ladies’ 15c Fleece Lined Se or 3
or J
«Corset Covers
Jersey ribbed
If for 25e
corset covers, made
special 17¢ or 3 for
quality for 39%
fo 8
HC Extra bik
—— -_
te —
Buy Christmas
Cost cuts no figure in the following:
scarfs now 33e
$1 00 now 7se¢
$170 auto scarfs now $1.19.
Neckwear up to $1.25 now Bic
Opera Bags
St¢ auto
auto scarfs
5¢ each
Lo Boxed Handkerchiefs $%c
fancy hose wupporters, worth
tu $1 00
ruchings six neck lengths, fy
yr os
the Persian Ribbons now 48c
6 in. Plald Ribbons now 3%c
Valley Phone
Safety In Thunderstorms.
In a thunderstorm the safest course
for a human being is to get thoroughly
wet. A wellknown scientist has de
clared that he could kill a rat when
dry by means of an electric’ discharge,
‘but uever when It was wet.
While Yet We May.
Life Is short, and we have never too
much time for gladdening the hearts
of those who are traveling the same
Journey with us. Oh' be swift 9
love, make haste to be kind —Amiel,
First International Athletics,
The first International athletic oon:
test under recoguized rules governl
amateur athletics was In New YG no
1835. There were 11 vents, and the
Americans won them all
A Daily Thought.
privilege and duty, for
"weet content that grows,
t and perfect happluess—.
hope Is the
out of trus
is our
Recipe. x
Telling a stein of lies Is & sure
way to get all tangled up —~Phlladel =x
phia Bulletin
Cocoanuts Cheap in Cuba,
Cocoanuts sell for about a ceut
a Wall apiece (un Cuba,
For all Coughs and avists In {J The
axpeiing Colds from the sys A Clover
tem by guntly moving the
bowels A cortain oi
relist for croup and
whoetlng cough
Nearty all other
cough cures are h
eonstipating, 0
especially those ha
containing O plates?
Ke y's Laxative
H ¥ & Tar moves
the bowels, centaing
oo TR Go. aaa. A