must go out in the season for. Not all sizes in all materials but age and up. No tickets A. i Green, Contractor and Bulider, Stevenson St. Valley Phove Altorpey-At-Law, Notary Public. Valley Phope lla Desmond Street, A Question of Phraseology. “It iz hoped that in the course of appesr.” sald the physician “It won't disappear.” answered the skeptic. “Fashions will merely change, snd people will go back to the custom of saying they have had colds" — Washington Star. Her Spelling. Tawne—You've got a new typewriter girl, 1 see. Browne—Yes. Towne—Is she bright? Browne—Well, 1 don't kngw wheth- er it's intentional, but she seems to be Press, His Arm Helped Some. “Did you consent lo marry thal young man who was here last night?” said ths angry father. “Yes father I 414 replied the girl, patting her parent's cheek; “but don't be angry: 1 did it under pressure’ Youkers Statesman. The Game. If a body meel a body Putling up a bluff Need a body cali a body For his bunch of stuf? Everybody who can do It "a Putting up = front, Ard he wins the grine who makes a Base bit of a bust - Puck A DIFFICULT INSTRUCTION, Employer { to foreman) —1 see there's a man here that hasn't come yel Now, tome —London Telegraph Hopeless Case. “Bit, my dear sir,” protested the po. {itiea] evangelist, “you are standing 8 your own light.” “That's all right” rejoined he of the nardened heart. “Il pay my Own gas bill > =Chicago Daily News, Where the Alr Was. Redd—Fine sir up there in the coun- try where I've been Greeus—Why Sidny you bring some “1 did. Its In my Railomabits tires” Yonkers Statesman. Bill —Cougratulai® me: I'm engaged Jill—Why. I understood she rejecied you? “Not on your life!’ “Didn't she say I a “She certainly 41d.” “Well? “Why. 1 asked her il she could live without me."—Yonkers Statesman. Stam Stubb—0reat Scoft! Why are all those girls rushing like Indians to the belt counter? Floorwalker—Why, there Is a special sale of the latest novelty belts. Stubb—Novelty? Floorwalker—Yes; each belt is madé to represent a masculine arm. —Chi cago Daily News Cynical “Curious idea, this transmigration of souls,” sald the man who reads pro found things superficially. “Yes,” answered Miss Cayenne, “if | thought some human beings I Kpow could possibly be transfigured into anol mals | shouldn't be nearly as fond of pets ax 1 am ”—Washington Star, a ——————— Harems of Algeria. In Algeria three or more wives live in the same hut. The older wives do the work, wliile the younger ones wall on the master of the honse. Long Artificial Watercourse. The Bengal canal, 900 miles ino jeagth, is the longest arlificlal water course In the world. Competition. Carpets are going up, announces the manufacturers; but they. must go Apwn say the housekeepers Mushrooms Grown on Sandy Soil. Many believe that mushrooms are oply to be found on low, niolst lands, while they have been gathered on the sandy hillsides of Long Island with good results as to quantity and fisvor. Exposure Brings on Bowmation, Painful in its mildest form, quick! becoming an agony or torture Sid When you feel the first palin in ee muscles, the slight stiffness in the joints take BI It acts immediately on the Blood and Nerves, and will positively cure Rheumatism, however severe. Sold by OC. M Driggs. Bayre. A HAPPY NEW YEAR The universal joy of Christmas and the cherished hopes of 8 Happy New Year are about to be realized. Merri- ment shoul] radiate from your coun- {enances, enjoyment and happiness prevail in the household or wherever you may be. Fickle fate doth decree that we can: not participate in the Yuletide fes- tivities with all our dear or affionced ofies, bat to personally visit them possible by. the use of ihe Bell up and have his clothes on. He is now an the road to recovery. clses of Trinity church will be observ- ed tonight aod a general invitation i# extended for everybody to attend The funerat of Clarence Corneby will be a short prayer service at Rogers & Miller's widertaking Tooms otlock In tErment will be at Tioga Point cevie- ery There was found to be no ocasion for an Inquest us to the cause of Clarence Corneby's death and no jury was empannelled. Dr. Badger found that his death was from natural cayses. L. O. Bnell will leave Athens for New York about January 7th and from there he w .i1 ‘akan the stsaraer “Paoa- ma” for ih~ Isthmus where he has se- cured a government appointment to work at his trade as carpenter on the world’s famous ditch, President Roosevait in digging for a ship canal Gip says he is not afraid of wild In- dians, mosquitoes or yellow jack and he Is bound fo stay until the job Is finished. Mrs. David Benjamin of Spruce street went to Laquin last week to attend a wedding, but was taken very fil and was obliged to return home. Somewher« down the line of that wil- derness rallroad there was 3 bridge gone and-they were obliged to carry Ber across the stream with a stretch. ér and then to change again at Tow- anda. The consequences has been that she is clear used up and Is sufl- fering a «lege of sickness. James S. Parks apd his wife went {o Rome today where they will stay aA week As he puts it “to circulate around his old tramping groand.” tle was born there and lived there forty-five years with the exception of three years that he pul in the service for lincle Sam in the army. He af- {erwards removed to LeRaysville and from there came to Athens. He pur- chased a lot on the outskirts of town but now he has built up a miniature clly with a store, meat market and other enterprises and he has become one of the magnate of that section. He desrves a good time “'tramping around” and we hope he will have it Our account of the marriage yester- day has aroused quite a amongst the guests and they have been bombarding us all day with _ex- plannations. They state that they knew what was going on but that they were invited verbally and that the {ime was to have been 85:30 and they were all in readiness at that time. In some way or other the ceremony took place at 7:45 and that left them in the category of “too late.” Now another explanation i= in order and {hat is that all railroads make an al- lowance for differences in timekeep- ers. The guests ought (0 have reg- ulated thelr watches by standard time and (hen they would not have been “caught napping.” Eogagement Announced. Athens—We notice from a late Schenectady Evening Star the ea- gagement of Miss Minette H. Hage man and Mr. Curtis Ralph Osborne is announced. At a social given at the bride after the refreshments had been served each guest found a neat miniature leather travelling case at their plate. It was dome up with ribbons and a printed verse on the outside read: “Open thir And you will see A vision here Of what is to be.” On opening It there was the printed engagement announcement and the couplet was surrounded with rice. We ire glad to see that Ralph Is getting along so well, He was a noble young man and has been promoted to be Electric Engineer in the General trfe Company, and he will be bonor- ed wherever he makes his home. ———————— Williams’ Kidaey Pills. Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have your overwarked your nervous trouble with your 2 pks. Na Life PolnloeE = oS. Ee Karner's B, F. Tea ammber color mild rick sparkling and very aromalle, 1b package only. 10 bars Ache Soap ............ ..B0e 10 bars Oak Leaf Soap 86¢ Lamps A fine assoriment of the justly evle- brated “Success” Lamps arrived too Inte for Christmas buyers, priced to- morrow ONE-FOURTH OFF. See Main Window. MEATS Peck Chops .. Pork Chunks Chickens 6 Ib Briskel Prime Coru Beef Best Keitie Roasts fioed Neek Cuts Beef .. Hest Baltimore Oysters 5M of Pickled Pig's Feet Lhver Sansage, “Our Own". Head Cheese, “Our Own" Fresh Liver, Tongue and Hearts. Sausage, Conntry Style Lilplg Saasage . Pickled Ssimon, Red Children’s loc Mills Children's 10¢ Mitts Gentlemen's 25¢ Neckwear Letter Paper ......... hae Mandkerehiefs, 3 at the price of 2 Sas ian an variaass a GAMES, DOLLS AND TOYS, Diseases of (be Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the proper Fitting of Glasses. Hours—9-1%; 1.5; 7-8; Sundays by appointment Office, Wheelock Block. OSBORN'S LIVERY Heavy and Light Draying and Moving. Baggage galled for and deliversd in any part of Sayre, Athens, and Waverly, and all kinds of team work pisended to promptly. Livery at- OR. A. G. REES, B.D. 111 Miller Street. OFFICE HOURS: Genito urinary and chronic diseases a specialty. Both Phones. COME TO Hill & Beibach's CAFL For the Finest Beers, Ales, Wines and Cigars in the Valley. Lockhart Street. Sayre. Attorneys and Counselors. Sn A P. A. BLOCK, SAYRE, PA. MAYNARD BLOCK, ATHENS, PA. SE J. M. ASHTON, General Coptractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnished. Valley Phone 135. Realdence 208 Chestnut St, Sayre, Pa. OUR BPEQ LEHIGH CLUB WHI WICH BEER AXD § WICH BREWING 109 Packer Avenge, Both F WANTED HORSES AXD CAT? Will pay $1.00 =/h All calls promptiy} a or night Valley telep Bell telephons In Thomas Ave, Opposite L Rates $150 Per Day. 210 Miller St