The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 28, 1906, Image 3

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    {thing You can get rich by investing
{in “a limited number of shares at
-lten cenis” of a company that has gold
ore “assaying $100,000 per ton:” or
You can become a millionaire by pat-
ting $2.00 per month Into copper, lead
or silver mining stock, "the company
intending to mine and smelt the high
grade ores with which the property
is underiaid within the next few days
“Don't work for money; let your
money work for you ete, eta”
Advertising of this character is both
dangerous and vicioud, The bait Is
intended for school teachers, me-
chanics, clerks and others who have
succeeded in laying by a litle spare
cash, and who usually are unsophis-
ticated ux to the various mining
schemes that are being foaled for
the purpose of hoodwinkin® people
out of their hard earned coln.
fn short It 1s an allurement put
forth to catch the very class of rend-
ers whom the newspapers claim to
champion and protect
The various mine [nvesting schemes
are dangerous to public morals be-
mate ruinous as the placing of one’s
saving on a game chance.
It Iz vicous because in 99 cases out
of 100 it is fraudulent—a get-rich-
quick scheme that fills the pockets of
a few sharpers and leaves hundreds
of por victims impoverished.
It may be set down as a sure
enough axiom that when a body of
men have a good thing In the shape
of 3a mine they don't have to adver-
tise in order to sell stock at 10, 15
and 25 cents a share. And they nev-
er do advertise. They don't have to
call on the general public for ten
cents a share for treasury or other
stock in order to develop their prop-
erty. They themselves take the stock
perhaps letting a few friends in on
The Valley Record
“All the news that’s 6t to print”
Preseat Method of Settling With Le-
high Fmployes Is Not at All
It is stated, though not officially
verified, that a change i¢ to be made
in the manner of paylng’the men em-
ployed by the Lehigh Valley in this
section. Heretofore the men have
been paid at the local station In che
These checks were then canes
shother window, but this plan it
is not working satisfactorily
for the company or the men.
Now it is said that this plan will be
Is belleved will consume less time
and if they really do need
more money to make themselves rich
their undeveloped mines,
a lump sum. You never hear, how-
ever, of a Schawh or a Gates buying
ten cent mining stock, and you never
hear of either of them getting “stung”
by fake concerns
All the secrecy possible Is thrown
around a good mining venture, at
the hands of a few who will reap the
profits. It is not necessary to adver-
tise good mining stock for sale.
Therefore it is advisable to keep your
money In your pocket when the other
fellows has a ten cent scheme for get-
ting possession of It
Railroads | nder New Ruling WHI No
Longer Exchange Transporta-
t'sn for Advertising.
The berinning of the new year will
probably note the absence of most of
the railroad time tables from the col-
umns of the local newspapers. The
inter-stale commerce commission has
ruled that the raliroads will not be
allowed io exchinge transportation
for adve .ising. The result will be
that the rallroads will be compelled
to negot te thelr advertising con-
tracts on a srteitly cash basis, and
the newspaper men wlll also be com-
pelle to 1a) cash for his railroad tick-
els. Each party will proably be just
as well of in the end. bat the change
from one ruethod to the other will re-
sult in the public being left In the
dark as fo the time of the arrival
and departare of trains
Murray -Muckey Company Gives Excel
lent Satisfaction nt the Loomis.
The Muarray-Mackey company still
continue to draw good houses at the
Loomis. Last night “The Troubles
of 98" war presented to a large aud-
fénce. The show was clever and gave
excellent <atisfaction, This evening
“A Break for Liberty” is the attrac-
tion. The play is founded on the sen-
sational escape of the Biddle Brothers
from prison, and the company carries
special scenery for each of the four
acts. The usual high-class specialties
Yes, Whe Would!
Towanda building on the prospects
of two new trains between the Hill-
side borough and Sayre, the City of
the Plains hopes to tempt about
2,600 Bayieiten to remcve to Towanda
in quest on cheaper ving, ete. That
alright theory,
is the guest of Miss Florence Olllis,
Miss Harriet Towner went lo Wil-
kes-Barre this morning for a sthort
visit with friends
Steve Fisher has bought the Getman
property om North Wilbur avenue
from Sereno P. Nelson.
If half the pledges to the people are
kept the coming session of the legis-
{autre wiil be strenuous.
The recent cold wave has made
some ice and the dealers are looking
forward for a good season
Miss Josephine Pursel of Blooms-
burg Is the guest of Mrs. P. C. Wel-
liver of West Lockhart street.
F. W. Meylert, Es, and wife of
Laporte, are Lhe guests of Mr. and
Mra. E M. Dunham of this place.
Winfield Martin of Towanda, has ac-
cpeted a position with the United
States Express company at this place.
Many of the Italians, who have been
employed as laborers by the Lehigh
Valley, have been laid off for the win-
Dr. Volney Homet, of Wyalusing,
is dead He was 75 years of age and
was one of the oldest practitioners
in Bradford county.
Fred Walker, The Record employe
who was admitted to the hospital on
Monday evening, was discharged last
night. He has improved but is stil]
The Lehigh is planning extensive
improvements to its yards at Tunk-
hannock. A new ice house is being
erected and other alterations are in
The county court officers were
busy yesterday compling the names
of citizens with which to fill the jury
wheel. The men drawn will serve
at the next term of court
Mr. and Mrs John C. Decker of
Draper street, are the proud parents
of twins born yesterday. One Is a
boy and the other a girl. They have
been named May and Willlam
A pumber of Sayre, Athens and
Waverly people will give a dance In
Movanho club rooms this evening,
Several from Towanda have announc-
ed their intentions of attending
The clerks in the various state de-
partments at Harrisburg will de-
mand more pay. The withdrawal of
request for an advance in wages.
ly for the sake of gelling your name
ia the newspapers, but because your
friends will like to know what you
are doing. We will be glad to re-
celve interesting items at all Umes
Edward Yost, formerly of this place,
but who has recently been employed
at Sharon, Pa, and Miss Jennle Ben-
nett of Sayre, were united In mar-
riage at Elmira on Sunday Ina They
announced Lhe wedding this morning
Patrick, who was recently saved
from the electric chair by Governor
Higins, has to all intents and pur-
poses acted as his own lawyer
throughout his tribulations. He ap-
pears to have disproved the adage,
“that he who acts as his own lawyer
has a fool for a client.”
The Sayre Bullding and Loan As-
sociation met last night and elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: J. W. Bishop, president: W
T. Goodnow, vice president. C. C.
West, secretary; W. H. Flory, treas-
urer: H. F. Maynard, solicitor; J
M. Daly, Herman Bolich and Fred
Lowe, trustees
Accident Occurred Near Mehoopany,
Bul No Damage Resulted
On Wednesday morning a tire on
one of the left drive wheels of train
No. § became loose near Mehoopany
while the train was rattling along
at the rate of fifty miles an hour.
Ed. Freeman of Sayre was at the
throttle and succeeded In stopping
the train before any damage was dane
Another engine was secured to draw
the train
Card of Thanks.
Dec. 18, 1906, aged 22 years old, wish
fo express their many thanks to the
many kind neighbors and friends who
80 kindly gave thelr loving help and
sympathy in their recent great be-
reavement. Signed,
Me Exhibited Tax Collector's Receipt
Which Showed That His Taxes Vor
1905 Had Been Paid.
Tax Collector Plumstead did not
sell the household goods of C. H.
Rathbun this morning for the pay-
ment of 1905 taxes A few days ago
notices were posted by the tax collec
tor advertising Mr. Rathbun's house-
hold goods for sale. [It appears that
the collector claimed that Mr. Rath-
Lun was in arrears for taxes for 1905
to the extent of $20.49. Two or three
days after the notices were posted
Mr. Rathbun exhibited a receipt for
this amount and after that the notices
This morning it was expected that
the sale would take place, but there
it is presumed that it bas been declar-
ed off. [It iz quite likely that Mr
Rathbun will institute a sult for dam-
ages on account of the unpleasant no-
toriety which he has been given.
Mr=. Charles Walther Expires at Her
. Home en Hoover Street.
Mrs. Charles Walther of No 103
Hoover street, died this morning at
eight o'clock after a long illness of
consumption, The deceased was 25
years of age and is survived by her
husband and one daughter, the latter
19 months old Her father Louis
Murphy of Hornell, and four broth-
ers, Ray of Cuba, Sidney of Sherman,
Texas, Grant of Sayre, Frank of Hor-
nell and one sister, Mrs. John La-
barr of Sayre, also survive. The fun-
eral will be held on Sunday next, the
Rev. J. J. Warner, pastor of the M. E
church officiating. The burial
R 8
Loomis, the undertaker, is In
Body of Man Who Was Killed Here
Will Be Placed By Side of
Dead Sister.
The remains of Peter O'Connell
round hogse at this place on Sunday
night, which were {interred in
Catholic cemetery at this place, were
tdoay disinterred and removed to El-
mira where they will be placed by
the side of those of his sister. When
the funeral of ‘OConnell occurred
here it was not then known that he
Red Hot Game and Sayre Won By 22
The Sayre team went to Athens last
night and the way they went after
tion, winning the first game ih a walk,
the second game was a tle and the
third was so light a loss that the
grand total stood twenty-two pins
in favor of Sayre
there will be “doings” then The
Sayre team is working very nicely
The choir of the
church will repeat the cantata,
Word Made Flesh” at
service next Sunday
The |
the evening
Good "Advice to Boys.
Firstclass dairy goods, first-class
fruit and vegetables, first-class poul
try and eggs,
these are always in demand at the
best prices. Be a first-class farmer —
American Cultivator
For the Business Woman.
There are two things for a busi
Bess woman to bear in mind during
employer and her self-respect. —Home
His Last Act a Mean One.
Before committing sucide Dr. Hen:
notes and set fire to his library of
10.000 books.
Child Climbs High Mountain.
Fuji-Yama, Japan's most
mountain, which is 13000 feet high,
has been successfully climbed hy a
nine-year-old girl.
Three Difficult Feats.
The three things most difficult are—
to keep a secret, to forget an Injury
and to make good use of labor —
Free! Pree!
Mrs. A. C. Tralnor, Colchester,
Conn., writes that a free sample bhot-
tle of Bloodine helped her when she
was all run down. Bloodine i» a!
body builder and system tonle of wou-
derful merit, and if you have not tried |
it, you should today. The greatest |
Tonic in the world. Sick
are positively cured by
Sold by C. M. Driggs,
in our line.
assured that you will be
raiture of the
ter kind in Sayr
‘undoubtedly Cald,
wells. Here you will
see that one missing
piece needed tocom-
plete your house fur-
nishings for the New
Year's day calling.
Don't fail however
to calland lock over
our stock whenever
vou need anything
satisfied before you leave
205 Desmond street.
Be hd ; A
TS + i
Valley Phone 191 a
Use of Languages.
The most extensively spokea lan
Euage is Chinese, but as there are so
many dialects Io the language and a
these differ so greatly in the an
say that the 382,000,000 Celestials all
speak one language. Putting, there
fore, China aside, the most spoken
languages in the vorld are as fol
lows, In millions: English, 120; Ger
man, 70; Russian, 88; Spanish, 44;
Portuguese, 32
A Female Othello.
An elegantly dressed lady in a hurry
made a sign to a cab The driver
{came up, but when he heard the ad
| dress drove off at a canter, leaving the
{lady stupefied with surprise. Asked
by a fellow cabman why he had re
{fused to take her he replied: “Why,
she wanted to go to a house in my
street, and If my wife had seen her
she would have skinned me, she Is
that jealous'"--[! Mondo Umoristico
Te Engrave Eggshells
Make the drawing of any figure or
| deslgn you please upon the egg, In
| melted tallow or any thick oil. Then
immerse the egg In strong vinegar
When the egg has remained for
some time In the vinegar it will be
found that the parts untouched ‘by
| the tallow have been eaten away,
leaving the design in relief
in Dreamland.
{ A French barrister, whose client
{ had the misfortune to be found guilty
appealed on the ground that during
the trial a juryman was asleep The
court of Cassation has held that the
Juryman, being asleep, was technical
Iv not present during the hearing, and
has quashed the verdict and ordered
a new trial
Woman's Idea of Them.
“Here's a clever thing in oil
she, at the art exhibition
‘When the Cat's Away
the artist's nanie 1
painted it” "Evidently
plied her escort
{| lous expression
| mice
it's called
but | don't see
wouder who
a woman,”
what a fero
has given the
& Og
Score One for the Motorist.
We hold no brief for the motorist,
but “honor where honor is due Onn
| country road the other day we saw a
| motorist deliberately avold running
| over an animal on the highway' To
iba exact, it was a circus clophant.—
| The Bystander
Warning to Alcohol
The maximum amount of alcohol,
| says Parkes, that a man can take
dally without injury to his health is
{| that contained In (wo ounces of
| brandy, one-half pint of sherry, one
| half pint of claret and one pint of
| beer
| The Mark of the Strong.
The tendency to persevere,
| slat in spite of hindrance, discour
| agements and impossibilities—it ls
{ this that jo all things distinguishes
the strong soul from the weak —
Thomas Carlyle
to per
People Without Ideas of Art.
The Kibalans, natives of Formosa,
are probably the ouly race (a the
world to whom drawings or pictures
convey no idea whatsoever
Reason for Dressing for Dinner,
The bracing effect of a change of
clothes Is well known The changing
of clothes may even thus favorably el
fect nutrition —Lancet
Ten Women Wheelwrights.
The last United States census re
|ports ten women working as wheel
| wrights in the country
English Land Unfairly Divided.
Fully one-third of the land In Great
| Britain is owned by members of the
| nonse of lords
Decorated Arabian Women,
Arablan women have their (aces,
hands, arms and ankles tattooed with
crosses, crescents, etc.
Subscribe for The Wesora.
Murray-Mackey Co.
Presenting MR. J. M. DONAYIN and
a Carefully Selected Acting Ce,
Coffee Percolator
a to all the at bing peed
Makes a
by Bker the
Ds wes through he gost
To boil coffee is to bring out the bat-
wholesome »
tress un properties,
To make it ia the “Usiversal™ is ts have
ah every oe
Sayre, Pa.
It's Not Too Late
To have a mod-
ern steam or hot
systam —
bfure extreme
cold weather pets
in. We can make
. your house com=
fortatle in every
corner acd
ccal bill will bet
no largr. Le
us give you an
e-timate on an
up -to - date ays-
tem. We sell the
well known
Cheerful Home
which can't be
beaten. Plumb-
ing, Heating and
| in work.
Gas Fixtures,
Burgers and