The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 28, 1906, Image 2

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d Jockey Martin, riding Belle
Strome, Was suspended for three days
The feature event was the New Year
preliminary handicap for two year-olds
over the seven furlong course aod
drew out the very cream of the young:
er brigade. Another baudicap, fourth
ou thé card. at a mile. filled almost
equally well The others were well
above the average.
| A good thing that went wrong sad-
{ dened the heurts of the bettors in the
' solicit your Banking
a. and will pay you
per cent. interest per
for money left on
of Deposit or Sav-
The department of savings
13 a special feature of this
‘Bank, and all deposits, wheth-
ar large or small, draw the
same até of Interest
H. MURRELLE, Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
‘Published every afternoon except
ye at 203 West Lockhart street,
becription, $3.00 per year; 25c
per month.
rates reasonable,
known om application.
4 as second-class matter May
al the postoffice at Sayre.
. the Act of Congress of
3, 1879.
ik E Wood, Representative
News and advertising matter may
Jeft at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav-
fter 12 o'clock noon call the main
at Sayre, both phones.
the Record.
Blanche Fuller of
is 11)
P. Sebring is in Owego on legal
jess today.
“B. Ingham made a business trip
Towanda yesterday
of Renova. Pa,
ting Waverly friends
L. Howard is In Owego today
pg the meeting of the county
Howard Barner, a student of the
law school is visiting at the
of J. F. Shoemaker
ga Louise Glilette has returned
Waverly after a week's trip to
iphia, Baltimore and Washing-
w81* Numan, who is the trainmas-
on the Mississippi Central R. R
who has his headquarters at
arg. Miss. Is spending a few
i with his relatives in Waverly
| Jan. 1st to April 1st will close
: evening at 7:30 o'clock, with
exception of Monday and Salur-
¥ nights, payday nights and (wo
ts following
NI Captain a Gang of Men Whe Will
Clear the Canines Out of
: Mount Vernon.
erly—Owing to the prewalence
rabbles in the city of Mount
mon it has been decided by the
th authorities of the state that
[I dogs that are not kept shut up
be killed. A squad of men has
appolntfyto kill all such dogs
d at large and M. Quigley of this
ge has been appointed capiain
squad that has been organized
h purpose.
THE SUM OF $500,
~ | ppening race and added more than a
{few thousands to the already heavy
| strong boxes of the hookies. Chase.
| with Garner up, looked an almost un-
heatable combination to the talent in
Breaks a Plate Glass Window and
the first race, a six furlong affair, and
he went to the post a siroug even mon:
Throws Driver Out In Wid Rum
Pewn Side Walk.
ley favorite. Western, which received
Waverly—This morning a horse
some play at 3 to 1, upset all calcula
{lons, however, by maning one of bis
hest races. amd just beat out the fa:
vorite in the run to the wire Zick
Abrams was a fair thin, Summaries
First Race. — Western, first: Chase
second: Zick Abmums, third
hitched to a light lumber wagon, the! Recond Hace — Freach Nna, first;
properly of G. H. Goff. ran away, Habe B_ secotid; TichimMgo, thin
came down Clark street on the side Third Race ~Jmdge Post, first: Heaw
walk, struck uearly every tree that |Brummel second; Voting, think
bordered the walk, smashed out a Fourth Nace Orbicular. frst: Min
pane of glass, threw the driver from | Me Adams. second: St Valentine,
g thind,
the age. A Aged, and Fifth Race Phil Fiuch, first; Lady
& A waiting room on Broad street
Just what caused the horse to siart
as it did Is not known. It was stand- |
ing In front of Mr. Golf's house on
Clark street when (t took the notion
to run. Louis Goff was driving and
he stayed in the wagon until it was
Brown Leads (hesa Tourmsment.
NEW YORK, Dee 28 -HBrown unl
versity I= in the lead in the annual
tournament of the Triangular College
other day charged and scattered like
chaff a whole troop of the Life Guards,
but paid eight dollars the next day in
the police court for his victory.
Good Cause for Worry.
_ Jones—"0ld Grigsby looks wor
ried 1 wonder what the trouble is?”
Smith—"Hiz only son thinks he can
play the races, and his only daoghter
thinks she can play the plano.
Various Kinds of Thoughts.
Thinking Isn't always a useful oecu-
pation. It depends upon the thinker,
¢nd a good deal more upon the
thoughts —Home Noles
instaliment Plan Victims.
More than 11900 people were im
prisoned in England lasi year for debt.
Most of them were the victims of the
installment plan.
Woman's Hour of Trial
Among the great (rials that a
woman has to undergo, says a writer,
is to have a new bonnet in the house
on a rainy day.
Folly's Crown of Follies.
“Folly's crown of follies is on the
head of him who tries to pay bis debt
to humanity by mére money. —Amer-
but her she woald shoot the bride
at the altar
Plies! Piles! Plies!
Dr. Wililams' Indian Pile Ointment
will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated
and Itching Piles. It absorbs the
tumors, allays the itching at once,
acts as a poultice, gives instant relief.
Dr .Willlam's Indian Pile Ointment
is prepared for Piles and Itching of
the private parts. Every box guaran-
anteed. Sold by druggists, by mall,
for 50c and $1.00. Willlams Mfg.
Co.. Cleveland, O. For sale by C.
11. Driggs, druggist
We Buy Junk.
Do you know that Blostein Bros.
pay the highest price for rags, rub-
bers, iron, metals, etc. Call on us
before disposing of your junk. We
buy wholesale and retail. Bell phone
80w. Prompt attention, exact weight.
Vashtl, second; Calabash, thinl
Sixth Race —Tern's Rod, first; Hont
thought that he was seriously Injur-
ed. hut aside from a few minos
ington. second: Merry Pioneer, third.
bruises he was unhurt
As the animal passed S J Nasad-
owski's tailor shop on Clark street it
veered toward the building and the
@ill smashed through the window. Mr
Nasadowski was sitting inside busy
at work He heard a racket, and
glass was thrown all over him He
sprang up to ascertain the cause of
the trouble, but there was nothing
in sight to indicate what caused the
mischief, the rig having dizsappear-
ed around the corner
The plate glass that was broken |
{s worth $40. The animal that caused |
the trouble escaped without injury
He |
and §I
Nelson's dandruff remover
Guaranteed. Sold at John
Bread Sul the Staple Food.
In time of scarcity & wan could sub
sist upon two pounds of bresd a day
without lack of energy. is the state
ment made by Dr. Robert Hutchinson, |
of the London Hospital, who supplied
evidence degarding food supply to a
royal commission; also that bread is
the most important of all the common
foods of the people.
Great Man's Humility.
Pope Adrian VI (1522) was the son
of 4 barge builder at Utrecht After
occupying the papal chair for the
short space of two years, he desired
the following inscription to be placed
on his tomb: “Here lies Adrian VI,
who esteemed no misfortune which
happened to him in life so greal as |
bis being called to govern” i
A Good Word for Kilts. |
The Tallor and Cutter observes,
with ita usual insight into human na- |
ture: “No one has yet snggested the |
utility of kilts. They never bag at
the knees, nor do they ever require
patching at that part, and thelr hy-
glenic properties are proverbial.” —
London Globe
Two Stages of the Game,
A wellknown Lowell man recently
invited a dozen friends to his house on
the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
anniversary, and here is the way he in- |
formed them relative to the event:
“Hawled, September 3, 1646. Bald, Sep
tember 3, 1906." —Philadelphia Press. |
True Aim in Living.
Not the making of a fine career, but |
the simple doing of God's will, Is the |
one true aim in living. Thus only can
we achieve real success. If we do this
though we fall in the earthly race we
shall not fall in God's sight. —Rev. J. |
R. Miller. D.D t
Life's Struggles and Victories.
And this is lfe—temptation, trial,
struggle, conflict, possibly victory—
the strenuous life! You cannot cow:
ardly give it up. And you need all
the help you can have; and the only
adequate help is Jesus Christ. —Heory
C. King
Just to prove how slow the world
is to learn, It is only necessary lo cite
the fact that rich men continue to die
heirs and the lawyers from participa
tion in their fortunes
Ports on the Great Lakes.
Five citles in the United States
which have upwards of 250.000 inhabl-
tants are port* of the great lakes
There ark omly five above that limit
op the Atlantic coast, from the Bay
of Fundy to the Florida strait
Eva—is Chelly Sepp really sueh a
dead ome?
calls on me, [| always come down to
the parlor in black.—Puck,
————————— ——————.
(hess league between two students
each from Brown, Peuusvivanin and
Cornell. The Pennsylvanians Look sec
ond place. The score to date is Brown,
wou 3, leat 1: Pennsylvanis, won 2.
lost 2: Cornell, won 1, lost Ss.
Miller Wen on (ome and Alma Bey.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 28 —Jockey
WwW Miller at Oakland won two out of
four races, the frst winner helng Co
mo. an alinost prohibitive favorite, and
the second Alma Boy. The track was
sloppy. The last race furnished an ex
citing fnixh. a half dozen horses com
ing to the wire in a bunch
Avontelins at Ascot.
LOR ANGELES, Cal, Dec 28 Mc
Danlel landed two firsts and a second
at Ascot. In the third race Avontelins
ran a good race and came with a rush
The sixth race developed
into 8 contest between Merlingo and
Cigar Lighter
Mesnlt of a (rap LR,
SELMA, Ala, Dec. 28 Two white
men have Leen badly injured, two ne
groes killed sud a fhird negro woutided
iu & shooting scrape Dear Nicholasville
Alexander Jones, 3 young negro, shot
and wounded another negro during a
crap gawe. Jones fled and barricaded
bimiself In his house. Leo Pope and
Zeke Pope, white men, attempted to
A crawd of white
men gathered, and efforts were made
to drive the young uegro from his
house. Bob Jones, father of Alexan-
der, tried to carry ammunition to his
son snd was shot dead. Severul ne
groes joined the besieging party, and
one ufgro for a reward of £5 crept up
to the honse and =et fire to it. Alexan
der Jones never left the house aud wis
burned to death in the fames. There
was not the slightest rupture between
the races, whites and blacks joining in
the attempt to capture the negro
Benaparie Confers With Deviia.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 United
States District Attorney Robert F.
Devlin of San Frauclsco, who was call:
ed to Washington by Attorney General
Bonaparte for a conference regarding
the exclusion of Japanese pupils from
rived Iu this city last night and called
at the department of justice tnlay
\{r. Devlin refused to discuss the Jap
nese question, declaring that the mat
ter wax In the hands of the attorney
‘eneral and that any Information giv
a out would bave to come from Mr.
young Football Captain Falls Dead.
JERSEY CITY. N. I, Dec. 28—
lead here while playing foothall with
is companions, Datterbeny captain
«1 one team, The boy had se ured
ihe hall and attempted to make a goal
tn the rush Datterbeny fell, The play-
«rs hurried to his aid, hut were unable
te arose him to cons jousness Dir
Finerty, who was pro
ounced the boy dead, probably from
heart fallure Lirought ou by the ex-
Yereman Lhder sand iu Tunnel.
NEW YORK. 2X. — Thomas
row. a section foreman, ls supposed
tir Ie hurled under tons of sand in the
fone Island City end of the Belmont
East river tunnel. The laborers struck
n fault in the earth, and the inrush of
water and sand drove them hurriedly
from the shaft. Hrown delayed to
imake sure of the escape of his men
and was not seen after the ace lent,
Chiengo Banker Jnlled.
CHICAGO, Dee. 25 W. J. Atkinson,
the proprietor of the defunct Lincoln
hank of Morton Park, was seat to jai)
in defanit of howds amounting to $25 -
900 The commifient of Atkinson ful
lowed a confereuce betwen Atioruey
Ringer, acting for the receiver, nnd
|'nited States Marshal Foy
1 wi
{William's Carbelle Salve With Arnlea
snd Witeh Hazel,
The best Salve if the world for
|Cuta, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet-
ican Magazine Write for prices. Bolsteln Bros, Cor.
Johnson and Broad Sts, Waverly.
Ag the Mind is.
Let thy mind's sweetness have (ts
operalion upon thy body, clothes and
habitation —George Herbert,
Sign of Studious Nature. #
Eyebrows running straight across
the forehead, providing they are fair
jy wide apart, show the student
The noti-c printed In yesterday's
Record insi.ting that advertisers mus!
hase their ropy for change In this
off « on the day “wore they are to
appear Is iape -uve and Is due to
the constar: Inc euse in business. Un-
Female Barbers in Austria.
In Austrian cities there is a special
examination for female harbers. who
are yearly gruwiog more pumercus. der
no circumet uncer will this rule
he daparted [.0mr
therciore urged to govern themselves
«ud sdverisera are
Advertise in The Record.
Saturday and Monday
Special Canned Vegetable Sale
Factory shipments make it far easier to sell high grade Gro-
ceries at a real saving. This is where WE GIVE YOU THE
MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT. Start the New Year right. Buy your
groceries of us. To cash customers we give an additional 4 per
cent Cash Rebate Check. It pays to trade for cash.
One of the Unusual
CORN—"Knoxboro" brand, finest quality New York state
corn, grown and packed on the highlands of Oneida county, pre-
served in strictly pure spring water, creamy and tender
Per case of two dozen cans
One dozen cans
Two cans
$1.25 VALUE
6 cans Tuxedo Peas, sifted early in
6 cans Livingston brand sugar corn, Li
value 75¢.
York state pack, value 50c.
The best 26c COFFEE in the country is our Boston Combi-
nation brand
Ib can White House Coffee. .
1b Rio Coffec
cans Hoyt's Tomatoes
cans White Lily Saccotash
Fancy Parsaips
Link Sausage, B®, .......... . .. . rei
Family Sausage, § links to package ve
re Clams, Oysters and Frankfurt
1 sack Souvenir Bread Flour ...
8 pke. Imperial Mince Meat
2 ™ Evaporated Corn
4 quarts Beans |
1 pail Maple Butter
packages Macaroni
Im Chicken Rice
The Candy Booth
1 peck
3 Im Star Mixtare
2 French Mixture ...............
1 ™ Ox-Heart Chocolate Cream Drops ers
{0c Alpine and Blue Banner Chocolates per Ib
40 large sour Plckles
Everything in Green Groceries
ter, Chapped Hands and all skin
reduced prices.
save; money.
Sayre Rendering
Removes Dead Horses and Cattle,
eight miles distant from either Athens,
Sayre or Waverly. WIll pay $1.00
each for full grown Horses or Cows,
but the Hides must be on. Will also
remove Dead Hogs that weigh 100
pounds and over free of charge. Also
buy Hides, Skins, Tallow and Bones
Pav market prices. Call Bell Tele
plone No 633
(. 0, LLOYDT, Proprietor.
they used to be.
They had no
Gas Heaters in the
Olden dap
Gas Light Co.,
Desires to announce that they have
some very desirable bullding lots for
sale on cheap and easy terms, and
that they have placed the agency for
selling them In the hands of ANDREW
wi to provide themselves with
en or to invest in lots for specu-
lative purposes will do well to son-
sult with Mr. Evarts before purchas-
ing elsewhere. This plot of land Is
nearly surrounded by industrial plants
with beautiful scenery and all the ad-
vantages of a modern town. Terms
to suit purchasers. Steps are already
being taken to supply all the land
comprising this plot with a full sup-
ley af-
Rates: —Wanted, Lost,
Sal . etc, % cent a word
sertion for the first
cent 3 word each In
alter. None taken for
cents. Situations wanted Bf
In advance subscribers.
may have same by calling at
Record office, proving the }
paying for this notice.
LOST. 2 =
Lost—A Peter Pan pocke hoo!
taining a sum of money.
Several houses and lots for
desirable locations in town.
to sult purchasers. uire
Q. Schrier, Maynard Block,
For rent, office rooms in the
lock Block.
Tea room brick house, mod
For reat at once, several
and suites of rooms, good
with or without bath; $5.60 As
wards. Enquire of C. C. West, |
Want ads. inserted by p
Record must be paid for when
od printed. We positively
charge wants ads. g
the expense of bookkeeping
Jecting Is entirely out of §
to the amount involved In
E. M. Dunh
Rooms 4 and 6, Elmer Bloc
bart Street, Sayre.
Laws & Winls
Attorneys and Counselors §
Law. ve
Valley Phone 180a
Alex D. Stey
Insurance and Real E
Loans Negotiated,
ed, Taxes
Room 7, Elmer