The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 18, 1906, Image 2

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Broad street,
cor. Park ave.
J. H. MURRELLE. Publisher
: W. T. CAREY, Editor
~~ Published every afternoon except
- Sundays at 203 West Lockhart street,
~ Sayre,
Subscription, $300 per year, 25¢
cents per month
Advertising rates reasonable,
- made known on application
Entered as second-class matter May
10, 1905, at the postoffice at Sayre,
Pa, under the Act of Congress of
March 3, 1879.
EE — —
“Al the news that's
fit to print”
Frank E Wood, Representative.
News and advertising matter may
~ be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Wav-
~~ After 12 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre, both phones
E____ _ _ — — ————_
Mrs. Lyle Smith of Orange street, la
seriously 111
Mrs. Fred Millard of Waverly street
was in Elmira today
+ Doll, toys pictures and everything
at Athens Racket store
Mrs. Qeorge DD. Genung will go to
New York this evening to visit her
" Charles Otterson of this place. has
sccepted a position as orderly in the
Packer hospital
H C. Bruster, treasurer of the N
P. L. Is In Ohio on business connect-
Officer McHenry took Wm. Hollen-
back 10 Owego jall vesterday for his
“fonr months sojourn
z 4
Miss Lulu Brott of Lestershire, will
~ come lo Wasery tonight to visit her
~ friend, Miss Edith Leonard
y ww
Wm. Gee and Mrs. Anna Johnson
were married at the Methodist parson-
tage by H B Cook last evening
New lot of Haviland china samples
{at Giegg's Racke: store. Orders may
| be given for any number of pieces
Midnight mass with special Christ-
mas music will be held at the St
James Catholic church next Monday
The committes of the Knights of
Columbus are very busy making ar-
rangemetits for thelr New Years day
District Attorney Mills and detec
Waverly Camp No. 88, Sons of Vet-
Dec. 21st McGuffie's or-
On complaint of Randall
charged with assault in the
degree. He was arraigned
this afternoon
The Baptist Sunday schoo! will hold
thelr Christmas exercises at that
church Christmas night and the pro-
gram which will consist of recitations
and sougs will be in charge of the
primary department Gifts will be
distributed from a Christmas tree to
thé children enrolied in the Sunday
school Special Christmas music will
be sung by “the cholr cousisting of
authems and solos ou Sunday. The
choir Is practicing under the direc-
tion of Rev. Briggs. " The pastor will
preach a special Christmas sermon
al the morning service.
Try the Record.
Dr. J W. King, late of Bradford. Pa
has opened au office in Waverly for |
the practice of his profession The |
doctor comes here well recommended |
He is a graduate of Jefferson Medi- |
cal College, 158839 He also holds cre-
dentials from the Philadelphia Col-
lege of Pharmacy and from the ¥a-|
tiopal College of Electro-Therapeutics
Before coming here Dr. King was
engaged in sanitarium practice at
Bradford ia which he was highly suc-
cessful. Dr. King was one of the firts
to use the X-Ray In medicine aud sur-
gery In his sanltarium he used the
Tiusen Blue Light Arc and Incandes-
cent Light cabinets and other physi-
cal apparatus used In the treatment
of diseases
Dr. King pointed out to the profes-
slon the marked anaesthetic action of
radium in cases of cancer and some
other painful affections
Doctor King has had abaundant ex-
perience in private and hospital prac-
tice and the people of Waverly and |
vicinity may repose full confidence in
The Board of Regents at Albany en-
medical diploma. He Is
also a regularly registered physician
Doctor King was compelled to give
work last spring
himself a much needed rest He has
now fully recovered and friends here!
persuaded him to come to Waverly {
His office and residence are in the
Butts house, 444 Pennsylvania avenue, |
where he may be consulted, or a call
over the Bell phone will summon him |
to your aid
To Give Reception.
Waverly—The Tioga hose company |
are making arrangements for a series
of reception for the members to be
held in their parlors during the win-
ter. The committee who have the
matter in charge Is composed of the
following members: Edgar Sebring.
Ralph Bouten; E Barton Hall, Leon
Canoll, Joseph Hoblnson and John
Advertise in The Record.
Notice to Sick People.
Dr. C. E. Rumsey, osteopathic phy-
sician and neuralogist of Watkins, N
Y, will be at 444 Waverly street,
Waverly for one week beginning Dec
24. Diseases of the eye a specialty
All diseases of the eye, cross eyes
double visions and muscular troubles
corrected without operation. Re
sults guaranteed or money refunded
Here Is your chance Valley Tele-
phone 518a
Cardinal Richard Vacates Eplscopal
Palace at Parts.
PARIS, Dec. 18. Cardinal Richard,
archigshopr of Paris, voluntarily vacat.
ed i) episcopal palace and tempora-
rily a¥vpted the hospitality of Denys
Cochin, the Conservative deputy, at
the latter's residence in the Rue de
Babylone. The departure of the
primate was the occasion for an im-
posing Catholic manifestation on the
aud priests of DP'aris, many members
of the nobility and about 3,000 men,
women and children. The gathering
vompletely- blocked the street in front
of the eplscopal palace. and those
present sang “The Credo” and other
canticles as the cardinal was assisted
into his carringe by the coadjator arch
bishop, Mgr. Amlette, and his two
vicars general. The crowd knelt and
chanted as the carding) seated himsell
in the vehicle, and the venerable prel
ate, who wis much woved, theu stood
A pumber of young Catholics there
ed the horse= and with difficalty drag-
ged It through the dense masses of
people lining the streets. On nll sides
were heard cries of “Loug live I'lus
XN!" aud “Long live the cardinal!”
About three-quarters of an hour was
consumed 1p pulling the carriage from
Cochin, » distance of about a wile, and
doubtless a longer time would have
heen consurued had it not been for the
fact thmt detachments of monnted Re
publican guards preceded and followed
the procession in order to prevent any
possible disorder. But there was not
the slightest attempt on the purt of
the ponclericnl crowds to ake any
Counter manife<tation
Advertise In The Record.
a look through
“a ; #
during the night off "ort Hoyal while
on ber way back to New York,
The passengers on board were land-
od here safely.
Captain Bruinswig, who was In
charge of the Victoria Luise when she
struck, committed suicide by blowing
out his brains in his cabin
In acoounting for the stranding of
the steamer it Is explained that she
was without a pilot and the eaptaln in
charge. He followed a wrong course
and piled her up on the rocks just un-
der the lighthouse. Two hours later
the capinia locked himself io his cabin
and blew out his brains. The officers
of the ship and the German consul
here made ineffectual efforts to hush
up the news of the tragedy.
The German cruiser Hremen has
gone to the assistance of the stranded
streamer, and the French training ship
Duguay-Trouin Is preparing to leavs
port with the same object in view
« The Victoria Luise i= poiinding heav-
Hy, and the seas are breaking over her,
but hopes are still entertained that she
will be save! She i= resting on »
rocky ledge
According te the Intest reports from
the scene of the wreck the Bremen
was trying ta pull the stranded vessel
The body of Captain Brulufwig is
still on board the Victoria Lulse.
The Prinzessin Victoria Lulse was
launched at Hamburg in 1900 god was
christened by the Countess von Wal
dersee, wife of the famous Beeld mar
thal, Count von Walldersee of the Ger
man army, who was Miss Mary Esther
Lee of New York city.
She was designed and built as a
cruising yacht All of her appoint
ments are after the most approved
modern plans, and she has:on hoard
many Innovations, several of which
were suggested hy Emperor William.
Xhe has been utilized in the excursion
business eutirely. She carried first
class passengers only, Hmited ju num-
ber, and pever carried mails or cargo.
She has been nsed exteusively hy tha
Hamburg line ta convey
through the West Indies
Frauce Had Many Wives.
Probable cause wax found in the case
of the tate against John France, alias
John Francis Harkins, charged with
bigamy hy Miss Sarah LL. Giller of
Brighton, Mass, who =ay= that she is
the third living wife of France and
that the latter uever obtained a di
voree, He was remnided to the coun
ty jail Mis« Gilder wax mnrrisl to
France in this city Aug 31, 101, He
was married to Mary Ann Me Langhlin
of Providence in that vity on March 18,
19411 In the spring of JOR the latter
obtained a divorce in the Rhode Island
courts. France is maid fo have twe
more wives living
Wage increase For 30,000.
BOSTON, Dec. 18 Cotton mill oper
tives numbering about 30.000 employ-
od in different sections of New Eug
Iamd have received an advance in
Wiges or a pronilse of advance at an
early date In Lowell about 17.000
iperatives received an increase of 5 per
cent. About 1%) hands employed by
the Dwight Manufacturing company
at Chicopee received an advance, the
amount of which was pot announced
he Arlington mills in Lawrence have
muounced an increase of 745 per cent
In the wages of its 6,000 employees.
The Increase ix (o become effective on
Bec, 24.
You Can Make Mortar.
Sifted coal ashes, sand and wheat
flour, two parts each of ashes and
sand and ome of flour, mixed with wa-
ter, make an excellent mortar for
patching holes where the plastering
is broken. It becomes as hard as
itone, and can be put on by hand with
little trouble and gxpense.
A fore, Caunaiv Eaiinr fot Scvvemass ¥oneresarvs
Bale! Bare! ponds | Rosle
JUN SA0WR 78 TA) 2 Refunded a peopl
tow §1 00 bea. Wl send hem oa trial. be he paid fe
Phen . Samples Free, If your draggin Be
bare Lom send your orders to the
VNITED MECICAL CO... 004 74, LansasTee, Pa
Sold In Sayre by the West Sayre
Pharmacel Co. »
dear” he absently replied,
for you
An Cow.
“When we go to live In the country,
James we must buy an extraordinary
“An extraordinary cow? What for?”
“The doctor says that baby mustn't
Be fed on ordinary cow's milk"—
Weather Man's Difficulty.
“How are you coming om with your
new system of weather prediction?”
“Well.” answered the prophet, cheer-
ily, ‘I can always get the kind of weath-
er all right. but I haven't quite succeeded
in hitting the dates exactly.” Til Bits.
Otherwise Defined.
~ “J fear he ylelded to the temptation
to enrich himself at the expense of the
“That wasn't a temptation.” replied
the cold-blooded financier. “That was
an cpporiunity.”—Washington Star.
Had to Catch Up.
“I can’t see what makes Miss Yella-
leaf age so rapidly of late”
“She's catching up.”
“Catching up?”
“Yes. She remained 22 for 11 years.
you know. '—Cleveland Leader
Practical Joke.
Jimmy—1 got a good joke on sister's
best feller.
Tommy —What did yer do?
Jimmy—[ mixed some quinine ip
with sister's face powder —Cleveland
One of Many.
Downton—What's happened to BIif-
fers? He goes around In rags.
Upton—Iie has stopped renting and
gone to bullding—N. Y. Weekly
Free! Free!
Mrs. A. C. Trainor, Colchester,
Conn., writes that a free sample bot-
tle of Bloodine helped her when she
was all run down. Bloodine is =a
body bullder and system tonic of won-
derful merit, and If you have not tried
it, you should today. The greatest
system Tonic in the world Sick
Kidneys are positively cured bY
Bloodine. Sold by C. M. Driggs
Desires to announce that they have
some very desirable building lots for
sale on cheap and easy terms, and
that they have placed the agency for
selling them in the hands of ANDREW
EVARTS of this place All those
wishing to provide themselves with
homes or to invest In lols for specu-
lative purposes will do well to con-
sult with Mr. Evarts before purchas-
ing elsewhere. This plot of land is
nearly surrounded by Industrial plants
with beautiful scenery and all the ad-
vantages of a modern town. Terms
to sult purchasers. Steps are already
being taken to supply all the land
comprising this plot with a fall sup-
ply of the best water the valley af-
fords. When you come to look over
the plot of ground take trolley to
Springs Corners, cross bridge that
crosses over LL. V. R. R. when across
bridge turn to the left and you are
on the ground. There will be a man
at the office Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday afternoons of each week to
show you over the ground, or any
other day by calling Valley Phone
No. 244c. Andrew Evarts, 108 Hospl-
tal Place, Sayre, Pa.
We solicit your Banking
business, and will pay you
+ three per cent. Interest per
annum for money left on
Certificate of Deposit or Sav-
ings Account,
the department of savings
Is a special feature of this
Bank, and all deposits, wheth-
er large or small, draw the
seme rate of Interest.
W. T. Carey,
Justice of the Peace.
Room 5, M. P. A. Bulldiug,
Valley Phone 248y.
We Do Not Ask You
to Believe Us
That we are the best Tailors, but
those who have tried us are con-
vinced of the fact. Those who have
not tried yet are cordially invited to
give us only one trial—after that
they will be regular patrons.
We Are Genuine
= Tailors
Plane for Sale—Upright
lustrument; will sell re
price. In perfect condith
chased new six months
somely carved. with st
tice muffler. In fact all r
desirable inh a first-class |
Promineut maker's 10-year
tee on receipt Will po
at any ressouable prices &
first cash buyer. Call ows
dence, Mrs Hodges, Na §
avenue, Waverly. =
"For Sale—Two show cases In EDO¢
condition. Enquire at No. 106 Thon
avenue, Bayre. :
For Sale—Holiday sals of
music at Brown's music store,
erly. Classical and the Iatest
cation. G50c music for 10a
and see for yourself. 1868 ©
For sale—A cooking ranges in good
condition, and also a go-cart. In
quire of Mrs. John Quick, Keystone
avenue. 14-8
Several houses and lots for
to suit purchasers. Inguire of W.
G. Schrier, Maynard Block, Athens
For sale—1 square plano, 1 go-cart.
1 iron crib, 1 child's fur coat and eap,
5 to 7 years. Ladles' le.
Call afternoons this week at 209 8S
Elmer Ave 184-8.
For Sale—At Brown's music store
and get a new Home sewing machine
for Christmas. He has drop head,
auto lifts for $18 to $40, also second
hand machines for sale cheap. 184-6.°Y
For rent, office rooms 1
lock Hlock,
Ten room brick *
provements. Inquire at thi ‘
For rent at ounce, several houses
and suites of rooms, good location;
with or without bath; $8.60 and up-
wards. Enquire of C. C. West, Sayre, -
Pa. met
Remove dead horses and ca
short notice. All orders wil
prompt attention. Remove
miles distance from Athens,
and Waverly. Hides m be ©
casses; remove free ‘a {
am prepared to do the business; hi
ambulance to haul the stock;
(buy hides, skins, tallow “hob
pay market prices. Call tele=
phone No. 833, Sayre, Pa. :
and If you would:
md ng ot
address to us. We
Massachusetts Matual
Lifes |
Co. a company of Urrep
standing. ; :