The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 17, 1906, Image 4

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    Toys and Useful China Gifts
Are found in the basement
Special Lot of Statuary
Statuary and vases half price
A line we wish to close out, hence the price
The Question of
Holiday Gifts
Is most easily solved
where abundance of
selections are found
We have the largest and most
varied assortment of practical mer-
chandise in the history of this busi-
ness. Pay an early visit. While
selections are being broken daily we
have reinforcements coming by ex-
press on nearly all incoming trains.
Take our advice, shop early, shop
before noon of each day if you can.
Rich Furs for Xmas
New lot child's and Misses sets in to-day,
$1.25 up
Cloaks and Suits
Are always good to have one or two ahead
ready for service. The line is big and some
are set apart at special pricings.
Buy Xmas Umbrellas
A big special line on sale, some especially de-
signed for engraving handles, 75¢c upto$S8
Buy Gloves before Xmas rush
Gloves for women, men, bovs and children,
prices, 19¢, 25, 39, $1.00, 1.50, up to $3
Men's Fur Near Seal Gauntlets at $3.50
Japanese screens
Japanese bead curtains
+ Mission novelties
Art loom tapestries
Framed tapestries
Pipe, stein and hat racks
~ Carpet sweepers
Comb writing desk and Case
. China apd music cabinets
Library furniture
- Pedestals, Reed chairs, all sorts
« Oouchcs, Davenports
Brass and iron beds
Morris chairs with rockers
Side boards, buffets
* Hall racks, chiffoniers, Dressers
~ Large mirrors and small mirrors
_ Office furniture
Leather covered furniture
The goods are
Now silks, satins
Medallion cloth and Tangier silks -
Gloves, umbrellas
Hosiery, stationery
Neckwear, linen handkerchiefs
Table linen, linen sets, ribbons
Laces, towels, wool blankets
Comfortables, bath blankets
Linen lunch cloths, doilies
Toyland in the Basement
Boys and girls expecting to wiite
to Santa Claus should address and
post their letters in the box. at foot of
main stairway now, and tell their pa-
rents what a big toy show they saw
in our basement,
Newspaper reporters, other men
Toul es he cromd at Aheas Rack-
et store
_C. IL Lacey was - Towands today
‘on business 5
SE ———————————
~ 1. 'F. McKean arn Tova to
day on business,
: The home of M. Rotlo® is quaran
itined from diphtheria.
Buy cut glass, lamps and dinner
ware at Athené Racket store.
Mrs. Annle Degrolf of Oberlin,
(Ohio, is visiting at 0. I. Jordan's
. Mrs. George Wood went to Ulster
‘today to visit Mrs. Daniel Boardman
mm ——
F. A. Bradley went to Powell this
imorning in the Interest of the M. P
A large number of Eagles went to
| the Stevenson funeral from Athens
| yesterday.
C. A. Heavener went to Barclay this
!morning, where he is working on a
{lnmber job
i W. H. Leonard of Dushore, is the
{guest of his brother, Frank Leonard
this week.
Mrs. Orpha Ames of Elmira, spent
{ Sunday with Mrs. Bert Rhodes, North
Malin street,
Jacob Dreary of Waverly, has been
| granted an increase of pension to
{ $14 per month.
M. C. Wells and wife of Towsnda,
| was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. S. F
i Robinson's yesterday.
The Misses Gore and Burns, teach-
fers of the high school went on the
‘excursion to Washington today.
N. V. Weller and Frank E. Weller
went on the school teachers excur-
sion to Washington this morning.
J. R Eiffert and wife visited at
the home of Bert Rowe over Sunda)
and returned to Ulster this morning
Those depredators who are stealing
the milk cans on Cherry street will
{gel into trouble Uf they don’t hold
‘up for the Inhabitants are gunning
i for them.
| Work on the Susquebanna bridge
| that has been held up during the
| past week Is now belng resumed with
| vigor and the repairs will soon be
| done.
© Mrs H. E. Waldo of Wyalusing, was
{visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. A
! Armstrong last week and went to El-
mira Saturday where she will be the
guest of another daughter.
Rev. Meritt B. Wood of Hiram Col-
!legt, Ohlo, came to West Sayre Sat-
‘urday to officiate at the funeral of
‘Mrs. C. E Knapp and [as staying at
the home of Theodore E Forbes 410
S. Elmer avenue a few days
Mrs. Rhodes, a prominent member
‘of the W. C. T, U. of Clifton Springs,
IN. Y, will make a temperance ad-
dress at the Methodist church tomor-
| row evening. No admittance will be
| charged but a collection will be tak-
M. Louis Gore has opened his stu-
dio to the public at 122 North SL
He has over five hundred fine studies
| for oll and water color, from which
| he will take orders, and a large as-
|sortment of hand painted water col-
lors, sepla and delft, monochromes at
| reasonable prices, ™ 186-1
A fire broke out in the cellar of
James B. Maney's residence, corner
of Elmira and Chestaut street this
morning at about § o'clock and the
fire department was called out. The
fire was confined to the cellar and
was caused by a spark from the fur-
kindling below. It was put out very
quickly with buckets and although
the company laid a line of hose the
water was not turned on. The dam-
age was slight
- Card of Thanks.
We hereby tender our sincere
thanks to Dr Ott and the nurses at
the hospital for their kind ministra-
tions to William L. Collins while un-
der their care. No one could have
been more attentive or more kind and |
they will be remembered with grat-
itude as long as we live. Also we
return thanks to the neighbors and
friends who showed so much sym-
pathy and did so much to make our
sad bereavement easier to bear. Es-|
pecially do we thanks the ladies of |
the W. C. T. U, the shopmates for |
assistance and flowers and to the sin- |
gers who attended the funeral Athy
will be gratefully remembered.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Collins.
Mrs. W. L Collins.
W. FF. Brwaters Killed by Twe,
Breihers Near Culpepper, Va. i
CULPEPPER, Va, Dec. 17—WIk |
llam F. Bywaters, a promioeat citizen |
of this county and well known all over!
the conntry as a fox hunter aud breed |
er of crack hounds and horses, was!
literally shot to pieces here by James |
and Phillip Strothers, who live at |
“Rotherwood,” three miles from ig
Mr. Bywaters secured a warriage:
license and was married to Miss Viola |
Strothers, daughter of tha Iste Colonel |
John R. Strothers and sister of the!
two young Strotbers who killed him |
at her home. After the wedding Mr
Bywaters attempted to leave the
Strothers house, and one of the broth |
ers of the bride objected,
Bywaters later climbed to the roof |
and endeavored to escape. He was
seen by James and Phillip Strothers,
who opeued fre on him with pistols
He died almost instantly, The cir
cumstances surrounding the killing are
sensational and have aroused the
greatest excitement.
Expedition to South Ameriea.
CAMBRIDGE, Masa, Dec. 17.—One
of the most important ethnological ex-
peditions In the history of Harvard
university left today, under the leader
ship of Dr. WC. Faradee, for South
Awmerien 0 make an Investigation
among the Indian tribes of the Andes
mountains. Besides Dr, Faradee the
party will include Mrs. Faradee, J. L
De Milhau and J. W. Hastings of the
Peabody museum,
S———————————— i
Heir Apparent at Teheran. {
TEHERAN, Dee, 17.—The condition
of the shal Is unchanged. All Mirza,
heir apparent to the throne, arrived
Ia Teheran at § o'clock yesterday after-
peop. He was met outside the city by
the Persian war minister, Nalb es Sal
taneh, & brother of the shah, who
warmly welcomed him, and together
they drove to the palace, where they
now are with the shah
Starm Spreads Over Four States,
KANSAS CITY, Mo, Dec. 17.-The
heaviest snowstorm of the winter was
general over southwestern MNlssourd, |
southeastern Kausus and parts of Ok |
lahoma and Indian Territory lust night. |
The snow ranges in depth from two to
six laches. Much suffering has result
ed from the <iorm In certain paris ol
Oklahoma, where a fuel famine pre
o stume like an ap
priae fur for yor ?
come in and !
assortment of
line Is a most atractive one.
only $19,00,
Xmas Tree Ornaments, Ete.
Heavy and Light Draylag and Moviag.
Baggage called for and. delivered
in any part of Sayre, Athens, and
Waverly, and all kinds of team work
attended to pramptly. Livery at-
tached. - ——
207 N. Lehigh Ave, Valley Phone 208x
111 Miller Street.
Sto 11:00 a. m, 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00
Genito urinary and chronic diseases
a specialty. Both Phones.
toffice. or forther par.iculacs ad-
17 Pleasant St.. Waverly, N. Y.
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Glasses. Hours—9-12; 1-6; 7-8;
Sundays by appointment.
| Wheslogk Block.
Wholesaler o:
Wines, Beer and Ales.
109 Packer Avenel Bap, Pa.
Both Phones.
Will pay $1.00 a a bead at i barn
Class Accommpdations, =
Rates $1.50 Per Day. Sayre.
H. Tuttle, M. D.
; all Le dik
Ee CT a SA e—
Practice limited to diseases 4
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ola car
accurately fitted. Hours 10 oa 12
am,2tS5 78pm Rea
residence, 211 South Elmer Ave.
ley ‘phone 166x.
Coutrecior aad Builder ANE,
Plans-and Estimates a :
210 Miller St. :
Settlement Reached Whih Porto nieo.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Dec, 17.-
The MMfferences between the federan
and Insular governments over the in {
vision of the public’ lands In Porto |
Rico bave been amicably adjusted, sub |
Jeet to the approval of the secretary
of the navy. Captain Sane] C. Lem |
ly, U, & N,, retived, represented the na |
vy in the adjustment.
who know and dozens of ladies say it's |
a revelation for bigness of selections §
and littleness of prices. Profit by
early shopping. Selections wi'l be
kept up to the last practical moment.
But our advice again is shop early.
General Contractor and Rallder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
{Valley Phone 126, Residence: 208
Chestaut St, Sayre, Pa.
Perkins Post Inaugurates Novel Plan
for the Entertainment of Its
Athens—The meeting of the Perkins
i Nothing would please the average housewife
more than one of our Hoosier Kitchen
Lock- Suitable for Framing
Cupid's Throne Is Cold.
Next to a cemetery at midnight |
about the lonesomest sight 1s a ham |
mock on the front porch after the!
first big frost —Atchison Globe i
Ia Colors be Installed. All comrades and old
with BUSTER BROWN and | soldiers are especially invited to be
| present and the doors will be open so
Little Nemo everybody that desires Lo come will
{be welcome. Past Department J. An-
!drew Wilt of Towanda, has been in-
installing officer
Fancy Vests, Ties, Hosiery,
Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets,
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shirts,
Sweaters, Fancy Dress Mufflers
Tailors, Clothiers,” Haberdashers
pn St. Valley Phone 212y
rd sMaynar gh Sctrier
| Post Saturday aftermon was more
{army experiences and at this meeting There Is me nook nor coermer Ia
IH, L. Towner, M. D. CHRISTMAS NUMBER | regiment The regiment was organi. | PITTSBURG, Dec. 17—The Peunsyl- | ©
NEW YORK HERALD) chs hice ey hi S70 i
SAMUELS eral passengers are reported killed and |
Yor foe Finest Beers, “Ales, Wines | E: M. Dunham, esti ata {Conklin Rifles and at Gettsburg they Rigid Justice Among Animals. i
Rooms 4 ana Hlock The post voted to have a public of thelr communities as are lazy or |
‘A. J. Green,
| Attorneys and Counselors at
‘than usually loteresting. The boys
. {Comrade Edward Snow told us about Sayre, Waverly or Athens where The
ig 2 ed in Central New York iu February, vania filer, eastbound, struck a freight
1 Specialties.
ill & Beibach’ Diseases of Women and of the Rec- |
3 oy Dull both trains and slightly injuring the |
severe service from Second Bu un
{up the job when Gen. Lee surrender- | a aumber injured.
and Cigars Ia the Valley. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CHARMING FULL PAGE | captured the flag of the 20th North| Bees, beavers, elephants, and crows |
| wicked.
| meeting Saturday afternoon, January
hart Street, Sayre.
Contractor and Builder,
Valley Phone 180a.
Original Stories by
Roland B, Molineux, Maarten Masriens,
| Theodosia Garrison, Harriet Prescott Spofford, { vited to officiate
io A {and Mrs. Loulss ma urs. Nona | Alex D, Stevens, |
Gray Rice are to give reel- Insurance and Real Estate.
chem GEORGE ADE tations and Mra; Clara Kelley will | Loans Negotiated, Insurance Written,
Home by Euts Pamkan Boren ¢ PE. Houses Rented, Rents Collect-
{have arranged to take turns relating
| service in the 97th. New York Pennsylvania Flier Wrecked. Valley Record does not circulate.
| 1862. and he‘t 0 with ther train on the Wheeling and lake Erle |
tam. Hours 7to Sa m. 1 to
engineer and fireman of the filer. Sev:
{ A FE - i | to Appomattox and were glad to give
Valley Phone 27x. 128 Lockhart St |
ART SECT ION ed. The regiment was know as the :
{C banish t 10 death
Sayre. | Office: | PICTURES IN COLORS Ctrolina confedergts régiment. Pr.put jo sealh such Swmbers
8-PAGE, COMIC SECTION sth, 197, when the mew officers will
Laws & Winlack!
C. J. Kitchin,
Leading Drayman.