While before noon of each day if you can. New lot child's and Misses sets in to-day, $1.25 up The line is big and some ys and Useful China Gifts Are found in the basement Special Lot of Statuary Fw Statuary and vases half price ne we wish to close out, hence the price prices, 19c, goncession, 25, 39, $1.00, 1.50, up to $3. The goods are panese screens pese bead curtains sion novelties loom tapestries med tapestries pe, stein and hat racks irpet sweepers lomb writing desk and Case pa apd music cabinets rary furniture petals, Reed chairs, all sorts hes, Davenports 38 and iron beds ~~ Waistings 8 rris chairs with rockers le boards, buffets Ml racks, chiffoniers, Dressers Fge mirrors and small mirrors Toyland (=Office furniture ther covered furniture THIS me NOW a revelation in the Basement IS THE PLACE 4 IS THE TIME for bigness of selections Profit by Selections wil be COPE TO fill & Beibach H. L.Towner, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rec- tum Hours Tto Sam, to } the Pluest Beers, Ales, Wines | #nd Clgars In (he Valley. | E. M. Dunham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Rooms 4 and 5, Elmer Block, Loek- hart Streef, Sayre. Laws & Winlack Attorneys and Counselors at i 3 and Estimates Furnished. | a Law. son SL. Valley Phone 212y A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Valley Phone 180a. Sayre. CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE NEW YORK HERALD DEC. 16, 1906 ART SECTION CHARMING FULL PAGE PICTURES IN COLORS Suitable for Framing 8-PAGE COMIC SECTION In Colors with BUSTER BROWN and Little Nemo Original Stories by . Roland B Moliarux, Maarten Masricos, © 7 a—— Novelties galore at Athens Racket store. 1855 { Youll see the crowd at Athens Rack- {et store. ————— Leon Waters is home from State College. Murray Clark went to Towanda this morniog. | Buy cut glass, lamps and dinner | ware at Athens Racket store. | Fraok McCarthy went to Clifton Springs, N. Y, today to remain a ‘short time. The Athens high school team had i their pictures taken today at Sevi- {son's gallery, Miss Helen Parks has been visiting {at the home of Hayes Park and re- {turned to Ulster this morning Extensive repairs to one of the boll- ters and arches at the Furalture Works ‘have been made the past week. Grant Barron and wife have been , Yisiting at the home of Griffin Taylor | and returned to Laceyville today. : A missionary father will be in at- | tendance at the Catholic church this i evening and tomorrow and will { preach. | Miss Emily Daw of the high school faculty, left for New York city last inight to spend a week with friends (and relatives * L. 8. Taylor and wife of Wyalusing, { have been guests of the former's sis- iter, Mrs. E H Jones, and returned | home this morning. i —————ca— | O. N. Bonney and wife have been /the guests of their son, C. G. Bonney jthe past ten days and returned to | LeRoy, Pa, this morning Miss Ina Stevens went to Stevens- {ville this morning where she will spend the holidays with her grandpar- jents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Stevens There will be no preaching at the | Presbyterian church tomorrow on ac- {count of the absence of the pastor Rev. A. F. von Tobel. Sunday schoo! ‘and Christian Endeavor meetings will {be as usual. Mr. vou Tobel will re- turn in time for next Sunday's ser- i vices Louis M. Gore has finished the fres- | ¢o work In Lamkin's show window and {It Is as fine a plece of artiste skill tan we have seen In many days. Arches resting upon panelled supports are of delicate white festoons of holly and within arches are winter scenes where home is wrapped In a beautifdl man- {tle of snow, with the surrounding | trees bearing a garniture of frosty {drapery that is a delight to look at. { The other panel is a rural barn scene very like nature, and on each | side are ferns. So winter and summer | { } i seem blended In a charming manner WELL KNOWN ORATOR TO LECTURE MONDAY. {| Dr. J. M. Driver to Speak at High | School Hall | Athens—The high school lecture {course this year Is not as well patron- {ized as it was hoped it would be. This {1s not as it should be for it Is one of {the best they have ever had, and the {proceeds are to be applied to the pur- {chase of a good plano for the school. | There are four numbers yet on the {course and the best one is to be the Hungarian orchestra that you would be obliged to pay a large admittance fee to hear In large cities. We all ought to be proud of the school and its educational advantages as the school property and buildings and appliances all belong to the people of Athens and their success Is conditioned in a meas- ure on the support we give them. We earnestly urge the people to be liberal to the Interests of the school and in this way do thelr best to promote the educational advantages of the town The next lecture is to be given Mon- day evening by Dr. J. M. Driver, a person that hax a world's wide repta- tion as an orator and scholar. The tickets are now oun sale at Sanford's. and it Is hoped that everybody will secure tickets for the remainder of the course, ATHENS CHURCHES, | Cathuiic—There will be mass at 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 2 o'clock p. m. Benediction at 3 p. m A missionary father will hold services tonight and will officiate tomorrow at both afternoon and evening services. Trinity—The regular services at the usual time tomorrow by the rector, Rev. W. E Daw. Presbyterian—There will be no preaching service tomorrow. Sunday {school and Christian Endeavor at the | regular time. | Baptist—Preaching morning and | evening by the pastor, Rey. F. L Allen. Morning subject, “The Crude quarters and the crowd af the Sorcalied six day bicycle race. It was rumored that Commissioner Bingham bad re ceived several complaluts from prom- inet citizens stating that the race was a disgrace to the city, When General Bingham was told by reporters of several things that had | happened at the garden he said: “I know It has been geiting worse | = and worse, but I had no Kea that con || ditious were so bad as that.” It Is sald that the actions of the gangs of toushs in the early morning bours are absolutely unprintable. Nev- er In the history of the garden have so mauy complaints been filed at the! fi Tenderloin station of the thefts of | Treo overcoats, Jewelry and other persons! SER property. There is a strong suspicion that the riders are making things as uniuterest- lng as possible. Many of the men are disgusted at the action of the manage- meut and may quit at any mimite Trouble has been brewing since a bad spill, which called for loud pro |g test frum the spectators, occrnrred. ; For the eighth time Hobby Walthour | aud John Bedell were prevented from reguluing the lap they lost through au accident early In the coufest. Seven riders went down, and the race was suspended fof an hour. i The trouble was caused Ly Joe Fo gler, team mate of Eddie Root. who fell from his wheel as Bedell was making i seemingly successful effort to re gain the cavetel distance. The big crowd thought Fogler fell Intention- ally and was instantly lu an uproar, groaning and hissing, aud some of the | uiore frenzied even making threats igalust Fogler's life. Tidre were cries of “Fake “Dirty work” aud “Fraud,” and the ofMiclala could not stop the demonstration, : There was a ripple of excitement | when a fast sprint was started by | Root, closely followed by MacFarland. | Ihe result was the loss of a lap by Vanderstuyft and Stol snd Galvin and Wiley A late score for the eight leading teams was 2,107 miles 6 laps, which is over 300 miles behind the recand, Bad Day For Pavorites. LOS ANGELES, Cal, Dec. 15.—Pud- ding MeDaulel, favorite jockey In far- lier seasons at Ascot park, made his first appearance heré since his return from New Orleans McDaniel bad two mounts, putting Merllogo over for show money in the fifth aud faillug to | y land Arrugon ln the third. It was al 0SBORN S LIVERY bad day for favorites, Coalition, at J ta | - 5, being the only first choice ta take Heavy and Light Draylag and Moving. first woney. : Here = come in and | assortment of 0 4 __RED TAG FURS AT AL our Dinner Seis before line Is a most atractive one. A beautiful white and gold only $19.00. eight different patferns, the lately Imported. Toys, Games, Handkerchiefs, Xmas Tree Ornaments, Ele. at - . Baggage called for and delivered Lust Mouey on Mina Gibson, {in any part of Sayre, Athens, and SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15.—Bettars | Waverly, and all kinds of team work lost a lot of woney aa Mina Gibson at attended to promptly. Livery at- Oakland, WW. Miller had the mount op tached. the favorite, but Sea Lad showed heels 1207 N. Lehigh Ave, Valley Phone 208x fo the field. In the firth Miller repriev- | ed himself by skillfully guiding Beech- wood to the bead of the procession, aud in the sixth he made Major Tenny a winner, Grace George Was Unruly. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 15 — Grace George, an entry in the second race at City park, broke through the barrier just before the race, Jockey Marster's stirrups broke, nnd he was knocked un- consclous against the fence, while his frightened monnt ran three miles. The jockey wax not serlously iujured, General Nogl Injured, TOKYO, Dec. 13 General Nogi, the congueror of Port Arthur, while re turning from a visit to the palace was | 1H Miller Street. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 11:00 a. m., 2 to 4:30, 7:00 to 8:00 | Genito urinary and chronic diseases ‘a specialty. Both Phones. § 3 = price asked. ur service for BARGAIN FRICES buying elsewhere. We have Dinner Sef, Austrian China. There are newest shapes and designs, Books, Dolls, Chinn, Faney Goods, ELMER A. WILBER Wholesaler o? Wines, Beer and Ales. OUR SPECIALTIES LEHIGH CLUB WHISKEY, DOTTR) WICH BEER AND ALES, NQR- WICH BREWING CO'S. AX 105 Packer Avenue, Sayre, Pa. Both Phones. WANTED ‘Mandolin Teacher i ! Will be in Bayre on Saturday, cach | iweek, which time 1 will devote tothe | {instruction of pupils on the mandolin. | {Studio: Room 2, Richard block, over) {postoflice. For forther particulars ad- | |dress, Edwin F. Loomis, Athens, Pa. | thrown from his horse. He was picked | his case Is regarded as somewhat grave. General Nogl wlll go down In history as the “victor of Port Arthur,” but even before he wuu cot {no that uotable siege he was one of Japan's most famous warriors. His chler source of fame was the mauner in tribes of Formosa while governor gen eral of that island Ten Hunters Killed In Mafae, AUGUSTA, Me, Dee. 15 During viesed last night, ten persons lost thelr lives in Maine by the use of firenrms, the overturniug of a canoe or exposore Ju three cases the victlin wax is fuken for a deer or hear, five persons CARPENTER AND BUILDER. [17 Pleasant St.. Waverly, N. Y. ‘A. H. Murray, M.D. : Specialties: | Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and hroat and the proper Fitting of {Glasses. Hours—9-12; 1.5; 7-8; {Sundays by appointment. Office, | Wheelock Block. | HORSES AND CATTLE DEAD OR ALIVE. Will pay $1.00 a head at the barn All calls promptly attended to day or night Valley telephone at store. Bell telephone In house. J. H. DUNLAP, Susquehanna St, Athens, Pas TOUHEY'S HOTEL Everything new and up-to-date. First- Class Accommodations. Thomas Ave, Opposite L .V. Station. Rates $1.50 Per Day. Sayre. H. Tuttle, M. D., Specialist. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses accurately fitted. Hours 10 to 12 A= I I LEE EWE SS were killed by the accidental discharge | J. M. ASHTON, Mf guus, oue was capsized from a ca- | woe, and oue died from exposure. In | General Contractor and Bullder. addition there were a_uumnber of acel- | Plans and Estimates Furnished. ! Valley Phone 125 Residence ents which did not result fatally 208 Chestnut St, Sayre, Pa. Three Months For Smuggling Chinese PROVIDENCE, R. 1, Dec, 15. John { ¢. Leluaun, charged with aldiug in! There Is no noek mer corner In the illegal landingof forty-two Chinese | Sayre, Waverly or Athens where The at this port on the schooner Frolic, en | Yalley Record does net clrealate. tered a plea of nolo contendre In the | United States marshal's oftice after | having retracted his plea of not guilty, | He wus then sentenced to three! mouths’ Imprisonment and fined $50. |B am,2t?5 Tto8 p m. Office and residence, 211 South Eimer Ave. Val- ley ‘phone 156x. : R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Bullder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 210 Miller St Sayre, Pu Catholic University For Tokyo. i ROME, Dec. 15.~As 4 result of Bish. | op Counsel's mission to Japan the Vatican will establish shortly a Cath- | olic university at Tokyo, It will be | controlled by Jesuits of the American | province. The appointment of an apos- | tolic delegate to Jupan is imminent, and It is state] that he will be an Amerienn prelate : Commander BH, M, (i, Hritwn Dead. i Fancy Vests, WASHINGTON, Dee. 15. Command | er RM. (i. Brown, U. 8. N_, retired, a | survivor of the Samoan hurricane | which destroyed the American eet In | 1888, is dead Lew i 7” | MURPHY Hosiery, & BLISH Theodosia Garrlaca, Warriet Prescott Spofford, | Cake” Evening, “Alwost Persuaded.” George Barton | Universalist—Services morning and i . . Wil |Ur'ymas Groree Ape Kelley, Mons nin gabled, “The Work. ou | Himer by Erviis Parken BUTLER shop. of God” go ie Rs Alex D. Stevens, Loans Negotiated, Inturance Written, Tailors, Clothiers, Haberdashers i i