The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 15, 1906, Image 3

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Attorney Hoyt to Take Steps to Seenrs |
the Release of Dominic Sharrone.
Hoos LT. Hoyt, attorney for Dom- |
inie Sharrone, the [talian who was re- |
{cently tried for the murder of Eugece |
habeas corpus, probably next week |
Mr. Hoyt In an Interview stated last!
* night that the case was a decidedly
interesting one from =a legal stand- |
‘point, aud that he would make an
effort to get his client discharged |
{from custody. He will probably make
‘application to Judge Fanning for the!
writ next week. The document will
be directed to Sheriff Griffin, and will
ibe in the nature of an order to show!
{cause why he. is detaining Dominic
iSharrone and oun what authority. Mr
i Hoyt will insist that under the court
irule In this case the Italian has been
;once placed In jeopardy and that the
{jury has been discharged without re |
216 Desmond St., Sayre.
~The Agents
_on a PIANO is $75 to $100.
turning a verdict Mr. Hoyt will ask
{for the release of his client, and Dis-
{trict Attorney Mills whl be on hand
ito argue against the request Should
{Judge Fanning decide that the position
taken by Mr. Hoyt is In accordance
{with the law, Sharrone will be libera-
ted. but should he determine other:
iwise, the Italian will be recommitted
{10 the charge of the sheriff. and then
iMr. Hoyt's remedy will be by appeal
ito the supreme court. Mr Hoyt ex-
ipresses the fullest confidence in the
| position which he has taken. He says
{that there are only two valid reasons
ifor discharging a jury in = capital}
case—one, where a juror dies. and the!
other. where one becomes suddenly’
{insane Then the trial judge is jus-
‘tified in discharging the entire jury
iand issuing a new venire The out-|
come of the case in its present status
‘will be looked forward to with con-|
siderable interest, both on the part of
the legal fraternity and the laity
Young Ladles Rendered a Highly Ean.
tertaining Program.
A meeting of St. Cecelia Music Club
pupils of Miss Grace O. Gerould's,|
held a class meeting at the home of!
Miss Hazel Styers, 102 Miller street
A number of pretty selections were
rendered and the evening was de-|
lightfully spent. Those who rendered |
| selections were }
| Throwing Snowballs Hazel Styers. |
Warbling at Eve Ethel Thompson
Slivery Waves
Maude Case!
| Purple Pansies
Paaline Squires |
Hilah Campbell. |
Essays on Beethoven
His Early Life Hazel Campbell
His Late Life Edda Porter
His Composition Clarence Lengeland
Andante Celebra Virgina Safford
{ Bring your boys to my store and
buy them a useful Xmas present, a
suit of clothes or an overcoat Prices
right at H. Sattler's 183-10
Hugh Lennon Accepts a Desirable Po.
sition With Bethlehem Steel Plant.
vice with the Lehigh in the shops at
No. 4 for South Bethiehem where he
has secured a very desirable position
with the Bethlehem steel company
smith shop almost ever since he began
* Has removed fo the old Postoffice
ei site and
Is Now Ready For
and is one of that
trusted workmen
He will be employed by the Deth-
lehem company as a demostrator. He
will assume his pew duties Linmed-
fately, Mr. Lennon has a host of
the Sayre friends in Sayre who will witness his
departure with genuine regret
company’s most
Hats, shirts, mufllers aud peck-
wear, large selection at H. Satler's
Free clam chowder at
House tonight
.. Special sale of Christmas furniture
at Bogers & Miller's. 186-5
week at the old
Only one more
stand, No. 107 Thomas avenue.
‘Angell, Sayre, Pa
Other people make money in New
York real estate
By our plan you can invest even a
smal) sum and get
6 pe- cen! interest on
amount you invest
Wanted 1000 wives to Induce their
husbands to purchase their winter
suits and overcoats at H. Battler's
Herbert Smalley has gone to Mon
roeton where he will spend the holi-
ys with his rel ,
day ith his relatives and friends Why can't you?
Best grade Lehigh Valley and Ber-
nice coal, well sereensd, prompt de-
livery, hard and ®ft wood. Both
phones at yard and office at Raymond
& Haupt's. D. Clarey Coal Co
There will be the usual services at
the Presbyterian church tomorrow and
the pastor will preach at both ser-
vices. Morning subject, ‘Taking the
Lam Citadel.’ .
Residents of Waverly, Sayre,
Athens, Towanda and Troy
have recently purchased and
ardered scme of this stock.
We wil move our stock of goods to :
the hose bullding, Thomas avenue, the
first of next week, We have many
lines of goods to close out before
moving. Some goods at half price. H
D. Angell. ;
The Sayre Aerie, Fraternal Order of Price has been advanced from
Eagles will attend the funeral of the par ($10 a share) and will be ad-
late Willfam R. Stevenson ,which Is to | :
be held at the Chute of the Redeemer T80C0d again. Buy now. Drop a
: 4 :
tonight. |
Bay your Christmas furuiture of Reo-
| Ana the Conductor Was Compelled to
Doll, toys pictures and everything Eject Him From the Car—Beligerent
at Athens Racket store. . Passcager Told Where te Get OIL.
Miss Mary Lynch is visiting at the | (ue of teh conductors on the W. 8
home of her mother on State Road a A Traction Co. line has temporar-
is ee lily, at least, settled the question as to
If you buy shoes from us you get | - :
style, fort aBd Wenr: {whether a passenger bas the right to
: H. Sattler | ride on one of the cars without pay-
The Lehigh Valley tracks are being fare, though the passenger is not fur-
put lu fine shape for the approaching {nished a seal. Last night the car
winter iwhich leaves Sayre for Waverly short-
ily after six o'clock was packed with
Great bargains at Angell's store, humanity. All the seats were taken
Thomas avenue, closing out before and the aisle was filled with passen-
moving 184-3 gers. The latter were standing up
i ————— {As Is the custom the conductor began
Mr Chapin of Harrison Valley, has | working the car after it left the cor-
bean visiting friends in Sayre for a ner of North Elmer avenue and Lock-
day or two hart street When near Mohawk
SE street the condutor had worked from
: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parsons of |}. head end of the car to a point near
Troy, Pa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs |}, door. Here he encountered a man,
A. H. Sawtelle, of No. 402 South Wil- | \ oiohing about 195 pounds, who was
bur avenue. standing up and who clung tenacious-
iy to the railing in the upper part of
the car which supports the hand
straps. The conductor asked the big
man for his fare. The big man, how-
ever, refused to pay fare unless he
There are still a large number of | Was furnished a seat. As every seat
criminal cases on the calendar to be | *2% filled the conductor was unable
tried at this term of court, and it |%© comply with his request, and after
begins to look as if they will not be 3 minute or (wo of argument the big
disposed of this week {man was again requested to pay or
. get off He refused to do either
Hosmer's Marine Band will give a (and stated that if the conductor ex-
promenade in Elsbree’s opera house ed him to get off he would have to do
on Monday evening next Dancing | the job by main force In the mean-
from § to 11. Gentlemen 25; ladles time the conductor had signalled the
free. Come out and help the band motorman to stop. Then he informed
boys 184-4 the big man that if really insisted up-
————— oni being thrown off he (the conductor)
There was no court at Towanda to- was there for that purpose Despite
day. The criminal list cases have been | (he fact that the conductor Is well
finished for this term, and on Monday along in years, and that his hair
morning Judge Fanning will take up {5s nearly white with the frost of many
the civil calendar winters, he grabbed the bg man,
shouted to those standing on the rear
platform to clear thre way, and before
the hig man had fairly time to real-
ize what had occurred, he landad in|
the mud. The conductor pulled the |
bell rope twice, the car moved ahead,
President Roosevelt has withdrawn and the passengers smiled approving: |
4 ly. The conductor had made good !
his simplified «pelling order, or i
in connection with the foregoing!
rather congress by its action in the i
it might be well to state that there is |
matter has practically compelled the |
{an opinion held by some people that |
they are not required to pay fare If}
they are at the same time compelled
The stone ballasting on the Lehigh |! stand up This is an erroneous
Valley has been discontinued for the !dea, however, and a conductor is per-
winter. The last load was dumped at |fectly justified in stopping the car and
Wysox the other day. The tracks are lDSisting upon his fare or the passen-
stated to be in most excellent con- Ker getting off. A passenger Is not
dition compelled to ride upon a car If there
are no seats, and the company is not
The Bartenders’ Union will meet to- compelled to carry him in any man-
morrow afternoon In the P O 8S of ner unless he pays the price demand-
A hall for the purpose of installing ed
the newly elected officers. All mem-
bers are requested
There will be a service held at the
M. E church this evening, and the ser- |
vices will be held at the usual hours
BH F. Sutton, of the firm of Willlams
& Sutton, has returned from his old
bome in Vermont During his ab-
sence Mr. Sutton was taken ill, but
i= now recovering
which was decidedly unsustainable
Regular preaching services will be
{held at the Milltown chapel tomor-
row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock The
John Simik, John Tellage and Alex- Rev. Ira Hotaling will officiate. Sun-
ander and Fellx Rearenjek have been [day school will follow the regular ser-
held at Mudtown, Pa, under $1,000 vices
bail charged by the Lehigh Valley
with having wrecked a train on the
Austin Branch
earnestly to be
Weary Willie Walker” and a sing
ing company attracted a falr sized
Ee Se de audience at the Loomis last night The
The sacred cantata "The Word Made show pleased and many encores to
Flesh” by Shepard will be sung by the the musical numbers were demanded
choir of the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening. Dec. 234 The work |
has been under rehearsal for several Sers & Miller.
weeks and the choir will be augment-
ed by several voices on that evening
Buy your Christmas furniture of Ro-
Ladies’ and children’s trimmed hats
half price at Angell’s store, Thomas
ave 184-3
The funeral of Wm. Stevenson will
place tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock |
Redeemer. |
from the Church of the
until 12 o'clock in the forenoon
Evaugelical services will be held in
the Methodist church this evening
The attendance Is growing each even- |
ing and many are being converted
| If you have not attended one of these |
That nothing is
morc acceptable for
Xmas giving than a
piece of furniture.
Hundreds of articles
that will appeal to
your good taste and
good sense are here |
displayed for soar |
criticism and selec
tion. We would eull
f ( ifi
attention to the ele-
gant bedroom suites
wm huest quartered vuk, hand polished, also beautiful
samples of Morris chairs, couches full of comfort and
the new designs
205 Desmond street
Valley Phone 191 a
Sayre Rendering
An Tusurance Policy For a X
Remove dead horses and cattle at Present.
short notice. All orders wil Ireceive
prompt attention Remove stock S
miles distance from Athens, Sayre
and Waverly. Hides must be on car-
casses: remove free of charge I
am prepared to do the business have
ambulance to haul the stock: also
buy hides, skins, tallow and bones
pay market prices. Call Bell tele
phone No. 633, Sayre, Pa
has many points in its favor that
other present can approach. Thi
can be no doubts of its acceptability
and if you would learn exactly wha
such a gift means and how it can
obtained, send your pame, age, :
address to us. We are agents for
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insuras
Co. a company of Irreproachable
standing =
-_ Se.»
to Believe Us
That we are the best
those who have tried
vinced of the fact. Those who have
not tried yet are cordially lavited to
give us only one trial—after
they will be regular patrons
We Are Genuine oo; pmaN HASSLER,
Tailors No 116 Erle St, Sayre.
- ki | Yon get the three. Ask your neigh
A A } bors.
® t 11, Both Phones.
Ower Raymond & Haupt's Coufection- |
| H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public.
Sayre, Pa.
If you buy from
us are
ery Store, Lockhart St
W. T. Carey,
Justice oi the Peace.
Room 5, M. P. A. Bullding,
Valley Phone 248y.
!Speclal attention to pension papers.
Valley Phone lla. _
| 112 Desmond Street,
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre. : ;
® ALi dl ld ddd
A Sam
| meeting go tonight and hear the evan- |
| gelist
t a meeting of the Socialist local
last evening it was announced that
| George Kirkpatrick would come to |
| Sayre and remain Thursday and Fri-
day. Jan. 24 and 25. Kirkpatrick ia a
| very able speaker, a confirmed So- |
cialist and should draw a large crowd
The dancing pavilion and other!
{ bulldings owned by the Lehigh Val-
While our stocks are large
- the largest in this valley---
the choicest pieces go first and
it will be advisable to come
with its wealth
ley at Harvey's Lake were destroyed |
{ morning. The fire is thought to have |
| been caused by tramps who have been
It will start on Ash Wednesday, Febru- |
ary 13, and Easter Sunday occurs on | of a Christmas
#0 early may make the season of the
Easter bonnet a most unfavorable one |
[by fire at an early hour yesterday |
| lurking about the vicinity for several :
| days
lent will begin early next year. |
March 31st. The later date coming
from a weather standpoint
i MN —————— ——— i
| This is the season of the year when 1
| trerehiants must look out for shoplif- | PY
ters, those light fingered persons who | 3
take things from the connters with- | :
out paying for thelpn. Sayre mer- |
chants, however, have not been an- | $f
noyed to any extent with this class )
of visitors, but they will be on the
8 and all violators
Both Phones.
early. This beautiful store,
of desirable articles for the home,
present that will prove ornamental,
Lan a So ah a a aoa ao EY
227, 229, 231 Main St.
ih td
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