The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 11, 1906, Image 2

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aad Undertaking. Cor.
We solicit your Banking
business, and will pay
three per cent. interest per
annum for money left om
[Cartifonte of Deposit or Sav-
~ The depariment of savings
is a special feature of this
Bank, and all deposits, wheth-
er large or small, draw the
~ same role of interest
x un MURRELLE. Publi Publisher
W. T. CAREY, Editor
Published every afternoon except
: at 203 West Lockhart street,
Bayre, Pa
Subscription, $100 per year, 200
cents per month.
Advertising rates reasonable,
made known on application.
Entered as second-class matter May
1505, at the postoffice at Sayre,
under the Act of Congress of
-3, 18579.
184 news that’s fit to print
Mis Name Was on Envelope
_ A man had a telephone put in his
and 88 he was expecting a let.
from a friend he called up the
ofits and asked the clerk In
if there was a lettar there for
‘Wm. The clerk asked him what his
8 was. He =aid- Never mind
“win my name is; If there iz a letter
there for me, my name is on the en
— i...
: As Frances Put It,
Little Frafices had begun lo write
im under the supervision
moa Recently her mother
iy on a vis, and Frances decided
in write to her without help She
WANkEed slang and the new mode of
mg In one sentence
gol & létter from Anly and the news
it nokt her out”
While Mis Wife's in Jail
jek lawrence. husband of one
ot the “suffragettes mposoned in
i. Bis projuised (0 subscribe $50
every day hls wile remains
Mr. Lawrence is
“by sympathy or gratitude
in jail
& CO.
of Broad SL. and Park Ave., Waverly.
Rescues (apiain and Sailer Frem
Wreek When Others Refuse to Go,
When every other man on board the
tug Walter A. Luckenhach declined
ta risk his life in an effort to rescne
two men on the fouldering barge
Buena Ventura, which was in tow of
the Luckenbach, Mitchell B. Brusca a
Greek seaman, siepped up to Captin
Jobin Daliey and sald that he would
| make the “ip alone.
In a soall boat, at the height of a
fierce northeast gale, Hruse rowed
{ the Large and rescued the captain,
| Olle Owarrornsl whom he found frozen
to the topmast. and as soon as he
place] the helpless captain on board
the tug without a moment's reat and
covered with a coating of lee from
head to foot pat out again on the heav-
ing water and released Seaguan Charles
Martin, whe was frozen to a floating
batch on which be had heen carried
away from (he sinking barge
These two men, of 0 crew of five,
were he only ones lo cacape death.
The drowned were 8 Peterson, Jobn
Mallett and a dJdeckband known as
Jack of Fall River, Mass,
The heroism of Bruso was looked
upan by his shipmates as no less re
markable than hiz escape from death
in the little bout, which every moment
seeied likely to be swaniped by the
mounbiinoys seas
The harge from which the three men
met death was, before belug converted
for the coal carrying trade, a Spanish
tramp steamer he was the first
prize of the United States navy im
mediately after the war with Spain
broke oul, the gunboat Nashville cap-
turing her off a Cuban port
Rev. John Quiney MeAntee Probably
Family Wounded.
Mary McAntee shot and prolably fa
tally wounded her father, the Hev
here ‘The shooting. according to police
officlgls, followed a quarrel between
Rev. McAntee and his wife, In which
iar stairs
The daughter, who was in the upper
portion of the house, rushed down
stairs with small revolver In her
hand and fired three shots at her fa
ther, two of which took effect in the
ihead. One of the bullets pepetrated
the brain Mrs. MeAntee
daughter tokl the police that the hus
i hand apd father had drinking
lately and had been guarrelsome and
cans] them much trouble. A short
| thie ago, the daughter said, he had
| choked Ler and tried to throw her over
a stale rall while in one of his quarrel
!soroe moods. Mother, danghter and
a colored servant, who wns In the
bouse, were arrested
The McAntee family Is widely
known. Hev. McAntee was a member
of the Lutheran synod Ile was for-
{ merly pastor of the Lutheran Church
{of the Holy Communion In this city,
{ hut is now on the retired list. He was
for five years in Nova Seolia and re
| turned a short time ago from Pales-
tine and the holy land, where he went
{lu the Interest of the church, The
. dagghter who did the shooting ls twen-
Attorney Paul E Maynard was in
Towanda today.
Mrs. Leon Hoyt of Ithaca. Is via't-
ing at the home of I. T. Hoyt In
Mrs. Sarah A. Harding went to
Falls this morning to visit her sister
Mrs. E Evans
Mike Hanlon went to Towanda to-
day 10 look after some repairs to the
oll company's line
Mrs Robert A. Nicol will attend
the Latumer-Colling wedding at Tio-
ga Centre Thursday.
There are a large number going
on the school teachers excursion to
Washington next Monday
Mrs Mary Coleman ig having ex.
tensive repairs made on
dence 703 South Main street
her resl-
Miss Dértha King of Towanda, has
been the guest of Mrs. Fenlon Moore
over Sunday and returned today
W. H Carmer will
ville, W. Va,
go to Hulton-
tomorrow where he will
remove his family
Patrick Foley went to Waynesburg,
Pa, this morning where he will at-
tend to soe repairs on the U
Pipe Hue
The Athens grocery clerks will
meet the Sayre grocery clerks at the
Stimson House bowling alley
row evening.
Mrs L T Hoyt was operated upon
for appendicitis yesterday morning
and Is as comfortable as conld be ex-
pected today.
Amos Bennett
, an Old soldier died
at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Joshua Merrill, in Litchfield, Sunday
aged 68 years He was hurled al
Windham today
F. LL Haight and wife went to Bur-
lington this morning to attend the
wedding of Mrs. Halght's nlece, Miss
Laura Allen, who is to be married to
iMr. Leon Pepper
| The Keystone Guard will hold
isocial at Odd Fellows hall next
| Thursday evening. If we are to judge
from the quaint circulars sent
| they expect to have a jolly Ume
You will certainly buy one or more
of them If you inspect the fancy arti-
cles tomorrow afternoon on sale by
the young ladies’ society of Trinity
church at the Stimson House block
A. S. Reynolds and wife of Nichols
visited at John Lyons’ home over
Sunday and went to Wyalusing this
morning on their way to Stevensvilie
where they will be guests of C. H
Crandall a short time
The néxt entertainment in the High
School course will take place next
Monday evening when Dr. John Mer-
ritt Driver will give one of his char-
acteristic lectures It will be well
worth hearing Tickels on
sale at
Prof. Geo. Warner dled
ville Saturday and was burled yester-
day He wus a music leacher and is
known (0 many of the Athens musi
clans, he having taught here several
years Mrs WH. Leighton 1s
daughter of his and was with
him when he died
tend. A general ‘Invitation is BR
to everybody to be there
Forty-four years ago today the bat-
tle of Fredericksburg was fought in
which Captain Augustus 3. Perkins
was killed There are many of the
comrades who remember that fate-
ful day and the terrible scene of
carnage thal followed. The weather
was something like it was today on-
iy there wis a dense fog In the morn-
ng which concealed for a time the
movement of the army. [t seems but
yesterday and we can hardly be
mide 10 realize that so long a time
bas passed
Weather Prababilities,
Falr and cold; northwest winds,
Closing Stock Quoiations.
Money on call stringent at 3 ta 3 per
cent. Prime mercantile paper, 0% per
cent, Exchanges, $15 I a5 balances, Jere
Closing prices
Amal. Copper...
Brovkiys R T..
Can! & Ohla
Chi. & Northw
D.& NH...
Gen. Electric
Il. Central
Louis. & Nash
Missourl Pas
br LS
Reading =
Hock stand.
Bt. Paul...
Southern Pac
Soulbern Ry
South iy:
15 fexas Pacific.
«4° Union - Pacific
18, 1°. 8 Steel
14 £ S. Bfeel pf
5% WesL inlun..
Sew York Markets.
FLOUR — Steady, but sic; Minnesota
patents, #.106G4 6. winter straights. $500
165: winter extras, £59518. winlet pat-
ents RL5ad
WHEAT There was
wheat due to large
liberal northwest receipls
bles; (rading was quiet,
July, SGM 16
SHI; firsts, Nédc | seconds. ZINC
held, exiras, JSWGH ioc. | firsts, 50 REC
onds, MHuEc : renovated, extras, Buti :
firsts, 258i. ; packing stock, No. 1, 24S
CHEESE-Slate, and
large. September, October,
12815. inferior
best, 134 late made
Halk half skims, best, small. 19,0
Whee. large, 10% part skims prime. 545
fee; falr to good, Thuis
EUGS-Fieah gathered exiras
eh. 3% nearby, fresh
try. 58604
chole $14!
& West.
aml poor
exiras per pound,
full cream, small
fancy. lise |
per daz
gathered, firsts
19 BE
Steady, city coun
shipping. ; Koad te
Bie ady
$1 & pea 11 0Q1S
HOPS -Quist. stats
Ie, 19g 23c ; 190, Sgrlic
145 17 193, 10614
POTATOES — Steady;
holce, per bushel, 505
western, choice, per bushel,
fair to good, £48
fowls 1611x
long rye. Sux
marrow, £6, medium
red kidney, $0025
cammuon (0 choice
Pacific coast, 1s
Quiet. bul steady
okd roosters SUC ; Spting
chickens, 10gllc ; ducks 12613 | turkeys,
1661 1% | Keele
quiet; fowls, choice, 13 do fair to
good, 130:T%e | old roosters, Six nearby
chickens, 1181 do, western, Mile;
choice to faney, 193 30c.
1391 %e
turkeys, nearby
do., western, cholee to fancy, 18315. ; do.
falr to good 166r1ie.; spring ducks, near-
by, Hfrlle.; spring ducks. western 13814;
old ducks, 198711
Live Stock Marketa.
—Receiptz fale; market active
prime, ££ $5576; veal
choice, 5 VS
calves, $855 5
HOGS — Receipts fair: market
all grades, EB 4: rough, BHES
SHEEP AND LAMBEB2 —- Supply falr
market steady prime welhers, E0587
ile and common a3 tamb= £0.
When Cooking Steak
When beef is iourh, twice cooking
improves (ts Steak hail cooked will
keen in ho! weather dnd when wanted
the process can he os eled with ex
cellent results
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism.
becomning an agony or torture if neg-
ected. When you feel the fifst pain
in the muscles, the slight stiffuess
in the joints take Bloodine. It acts
immediately on the Blood and Nerves,
and will positively cure Rheumatism,
however severe Sold by C M
Driggs, Sayre
Fit 1’ talls Iv (he'
3 de an orator change
into a shart os A# wud become deel
an’ dumb "-—Dis¥vations of Mr.
Severe Theatrical Criticism.
Theatrical criticism is severe In
Warsaw A prominent actress says
that one evening while she was play-
ing there two bombs were thrown oa
the stage
European Cooking Schools.
Germany and Austria have about
150 cooking schools A four years’
course is necessary before a diploma
is granied Most of the hotel chefs
have diplomas from these -#thools
Bitter Thoughts.
Hoy tunder chastisementi— "When
pa asked mas hand he might have
nade it a condition that it should be
reserved for him exclusively’
Chicken Skin Gloves.
Gloves of chicken skin were=ip
vogue in the early part of the 17th
century Thes were used at night te
give the hand whiteness and delicaey.
First Steps.
Attractiveness in woman is her
firat step toward matrimony —Youk-
ers Statesman 1
A young woman never realizes that
she 1&8 married until after hier husband
is taken ill. His first cold in the chest
convinces her that marrige has some
responsibility Man Is never con-
vineed of the fact until the night he |
is left alone with the first baby
Turbine Steamers.
The first ‘urblne steamship bullt
in America made a speed of over 21
miles an hour on her trial trip It is
a long time between cycles Archi
medes iuvenled the turbine engine
2,150 years ago and it is just now be
ing improved Ly modern physicists
An Old institution.
Bells were invented before history,
at a date unknown They have al
Catherine Tanner, as Lleal. Schalpp
In “His Houor, the Mayor,” at
the Loomis Tuesday Night.
This Ad.
To You
Organs 50c a week
Pianos 1% a week op
Now is the time to select a Plano
or Organ for Christmas. Bring this ad
to our store and It ts good for $5.00 to
apply on the purchase price of any
Plane or Organ in stock, If purchased
cent a word each imsertion |
after. None taken for:less fham 25
cents. Situations wanted free to
in advance subscribers’
lecting Is entirely out of proportion :
to the amount {nvolved’in tha trans
ways been sssocialed with religion, |
were used at the time of Moses, and |
have been found in the ruins of Nig |
Life's SRI i
Life has no smooth road for any of |
us: and In the bracing atmosphere “I'D
a high aim the very roughaess stimu |
lates [he climber to steadier steps tin |
the legend, "over steep ways to Lhe
stars" fulfillz itself —-W C Doane
A Sure Cure for Tl
Mr. % S- Randall No. so Xast Main 3t.
Laroy, N that Ointment has
where everythiag else
Ointment is sold on a positive
0 cure Plas or mosey back.
Sold by C. M. Driggs, Sa; re
Al omce—Girl for general honse-
work. Call Bell phous 639w, or at
Wilbur's ‘liquor store. ite,
delivery | Boarders at 403 North Elmer aven-
‘ue. Shop men preferred. Five min-
utes walk from shop. Mew
Girls, (c work On SHIPS BC.
new shirt factory which will start
at Sayre, Jan. 2, 1907. MaXe appli
{cations ,Postoffice Box 61, Emirs,
N. Y. ‘18
Several houses and lots for sale in
desirable locations In town. Terms
‘to sult purchasers. Inquire of W.
G. Schrier, Maynard Block, Athens
For rent, office rooms in the We
on or before December 24, 1906. Not
good after that date.
Your choloe of 75 diferent styles of
Free with each plano a stool, scarf,
and all
D. 5. ANDRUS & CO.
Established 1880.
128 Desmond Street,
Makes a nice Xmas
Present... .c.0ee
Tock Block.
Ten room brick house, modern Im-
provements. Inquire at Bl ali.
Easy payments taken
For rent at ouce,’ several
and sultes of rooms, good location;
with or without bath; $3.00 and wp-
wards. Esquire of C. C. West, Site,
Pa, 170-¢
We carry in stock every
Edison record made.
Jewelry Store
car Saturday night Finder please . :
leave at Jump's drug store.
This plot of land ny
Terms to suit