The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 10, 1906, Image 2

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    “We solicit your Banking
business, and will pay you
three per cent. interest per
anenm for money left on
Certificate of Deposit or Sav-
ings Account
The department of savings
8 a special feature of this
Bank, and all deposits, wheth-
or large or small, draw the
seme’ rate of interest
H. MURRELLE, Publisher
vi W. T. CAREY, Editor
biished every afternoon except
at 203 West Lockhart street,
per year; 25¢
ising rates reasonable, and
Xnown on application
[ered as second-class matter May
, 1905, at the postoffice at Sayre,
the Art of Congress of
“All the news that's it to print”
{Sale To Twe Ta] oy
213 4/5 6 7 8
910/11/1213)14 15
[232412526 712829
Bolan)... ....
It Often Happens.
“I understand you played a solo at
the musicale last night.”
“No; merely an accompaniment.”
"Why, nobody sang”
“True. But everybody
ago News.
talked." —
Old Clock In Good Repair
James H Clark. of Hadwick, VL,
8 clock about 160 ven: id The
CARE is seve; feet all The
of woo! il 21! the repair
ged for a long time Lad to he
Big Fish From Mua.
| The native of certain parts of India
{are in the habit every year, ia the sum
| mer, of digging the dry river banks
for fish, which they dig out by hua
dreds. just as they would potatoes
| The mud lumps are broken open, and
| the fish, perhaps eight or ten inches
jong. will be found alive, and often
| frisky as if just removed from its
i supposedly pative element, the water
i i ————c—————
Net the Suhshine.
There was an old man who was
i charged with illicit distilling and was
court The
judze, who was a witty fellow, asked
the prisoner what was his Christian
| name The prisoner replied Joshua,
‘Are you
the man that made the san shine?
and the prisoner replied ‘No, sir,
your hodor; I'm the one that made the
moonshine." — Army and Navy Life
When Saddies Were Unknown,
Early Greeks and Romans rode
as effeminate to ride lu a saddle The
modern saddle, with pommel, crupper
and stirrups, was unknown to the an-
cleats. Nero gave out fancy cover
ings to his cavalry and the bareback
riders of the Germau forests used to
laugh at them Saddles with trees
came into use in the fourth century;
stirrups three centuries later
His Strong Point.
A little boy was on his knees re
cently at night and auntie, staying at
the house, was present It is a pleas
ure,” she sald to him aftetward, “to
hear you saying vour prayers so well
You speak so earnestly and seriously
and mean what you say and care
about it” Ah!” he answered, “ah,
but, auntie, you should hear me gar
The Long Lived Orchid Flower.
Even when orchid flowers are fully |
developed they may remain uncut
most flowers that have to be cut im
mediately upon. or even in advance of
Country Life
Athlete's Odd Mishap. i
A Brooklyn athlete. who has been |
years and who |
slightest acci
dent. neariy broke his neck w hila
wheeling his baby in the perambula
tor. He slipped on a banana peeling
on the sidewalk in front of his home.
Scientific Discovery Anticipated.
It Is luteresting to note that in ex-|
tracting electricity from a mane!
stomach, in San Francisco, a drink of |
whisky doubled the voltage This
bears out observations that have been
made by the unscientific and without
the ald of electrodes or a microphone. |
Take It Easy. |
Worry kills more quickly than any:
thing else It is insidious, and the
poison works slowly, but it reaches
There isn't much use in repairing a
broken bridge until you get to It
Therefore, pick a few wild flowers os
the way, and take i! eas)
be left at Greggs Racket Store, Wav-
After 12 o'clock noon call the main
office at Sayre both phones
Five members were taken into the
Haptist church last evening
William Knapp of Elmira, was
calling on Waverly friends yesterday
WL. Watrous returned home last
: | Saturday evening after a trip to New
York city
Twelve new members were received
into the Presbyterian church at the
service yesterday morning
The Presbyterian church choir is
making preparation for an elaborate
musical program for Christmas
New lot of Haviland china samples
at Giegg's Racke: store. Orders may
be given for any number of pleces
Dr. and Mrs. Crawford of Ithaca.
were visiting at the home of N A
Thomas on West Broad street yes-
Samples of Havtiand china in light
stock patterns at Greggs Racket
store. Orders taken for any number
of pieces
Next Wednesday the iadies ald so-
clety of the Methodist church will
serve supper in the church from five
until eight o'clock
Foster E Ww codhouse of Elmira, and
Geo. M Legg went to Halsey Valley
Saturdy evening where Mr
house inspected the S. of V
The monthly business meeting of
the Epworth League will take place
at the Methodist parsonage this even-
ing. and will be followed by a social
tm t——————
O. H. Benson has sold his fine team
of draught horses that have been the
recipients of much admiration dur-
ing the past summer and fall. They
were purchased by the Borden Con.
densed Milk Co and will be used
at the station at Halsey Valley The
W——— A ——————
Most of the propriy owners express
satisfaction with the sprinkling tax
say that the amount of It |s almost
{nothing when
Ibenefits conferrd
contrasted with the
They had expected
found it amounted 1d ouly 45¢ on
Waverly—Tomorrow night, the
John Temple
Graves will deliver his best and most
popular lecture entitled. “The Reign
of the Demagogue Mr. Graves i»
an eloquent speaker, and never fally
to please the large audiences that
always gather to hear him Having
{heard him once a person never misses
{the opportunity to hear him again,
and his best frineds are those who
quence, and profited by the
that his discourses always teach
William's Carbolie Saly® With Arnica
and Witeh Hazel.
The best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tet-
ter, Chapped Hands and all skin
eruptions It is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Price
20c by druggists. Williams Mfg Co.!
Props. Cleveland, O. Sold hy C M
s, druggist ’
Waverly—John Seacord died af his
home ou Tioga street, this morning
at about $:30 o'clock. He had been
in {ll health for some time past with
heart trouble, and it was that that
cauzed his death He was 75 years
of age, and had resided in Wavery
since 1365
He had been a member of the Meth:
odist church nearly all his life, was
always prominent in its affairs, and
at the time of his death was oné of
the stewards of the Waverly church
He was a coutlractor and bullder,
and had erected many fine residents
in this village He was a man of strict :
integrity, and was known as a man;
whose word could always be depend-
ed upon
Up to a short time ago he resided
in his fine residence at the corner of
Lincoln street and Clinton avenue,
but had disposed of it, and removed
to Tioga street
His wife and one son W. E Seacord
survive him
The funeral arrangements will be
announced tomofrow,
SHKakespeare's Advice.
Shakespeare put into the wouth of
Poloniusz the [njuncilon, Give every
man thy ear, but fen thy voles” If
his advice ig to he held to be In keep
ng with the rest of Shakespeare's
sdvige as to wisdom, it must be coa-
striued Aifferently than it asually Is
In the maltitnde of connselors there
s wisdom is ap old saving but equal:
¥ 3s old is the =ell known fact that
me man who knows his husiness is
x0rth more thag JU who don't
Neg Irishman,
in 1790.
Women needed toc be admonished
regarding certain details of zoo man-
ners in the sighteenth century quite
as much as today At the Handel
festival at Westminster abbey in
1780 a notiee was posted reading: “No
ladies will be admitted with hafs, and
they are particularly requested to
came without leathers and very amall
hoops. If any"
ee ——————
Mules and Dead Languages.
The agricultural schools are all
right.” sald tlie old Georgia farmer.
‘and Im in favor of ‘em—if they jest
don’t larn the !ads to swear at the
mules in Latin Some o the college
graduates have ried that and some
of em go! kicked sc high ther ner
did come down no more Plain
Georgia dialect is best for the Georgla
mille He never kicks at that —At
lauta Constitution
Overreached Himself
There is a bust of Hugh O'Brien a
former mavor of Boston, in the corri
dor of the Hosion public library and
one of Johr Dosle O'Reilly in the
newspaper room The other day a
mar approached one of the clerks in
the newspaper room, saying, “Isat
there a bust of anvhody except Irish
men n the building? Certainly,’
replied the clerk There is & bust of
Lucifer in the periodical room, and he
wasn't an Irishman —Exchkange
Glass Bandages Now
A novel dressing for wounds in the
form of plain =iadow glass has been
devised. An anVseptic preparation is
smeared on a piece of glass, which
is applied as a covering for the
wound The merit of this new meth
od lies in the possibility of examining
the wound without removing the!
dressing It relleves pain, promotes |
healing. and is economical
Woman Scholar Wins Honor.
Mrs Agues Lewis of England, Is
sald to be the only woman who has
received the degrees of D DD. which
has been conferred upon her In recog-
nition of her labors in ot he ore |
some ancien! manuscripts of the bible |
which were discovered in a monastery |
on Mount Sinai. She is regarded as |
the most famous woman bible s¢ er
in the world
Queen's Collection of Charms.
Queen Alexandra possesses one of |
the largest collections of charms im]
Europe. [It consists mainly of tiny ele-|
phants in malachite, jade, porphyry, |
sapphire and turquoise, and humming |
birds, swallows. bees and beetles, |
which are works of art, composed as |
far as possible of uncut gems and |
Thay Understood
It was a school director in Bingtown |
who visited the school and tried to get |
the pupllis to stand in line by saying
‘Now all youse children what's bigger
than the other children get behind the
children that's littler than the rest”
But, strange to say, he obisined the
desired result
A lawyer from oue of the interior
counties of Pennsvivania went t¢ Phil
{ adelpkia on” some professional busi
ness When he returned he told his
neighbors about jt I stopped At one
of them taverns.” he sdid. “and they
charged me three dollars & day for
my room and meals Tust think of
that. three dcllais a day' But 1 got
good and even with them. | ale oy
sters three times a day
First Principle of Life.
it you would have contentment,
peace, joy and success give religious
rare to the physical person
How Can They Help it?
which fact they of course attribute to
Autumn the Crime Period.
ted in the autump than during any
Too True
Pay days come and pay days go, Lb ©
bills roll in forever
Makes a nice Xmas
Prices, $10, $20, $30.
Easy payments taken
a —
We carry in stock every
Edison record made.
Jewelry Store
To You
Organs 50c a week
Pianos $15 a week up
Now Is the time to select a Piano
or Organ for Chirlstmas, Rring this ad
to onr store and it is good for $5.00 (0
apply on the purchase price of any
Plano or Orzan in stock, IT purchased
on or before December 24, 1908. Not
good after that date,
Your choloe of 75 different styles of
Pianos. -
Free with each plano a stool, scarf,
music book. one year's tuning, an ab-
solnie guaranice and all delivery
D. 8. ANDRUS & CO.
Established 1860,
128 Desmond Street,
Rates: —Wanted, Lost, Found, For
Sale. elec, % cent a word each lo-
iq ity instre S sertion for the first three times,
cent a word
Forming in its entirety after
the biggest. test snd
most & complete min-
strel in existence.
cents. Situations wanted free to paid
{in advance subscribers.
DIFFERENT [ROM ALLOTHERS. THEBEST| = eried by persons mot
TEST. NEW ORENTAL FIRST PART || Want ads inserted by persoas mot
The Greatest Gsth-| Record must be paid for when orders
ering on this Globe led printed. We positively cannot
of America's Sweet- | charge wants ads. indiscriminately—
Dancers and Funny | lecting is entirely out of proportion
Comedians. A New| to the amount involved in the trans-
Show -with New action
Jommw. Voor. Features
| Yug Move tag Rae
Concert Band of Picked So'oistas
and Grand Symphony Orchestra
Seat sale Drsg Monday. Prices
26¢, 502 Box seats $1.00
At omee—Girl for general house
work. Call Bell phone 829w, or mt
Wilbur's liquor store. : 177-w
Boarders at 403 North Elmer aven-
| ue Shop men preferred Five min-
| utes walk from shop.
Jan. 2, 1907. Make appli
TUESDAY, DEC. 11 cations “Postomce Box 61,
Disect from its phenomenal rus of ————————————
feved mootb: at the New York and FOR SALE.
: Several houses and lots for sale In
Wallick's Theatres, New York. desirable locations in town. Terms
ALFRED E. AARON'S to suit purchasers. Inquire of W.
Z G. Schrier, Maynard Block, Athens.
Merry Musical Success. B9-t
“His Honor,
The Mayor” |, mr oo roc oe cite
HARRY KELLY | Fer rent at once, several houses
) r and suites of roomsy good location;
88 Deacon Flood with or without bath; $8.60 and up-
Aaron's English Ponies, and 1he|wards Enquire of C. C. West, Sayre,
entire ot of 100 persons — Pa 170-¢
mostly pretty FiDgIng
-and dancing gir's LOST.
Pricea—50, 75, 81.00 $1,50, 8200| Lost—Two center pleces on let’
Advance sale Satrrday at Hall's |car Saturday night. Finder please
shoe store, Waverly. leave at Jump's drug store.
For rent, office rooms in the Whee
lock Block. 64
P I I a i oo
0 BLL I Ll 4
A ——.