ta Claus Opens Big Store being helpful to the Sayre for equal selections and for prices. on Street Floor near basement L. EConrad went to Meshoppen this {morning to attend the funeral of his wife’s mother, Mrs. B. B. Dualap. Mrs. Conrad went last evening. — Stewart FEssenwine and Arthur Wright of Burlington, have been vis- iting at the home of Jay Harris, East Athens, returniag home this morning. $ EE ————————————e | Athens. i The Choral club will meet at the = | M. E church Tuesday evening next f Goods Dept ~ Cases ole § Artic aos. Belts Clocks, Hat Pins ‘Weare by Supt Kinney that the L. V. R. _ fare, NG M9 $5 formed by Supt | a, on Friday and Saturds + Obristmas. This is an additional inducement to you to do your i Xu £ TRADE CONDITIONS. RG Dun & Co.'s Weekly Business Review. NEW YORK, Dec. 8—-R. ¢. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of trade Bays: Lower tempersture Las stimulated retall trade In seasonable staples, but interest is most conspicuous in holiday goods. Expectations of a record break. lng demand oF: Christmas specialities are belong fully realized. Jobbing and wholesale houses are doing well for | the season, but reports of mercantije collections show much irregularity Improvement In the promplness of payments Is expected when the crops have been more fully marketed and greater ease appears in money rates, which are far above normal despite the fact that the total amount in circula. | tion excedgls all reconds. Rallway earnings ln November sur. | passed those of the same month last year by 75 per cent, yet the move | ment of freight le restricted by Inade quate facilities, causing much {rouble in other industries Very NHitls Me machinery Is noticed iu the factofies and mills except where the supply of { labor and raw material fs Insufficient, and the vigorous demand for all com modities Is Indicated by the highest | level of prices In recent years. Lia. bilities of fallures in wsoufacturipg and trading lines were about $1,000. 000 less than In November, 1003, bul lasurance aud badking losses were heavier this year Foreign commerce at this port for the last week showed decreases of $110331 lu exports and $944.849 in imports as compared with the wove ments a year ago. Dealings In securi- ties were restricted by call mouey that ruled at 15 to 20 per cent spd sbor{ term time loins at 8 per vent, yet there was an Increase of 3.1 per cent |g bank exchanges at New York. Af other leading citles the average gala amount od to 88 per cent a Commercial fallures for the week were 233 aguinst 192 last week, 284 the preceding week and 232 the corre sponding week last year, Hated to Give It Up. Patience—It’s all off between me and wi Patrice—Eogagement broken? “Yep.” . “I'm sorry.” “Well, you needn’t be. Only I've found out that he's oot s man of bis | Word!" in Teach Ya oh ly a week ag he'sald \ “Yes; why only a wee . olin chier he'd give up anything for me, and now EE ed the bateful old thing wants {Bis ring be in Bsyre on Saturday, each back!" Yonkers Statesman. which time I will devote. to the : - of pupils Easy to Bee. The Lady— hy nA in tt, | ~ Baptst—The usual services morn- als fur : = od | IE evening by the-pastor, Tov. and consequently is more easily wetted PL. Ali, Rule of Time Bvening, through (han that of most other sp. . Shall | De With Jesus?” {mals Presbyterian—Ora §. Oardner, stu- dent- of tho- senlor-elass ‘of Auburn Theological “What Growth of the Fingernails, For a fingernail to reach {ts all length, an average of seven-iwelfths of an inch, from 121 to 138 Tayg of growik are necessary. The exhibit will open at 3 o'clock A. m. and continue all day. Mayer. “North Song"—Schuman—Harold Sut- ton. : 7:45—Plano Duet, Selected, “Hurry- ing to School" —Gimlitt—Mildred Jordan and Louise Lamkin. 8:00—Violin Solo, Zampa, Translated ~—R. Bohne—Bernard Atkins, Sayre, Pa. 8:20—Plano Duet, Selected—Alta | Tucker and Miss Murray, 9:00Piano Solo, Selected—Miss Lou- ise Murray. i Cash subscriptions to the pleture | fund will be much appreciated Ee — 3 HOF COMPANY ELECTED OFFICERS. At 8 Meeting Held In Protection’ | Last Night. Athens—The folowing officers were | elected at the meeting of Protection bose company No. 1 last evening: President—A. R. Brown. Vice President—Chas. E Finch Secretary—J. C. Blackwell’ Treasurer—R. R. Francke, Foreman—F, K. Harris, Ist Asst, Foreman—J. T. Sanford. : 2d Asst, Foremau—Jessie Childs. _ Delegate to Five County Conyention —A. S. Maurice. Alternate—F. K. Harris. Member of Fire Board—Geo. P. Macafee. Member of Fircmen's Rellef—D. A. Keefe. The election for Chief Engineer will take place the third Monday In Jan- uary, The office of Chjef Engineer Is conceded this year to Rescue com- apay No. 4. - EE —————————— FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call stringent at 25 to 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, gy per cent. Exchanges, 5332819477; balances, $9.- 147.085. Closing prices: Amal. Copper... 114 Atchison oy B.&0......;on» 1184 Brooklyn R. T.. 7% C,C.,C.&8LL. nu Ches. & Ohlo.., uN Chi. & Northw. 38 D.&Ml........,. 29, Erier.........;.. &§% Gen. Electric... 18% IL. Central...... 173 Lackawanna... sa% Louis. & Nash. . 18 Manhattan... ... 140% Int-Met.,....... os Missouri Pac... wy N. Y. Central.. 14% Norf. & West. 9 Penn. R. R.....188% Reading 5 Rock Island... Bt. Paul... 184 Southern Pac... M Southern Ry.... My South. Ry. pf.. My Sugar BY Texas Pacific... 31% Union Pacific... 185% U. 8B Steel ay U. 8 Steel pr. .104% West. Union.,.. 8 New York Markets. UR ontendy. 2 Sow Ppanesots patents, 4. winter straig h 360; winter extras, 2.90319; winter pat. ents, 317584. f ~Owing to better Liverpool ca- small ine shipments and strength in the northwest wheat ruled steady to firm during the early session; May, 853. b-18e. BUTTER State, dairy, tubs, fresh, fan. cy, .: firsts, : seconds, 23g he : ghirda, NQ.. creamery, extras, <.; Nrels, 3_GAc.; seconds. gc. ; held, . ZNGGNc.; fArsts, 27G%e.; secs >i Tenovaled, extras, Dy@c.: Nec CHEESE—State, full i October, | «+ Inferior, | . small, 1W4@ | : part skims, prime, $4; | he 7 r dos. | EGGS Carts, 19s to $500. Also Blackboards, Sleds, Carts, Children Shoc flies and other Wooden Toys, A large line of Fancy Goods just put | kinds of prices, Handkerchief, Glove, and Stamp Boxes, Manicure Sets, Ash Trays, Pin ful things from hich ote & great H liday Ss wal ur i antl atm full lines of Staple'goods. on Special in G ey Enameled W, 14 qt Dish Pans for 25c. ¢ Tins Gregg's Racket Store, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave, Waverly. 10& 11 in, Pe To have a mod- ern steam or hot wa'er heati system install before extremes cold weather sets in. We can make Jour hous c m- ortable in - corner ard ae tog Prcker Avesus, coal bill will be no larger. Let us give you an estimate on an up-to - date sys- tem. Woe sell the well known Cheerful Home Furnace which can't be beaten. um ing, Heating and eon Qas Fi Burners * and SPECIALTINS LEWGH CLUB WISKEY, BOF WEIGH BEER AND ALES, } WICH BREWING CU's. ALES. et Ber JAve, lmibed bq discasen of the Rys, Valley ‘phone : Heavy and Light Draging called fox aad SPEOIALTIES: , [ed Shiai ws the Block,