The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 07, 1906, Image 4

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    dford County, Pa., fried Tioga. County; N Y.
THERE is no wailing for Selections, almost all lines are complale™ Etill
new arrivals mak each day's incoming express * No doubbat all about-tte
Dg Stora being helpful fo the person wishi*g to save lime, money and“
enjoy modern facilities without going to a cily three or four limes the size of
Sayre for equal selections and for piices.
_Toyland in the Basement
See samples of our juvenile selections in Lockhart s'reet window:
Santa Claus Letter Box
on Street Floor near basement shairway, where children send letters to Saint Nick.
on names mS
Here Are Some Suggestions That Will Be He pful to You
Furniture Dept Men's Furnishings
Parlor Farnitme Kid Gloves, Wool Oloves
Dining Room Furniture Mullers, Xmas Neekwigr
Comb, Writing Desk & Case Umbrellas,
China and Music Cabinets House Coats, Fath Robes
Oak Bedroom Bels™ Night Shirts; D;esa Shirts
Li Chairs and Tables Wool Undérwerr
Reed kere, Office Chairs Collars, Cuffs, Coll Bulions
Men's and "Bweiters
Couches, Daven
Brass and Tron < Salt Cases Trunks, Tags,
Chi'dren's High Chairs Collar and Coff Boxes,
Gilt Chalrs, Morris Chairs Shaving Stands,
Sideboards, Buffets Wardrobe and Staamer,
Sectional Bookcases Troaks.
Hall Racks, Chiffioniers
Dressing Tables
Large and Beall Mirrors
Crockery Dept
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Vases
Lampe, Tollet Sets
Line of New
Ty Douro
« relias
's Neckwear
Home Furnishing
A Handsome Assortment of
Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares,
Carpet ers
Linoleum, Door Mats,
Art Goods Dept
The Christmas Lice Rady
Fae Pin Susvionw
Fists Frames”
Pillow Bhamms, Eureka 8ilk,
Lyon Brand Yarns,
Pillow Cords,
Outfity und~
Stamped Plee
Toys Toys
ecbbnieal Toys, Dolls
Mig Lanters:
Sales, Games, Kic. of all sorts
rH UR din hen bios,
Wo are informed by Supt Kinney that the L. V. R R. Co will give" extursion rates, of single
between Tunkhannoc
k and Geneva, on Friday and Saturday of each week’ from” now on until
This is an addjtiotal inducement to you to do your shopping at the ‘Big Slore:
Congresvinsn Rizéy IIL
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.—In a letter
from Liberty, N. Y., llepresentative
Johu F. Rixey of the Eighth Virginia
district notifes his constituents that
on account of ill health he will be un-
able to attend this session of congress.
| Former Husband of Anna Gould feo
Go to Eagiahd Fer Bride.
PARIS, Dec. T.—Society bere hac it
that Cotut Bonl de Castellane, whom
the former Anna Gould has recently
divorced, will go to England. where,
It is asserted, he will wed Mme Letil
lier, the divorced wife of Albert Me
nler, a wealthy chocolate manufac-
After being divorced by Albert Me
pier Mime. Letilller married Baron de
Forest, the adopted sou snd heir of
Baron Hirsch, the famous Australian
railway magnate aml now one of the 5 2 0
wealthiest men fu England. She = dl | Brooklyn RT.
vorced from Lim ako | ao A St1
Mme, Letillier was one of the most Chi. & Northw
famous beauties of Paris, D.&H
Mme, Letillier and Mme, Gould know! Erie . ’
each other well. The former is the! gen Elecite.
daughter of the owner of the Paris! |. cowanns
Journal and i= reported to be worth' Louly Nash
$15.000,000 | Man%atian
The reply of Maitre Cruppl, connsel JntaMal Pac
for Count Bon! d¢ Castellane and the!
former countess lu the suit of thelr!
creditors, described how thé trades |
men's and usurers’ bills Lad Deen clev
erly mixed up and reiterated the will
juguess of Mme. Gould to settle jegiti
mate debts, although a delay was nee
resary, as there were no funds from
the trusfées of the estate at her dis
posal at present. Copndel argued That
it was unjust and illegal to attempt to
make Mme, Gould responsible for the
enormous sums borrowed by Count
Boul of usurers to meet Lis “mad ex
travagances and princely prodigality.”
Count Boni was the recipleut yes
terday of the most stinging and over EGGS = Fresh
whelming rebnke ever administered to] en, 3 BDearby, firsts,
a member of the chamnbér of deputies | %83T
PYF ™ uipping. WET. goed to
when he ascended the tribune to make | (ne sa! 's nip hy
a speech. About half the deputies| ST ~Quiet; long rye, Gee.
abroptly left the chamber, and the BEARS at: Sopraw, 114; mudium,
WOveInent was sa concérted that it sp
Ley ie. $1.55 red kidney, $2
peared to have been evidently planned
~Bleady; domestic fleece, BH.
NOPE Quiet: state, common (0 cholee,
for the purpose of sanbbing Castel
Cloafagy Stock Quotationw
Money on call stringent at 9 to = per
cent; prime mercantile paper, (Gi per
cent; exchanges, B92 CTL74(: balances, 512.
Closing prices
Amal Copper...
fee Percolator
N. Y. Central.
Norf. & West 34
Penn. KR. R.....150%
Reading 167
Rock Island... 1%
St. Paul LL
Southern Pac... 9%
Bouthern Ry... 3
Bouth. Ry. pf. M
1 Sugar . 134
Texas Ncific... ITY
f19% Union Pacific. I1M%
16 U, 8 Steet «“
Hit U1. 8B Steeb pf.
= West. Union
New York MarWets,
FLOUR Bteady at old prices;
Sayre, Pa.
patents, $1504
WHEAT Smaller receipis, light offer
ingd aod continued strength at Minneap-
olis imparted firmness (0 the early wheat
market, trading was quiet, with prices
Barrow. May. 84 11-1699 13-16
BUTTER State, dairy, tubs, fresh, fan
Sade: firsth, XWo.; seconds, D4
crefimery, exirny, 31%G Zc; firsts, 0
s, SPE; held, extras, Pe;
; seconds, HUSC,
E- Stale, foll cream, large and
fancy. I%e.: October,
large and small, 13%c.: late made,
la and small, 105 Ne; inferior, 1 .
xc. ; half skims, best, small, W.g
large. Wye : part skims, prime, $,@¥4c
fair to good, TiyG
small, Fob
Hil er 1.00 a head at the barn
Sk ais
r nigh Vally ilephons a se
juehanna St. Athens, Pa.
red extra, r do=-
fresh gather
1508, De. : 1905, iL; Pacific coast,
190 19085, 10601 4c
PO ATES Dull; Penns pa nis, cholee,
per bushel, SHC; New York and west.
ern, cholte, r bushel. 2, do, fair
Pun Sud oak
to good, per bushel
fowls, 11613¢. ; old roosters, spring
chickens, nite. Shek, i he turkeys,
RES POULTRY Quiet and un-
settled: me choles, 1c. do, fair to
good, 199100. old NET La Sheath
Shiekenn 1 het oT oy ha
turkeys, ch to
turkeys, choice to any avy |
fare to bed do., 16@1ic.; spri
nearby, Sc; western, do, |
ducks, WFlle
1Avé stevn Marketw.
SE agit a
market Seda. pr primes withers.
ently and common,
H. K. Thaw, It Is Noi Reported, WIN
Get Long Postponement,
NEW YORK, Dec 7—-Clifford W
Hartridge, counsel for Harry K. Thaw
withdrew lis motion asking for the
appointment of a coinmission to fake
testiiiony in the Thaw fase,
Assistant District Attorpey Garvan
who has charge of (he Thaw casd Is
authority for the statement that the
district attorney will oppose the with
drawal of the wotion,
The result of this will Le that Thaw's | grade
trial will be delnyed until March 1
Even should the commision not be sp
in. poitiked. the business of the district at
torney's office has beeb so arrfugdd|
that Thaw could not be put on trial an
til later than was originally plannad.
A report was in cireplation that Miss
Add Vera Simonton was not in the
Africin jungle Stullying mofikey fulk,
but Was In xen and had been (0
Smiil Kindnsses Count.
Smali kindnesses make a handred
friends where great talents make but
‘A E Guiles was In Kimira today
j= Mrs. Josh Coon went to Ulster to-
to see ber mother Mrs, DeKay.-
. Miss Lillie Vanness is just re-
jESvering from an attack. of the grip.
"Clarence Catlin was in Towanda
today as a witness on the murder
Harry Kaufman of Seranton; was
Hil ‘Athens todsay calling on former
= J. J Baker of Andover, N. Y. was
7 Athens today in the Interest of the
prize land-sales.
£ 'S. H. Adams went to Towanda this
Morning as a witness in the Messen-
ger murder trial
Mrs. Nellie Balley went to Towan-
da this morning as a witness in the
Messenger mutder trial.
"The High school will take their an-
annual holiday vacation from Friday,
¥ ember 14 to January 2, 1907.
The National Protective association
will meet in Grand Army hall Satur-
flay evening. Dec. 8, for business.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
will be observed in St Joseph's
church tomorrow’ Mass at 8 o'clock
4 m.
| - The bridge works have been work-
Hing night and day to get a shipment
an for the steamer to Japan that
| lla tomorrow.
~ Mrs. Willard Slimer of Towanda,
Ras been visiting at the home of her
| brother,-R. E. Litzelman and return-
ha this morning.
Mra. T. 8. Kelder of Now Albany,
| bas been the guest of Iriends in Ath-
[fens for the past week and returned
home this morning.
Miss Pear) Lemon-of Laceyville,
has been at the Packer hospital for
freaiment and was In Athens last
night on her way home,
Constable McOovern was out at §
o'clock this morning summoning wit-
nesses for the Messénger murder
trial. Tt Is expected to finish the trial
this week
Miss Stella Richards of New Era,
Pa, has been the guest of her broths
er George B. Richards In Athens a
few days and returned to her home
this morning.
Members of the young ladies’ so-
clety of Trinity church are requested
to send articles for the sale to be
held Wednesday, on or before Monday
to Miss Grace Stimson at the Stig
| Interest ln This Exhibition Is Grew.
ing Dally.
Athens—There was a very large at-
tendance at the Turner Art Exhibit
last night. [Interest in this exhibi-
tion is Incréasing and the attend-
ance shows that the people are will-
ing to give encouragement to every-
things that needs to advance the edu-
cational enterprise of our village and
its schools. The following is the pro«
gram for tonight:
The exhibit will open at 9 o'clock
a. m. and continue all day.
Evening Program.
8:60—Pioao Duet, "King of the Car-
nival"—Deshayer—Miss Von Hekle
and Miss Kathryn Prince.
8:30—Plano Duet, Selécted—Miss Jor-
dan and Miss Corbin.
8:45—Pilano Solo, Fra Diavola—Syd-
ney Smith—Mivs Von Ieckle.
9:00—Violin and Piavior Duet, Selected
—Mr. Isaac Morey and Misa Lat.
tie Kendall,
9:30-=Pland Dust, Selectod--Misy Jor-
dan and Miss Corbin.
Tomorrow the exhibit will open at
9 o'clock a. m. and will continue all
{day followed with an interesting pro-
gram for the evening.
rr — AO osm
. | Substumtint Reward Westy the EiTorts
of a Huitler..
Athens—Frank Campbell, a clerk
al Gulles and Arnold's grocery was
presented with a valuable gold watch
yesterday froma the W, G. Simmon's
Pork'‘Roasts .
Sausage, country style .
6b Plate. . ...
Glb Brisket. . . + ..
4 Ibs Pickled Pigs Feet: .
04 Ibs Clear Salt Pork .
New Red Salt Salmon,
Best Round Steak. ...
Best- Sirloin Steak . ... .
Best Porter House Steak .
= *
. $100
. 16¢
. 18¢
China Dolls, Bisque Dolls,
inc to $125
Blackboards, Sleds, .
ful things from which to
White Star Flour .
Cyclone Flour. . . .
to lbs Mosley's B Flour .
39 Pickles; country style.
Monogram Sysup. .
Oysterettes; 6 packages for .
Karner's Coffee. . _
White House Coffee .
3 Ib Hotel Blend Coffee.
4 qts Beans .e
2 p'leges Fancy: New Raisianzse
Dairy TubButter. . . . . . 28:
1 package Karner's Tea, . . 50:
This:is the best line cf Japan
Teas we haverever sold.
Green and basket fied.
Potatoes 60c
pkges. New
Meat 30c
We have the most varied
14 qt Dish Pans for 25c.
Carts, GhildveaiasRasken,
great variety of
your Holiday
10& 11 in, Pie Tins aoc,
To have a mod-
ern steam or hot
wa'er heatin
system installed
before extreme
coli weather sels
in. We can make
your houss ¢m-
fortable in every
coreer ard your
coal bill will be
a 10 larger, Let
El us give you an
Seliate Sh an
SEE te sys-
Ll. tem. We sell the
b} + well known
l Cheerful Home
which can't be
beaten. . Plumb-
ing, Healing and
Tin work.
assortment of
Christmas Gifts
In the Valley.
Toys, Games,
Cook's. Confectionery,
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear,
Gloves, Mittens,
Cutlery, Fancy Slippers, |
Lined: Shoes for Old Pcople |8
Fine Shoes for all
Gas Fixtures,
Burpers and
Beth 'Theass, Eimer Ave,
. TUTTLE, &. D.
Praotios limited to diseases of the Bye,
Nose and Throat,
3 Eni ago 7 to
Low, Medium and High
Grade Rockers, etc.
Harness, Blankets,
Chinsware and
Bric a Brac.
A suitable present can easily be
found for any: person at a price
ost 12d the Prove Piling of &
109 Packer Aveans, SAYRE, PAs