= F 4 o | : " Tony Malisa, an Italian, Arrested This Morning Charged with Aggravated Assaull—Resisled Arrest and © Knocked Down yh an Ofiicer. Tony Malissa, an Itallan about 24 years old, was arrested here this fore noon and lodged in jall charged with aggravated assault. The complainant in the case is Pietro Pletromergen- nolo (the pronouncing of which last ‘name by am experienced (ongue ‘sounds like the noise made by a selt- zer bottle which has been quickly un- ‘rorked,) and he alleges that Malisa struck him last night with a stilleto. ‘Malisa Is known among his fellow ‘countrymen as a “bum.” Recently ‘he has been working for the Lehigh Valley but the other day was dis- charged. Since that time he has de- voled the most of his time to consum- ing firewater in large quantities. Last night Malisa went to his boarding | EIT Th Disastrous Copflagration ia Progress ia CM Psl Fraternlty House at Cornell University—Six Fatally Tn: jured, Several Seriously Hurt. The Chi Psl fraternity - house at Cornell University—the Fiske (Jen- nie McGraw) mansion, which cost $1,200,008, caught fire just before noon today, and telegreph despatches received this afternoon say that the inside of the building is burning fiercely. Three students and three firemen were killed and several oth- ers severely Injured as a resnit of the collapse of the hospital tower. Two students are reported missing The young son of M. B. Cutler, gener- al manager of the Lehigh Valley, and his young friend, both of whom room- ed together, are reported safe. Both young men are well known here. Mr Cox having formerly worked under 16 Desmond Bt., Sayre. or! H. F. Maynard went to 8 this morning on business of choles are rehearsing and ie programs ire being, pre- the various Sayre churches house conducted by Mike and John Canninivo at No. 130 East street. He was filled to the muzzle with bad | booze and it is alleged that he made’ fife extremely miserable for the In-| mates of the house. About ten! o'clock he went to his room and found his bed occupled by the man with the unprononnceable name The latter alleged that Malisa became enraged and drew a stilleto and] struck him with the weapon several | times. Fortunately he inflicted no serious Injury but Malisa's actions then became such that the inmates of the house feared personal violence and they sent for the police. Special Officer John Hummell and Officer Jul-| fus Vogel responded and when they entered the house Mallsa was execu- ting a war-dance and threatening to decrease the population of Savre by at least two or three. He had his bands in his pockets and his entire attitude boded no good for the officers. He refused to remove his hands from his pockets until the officers had persuaded hip with a gun. Then he became abusive and resisted arrest so strongly that one of the officers was compelled to knock him down. i He was taken to the lockanp where ihe spent the night on a charge of {disorderly conduct. This morning a LOCAL BREVITIES {warrant was Issued by Justice Carey icharging aggravated assault and car- —— ‘ryilng concealed weapons Santa Claus is spreading his bland- | ishments. {SAYRE AERIE EAGLES ELECTED OFFICERS. =F 322 8. Main Bt, Athens, “Way Down East" at the loomis! an: lumorrow Right. At the Regular Meeting Held Thelr Rooms Last Night. The regular semi-annual! monthly ‘meeting of the Sayre aerie of Eagles No. § on the Lehigh Valley wae was held in thelr rooms last night Local weather prophets are busy and a severe winter is predicted. A ————— over an hour late at the local sla- [and officers were elected for the en- tion this morning sulng year as follows: Worthy I'res- |ident, George B. Kline; worthy: vice- The cold wave promised yester- ipresident, HH. B. Dugan: worthy day arrived on time, and OVercoats | 1..1.in W. R. Stevenson: worthy iy once more In fashion. | secretary) M. F. Mee; worthy treas- A fair sized crowd attended Cy i ¥. Dre pele Mhysiclan, Show at the Loomis last night. The |; Stack; outside guard, John performance waa a pleasing one. © |p “p50. trustees, Tke Samuels, 8. Miss Edna Weller of South Wilbur [A= Bllsh a Jaana Ro v ul worthy who was operated upon for appendi- | : ee citis on Monday forenoon, is reported | R88 recovering nicely. DOMINIC SHARRONE FACES TRIAL JURY. The Wheelock hose company will | Mr. Cunningham in the malntenance of way department. The conflagration promises to- be an expensive one. The origin of the fire ia unknown and the firemen are making the fight of their liver to pre- vent [is spread. f DELANEY SENDS OUT CHRISTMAS WARNING. Factory Law Must Be Observed Dar. ing the Holiday Season. Chief Factory Inspector J. C. De- laney has sent the following notice to the deputy factory inspectors in this region: “I direct that from now on until Christmas you exercise special vig- flance against the violation of the law regulating the hours of labor of females and minors. It will be well for you to warn employers of such labor In your respective dis- tricts that the law must be respect- ed, and that prosecutions will fol- low violations.” The law provides that “no child undér 14 vears of age shall be employed In any establish- ment; and no minor child under 16 years and no female shall be em- ed in any establishment for a lon- ger period than 60 hours In any one week, nor for a longer period than 12 hours In any day.” ———— BLOCKS RAILROADS, Raliway Oficials Fear a Congestion in Trafic Dariog Holiday Season. The unprecedent activity of trade conlinues In all parts of the country but this activity Is the cause of ap- prehension on the part of the rail- road men A serfous fear of conges- tion in rallway trafic Is apprehended as the trade facilities of transporta- tion, affecting grain movements, the transportation of coal and mer- chandise from the east, and hampers manufacturing operations in the iron and steel, lumber and textile {ndus- tries. Such a record breaking activi- ty appears to have its drawbacks The Lehigh Valley at the present time [s rushed to the limit. Crews are working overtime and every car on the line bas been pressed into ser- vice. The rush, however, will sub- side at the close of the holiday sea- son, ; give a ten cent supper in thelr rooms | \lleged Murderer of Eugene Messen. at Milltown this evening. Everyone ger Arraigned Yesterday Before | is cordially invited to attend. Judge Fanning. The Rey. Willlam H. Chapman, | Dominic Sharrone, the Jtalian, chaplain of (he Blmira reformatory charged with the murder of Eugone will preach in the Presbyterian Messenger at Athens on August 28, church fomorrow In exchange with |W3% placed on trial in the court of the pastor. (quarter sessions at Towanda yester- —gee iday. He I= represented Ly Hon. L Rey. C. C. Guston and wife of 1Lib- | T. Hoyt, while District Attorney erty Corners, who have been visiting (Mills has charge of the case for the friends and relatives in this section commonwealth. A jury was secured for several days, returned home this {Inte yesterday afternoon and today morning. has heen occupled In hearing the wit- os et e—— {nesses for the commonwealth. It fa That old familiar song, “All baound | ihouehe that the case will go to the raound with a woolan string,” will [jy (he first of the week. be sung at the Loomis tomorrow evening by the constable in “Way FUNERAL TO BE HELD Dowa: Eat. TOMORROW MORNING. Burgess Willlam Cross, who bas | been spending several days In Chi- Remalus of Johan Strauss Will Be Lald cago and other western points in the 10 Rest in Tioga Point Cemetery interest of the M. P. A., returned 10! hy funeral of John Strauss, whose Say®™ this morning. MPI sm. Despite the uncertainty of the weather there is considerable bhuild- ing in progress in Sayre at the pres- ent time, Carpenters and con- tractors are all busy, and many of the latier are unable to secura com- {the Presbyterian hospital in Phila- {delphia, will he held at the family residence on North Elmer avenue lo- morrow morning at 9 o'clock, the | Rev. E. M. Beyser, pastor of the Luth- ieran church, officiating. The remains arrived in Bayre this morning at 3 petent mechanics. {0'clock. The Masons will have charge EVANGELIST PREACHED jot the services at the grave. The re- ; mains will be interred In Tioga Point A STRONG SERMON. | etery. Revival Meetings Are Well Attended | and Productive of Much Good. MANAGER AND HIS The revival meetings which are be- | CHIEF CLERK RESIGN. ing held each evening In the Metho- |, ay wach cyming In \he rere | Changes at the National Car Wheel Company's Plant te Take ENeet crowds. Last night the auditoriom i wan completely filled with Interest | the First of the Month. Cooley, who for several fl manager at the ns his text N's prayer, pant ELY'S TRIAL mAs BEEN CONTINUED. Man Who Rebhed Lehigh Station at Ithaca Will Face Jury Jan. nary 25th. In the supreme court at Ithaca yes- terday the chse of Clarence Ely, charged with robbing the Lehigh Val- ley station at that piace last fall, was continued until the 28th day of Jan- uary next. Ely Is the man who en- tered the station while the agent slept and extracted nearly 1,200 from the money drawer. After an excit- Ing chase he was rounded up in a hotel at Watkins, confessed to having taken the money, and gave the offl- cers assistance in finding It. He was in jail for a time, bat was later, re- leased on ball. EAST ITHACA STATION ENTERED BY THIEVES. Three Trunks Broken Open and the Contents Distribufed Ahont the Waltisg Room. Sometime between twelve o'clock midnight and six o'clock yesterday morning unknown thieves entered the Lehigh Valley station at East Ithaca, smashed both telephones pay station boxes, securing the cash therefrom and broke Into and rified three trunks. Detectives In the em- ploy of the company are at work on the case. It ia thought that two tramps are implicated in the burglary but It Is doubtfal If they are caught. Hill “His Hemer, the Mayer, Booked for the Loomis, Is ome of the Few Really First-Class Musieal Produc tion on the road. His Honor, (he Mayor,” which comes to the Loomis on-Tuesday even- ing next is one of the few first-class musical plays on the road, and is playing to standing room only in the various cities of the country. The company which will appear at the Loomis next Tuesday night has made two appearances at Elmira this sea- son, each time playing to packed houses. So well has the attraction pleased the people of that city, that the management of the Lyceur: has secured a third date which wi'l ue filled shortly. The compauy has also appeared twice at Ithaca and has im Ff A Ss 4 mai Of esc ron Beds, Mattresses and Springs —AT-— Caldwell's Furniture Store. PICTURE FRAMING CALDWELL'S FURNITURE STORE 205 Desmond St, Valley Phone 191 a. QIAGEN = 1 = oY ” mensely pleased the students asd theaire-going folks of that eity. Man- | ager Watrous Is singularly fortunate | In securing an attraction of this char- | acter and standing room should be at a premium at the Loomis Tuesday evening. There are twenty musi=al numbers in the production, all writ- ten by Jullan Edwards and Alfred Aarons, who have no superiors as composers and arrangers of musica! comedy. Many of the numbers prov- ed to be hits in New York last sum- mer and they will be sung by talent- ed artists, supported by a magnificent chorus. The company is one hundrel strong and requires the services of nearly twenty-five principal acting people Remember the date, Tues- day evening. Secure seats early as the rush promises to be unprecedent- ed. FIRE FIGHTERS WERE ROYALLY ENTERTAINED. Howard Elmer Hose Company the Guest 6f No. 4's Last Night. The members of the Howard Elmer hose company, West Sayre, were most pleasantly entertained by the mem- bers of the J, BE. Wheelock hose com- pany at the lauler’s rooms In Mill- town last night. An excellent supper was served followed by an entertain- ment that was both novel and inter- esting. Several speeches were made by members of both companies and every one present declare that they enjoyed a royal time HERE IT IS! Just what you are looking for, first class i actual cost, on fraternal plans. Insures both sexes tween 18 and 60 years. Also writes policies eo sickness and accident, Oall on E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager; Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre, Bell and Valley Phone. An Insurance Policy For an Xmas Gift | bas many points in Its favor {hat no othe er present can approach. There canbe no doubts of ita acceptability, and if you would learn oxactly what such a gift means, and how it can be obtained, send your name, age and address to na. Wi receive t Ha 8 ile dle averly. I froe to do the bu~ | ; ife Insuranes Co., a of | irreproachable standing, pn Roast chicken. Deviled crabs, Es- calloped oysters, baked beans, perch, scallops and oysters All prepared and ready for the table. The Gem 117 Packer avenue Exposure Brings on Rheumatism Paint in its mildest Jo quiskly becom an agony or torture if neg. lected. When yon feel the arst pein in the muscles, the firstslight stiffness In the joints take Bloodine, It acts im- intely a the Blood and Ne and cure Rheumatism, - over severe, by C. M. Driggs, Sayre, Piles! Piles! Piles! oD la nan. rie Olntment oure , Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, al the Soning once, acts as a tioo, gives t sellef. Dr. Wil- lam's Pile Ointment is Progased for Plles and Itching of the private Every box is guarauteed. Sold d by majl, for 50c and $1.00 Nliams M Prop's, Clev d 0, Forsale OM Diy, omy) We Do Not Ask You! to Believe Us That we are the best Tailors, but those who have tried us are con- | SCRANTON. vinced of the fact. Those who —— ; have not tried yet are cordially in- | The Cheapest and the Best. Do vited to give us only one trial—af [not pay other dealers more than I ter that, they will be regular pa. | charge SAYRE, PA. ’ trons, tity and price. | | .._|COLEMAN HASSLE ‘We Are Genuine No. 116 Erie Street, R Tailors "A. Atkins, | Over Raymond & Haupt's Conlec | tionery Store, Lockhart St. | Try The Record. Attorney Notary Public : Spoetal abbamtion bo Pension Papers, Desmond Stress, vg PEPIL0000000000000000000 414144 ‘Make Selections Now For Christmas Delivery. MAIR i Shhh BE ES While our stocks are large ---the largest in this valley--- the choicest pieces go first and it will be advisable to come Et i a early. This beautiful store, TH bt = Sua HotiL PHones. Athens. EEE EEE ER a 227, 229, 231 Main St. EERE EE EEE 5