The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 30, 1906, Image 2

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    I of from ten to twenty per cent.
Second, we pay no rents.
Just sit down and figure 1t out
who can give you the most
value for your money. There
is simply no comparison when
it comes to style and work-
alle manship of Rochester Cloth-
Sleolol Some 8 Cones DE:
Agent for Sweet Orr & Co. and Keystone overalls and working clothing,
eee ee,
Our Strong Point, A Square Deal.
If You Have Never Used
Buy one now. We have several
kinds and grades and the prices
range from
$3.00 to $5.50
They have the smokeless device,
(you cannot make them smoke)
and the assortment is complete.
We have
Gas Heaters and Stove
Pipe Heaters.
218 Desmond 8t., Sayre. 322 8. Main St., Athens.
If you don’d trade with us we both loss money.
The Man Who [Snap in Sheet
“Gets There” ||
mmo | Music
peal rieh
plenty of i8—in his body.
Makes bicod—lods of [h—
Saturday and Monday, Dec.
1st and 3d,
73c Per Bottle.
New Stageland Waltzes, 13c. New
CG. M. Driggs
Prescription Druggist.
pak Building,
Or both for 25c.
= Wayne, Pa
Any other popular piece with these
two for 40c.
Open in the Evening.
308 Broad St., Waverly.
Confectionery Store
Lewis Mayhood, of the Lehigh
special officer's office spent Thanks
giving at Island Heights, N. J.
The rabbit season closes today
and sportsmen who kill them after
today will be subject to a heavy
It is stated on cfficial authority
that the Lehigh Valley intend mak-
ing extensive additions and im-
provements to the shops at Drifton.
The Valley Record
Thanksgiving day passed quietly
in Sayre. The m:jority of the bus
iness places were closed and the
(town presented a Sunday-like ape
Best grade Lehigh Valley and Bernles| James H. Lehr, one of the oldest
2 gol wan Sctpwued, rrp Avery; employes of the Lehigh Valley, is
yard sod office at Raymond & Haupt's. | J¢ad at his home in Easton, For
D. Clarey Coal Co. thirty-five years he was a passen
Aor —
* Wanted—Bsll boys at the Wil. | BSF conductor.
burHouse, =~. 170 The Eagles held a most enjoy
Do not fail to see our line of|able dance in Eighmey's hall on
and overcoats before buying. | Wednesday evening. About sev.
H. Sattler. 172-f |eoty couples were present and a
F ERSTE most enjoyable time is reported,
For Rent—Small house with all ET Et
tor Res rm The Reliance foot ball team of
N ilbur ave. 6t| this place went to Tunkhannock
: joo North Wi aw. too yesterday and played a team from
Fresh lobsters, 25¢; crabs, sc;|that place. The Reliance players
hk oysters, solid meats, 4oc per | Were defeated by a score of 5 to 21
. Smith's restaurant, | Real winter weather this morn.
es —arm ing, Last night was the coldest
yesterday the regular foot | of the season and the small boy is
Youth Who Went Up Through
Lockup Roof Again in Cus.
This moraing Constable Speacer
Brougham went to Towanda and
brought back with him Lyman
Heeman, Jr., who escaped from jail
here on last Monday evening.
Heeman after his escape went to
Waverly where his father lives and
the officers made several trips to
the domicile of the elder Heeman
but failed to find the object of their
search, Yesterday, however, Hee-
man, Jr, went to Towanda to
spend Thanksgiving with friends
near that place. Constable Charles
McCracken heard of the matter
and as he knew that Heeman was
badly wanted here om various
charges he placed the young man
under arrest and consigned him to
the county jail, where the prisoners
don’t go up through an air cham-
ber nor kick holes in the rool.
Heeman is waated here for
stealing at various times copper
and iron from the Lehigh Valley
Railroad company. He had beea
given a hearing and held to appear
at court. His commitment was in
the hands of Spencer Brougham
when Heeman escaped. Now the
latter will be compelled to answer
a charge of jail breaking, Constable
Brougham haviag been armed with
a warrant charging this offense
Constable Brougham brought
Heeman here today on No. 157
He was taken before Justice Carey
and arraigned on the charge of jail
breaking. At the examination
Heeman admitted having broken
from the lockup and said the job
was “dead easy.” He was held to
court in the sum of $200 bail, and
this afternoon Constable Brougham
took him to Towanda. The cfficer
had two commitments in his pocket.
One for jail breaking and the other
for larceny. Heeman is also under
indictment for several other offen
ses and when he faces the court he
has promised to plead guilty to
them all,
a —
. H. 5. COURSE
The second of the entertain-
ments comprising the Sayre High
schocl course will be given at the
High school hall next Wednesday,
Dec. 5, by tne Elma B Smith com«
pany. There are four members in
the company, and cach is excep-
tionally good in his particular part.
Miss Smith, the leader of the com
pany, is a reader of rare ability.
She is ucquestionably the greatest
imitator of children, birds and
animals now before the public, It
is impossible to describe her work;
it must be seen ard heard to be
The other members of the com-
pany are Miss Merle Tillotson, a
contralto, who possesses a voice of
great volume and high culture,
Miss Agnes Ambrose, a pianist,
whose playing is characterized by
great clearness of technique, alike
in powerful passages and in those
requiring delicacy and lightaess,
Mr. Cecil Burleigh, a violinist of
great natural ability and high culs
tivation. In all it is a most excel~
lent company, and a first class
entertainment is assured,
i —————————
The Hunt of the Sayre City
Club goes merrily on. Wm,
Fritz is at the head of the list with
five rabbits—very large ones the
largest of which weighed 61 Ibs.
if you do not think this is heavy,
weigh one and see. Every mem-
ber is urged to come to the banquet
whether hunter or not. District
Attorney Mills will act as toast.
Oil Well Shot at That Place
fhows Up Well and Another
One Will bs Sunk.
Laceyville residents are agog
with excitement as the result of oil
having been struck on the flats
near that place. Recently a gang
of workmen have been putting
down a well, which on Tuesday
last had reached the depth of 2 400
feet. Becoming somewhat dis-
courged the promoters of the well
sent for an expert at Olean, N. Y
The expert arrived on Tuesday
morning and after investigating the
well thoroughly discovered that oil
sand had been struck at 8co feet.
He decided to shoot the well at
that dep'h, and the result is said to
have been highly satisfactory. The
well, however, had been put down
$0 near the river that the
hole immediately filled with water.
The indications of oil are so strong,
however, that a dry well will be
drilled and the promoters expect
to find the fluid in paying quanti.
ties, The citizens of the little town
are wild over the prospect.
Lehigh Conductors and Engi-
neers Warned to Keep Cross-
ings Cpen
A notice has been posted by the
Lehigh officials to the effect that
engineers and conductors in the
employ of the company who are
convicted of blocking crossings
will be compelled to pay the fiaes
themseives. The order is the re-
sult of numerous complaints which
have been made to the cfficials by
Mayor Knies of Wilkes\Barre.
He insists that so far as that city is
concerned the practice of blocking
the various crossings must cease
and that all conductors and engi
neers who fail to heed the warning
will be prosecuted to the full ex-
tent of the law.
Miss Frances Robinson spent
yesterday with friends at Lacey
Misses Margaret aod Anna
Smalser were visiting at Tunkhan-
nock yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert
about four weeks.
Miss Ethel Wood was the guest
of Miss Beatrice Schoonover at To
wanda yesterday.
Hon, E M. Dunham and Mrs,
Dunham spent yesterday with
friends at Towanda.
Katherine Watkins of Milan has
been visiting her grandmother Mrs
Mary Mingle for a few days.
Mrs, S. S. Mumey and children
Mumey’s sister, Mrs, F. C. Welles
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black of El-
mira, spent yesterday with friends
in «his section, returning to their
home this morning.
Joseph Golightley, of Wilkes-
Barre, and Miss Elizabeth Powell,
of Nanticoke, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Shaff:r, of this
A series of revival services will
begin at the Methodist church this
evening. Everybody invited tp
attend. ‘
For Lockup Roof if the Chief |
Will Put it Tp.
Editor Valley Record: | see
that Lyman Heemao, Jr., has made |
the roof of the Sayre lockup. This |
is very unfortunate as we want
burglary to be tried at December
term of court.
Fred (now scjourning for an in-
his liberty through that same hole |
in the rool. I would suggest that |
your borough authorities purchase
a reel of barb wire and line the
roof with it before you incarcerate
another Heeman, placing the
strands not over an inch and a half
apart, as a Heeman will crawl
through any space he can insert
his head. 1 will furnish the wire
if Chief Walsh will apply it.
Yours respectfully,
Guy C. Hollon.
A very pleasant home wedding
took place at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Piatt, on Stevenson
street, Saturday evening, Nov.
24th, at which time the mar.
riage of Cora, the youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Piatt, was
united in marriage to Harvey
Tracy, of this place, The Rev.
J. F. Warner, pastor of the Meth.
odist~Episcopal church, performed
the ceremony in the presence of a
large number of friends. After a
wedding supper the happy couple
left on a trip to Philadelphia and
other points south, Oi their re
turn they will reside in this place
The Owego foot ball team failed
to show up here yesterday for a
game with the Orioles of this
place. The Owegoites are said to
have been i ffl cted with a case of
cold feet. Well, the weather wa
rather chilly yesterday anyway, and
as the Ocvioles are crack-a jacks,
the Owegoites can hardly be
blamed for preferring to remain at
Williams’ Kidney Pills
Have you npeglected your Kideys?
Have you overworked your nervous s
tem and caused trouble with your Kid-
neys and Bladder? Have you pains in
the loins, side, back, groins and blad-
der? Have youa flabby appearance of
the face, especially under the eyes? Too
frequent desire to urine? If so
Williams’ Kidney Pills will care you.
Sample Free, Ry mail 60e. Sold by
ta. Willlams Mfg. Co, Props,
, 0. Bold by C, M. Driggs,
The Cheapest and the Best. Do
not pay other dealers more than I
charge you. Compara quality, quan-
tity and price.
No. 116 Erie Street,
Both Phones. Sayre, Pa.
A Sure Cure for Piles
Mr. F. S. Rasdall of No. so East Maia St,
W N.Y, writes that Bloodine Ointment has
fovea eficacions ina stubborn case of Piles and
octal Fissures where everything else has tailed
Samba: | wild a 8 pout. guanates
ls the most heal salvain tbe world. It will pos
ure old tores, ecsemes, tier,
aa i vu 2
Found at Last
8 cure for Ecsema. Mm Charles Blanchard of
Philadelphia, Pa, writes that she bad suffered for
many years with this terrible disease snd had tried
remedy after remedy for it, but could not finda
ture, enti! the was advised to try Yiectine Cia.
ment, and to one box op
— all of AP the secead box
completely cured ber. goc. & box by mall,
and Liver Pills cure Constipation. oge. a
Sold by C. M. Driggs, Sayre
IE I i
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the part.
nership heretofore existing between L.
L. Carmsn and J. M. Ashton, of Sayre,
Pa, onder the firm name of Ashton &
Carman, was dissolved on this date by
mutual consent. All debts owing to the
said partnership are to be paid to J, M.
Ashton, and demands on the maid
rabip are to be preseated to him
Chairs |
actual cost, on fraternal
tween 18 and 60 years.
policies covering
Call on
Gas Light
is the right
Alun o Nov
Omi wnwOoYy
costs a trifle;
insures eye
Clewn, convenient &-
inexpensive .
Gas Light Co.,
Matinee and Evening
—] IN ——
Henry Carl Lewis
as the Organ Grinder and the Best
Supporting Company this Fam-
ous Play las over bad
25 and He
0, 75¢ and $1.00,
Advance sale Wednesday at Hall's
Shoe Store.
Will pay $1.00 a head at the barn
or $2.00 delivered—with hides on
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Valley telephone at store
Bell telephone in honse.
Athens, Pa.
(3f ©
4 An Insurance Policy For an
Xmas Gift
bas many points in Its favor that no oth-
er present can approach. There can be
no doabts of its acceptability, aad If
you would learn act!) what ro a}
means, and how it can
your name, age and address to us, We
Mes ae the Masteciuastin i
tual Life Insurance » &
irreproachable standing. bh
Sayre Rendering
Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre,
Yalley Phoae |28x.
The Valley Record
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place."
li four © sight skilled job
and a , U
TU AMROLL BR 38 Jour etre io-dale