The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 28, 1906, Image 3

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pay cash, a saving
twenty per cent.
Second, we pay no rents.
* Slealel. Sirouse A Connen
for Sweet Orr & Co. and
If You Have Never Used
Buy one now. We have several
kinds and grades and the prices
range from
$3.00 to $5.50
They have the smokeless devics,
(you cannot make them smoke)
and the assortment is complete.
We have
Gas Heaters and Stove
Pipe Heaters.
218 Desmond 8t., Sayre.
322 8. Main St., Athens.
‘The Man Who
“Gets There”
Is the man who has blood
—real rish blood—and
: = planby of i5—in his body.
Briggs’ Wine of God Liver Ol
Makes blood—lote of I4—
life-giving, braln-noarish-
strength- replenishing
75¢c Per Bottle.
0. M. Driggs
peak Balding, Sayre, Pa.
_ Gonfectionery Store
Delicious Candy, fresh day.
Tally and Chocolates of all kinds,
Nioe fancy Boxos of Candy.
Hot soda water, ice cream sodas,
and peanuts
a, Por Bpeocial for Satur-
Po not fail to see our line of
8 and overcoats before buying.
Remember that no Record will
led tomorrow on account of
or Reat—Small house with all
i Iuquire
North Wilbur ave, 169.6t
majority of the business
Just received over 800 vol-
umes of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to $2 00 each,
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta-
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards.
Lockhart St.
Judging from the rain and snow
which have fallen today we will
have typical Thanksgiving weather
The W. C. T. U. of Milltown
will have a roll call at the chapel
at three o'clock Friday afternoon.
All members are requested to be
Mary Sayre people departed to~
day for various points out of town
where they will spend Thanksgiv-
ing day with either relatives or
H. M. Stafford, of the firm of
Stafford & Hope, is moving into
the new house on Chemung street,
which he recently purchased of
Mrs. Welliver,
The foundation for the new
plumbing establishment which is
to be erected by H. R. Talmadge
is completed and the carpenters
are now at work.
Thanksgiving Day exercises
were held in the various borough
schools today. Many of the
classes contributed Thanksgiving
dinners to the poor.
All members of the degree team
of the Diahoga tribe of Red Men
are requested to be present at the
meeting to be held this evening as
the chief's degree is to be conferred
on several candidates,
The Comell foot ball team passs
ed south through Sayre this after-
moon on a special train following
No.4. The team is on its way to
Wall Street Journal Says the
Fcheme is.Fesentially Specu-
Every now aud then Sayre peo-
ple, both men and women, who
succeeded in laying by a little for
a rainy day are invited to invest
their hard-earned money in various
speculative schemes which promise
big returns in a short time. The
“get-rich-quick” fizld is full of
these “enterprises” and in many
instances shares that only cost five
cents apiece are to carn $20. Now
this is certainly a rich proposition.
Newspapers are filled with hslf-
page advertisements telling of the
wonderful opportunity to become
independently rich in a few months
and promoters arc thicker than
hairs ona dog. Knowing that the
world is filled with easy marks the
promoters havv no trouble in uns
loading enough “stock” to make
themselves rich, and then the
scheme goes into the air.
Oae of the latest “opportunities”
for investors of the small kind is
the “Chicago-New York Electric
Air Line” Sayre people are being
asked to contribute toward this
scheme, but in justice to those
who have succeeded in gathering
together a little cash, The Record
deems it advisable to print what
the Wall Street Journal has to say
of the proposition, Ia reply to an
icquiry, whether the stock of the
above named company can be
bought safely, the Journal did not
wish to declare the project an out
right swindle, but used the follows
ing more dignified language, which,
however, means the same in Eng-
lish. The Journal says: “We con-
sider the stock as essentially spec.
ulative, and cflering no inducement
to the conservative investor. Well
known railroad engineers have re-
ported adversely on the feasibility
of constructing such a road, and it
is a question whether the promot.
ers of “The Chicago-New York
Electric Air Line" will ever see a
successful fruition of their plans.”
The Wall Street Journal has
long been recognized as represents
ing all that is “safe and sane” in
the investment line. It is abso
lutely unpurchasable, and before
investors part company with their
carnings they should heed the
words quoted above,
An m——
John C, McCracken, charged by
his wifs, Jessie McCracken, with
failing to provide for her support
and sustenance, was held at a hear
ing last night to appear before the
ccurt of quarter sessions. Good.
win Bristol became McCracken's
bondsman in the sum of $200,
McCracken was arrested the other
day by Constable Brougham on a
warrant issued by Justice Carey.
At the hearing last night he plead.
ed not guilty and said that hs was
anxious to have the matter adjust-
ed in court. The case will come
before Judge Fanning next week.
A false face of a funay Dutch-
man will be given with next Suns
day’s World. You can have lots
of fun with it. It's the kind of a
false face you can't buy in a store.
Tell the newsboy or newsdealer
you want next Sunday's World.
Get the home folks to get it for
you. Alsoa “Teddy Bear" pate
tern, sixteen inches high. Simple
and easy to make. Anybody can
make a “Teddy Bear” with this
pattern. Free with next Sunday's
The union Thanksgiving ser-
vices will be held tomorrow at the
Methodist church. A general ins
vitation to attend is extended to
#il. The Rev. Ira Hotaling of the
Baptist church will preach the ser
C. M. Smith Will Conduct an
Up-to date Quick Luach Stand
on Packer Avenue
C. M. Smith will open a restau-
rant at No, 117 Packer avenue on
tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock.
The building was formerly occupied
by E. E Reynolds as a real estate
agency, and Mr, Smith has entirely
remodeled the interior and built an
addition on the rear for kitchen
purposes and will conduct a first-
class place in every respect. He
will cater especially to ladies and
gentlemen, and will give to Sayre
what it has never before had, a
place where the wants of private
families will be attended (0. Oys
ters, lobsters, crabs, steaks, chops,
cutlets, salads, chowders, poultry,
game, cheese, cold meats, baked
beans will bs found on hand at all
times, and all special orders for
families or individuals will be at.
tended to promptly and satisfaction
guaranteed. Remember that the
new restaurant which has been
called “The Gem,” will be opened
to the public at 5 o'cloek tomorrow
afrernoon. Quick lunches of all
Mrs. M. U. Blakeslee returned
yesterday from an exteaded visit
with friends at Mountain Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Higson leave on
train 1 for Buffalo for thanksgiving
and attend the Kaights of Pythias
er ———
T. J. Leahey and wife will leave
for Naples, N. Y, this evening and
will spend Thanksgiving with
friends and relatives at that place,
Miss Gertrude Snell of the de-
partment store left last evening on
No. 6 to attend the wedding of her
nephew, Dana M. Carmer to Miss
Madeline Murray of Philadelphia
Mrs. E. M. Thompson, Mrs
David DeBell, Mrs. R. C. Cook,
Mrs. I. F, Stetler and Mrs. L. M.
Bostwick attended the Woman's
Home Missionary convention at
Owego yesterday.
W. H. Cramer, inspector for the
Eastern Lumber Company, of Hat-
tonville, West Va, is arranging for
the removal of his family to that
place. He formerly resided on
Hoover street
Allen Winters, who has been
engaged on the Lehigh Valley
since 1892, as fligman and con
ductor, left tnis morning on train
No. 5 for Los Angeles to accept a
very desirable position on the
Sante Fe railroad,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geise left
today for Indianapolis, iad, where
they will make their home in the
future. Their many friends view
their departure with regret, and
wish them the best of good fore
tune in their new home
Special Officer T. B. Shaffer, ac-
companied by Tony Daberrio and
others went to Wysox this morn-
ing on No. 8 Recently the
Lehigh Valley has been exceeding
ly annoyed by various car robber
ies that have been committed at
that place and the officers are
there today for the purpose of
looking up the offenders.
The Thanksgiving services of
the Church of the Redeemer have
been arranged as follows: Early
communion at 8:30 a m. In the
evening at 7:30 there will be a ser~
mon and full choral service by|
both choirs of the church. All|
scats are free and everybody wel. |
Rather Weak Nature
forenoon, charged with robbery |
from custody by Justice Carey ata |
hearing held this forenoon, This |
who made the complaiot against!
Watts, said he did hot loose any |
money, but that the men attempted |
to rob him. He also was not so
sure that Watts was the man who |
went through his pickets. The
evidence therefore being insuffi. |
cient Watts discharged |
Michael Lynch, who was also
arrested on the same charge, was
released from custody and the $45
found on his person yesterday was
returned to him by Chief Walsh.
The sterling qualities possessed
by “The Mummy and the Hum-
ming Bird,” which will be present.
ed at Loomis Opera House next
Saturday afternoon and evening
may be relied upon as wosthy to
warrant liberal patronage for that
charming comedy. It is a truly
clever play, and all who witnessed
it unite in declaring that its inter
esting plot is developed in a mans
ner that holds the spectator fascins
ated from the commencement of
the action until the curtain falls on
the last act. The characters as
interpreted this season by Jules
Murry's Own Company; which in-
cludes William Whitecar, the fav-
orite “Lord Lumley” of the past
two seasons, and Henry Carl Lewis
as “Giuseppe,” the organ grinder,
are said to present impersonations
that have not been excelled in the
history of the play, which in the
past three years has baen presented
most successfully in America, Eag-
land, France, G:rmany and ltaly.
Every member of the club is
urged to attend the game dinner
at the rooms at 8 o'clock Saturday.
Enough hunters have been ens
rolled to insure sufficient game for
the entire membership, and we
will surely have a good time, so if
it is possible for you to be there,
come, W. W. Shaw, Sec'y.
The ecuchre party and social
given by the young men and wos
men of St. Joseph's church in
Pharmacy hall, West Sayre last
night was a success in every partis
cular, There were about 300 in
attendance from the surrounding
towns, and all enjoyed a most
pleasant time,
Miss May MacDougall and J.
S. Tanner, both of Auburn, N. Y.,
were married yesterday at the
Baptist parsonage by the Rev. Ira
Free Free
Mra. A. C, Trainor, Colchester, Conn.,
writes that a free mample bottle of
Bloodine helped her when she was all
run down. Bloodine is a body builder
and system tonio of wonderful merit,
and if you have not tried it, you should
today. The greatest system Tonio in
the world. Sick Kidneys are positivel
cured by Bloodine. Sold by C. M,
Driggs, Sayre.
Thanksgiving Day in Wilkes-
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make
special rate $1.00 from Sayre to Wilkes-
Barre and return, November 30. Spec-
ial trains In both directions. Tickets
will be sold Nov. 20th and will be good
going only on train leaving Sayre 6:45
a.m, ; returning leave Wilkes Barre at
4:46 p. m. on date of issue only. See
Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further
particnlars, 164
Thanksgiviog Day in Buffalo
and Niagara Falls
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make
special rate of $3.00 from Sayre to Bulla.
lo and Niagara Falls and return, Tiek-
ota will be sold November 39th : Limit
od for return until November 30th, and
will be good and retarning on all
exeept Diemond Express
with limit. Bee
Valley fot Baer at
Tabet Agents
205 Desmond St,
tween 18 and 60 years.
Call on
rites policies covering
dividend each five years.
Gas Light
is the right
Alun 0 NOY
ows 0Y
for the eye sight.
By a Portable Gas
costs a trifle;
insures eye
Gas Light Co,
Matinee and Evening
Henry Carl Lewis
as the Organ Grinder and the Best
Supporting Company this Fam-
ous Play has ever bad
PRICES Matinee. and Sie
Evening, 25. £0, 75¢ and $1.00
Advance sale Wednesday at Hall's
Shoe Store
Will pay $1.00 a head at the barn
or $2.00 delivered —with hides on
All calls promptly attended to day
or might. Valley telephone at store
Bell telephone in house
Athens, Pa.
the best House
in Bradford county ;
and Desk Receipt
3 An Insurance Policy For an
Xmas Gift
bas many points in its favor that no oth-
er present can approach. There can be
no doubts of its acceptability, and If
you would learn exactly what such a gift
means, and how it can te ol send
your name, age and address to us, We
are agents for the Massachusetts Mau-
tual Life Insurance Co, a company of
irreproachable standing.
Sayre Rendering
Valley Phose 128x.
The Valley Record
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place.”
From four to eight skilled job
printers and a new, u
equipment are at your