The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 23, 1906, Image 3

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    IT! First we pay cash, a saving
IY of from fen to twenty per cent.
S=/ Second, we pay no rents.
Just sit down and figger it out
who can give you the most
value for your money. There
is simply no comparison when
it comes to style and work-
manship of Rochester Cloth-
Comngn ing.
for Sweet Orr & Co. and Keystone overalls and working clothing.
_ Our Strong Point, A Square Deal.
If You Have Never Used
kinds and grades and the prices
range from
$3.00 to $5.50
They have the smokeless device,
(you cannot make them smoke)
and the assortment is complete.
We have :
Gas Heaters and Stove
Pipe Heaters.
416 Desmond 8¢., Sayre. 8. Main 8t,, Athens.
'§ trade with us wea both lose money. “wa
Just received over 800 vol-
umes of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to $2 00 each.
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta-
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards,
Lockhart St.
C. A. Neaves' place on Lehigh
ave. is the place to get a.guick
lunch. 163 6t
Don't forget the matinee at the
Loomis opera house tomorrow af-
S, H. Evlin, engineer at Hart's
planing mill, is confined to his
home by an attack of lagrippe.
A regular mecting of the West
Sayre Chapter, No, 43 Order of the
Eastern Star will be held Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. All meme
bers are requested to pay their ans
nual dues at this time,
| The bazar and holiday sale op-
ened in the basement of the Presby-
terian church this afternoon and
will continue throughout tomor-
row. The Tom Thumb wedding
ot grade Lehigh Valley and Bernice | tonight at 8 and tomorrow atg
ll Sereanad, Pop Mery; Now is the time to place your
at Raymond & Haupt's. | holiday advertising with the Valley
Coal Co. Record. The average merchant
his advertising space in the news-
and itisa good plan to pet
a front seat.
167-64 Mrs. Oscar C. Post of Towanda,
: died on Wednesday evening, after
& quick lunch? Go to|alomg illness. Surviving her are
éives place on Lehigh ave [8 husband, one son Charles K,
Beat him. 163 6t|and one brother Fred Walker, an
employe of The Record office
The funeral occurred at Towanda
“All the sews that's Si te print”
Lehigh Valley's
for several
Hurled Stone Through Window,
Secured Three Dollars and
Then Vamoosed.
Just before 12 o'clock last night
a man whose identity is as yet un
knowa hurled a cobble stone
through one of tho plate glass
windows ia Bolton Bros.’ store on
Packer avenue, seized three one-
dollar bills which lay on the inside
of the show window for advertising
purposes, and although he was
immediately pursued by Officer J.
Lewis and the Wilbur house bar
tender the thief succeed in making
good his escape. The robbery was
probably the most daring that has
occurred in Sayre in years. Offi~
cer Lewis and the bartender stood
on the commer of Packer avenue
and Desmond street. They
noticed a man standing in front of
Bolton's store, which is in the
neighborhood of one hundred feet
from the corner. They heard a
crash of falling glass and upon
looking saw the man reach through
the window, quickly withdraw his
arm, and thea dash away. The
officer and bartender gave chase
at once, but the object of their pur-
suit clued them in the alley,
The three one dollar bills which
the bold thief secured were
attached to a card, on which were
printed the following: “Three of a
kind take one pair.” The iascrip
tion referred to a display of shoes
in the window, and as the store
the money after he had once
broken the window, The latter is
an expensive affair and will cost
probably £75 to replace it. The
miscreant is described as a tall
man, dressed in dark clothes and
wore a long overcoat. The police
are working on the case, but as
yet have obtained no clue as to the
man’s identity.
Just before noon a young man
named Northrup was arrested on
suspicion of having been the party
who committed the deed. He will
be given a hearing later in the day.
A surprise party was given last
night by Mr. and Mrs, A. R.
Swartwood at their home on North
Elmer avenue in honor of their
two daughters Jessie and Jeanie.
The two young ladies had been ins
duced to go call on some neigh-
bors, and after the crowd had as.
sembled at their home they were
induced to return by the statement
that there were friends from out of
town who wished to see them.
Their surprise was complete when
when they saw the party assembled
The c¢vening was passed very
pleasantly with games and music.
Excellent refreshments were served
and the hour was late when the
guests finally departed for their
J. J. Johanson, who has been a
member of the Lehigh Valley
special officer force for several
years, dyring which time he has
rendered efficient service, has
tendered his resignation to take
effect on the first of December.
While connected with the Lehigh
he has acquired a host of friends
in this place, and bas been regarded
by his superiors as a painstaking
energetic officer, His decision to
leave the employ of the company
will be regretted by many friends.
He is to be succeeded by Mr.
Douglass, of Wilkes-Barre, who
has been connected with this
branch of the Lehigh's service for
several years
a regular meeting
of Sayre encampment No. 532, I.
Or O. F,, this evening at which the
Coleman Hassler returned this
mcreing frcm a busisess trip to
New York city.
Mrs. E. M. Dunham weat to To
wanda this morning to attend the
funeral of Mrs, John O. Fsost.
Simon Glaser, A. D. Stevens,
Stanley Winlack and J. J. Hum-
mell are Sayre's reprecentatives at.
the county scat today,
Tioga chapter Daughters of the
American Revolution was very
pleasantly entertained Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Ahbe, who is 2 member of the
Philadelphia chapter. Thirty-one
members and their guests were
Mrs. Maurice, the regent, pres
sided, and used the D, A. R, ritual
for the first time. Capt. Albertson
of Waverly has presented to the
chapter two very valuable books,
“General Sullivan's Indian Expedi-
tion" and “Centennial Celebration
of the State of New York” It
was voted to send Capt. Albertson
a note of thanks for his gift. Sun-
day school articles and letters
were read. One letter was read
from the regent of the chapter at
Brunswick, Gi, giving an account
of their planting a liberty tree in
soil presented by 49 states and
territories, and the ceremonies at-
tending their planting.
A very interesting paper on “The
Meschianzi" was read by Mrs.
Strong. Mrs, Maurice gave a fiae
was largely attended by daughters
from all parts of the state. Mrs.
Donald McLean, the president-
general of the D. A. R, was pres.
ent and gave a most inspiring ad-
dress. After the meeting adjourned
refreshments were served and the
members enjoyed a social hour.
The next meeting of the chapter
will be held the third Wednesday
in January.
It takesa woman to do things
That is it takes a woman to rush in
where a well balanced man would
fear to tread. The other day the
grand jury at Towanda failed to re-
turn an indictment against a certain
mag, and placed the costs on the
prosecutor which in this common-
wealth is perfectly legitimate. The
prosecutor failed to have the coin
wherewith to liquidate and he was
consighed to jail. His wife was
informed of her husband's incarcer-
ation and she got busy, With her
six children she besieged the court
house and after visiting every of
fice in the edifizs succeededia get-
ting her husband released. She
threatened to turn her whole family
over to the county for support. As
a matter of economy it was thought
best to liberate her husband.
The Sayre City club has arrang-
ed for a club hunt to take place on
November 29 and 30. Captains
will be chosen-and the men divid-
ed into two parties. Game will be
counted as points, Cows are
marked at 120, while a horse will
score three points, In the mat-
ter of geese and hogs the markings
will be liberal, A hog will score
G4 while a goose gets 22. Smaller
game is marked accordingly and it
must be in the club rooms before
nine o'clock p. m, on Saturday
December 1. A game supper will
be served in the club rooms on
Saturday evening. In order to
participate as a hunter you must
earoll your name on or before
Wednesday next,
Lehigh Valley shift engine No.
G1 struck a hach at a crossing at
Towanda yesterday, and the
vehicle was sent to the shop for
repairs. Tut reas axle was badly
Two Couples Were United in
Matrimony's Holy Bonds
John E, Sisson and Miss Clara
Steveas were united in marriage
last evening at the home of the
Hormer’s aunt, Mrs. Vernie Bensley,
of Waverly, the Rev. J. F, Warmer
pastor of the Sayre M. E. church,
officiating. Orrin Stevens, a brother
of the bride, acted as bast man,
while the bnde was attended by
The groom is the son of Mr. and
while his bride is the highly re-
spected daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stevens of Cayuta street. Mr.
and Mrs, Sisson will leave tomors
row night for Treaton, N. J , where
the former has been employed as a
tinsmith by the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company since February last.
They will make their future home
ia that place, and the best wishes
of scores of friends will go with
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Wendell and Alfred G-Weber oc-
curred last might at the home of
the bride's father on Desmond
street, Rev, E, M. Beysher, pastor
of the Lutheran church, officiating
The ceremony was witnessed by a
few invited guests and the happy
couple will depart immediately for
Schenectady, N. Y, where the
groom is employed as a machinist.
He formerly worked for the Le-
high Valley in this place, while his
bride has been employed in the of.
fice of the Dairy dispatch for sev~
eral years as a stenographer. Both
are well known and highly re-
spected and will be followed to
their new home by the best wishes
of scores of friends.
In Justice Carey's court yester-
day Dr. G. F. Carling secured a
judgment against H, A, Kaufman
tor £39 50 for the wages of manual
labor. The doctor did dental
work for Kaufman and Kaufman
refused to settle on the grounds
that the contract had not been
completed. Kaufman will appeal
the case to the court of common
Two women and one man were
before Justice Carey this forenoon
on charges of stealing coal from
the Valley company. The cases
were settled out of court and the
charges withdrawn.
The Utopia alleys will be open
Thanksgiving Day in Wilkes-
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make
special rate $1.00 from Sayre to Wilkes-
Barre and return, November 29,
ial trains la both directions. Tickets
will be sold Nov. 20th and will be good
going only on train leaving Sayre 6:45
A m.; returning leave Wilkes-Barre at
4:45 p. m. on date of issue only, Bee
h Valley ticket agents for farther
Exposure Brin . on Rheumatism
Painful in its Pol form,
In the musel
in the joints
wil posit
cure Rheumatism, how-
by GC. M. Driggs. Bavra.
Your Money Invested
In a real es'ate proposition
interest in cash makes an ideal in-
Can furnish investment of this pa-
tore to you in amounts
from $100 up.
Let your money work for you. Ask
for information. Address or call
A. H. Sawtelle,
Valley Phone 250a Sayre, Pa.
Every Friday night at the ou)
frost Wat Supe, opps
ne New Line
———OF ——
Morris Chairs
From $6.50 Up. Just Re-
2° 1
Se \
EN Se h
205 Desmond St, Valley Phone 191 a,
iN : Rd PRE /
Just what you are looking for, first class insurance for
actual cost, on fraternal plans. Insures both sexes be-
tween 18 and 60 years. 0 writes policies
sickness and accident, paying dividend each five years,
Call on
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager,
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
Bell and Valley Phone.
PEAS —Tender sweet Brand, Early June Wisconsin peas,
medium sifted, beautiful green color, sweet delicate
flavor. You'll make no mistake in ordering a quan
of these tomorrow, Regular 15c per can. SPECIAL
Can 1c ; Dozen price $1.49.
Excellent Dairy Butter per 1b
3 Dozen Large Sour Pickles
2 packages Mezzani macaroni
New California Evaporated Peaches 1b
50 Ib sack Souvenir Bread flour
4 cans “Climax” com
One pound Ox~Heart Chocolate Creams .
One pound French Mixture
Shredded Wheat Biscuit . . . 10c|4 pkgs
2 pkg Maple Flake. . . .
2 pkg Cooks Malto Rice. .
25c pail Purity Maple Butter
Doz. Sweet Florida Oranges
Everything in Groceries.
|. A. & G. R. WILLIAMS
BOTH 'PHONES. 148 Desmond St.
Nu-Life * sa
25¢C Pkg H-O.Oatmeal . *
- 25¢| Pure Maple Sugar Ib.
“NONAY, NT, 19
A. P. Reed Presents the
Gradoc-Neville Go.
In Repertoire of High-Class Melo- |
dramatic Successes Togeth- |
er With
“Dora Thorne”
6—Big Vaudeville Acts—6 |
Including as an extra attraction
riches, thoy say. Don't let
“Melville's Midget Circus." ing go by without you tie to some got
Our Own Car, Ponies and Tableaux | Iasurance, and if you will let us :
5 | to the details you will neverhave case
Wagons. to it.” We ¢ the best
Matinees — Wednesday and Saturday 0d most solid companies on the globe.
Prices—10, 20 and 30 Cents
Seats at Hall's Shoe Store.
1 I -
| Among Thanksgiving Good
| Things
And there's lots of ‘em, there is none
wore satisfying than an Insurance
cy. It means a contented oad
“good di walts on
that’s a big thing to ha
Maynard Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
Contractor and Bullder |
210 Miller Bt. Sayre, Pa.