The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 23, 1906, Image 2

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Fhe Valley Record
. T. CARRY, Editor.
- _ Published every afternoon except San-
Yt Muzrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre,
ata the At f Congres of March 8,
**All the news that's fit to print”
* ‘The prettiest show of the week
“was given by the Cradoc-Neville
company at the Loomis last aight,
when “Wedded, But Ns Wife.” a
strong melo~drama in four acts
was presented in an admirable
manner. The scenery was fine,
the acting first-class and a large
crowd thoroughly enjoyed the
show. The company is gaining
new friends with every perform-
sauce and when the week is finished
there will be miny who will hope
for a return engagemeit. This
evening “D >ra Thora" is the bill,
‘with ths usuil high clas vaudes
‘ville features.
Mrs, Hattie Smith ¢f/ Washing
ton, D. C, is visiting at the home
. of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tillman
on Chemung street. Mis. Smith
was at one time a resident of this
place, but it has been 18 years
since she has been in this vicinity,
Yesterday Mr, and Mrs Tillman
- gave a dinner in her honor at
which 26 persons, most of them old
friends of Mrs. Sith were present
~The guests came from Smithfield,
Milan, Ulster, Sheshequin, Waver-
ly, Athens and Sayre.
~ Miss Aana Jennings of Milan, is
_ wisitisg her sistsr Mrs. Emma
110M © AW 1 IIE BON
Andrew Tillman and wife went
to Buffalo this morniag,
Mrs. Savilla Higgins of Ulster is
visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Kitch
“Hooligan ani His Troubles”
will be presented at the matinee at
E. L. Keyser of Smithfield, an
old printer, made an appreciated
call at The Record office yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hull enter.
tained 2 number of their friends at
their home oa Stevenson street
last night at progressive euchre.
Five tables were played and Mrs
D. M. Arthur captured the ladies’
first prize, while John Hickson
walked away with the first prize
for gentlemen. Joseph Hay got
the consolation prize. The play-
ing was followed by a sumptuous
supper, after which dancing was
indulged in until an appropriately
late hour. All present report an
excellent time,
Party Leaves Porte Rico on the Lou
istana For Hampton Roads.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 —A special
dispatch from Ponce, Porto Rico, says
that President Roosevelt and his party
left San Juan by special train for
Arecibo, forty miles by rail west of
this city, where they entered automo
blles for a return trip to Ponce, and
embarked for howe on the battleship
Louisiana, convoyed by the Washing
ton and the Tennessee
The reception by the governor snd
Mrs. Beekman Winthrop at San Juan
in honor of the president and Mm.
Roosevelt was the greatest social func.
tion In the history of Porto Rico as an
American possession. The president
during the evening was happily sur
prised at meeting E. G. Norton, a for-
mer sergeant of the rough riders
A dispatch was received at the war
department from Major Penrose, com-
manding the Twenty fifth (nfantry at
Fort Reno, saying that the order for
the discharge of the uegro troops un-
der the president's origival order had
been received and was being exeented,
He sald the men were belug wustered
out at the rate of twenty-five a day
and that the mustering out would be
completed by Monday.
Rose Pastor Stokes Brands Miss Moe
rosinl as Moral Pauper,
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. -“What would
the poor do If there were no rich to
work for?” repeated Mrs. Rose Pastor
Stokes when Miss Morosinl's question
wis put to her at her howe here
“Please God,” answered the former
cigarmaker, “they would work for
The rich young woman who formerly
earned her bread by the sweat of her
brow contiuued at length, taking Miss
Morosinl to task for Ler views on
dress and the duties of the rich while
80 many are suffering for the necessl-
ties of life.
Miss Morosinl created a sensation in
a recent interview by saying that ber
dresses cost $200,000 a year, that she
never wore anything imitation and
that her extravagance, If people chose
to call it such, was justified by the
fact that it put money into circulation.
Miss Pastor sald:
“It I= becanse such women as Miss
Morosinl and women of their class
never think what things cost that wo-
men of the workiug class are compel
led to think constantly of what every-
thing costs.”
fins Been Often Investigdted.
WASHINGTON, Nov. ZI Secretary
Taft sak! that he bad pot considered
any action by congress in relation to
the discharge of the pegro troops who
“shot up” Brownsville, Tex, and were
ordersd dismissed from the service In
conscience of thelr acts. “But there
Is one thing 1 have learned that con-
gress can do” he said laughingly. “It
can investigate, | know that from ex
perience, for congress has Investigated
everything I have ever had anything
to do with
Thanksgiving Day in Buffalo
aud Niagara Falls
Mrs J. W. Beaman has returaed
Constable McG:vern went to
Towanda this morning.
J T.Cortin E q returned from
a western trip last evening
Hiram E Bull ¢! Towanda wis
ia Athens tcday on busiuess.
Mrs E B Jrackim and children
returned from Mon!rose last cven-
Joe Howard of Wilkes Barre
was transacting business in Athens
Mrs. John Walker went to Her-
rick today to visit at the home of
H. H. Mace.
Mrs. H. F. Corneby, Mrs. C.
Ross and Mrs. Clyde Baker were
at Towanda tcdiy.
Comrade Riley Vansice went to
Pittston this morning to pay a visit
to a cousin in that city.
Miss Katie Prince, a teacher in
the East Attens schools is at
home sick with tonsilitis
Frank Decker were hunting for
rabbits today on Laurel Hill,
J. W. Beaman and Dr. E. B
Joachim attended the Shriner's
meeting at Wilker Barre Monday
The home of Patrick Flood on
North Main street is quarantined,
their daughter Alice having diph-
Fred Custin got some emery in
his eye while working at the Tool
works yesterday and is off duty
Mrs. C. W. Crans went to Owe~
go this morning to attend the fun-
eral of her brothers wife, Mrs. Bat-
sey Smith.
Lawyers H. F. Maynard, I N
Evaas, Paul E. Maynard and C. C
Yocum went to Towanda today on
legal business.
James L. Sawyer and Geo. Nor
thrup went to Towanda this mora-~
ing to make their returns as assess-
ors of Athens borough.
Mrs. Mary Treadwell of Wind.
ham Pa. has been staying at the
E W. Ducham home a few days
and went to Towaada this morn
District Attorney Charles E
Mills went to attend to about a
dozen cases cof persons charged
with desertion and surety of the
Arthur S, Buckley went to New
York last night to atteed the
funeral of his brother, Frederick
L. Buckley, who was accidentally
drowned at a ferry Tuesday
It is teldom that any of the vet-
erans of the Civil war are overtaken
by any great or unexpected pros.
perity. They are more often made
to feel the pangs of destitution as
old age creeps upon them, But
a case has just come to light that
will bring sunshine to twenty-three
of the survivors of Company F,
121st P, V. John M. Clapp went
out as captain of that company on
the third day of September, 1862,
the company being recruited from
Venango county. The regiment
served in the first corps under Col.
Chapman Biddle of Philadelphia
was in all of the fierce battles
feught by the Army of the Poto
mic. Capt. Clapp was obliged to
resign August 7, 1863, on account
of ill health, aad he came home
and engaged in the oil business is
which he amassed a large fortune
He died at Lakewood, N. Y, »
few weeks ago and he provided a
legacy in his will for the twenty-
three survivors of his company
His son is executor of the will and
$10.00, 12.00,
that is, small payments.
Perhaps you are a little short
We will fit you
s and
$1.00, 22.00,
selection. Our showing is such
that wo can meet all demands.
Broad Street
Open Every Evening
Saturday Specials
Choice fresh eggs 30!
Creamery print butter
Creamery tub butter
18 Ibs sweet potatoes
3 cans favorite peas
3 cans Logan Elm corn
4 pkgs Nu Life
2 bottles catsup
2 cans choice red salmon . . .
1 jar Cloverton table syrup . .
1 doz Florida oranges . . . . 28
3 pkgs Imperial mince meat . . 25
3 Ibs choice California prunes . 23
28 |
We have just tapped a barrel of
new sweet cider. Bring your jug
—it's ire. |8 cts. per. gallon
We also carry a line of Boots,
Shoes and Rubbers, Dry Goods,
Notions, Gent's Furnishings, etc.
Come in and look around—ao0
trouble to show goods,
S and 10 Cent Counters
You will be surprised to sce
10c Counter
Enameled Wash Basins, Brushes,
Enameled Pie Pans,
Enameled Puddiog Pins
Corn Poppers, Frying Pans
Bake Tine, Cofice Pots,
Flour Sicves, Meat Choppers, etc.
See our window for Crockery
and G'assware,
Sc Counter
Just a few
Scrub Brushes, Coat Hangers,
Pudding Pans, Tack Pullers,
Toilet Soap, Tack Hammers,
Hand Brushes, Chair Seats,
Curry Combs, Chopping Knives
Crockery, Paring Knives,
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Spestal shbention to Pension Papers.
Valley Phone 11 X,
2 Desmond Street,
Mandolin Teacher
reryihing New sod Up doOut. First.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station,
Rates $1.50 Por Day. Same.
Cards For Sals
The Valley Record has In stosk the
card signs:
For Rens
For Bale
Private Office
Please Do Nob Ask for Credid
Positively No Admittance
Furoisbed Rooms]
A uated, Found, For
te, § cent a word each insertion
first three times, } cent a word each
None taken for
leas than 35 cents. Situations wanted,
free to paid-in-advance subsoribers,
Wanted—Work at Saw Gummiog.
Waverly. 168-8¢,
G 3 rl wanted aL ynes for | Stueral house-
work. Pp ncoln street, Ba
or Phone 300, i668
Pin boys over 10 years of age. Uto-
11 1601
ian A
Two crowbars, oze about 4 feet
Tioga Point: camciory: praanm
oga . Finder please
leave at this offs, Buitame wird 5
For Sale.
For sale cheap—fur cape, worn
few times. 1 pe
ly, NY.’
photo of the OM
M. ‘Thompeon, 300 ring
Waverly street, Ware
sat E
Thoroughbred English setter pu
very cheap. Inquire 311 South mes
Beveral houses and lots for sale in de-
sirable locations in town. Terms to
For rent, office rooms in the Wheelook
Bloek., 204
A new nine room house, 518 South El-
mer avenue, all improvements. Inquire
at W, B. Wright's grocery, Sayre. 183-6¢
Farnished room with all the modern
improvements. Gentlemen only, In-
quire 207 Lockhart street, 162-8¢
Two houses to rent, one eight room.
Modern improvements, and one s!x room
house. Enquireof G. L. Van Bootes,
Athens. Phone 337.0 Valley. 160
Seven room house, centrally located,
suitable for small family, city water,
Joguize of Mrs.Con Ryan, No. 214 How-
ard street, Waverly. 159
Tea room brick house, mode
provemeats. laquirest this amern. Im
nde loserted
Gas Light Co, =
Waverly. x
111 Miller Street.
8 to 11:00 a m., 3 to 4:30, 7:00 bo 8:00,
Paloter, Decorator and Paperbanger.
work dome
First-class promptly al rea-
Residence:—120 Spruce 64, Athens, Pa
No. sib
Bayre, Pa, at the closs of business Nov,
12, 16900 ;
Loans and Disxouats ..... a
Overdrafts, secured and ansecured 43 55
U. 5. Bonds to secure circulation . Soo ob »
Premiomson U.S. Bonds. ............ taped
Bouds, securities etc, ..........¢...... 1630 ®0
Bankiog house, furnilure sad fixtures 300 =
Other real estate owned |
Due from National Banks (not reserve
agents) . csTiins ie
Due from approved reserve agents...
Checks and other cash items
Notes of other National Banks. .......
Fractional paper currency, nickels,
Lawful money reserve in bank:
SPARE sein ass $31 000 co
Legal-tender notes 4540 00 2.640
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer
i$ per cent. of circulation). ........
Jb 4
43.1 ©
106 26
n5 0
Capital stock paid ia .
Surplus fund... ce dtisrin sta aaa
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid .. sescureresssienner DOOE M
National Bank Notes outstanding .... 49.%0 «0
Due to Stale banks and bankers... nn
Individual deposits subject
tocheck..............,. 189851 72
Demand certificates of dep’t 198 Spo 62
Certified checks .........., 494 90
Cashier's checks ouistand'g Whey Sn
STATE oF PRNwsvYLvVANIA, County of Brad
ford, ss
1, RF. Page, cashier of the above-pamed bank,
do solemaly swear thal the above
true to the beat of my knowledge and bel!
Subscribed and before ae TRL oyth Ga
Sul sworn me
of Nov. 1908. i y
Frese R. Powxas, Notary Public.
Correct —Attest:
W. BisMor,
Assignee’s Sale of Real Estate
In pursurance of an order of the Court
of Common Pleas, of Bradford coun
State of Pennsylvania, beari
5th day of November, A.D.
} pirectens.
public sale, on
Road; on the east by land of QO. C.
ou the south by of H. W,
and EB. M. Tuton; and on :
land of RB. M. Tuton, the 3
pike and land of the I. 0. 0. F. Associa-
tion; containing about ten acres
be the same more or less; with ]
dwe.ling housé¢, barn, store