The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 20, 1906, Image 3

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    Second, we pay no rents.
216 Desmond 8S¢., Sayre.
if You Have Never Used
Buy one now. We have several
kinds and grades and the prices
range from
$3.00 to $5.50
They have the smnokeiess devic®,
(you cannot make them smoke)
acd the assortment is complete.
We have
Gas Heaters and Stove
Pipe Heaters.
322 8. Main St,, Athens.
‘The Man Who
“Gets There”
Is the man who kas blood
—real rish bhicod—and
plenty of 14—in his body.
Briggs’ Wise of Cod Liver Oil
Bakes blood lots of 14—
life-giving, braln-nouriah-
73¢c Per Bottle.
Confectionery Store
Tally and Chooaliten ot ‘a ede
Nice fancy Boxes of Candy.
The Valley Record
“All the nsws that's #2 te print”
Best grade Lehigh Valley and Bernice
eoal, well screened, prompt delivery;
hard and soft wood. Both phones at
yard and office at Reymond & Haupt's.
D, Clarey Coal Co,
Want a quick lunch? Go to
C. A. Neaves place on Lehigh ave.
You can't beat him. 163 6t
+ The cold wave which the
‘weather bureau promised for tos
day did not arrive on schedule
: The police committee of the
borough council have decided to
‘repair the old lock-up and make it
Just received over 800 vol-
umes of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to $2 00 each.
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta-
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards,
Lockhart St.
C. A. Neaves' place on Lehigh
ave. is the place to get a quick
lunch. 163 Gt
Wanted—A girl for general
housework. Enquire 415 South
Elmer av: nue, Sayre.
“For Her Sister's Sin" at the
Loomis this evening, with high
class specialties between the acts.
The Cradoc-Newille Repertoire
company will present “For Her
Sister's Sin" at the Loomis this
Every merchant in Sayre should
secure his share of the November
and December business, This can
be done by using the columns of
The Valley Record,
Hoa. J.T. Sawyer will give an
interesting talk on his recent trip
to Alaska in the Baptist church
at Waverly, Wednesday evening,
Nov. 21 at 8:15. Admission 25
The young men and ladies of
St. Joseph's church will hold a
euchre and social evening at Phar
macy hall. West Sayre, Thursday
evening, Nov. 27, for the benefit of
the church. A large attendance is
Carpenters are engaged in re-
pairing the burough lock-up. The
building will be lowered to the
ground and “banked up" for the
re ————
Cradoc-Neville Company Gave
a Fine Performance at the
Loomis Last Night
The Gradoc-Neville repertoire
company gave its initial perform.
ance at the Loomis last night toa
crowded house. This is the first
time that the company has appear
ed in this section and it made an
instantaneous hit. “Shadows of
New York,” a melodrama in four
acts was the bill and it was staged
and handled in a most excellent
manner. There were four big
vaudeville numbers, aad nothing
finer in this line has been seen at
Loomis with a popular price coms
pany. Melvin's Midget Animal
Circus is alone worth the price of
admission, Mr. Melville has two
trick ponies, a dozen or more dogs
and several monkeys, all of which
are trained to perfection. The
trick pony is without doubt the
best that has ever been seen here,
and does tricks for his master that
that seem to display almost human
intelligence. Edmonds & Smith,
acrobats and high barrell jumpers,
also gave a first class exhibition of
talent, while Miss Enid Dz:lle, a
singing and dancing soubrette,
captivated the audience. All inall
the Cradoc-Feville company is far
and away the strongest melodram-
atic combination that has appeared
at the Loomis in many moons
The theatre should be crowded the
remainder of the week. This even
ing “For Her Sister's Sin” will be
the attraction, with the usual high
class specialties between the acts,
and it should be greeted with a
crowded house,
Usaquestionably the best show
that has been at the Lyceum in re-
cent years is “The Mummy and
the Humming Bird,” which opened
on Thursday afternoon and which
continues throughout the week
The cast is headed by W. A.
Whitecar, who essays the part
made famous by Joha Drew. Itis
really hard to imagine even John
Drew making more of the part or
handling it any more cleverly than
does Mr. Whitecar. Henry Carl
Lewis in the character part of an
Italian, is masterly, and Amanda
Wellington as the wife of the
Mummy could scarcely be improv-
el upon. W. J. Townsend, Leo
Herbert White and Rachael Sans
derson fill most creditable roles
which do not give them full oppor
tunity of displaying their capabili-
ties. The production is most ar-
tistic throughout and the play it-
self is one of the masterpieces of
recent years — Toledo Blade.
The lunch wagon which has
been operated by Johnson & Brews
in on North Lehigh avenue for
several weeks has closed its doors,
and the wagon and its contents has
been attached for various debts
contracted by the firm. F, E.
Seager and Ray Allen are the
complainants. Mr. Seager’'s bill
being for groceries and Mr, Allen
for services rendered.
A Laceyville man was in Sayre
last night looking for his wife who
left the former place several days
ago in company with a man who
was no her husband. The latter
who arrived here last night after a
fruitless search declared that if he
could lay bands on both the man
and woman there would be some-
thing doing.
There will be a special meeting
of the Socialist local tomorrow
evening at the usual place, Steps
preparatory to putting a ticket in
the field for the next election will
be taken, and it is the desire of the
officers that every member be
Hoa E. M Dunham is at To-
wandiy today attending county
court, =
Mrs. Aaron Wood of Scranton
is visiting at the home of Frank
T. J. Leahy, Doctors Cummings
and Higgins and Miss June Balch
of this place, attended the progres
sive cuchre party given at the home
of Dr. Dodd in Athens last evens
ing. Eight tables were played
and the Sayre party report a most
enjoyable time, Mr. Leahy won
the prize despite the fact that he is
an amateur and was never known
to gamble before in all his life. In
factit has never been supposed
that he could tell the deuce of clubs
from the tray of diamonds, but he
handled the pasteboards last night
like an old war horse, and did not
need a basket to do the shuffling.
The prize was a handsome hand
painted plate, on one side of which
was a partridge, natural as life, and
when Mr, Leahy saw the bird he
yelled with delight. He is partic
ularly fond of partridge and the
prize is therefore of double value
to him. When it is taken into
consideration that he was playing
against old timers, who handle the
cards like professionals, Mr. Lea-
hy's victory is particularly gratify
ing to him. An excellent lunch
was served to the guests and every
one declare that they had a most
delightful time, although they are
unable to explain how an amateur
should be so lucky.
With eggs at 32 cents a dozen,
butter at 30 cents per pound, and
poultry fetching prices that are al
most prohibitive, the average far
mer ought not to find trouble in
enjoying life!
The W. S. & A. Traction com~
pany are placing a new switch on
Elmer avenue near Oneida street.
The installation of the switch is a
part of the company’s plans for a
ten-minute service.
Leon Warren, a shop employe
was at the hospital today to receive
treatment for a laceration and con-
tusion of the ring finger of the left
hand He struck the member with
a hammer and was compelled to
lay off for a few days.
F. N. Hibbits, superintendent of
motive power of the LehighValley,
is in Sayre today. It is understood
that Mr. Hibbits is here for the
purpose of installing A. W. White-
ford into his new situation as sups
erintendent of the new shops.
me— i ——————
A special train drawn by the
Lehigh's famous engine No.2 and
private coaches Nos. 351 and 352
stopped in Sayre a short time this
afternoon. Oa board the train was
a large party of Lehigh Valley
officials, They are on a tour of
Harry Dougherty, who was op-
erated upon for apdendicitis at the
hospital on last Sunday, and since
which time has been in a critical
condition, is reported slightly im-
proved today and there appear to
be excellent chances for his ulti
mate recovery.
Health Officer Broughm reports
that at the present time there are
no cases of contagious disease in
Sayre borough, Houses which
have been quarantined have all
been fumigated and the inmates re
leased. There is little or no ty
phoid fever at the present time.
The postoffice department has
decided that childrea going to and
from school shall not be allowed to
get the mail for their parents. The
postoffice habit among the children
has become a nuisance according
to the department, both to the
public and the postmaster, to say
nothing of the chances taken in the
proper delivery of mail to the per
report fo court yesterday afternoon.
to indict James Smith, charged
burglary. Both of these were
Sayre cases.
The case of the Italians charged
with the murder of Eugene Mes-
senger at Athens last summ
come before the present
grand jury. District
but the result of his investigations
of course, have not been divulged
With the end in view of making
the engines do double the work
they have been doing the Lehigh
Valley officials at the Coxton yard
will put a new plan into effect as
an cxperiment. The engines in
the freight department are coaled
with a mixture of bituminous and
buckwheat czal. Heretcfore the
supply has been dumped without
mixing into the tenders of the
engines, and the fireman has had
the work of getting the best com-
bination of coal. In most cases
he had to throw the coal into the
furnace of the engine just as he
found it.
The best results of the combina
tion therefore were not obtained
Now the officials will sec to it that
the coal is thoroughly mixed before
it is thrown into the tender of the
We are soon to move our stock
of merchandise to the R. H. Sayre
Hose Building Thomas ave. Sayre.
Eor the next two weeks we will
run a Cut Price sale. We have
many lines of goods we wish to
close out before moving. Dry
goods, groceries, shoes, rubbers,
ladies’ and children’s underwear,
full line men's and boy's underwear
full stock of hosiery and socks,
men's shirts, pants, overalls, gloves
mittens, jackets, also notions and
millinery. We can save you mons
ey on all classes of goods at this
sale. No. 107 Thomas ave, Sayre.
H. D. Angell & Co.
The Utopia alleys will be open
1 OO-0L,
—— rt
Free Free
Mra. A. C. Trainor, Colchester, Conn.,
writes that a free sample bottle of
Bloodine helped her when she was all
run down. Bloodine is a body builder
and system tonic of wonderful merit,
aud if you have not tried it, you should
today. The greatest system Tonio in
the world. Sick Kidneys are positivel
cured by Bloodine. Sold by C.
Driggs, Bayre.
Thanksgiving Day in Wilkes-
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will make
special rate £1.00 from Sayre to Wilkes-
Barre and return, November 20. Spec
ial trains in both directions. Tickets
will be sold Nov. 20th and will be good
going only on train leaving Sayre 6:45
a. m.. returning leave Wilkes Barre at
4:45 p. m. on date of issue only. See
Lehigh Valley ticket agents for farther
particulars. 104
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment
will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and
Itching Pilea. It absorbs the tumors,
allays the itching at once, acts as a
pou tice, gives instant relief. Dr. Wil-
iam's I Pile Ointment is prepared
for Pilea and Itching of the private
arts. Every box is guarauteed. Sold
J druggista, by mail, for 60c and $1.00.
illiams Mis Co., Prop'a, Cleveland,
0. Forsale by C, M. Driggs, druggist.
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful in its mildest form, quickly
becoming an agony or torture 1 neg.
looted, When you feel the first pain
in the muscles, the firstalight stiffness
in the joints take Bloodine, It acts im-
mediately on the Blood and Nerves, and
will pousively cure Rheumatism, how-
ever povere, Sold by CM. Driggs, Sayre.
| Tey an ad in The Record
Every Friday night at the How-
ard Elmer Else house, Maple
street, West Sayre, opposition to
——OF —
Morris Chairs
From $6.50 Up. Just Re-
205 Desmond St,
Just what you are looking for, first class insurance for
actual cost, on fraternal plans. Insures both sexes be-
tween 18 and 60 years. Also writes policies covering
sickness and accident, paying dividend each five years.
Call on
E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager,
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
Bell and Valley Phone.
Then provide, her
with a Gas Healer
Among Thanksgiving Good
| And there's lpts of ‘em, there is none
| wore satisfying than an insurance
{cy. Itmeanss contented mind,
| | “good digestion waits on a te,” and
{that's a big thing to have—better than
| riches, they say. Don't let Thankagiv-
| ing go by without you tie to some
| insurance, and if you will let us
{to the details you will never have cause
[to regret it. We re t the beat
| and most solid companies on the globe.
Sayre Rendering
Ansores (cleanliness.
costs less.
Gas Light Co,
All This Week Beginning
A. P. Reed Presents the
Grodoc-Neville Co.
In Repertoire of High-Class Melo-
dramatic Successes Togethi-
er With
6—Big Vaudeville Actes.
Including as an extra attraction |
“Melville's Midget Circus."
Our Own Car, Ponies and Tableaux
Matinees—W ednesday and Saturday
Ladies admitted on Monday for
15¢, limited to 200
Tolmadge Bulding, Elmer Ave.. Sayre,
Prices—10, 20 and 30 Cents
Seats at Hall's Shoe Store.
‘The Valley Record
Will pay $1.00a head at the barn |
or $2.00 delivered —with hides on.
All calls promptly attended to day
or might. Valley telephone at store
Bell telephone in house.
Susquehanna St. Athens, Pa
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furcished
210 Millar St. Sayre, Pa
Valley Phone 128x.
Bring Your Job Printing to
{printers a0 8 nov,
equipment are at your