The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 20, 1906, Image 2

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wd Undertaking.
Capital $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking busi-
nees, and will pay you three per
The Valley Record
Lo v. T. CAREY, Editor
Jap st Werssllew Printing Office, Sayre,
$3.00 per year; 15 cents
Pe vertising rates reasonable, 30d made
mown ob application.
Jibared ap second.ciam mutter May
Eder the Mok of Congr of Bard
AIL the news that's it to print”
Aged Jurist Tells How He Keeps Up
His Working Vigor.
Boston. — What do you think of &
judge who defies time aud sits on the
bench and actively dispenses justice
when he has passed his 91st birth
That is Justice Charles Field, one
of the kindliest of gentlemen, who is
{Although Near Century Mark He ls
Still in Good Condition.)
on the bench at Athol, Mass
He was a presidential elector in the
time of Lincoln.
Recently he disposed of three cases
in one morning, then went to Gard-
ser, 13 miles away, and disposed of
eight cases. He walked a mile from
the courtroom to the railroad station
His figure is erect and his step firm
His regular bill of fare some
thing like this: Morning oatmeal and
tich milk, the oatmeal being cooked
for at least eight hours, at noon, beef-
steak, roast mutton or roast lamb
with a single hot, mealy baked potato,
mo other vegetables: at nidht, a sim-
ple gruel made from an infant's food
“This rigld care in regard to diet
seems 10 be necessary lo keep In
good working order, and | much pre-
fer to forego (the pleasures of the ta
Ble in order to keep the bodily pow:
ers in excellent working condition
Formerly 1 drapk strong coffee, but
pow drink no coffee ut all Through-
out my life | have mode it a point
10 get great abundance of outdoor ex
ercise. 1 have always walked a great
deal, and played outdoor games”
‘ Gut Tree to Free Prisoner.
+ Mahanoy City, Pa—Handcuffed to
apple tree by two deputy state
J wardens for shooting robins in
ivlolation of the game law, Peter
IGerung was freed by two companions
who outwitted the wardens In a two
‘mile chase through the woods at
Girard Manor, returned with an ax,
. jwith which they felled the tree and
‘had the manacles removed from
Gerung at a country smithy just as
4he wardens got back to lake their
prisoner to town.
& CO.
| Yacht Is Followed Stuggishly by
| Creature, and Bullets Fired Make
Little Impression on the
— The sensation in the
fishing worid recently was the expe
rience four sporismen had with =a
devil fish off Horn island
During the week the big power
yacht Jeanne, owned Ly Commodore
Thomas Sully, with John P. Sullivan,
Phil Werleln and Ned Rightor as
guests, ran out to Horn island for &
few days fishing They had all the
sport they wanted with mackerel and
pull redfish, and early one Sunday
morning started for the eastward pass
of Deer island and Biloxi bay
They had traveled possibly three of
four miles from the {sland when, just
ahead of the yacht they saw some
thing on the surface of the sound
which looked like a glant turtle. The
course of the yacht was changed sO
as to overhaul this strange creature,
and when the boat peared the fish
"the engines were slowed down and
The yacht came up close to the fish,
which proved to be the largest devil
fish ever seen in that section Dur-
ing jast summer a number of these
monsters, sometimes called the
blanket fish, have been seen, but
they were not longer than five or six
This monster measured In the
neighborhood of 15 feet in length, and
was fully seven or eight feet broad.
When the nose of the fish was
aslongside the step of the yacht, Its
tail was just opposite the foremast,
a distance of over 15 feet, but, to
make the measurement reasonable,
the sportsmen came to the council
sion that they would give the fish 15
feet as 8 fair measurement
Commodore Sully secured an im
proved Winchester and went on top
of the pilot house to get a good
shot The fish was lylng very near
the surface, and did not seem to
pay the slightest attention to the boat
and its occupants. Two shols were
fired in rapid succession, but they did
not seem to bother the fish in the
When the shots were fired the
giant sank slowly and came up again
a few feet further A dozen
more shots were fired from the rifle,
but no impression was made Fully
half an hour the yacht lay to while its
occupants tried all kinds of means to
wake up the monster of the sea
Werlein finally grabbed a long boat.
hook and wanted to tle a line to the
New Orleans
— -
The Shots Had No Effect on the Fish.
handle and harpoon the fish, but the
others were not exactly certain as
to the results of such an experiment,
and would not listen to Werlein.
Finally the yacht got under way
again, and the devil fish, with a [lew
lazy waves of its giant tentacles,
dropped In behind and followed the
boat for fully haifa mile, Then it disap
A few weeks ago W. C. C. Claiborne
and several other fishermen returned
with a story about three devil fish
seen at the island, but their story
was taken with a large grain of salt
Claiborne has a reputation for story
telling, but his tale is followed up
pow by this experience, and the
sportsmen are wondering i a big
yacht, with pleaty of harpoons on
board might not furnish a lot of lively
sport to the sportsmen
Mrs. Newbride (petulantly)—Nol you
don't think of me at all any more,
Mr. Newbride—That isn’t so, my dear,
Why, I've been thinking of you all day.
Mrs. Newbride—Fibber! You even
forgot to mail the letter | gave you this
Mr. Newbride—Well—er—you see, I
French Premier.
Paris. — M. Georges Clemenceau,
task of forming a new ministry. The
result probably will be the making of
swift history in the republic.
The new premier is without doubt
the most striking and the most power
ful personages iz France. lis name
bas been intimately connected with
public affairs since the days of the
commune of 1571, but it has been
peculiarily in a destructive sense
The republic has had 40 cabinets
since the commune was overthrown
and Clemenceau's chief part has been
in overthrowing them.
The peace of Europe may be endan
gered by the ascendency of M Clem
(Noted Frenchman Whe Has Accept
ed Task of Forming a New
enceau, as it is known that he is a
man of limitless ambition. A disturb
ing element also is his foreign atu
tude. He looks with much friendll
ness on the English and is hostile
toward Russia. Thus It is seen at the
very outset that the dual alliance be
tween France and Russia may be dis
Hesldes this, Clemenceau
very incarnation of French hatred
toward Germany. It will not take any
great political exigency to convince
him. therefore, of the necessity of
crossing Emperor Willlam ic some of
his projects. Considering the well
known disposition of the German War
lord, this can bode no good for the
peace of the world .
One of the brightest spots in the
history of Clemenceau Is the manner
in which he championed the cause of
justice In the Dreyfus case He stood
fn the foremost fighting line of the
herole few who champloned justice
in the darkest days of reaction
A trenchant journalist, the founder
of La Justice in 1880, he became the
fighting man at arms of 1. Aurore dur:
ing the prolonged Dreyfus’ combat
and rendered yeoman's service to the
cause of justice
Likewise, he pleaded the case be
fore the court and on one occasion
caused a world-wide sensation by ab
ruptly stopping in his argument and
pointing to a painting of the cruck
fixion above the judges bench, saying,
“This image placed In our judgment
halls recalls the most monstrous judi
cial error which the world has known
In response to iromical cries In the
audience he replied: “1 am not one
of his adorers. but 1 love hin perhaps
more than those who Invoke him so
singularly to preach religions pro
is the
Beautiful Wife of Ambassador Real:
jzes Old Ambition.
washington.— With her husband,
the Austrian ambassador, succeeding
to the title of dean of the diplomatic
corps in Washington, Baroness Hen-
gelmuller has realized her long cher
(Beautiful Washington Woman
Leader In Diplomatic Society
ished ambition She is one of the
most beautiful women In the capital
and a great social favorite, Her ea-
tertainments have always been char-
acterized by exclusiveness and nov-
{ had rather speak five words with
my understanding than 10000 In an
unknown tongue.—I1. Cor, av, 19
eres. albeit
Buried Treasure.
Dumley—I met a fellow today who
was simply nutty about 2a buried
| treasure; couldn't talk of anything
my wife Dutnle3-Ob. Joss Lhe
FRANK KE. WOOD, Repressatative
News and advertising matter may be
After 12 o'clock noon eall the mala
offios at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X.
A. Uoger was in Bioghamton
H. B. Iogham was in Towanda
Dr. J. T. Tucker went to Owego
this moraing,
George Miller went to Owego
this morning.
F.E Gliette went to Biagham
ton this morning.
J F. Shoemaker, E q, went to
Binghamton this morning.
Mrs. W. M. Hilton left this
morning for New Haven Cona.
G. Taylor and J] Weber of Nich.
ols were in Waverly yesterday.
E. A. Trea, the eye specialist, is
moving into a house on Pennsyl-
vania avenue.
J. T. Sawyer will give a lecture
tomorrow night at the Baptist
church on his trip to Alaska.
Several Waverly people went to
Owego yesterday to appear before
the grand jury in the Heem:in
A gang of men is engaged in
cleaniag the mud off Broad street
today. A thick coat of mud hid
made the pavement rather nas'y
and slippery, and the work that ‘s
being done on it is making an im-
provement in its appearance.
Waverly—Last night an Italian
named Tony Cupallo came to the
police and complained that a
countryman of his had stolen his
overcoat. He said that he had
purchased the coat fiom a second
hand store, had taken it to the
south side where he resided when
another Italian whose name no-
bady knows, took possession of it
The cfhicers visited the scene of
the alleged theft and immediately
concluded that they had struck
another Babel. The confusion of
topgues was very grea’, about a
dcz-n talking at once. The man
who was said to have stolen the
coat claimed that he had purchased
the same for one dollar and refused
to give it up. The evidence was
contradictory for the officers to
cope with, and they left the case as
they fourd it.
Waverly—Jim Cain, who has
been making considerable trouble
of late, was arrested last night and
this morning was given a sentence
of s'xty days, which time he will
spend at Owego fracturing rocks
for the tenefit of the county. He
was found last night on the South
Side by Officers Corcoran and
Gridley. Gridley first approached
him and Cain suddealy struck the
officer a blow in the jiw. There
was a lively mixup and both went
down, Gridley landing on top
Corcoran then appeared and Cain
was locked in the town hall,
Waverly—The case of Smith
against Cortwright was tried before
Justice Hoagland yesterday, and
decided in favor of the plaintiff. S.
C. Smith built a cement walk for
Cortwright some time ago, Since
that time Cortwright sold the
house, and the man who purchased
the same refused to pay for the
walk. Smith had some difficulty
in getting the money from Cort.
wright and the law snit was the
Waverly—The funeral of Wm
died last Sunday
Relief for Aching Muscles.
People sometimes get a dull aching
at the lowest part of the back of the
head, which Is Increased on move
ment. This is caused by rheumatism
of the muscles supporting the parts
Great relle! is afforded by filing a
small bag with hot salt, and uilng it
as a pillow. It should lie in the hol
Jow of the neck, and the neck below
the seat of pain should be protected
by folded flannel.
All Dead.
It being debated whether a certain
voter was dead or not, the rate cok
lector was appealed to at the North
Canderwell revision court recently,
and gave the following conclusive
statement by the widow: “Yes, my
husband is dead; he has been dead
about eight weeks. Two weeks after
his death my sister died, and after
that I lost a child. Now the two kit
tens are dead.”
infant a Linguist.
Bessie Doyle, the four-year-old child
of an iron manufacturer in Basic City,
Va. has a good working knowledge of
six languages besides English Her
father is a French scholar and taught
her the language; her mother, who is
of German descent, instructed the
child in the tongue of the fatherland
and the Swedish nurse carries on her
communication with the tiny charge
in a Scandinavian dialect
Enthusiast to the End.
An enthusiastic French physician,
while dying, made careful observa.
tions of his condition, detailing his
symtoms to his son and attending
physician In order that they’ might
make a record of them. At the very
end, when he was on the point of
passing away, he surprised the friends
at his bedside by saying “You see |
am dying.” :
Ocean Currents and Climate.
Western Europe's climate would be
changed entirely were the isthmus of
Panama adjacent territory to be sub
merged. For in that case the equa-
torial current would be carried into
the Pacific ocean and the gulf stream,
which does so much to warm Europe,
would not emerge into the Atlantic
Would Teach Girls Care of Dolls.
A proposal is made that In every
girls’ school the care of dolls shall be
taught. Each pupil would be instruct
ed how to take care of her doll just
as if it were a child, food, clothing,
exercise, and even “when she Is trou
blesome’” reeciving attention
Cause of Eye Strain.
Traveling in public conveyances is
exceedingly hard on the eyes, even
for those that are strong and perfect.
The gaze should be confined to the
interior of the car. Looking out of
the window at the rapidly changing
scenery is a great strain
Chestnuts Healthful.
The chestnut is the most digestible
of all nuts, especially after it has been
roasted or boiled it contains, In
comparison with the potato, more
starch, proteld ari fat, but less min:
eral matter
“Mad as a Hatter.”
The phrase mad as a hatter” real
ly means as venomous as & viper
“Mad as a hatter” Is simply a corrup-
tion of an ancient form, “Mad as an
alter, or adder.”—The Sunday Maga
The Man on a Salary.
Once an Irresistible force met an
immovable body. Luckily, however,
a man who worked on a salary was
there to get between, 50 that he alone
experienced any inconvenience —Chl-
cago Record-Herald.
You Can Revive a Pen.
When a pen has been used until It
appears to be spolled, place It over
a flame of gaslight, for instance, for
a quarter of a minute, then dip it into
water and It will again be fit for work.
Royalty's Whispered Conversation.
The emperor and empress of Japan
when recelving a visitor whom they
have not met before, generally con
verse io whispers.
The One Supreme Pain.
There is no pain similar to that
of belag forgotten. Is not chlivion
the real shroud of humanity ?—Duch-
ess d'Abrantes
The Hideous Dress Coat.
Consicence, which makes cowards
of us all, is being abolished, but the
dress coat, which makes walters of
us all, persists. —Puck
Chinese Mourning Cuctom.
During 30 days after a death in
China the nearest relatives of the de
ceased do not shave nor change thelr
The Cook's Revenge.
Cook (sollloquizing)—The mistress
scolded me this morning. Now, what
can | make to give her a good attack
of indigestion?
Jays All
A country jay is one who wants to
know everyhting, and a city jay is one
who thinks he can tell him —Mankato
U. 8 Boods to secure circulatios
Premisms on US. Dosds
Bonds, securilies eic
Banking house, furniture and fixtures
Other real estale owned .
Due from National Banks (oot reserve
Due from spproved reserve agents
Checks and other cash items
Notes of other National Banks
Fraciional paper currency, nickels,
and cruls
Lawful money reserve in bank
Specie ra A $31 p00 0
Legal-tender notes 4.540
Redemption fund with US. Treasurer
is per cent of circulation}
139 ©
116 30 =O
350 oC
16% ee
pin 7
4303) T°
196 36
11g 6%
1.60 =
1.56 =
Total Jub xo 33
Capital stock paid ia
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expeuses and
taxes paid . 19.54 74
National Bank Noles outstanding 45.50 ©
Due to State banks and bankers Ta
fadividual depomits sulsest
to check 15:8
Demand certificates of dept 194.50 52
Certified checks
Cashier's checks outstand g
§ woo =
10 0G oC ~~
DR. A. @. REES, M.D.
100 Lake 8t. West Sayre,
8 to 11:00 a. =, 2 So 4:50, 7:00 40 5:00,
Genito and chronic diseases 8
Seulio wines phones,
Maynard Maynard Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A Block, Fayre, Ta.
nard Block, Athens, Pa.
STATE oF Pexxsyivasia, County of
ford =
1. RF. Page, cashier of the above-named Lank.
do solemnly swear (hat the above statement is
true to the of my knowledge and belief
RF. Paar, Cashier
Sabscribed and sworn before me (his 15th day
of Nov , 196
Faep BR Powens, Nolary Public
Correct — Attest
W. Bisstor,
A Harn, Cavrain Banins fs Bovraaets Wana ave.
REVIR ENOWR TO FAIL, Sof Race! Smad; | Satis
fact on Luseaniend of Neaes Befonded Sei p
for $1.00 per box. Wi seed them 0a trial, 0 = a
whey reilered Rompe ¥ree. IF youd druggiel dom out
Barve 1hem seed pods orders 1a Lhe
UNITED MEDICAL CO., 802 74, LancasTea.
> Directors
H. H. Mercereau,
Attorney at-Law
Notary Public
Speatal attention to Pension Paper?
Valley Phone 11 X,
1 Desmond Stresi
Sold In Sayre by the West Sayre i»
Pharmacel Co.
Bverytblog Rew and Up-to-Date. Fireb
Thomas Ave, Opposite L, V, Statin,
Rotes $1.50 Por Day. Savre.
Sick Kidneys cured with
50 abox mailed.6boxes 2
Mandolin Teacher
Will be in Bayre on Saturday, evch
week, which time I will devote tothe
instruction of pupils on the mandolin.
Studio: Room 2, Richard block, over
postofice, For farther particulars ad-
dress, Edwin F. Loomis, Athens, Pa.
Carpenter and Builder.
17 Pleasant 8t. Waverly, B. Y.
Palater, Decorator and Paperhanger.
First-class work done
prompily ab rea-
Sold by C. M. Driggs, Sayre
Plans asd Estimates Furnished
Stevenson 6h. Valley Phone 1l8y
Residence: —130 Sproee Bi, Athens, Pa
Subscribe for The Record,
Rates :—Wanted, Lost, Fouad,
Bale, oto., § cent a word each
for first three times, }
There is no nook nor cor-
ner where The Valley Rec-
ord does pot circulate
(Im effect Nov 5 10)
Girl for general housework. Enquire
410 South Elmer avenue, Bayre.
Pin boys over 10 years of age Uto-
RV saviark ore about 4 fest
Tioga Polat re, Finder please
leave at this office. Suitable reward.
For Sale.
Satap tae cape, worn a
4 Waren sien, Waves
Trains leave Sayre as follows:
A. M. Dally for Towanda, Tuak:
2: hansock, Wilkes Barre, Mauck
» Chunk, Allestows, Bethichems, New
ork, Philadeiphla, Baltimore and Washington
3 A.M. Dally for Towanda, Tuskhas-
. pock, Pitiston, Wilkes-Barre, Mauch
>) Chunch, Allentown, m, New
ork and Philadelphia.
AM. (Waverlyb3o A. M) Wek 4
bd only, for Athens, later Towanda, Mow ja A)
sea, Silom ? Wyalusing,. Lacey
ville, TunkBannock, on and Wilkes-Barre.
A.M. (Waverly 633 A. M. 1
3: fomiad. Tank Ad Ay
. Wilkes Barre, White Haven, Peas Hav.
en Jusction, Masch Chunk Allextcwn, Beth-
lehem, New York, Phi edelphia, Baltimore and
Waabiz gton.
10:00 MM. Sunday saly, for Athaas, Mian
WU Tlie, Sesnoppen and Taakhatnoek.
Pr. M averly 1 \ Dall
Do0) fr Femi thence buss?
. Wilkes White
sak, Allentown
Baltimore and W
For sale
fow times.
P. M. Daily, Black Dismal}
press, for Towanda xe
Vas Eten,
mer avenue, all improvements.
at W. 8. Wright's grocery, Sayre.
Farnished room with all the
improvements. Gentlemen
quire 207 Lockhart street.
to rent, one
3:08 rom vom
Atfentows, a3 York, Ph
P.M. (Waverly 43 P po
Ee as hr wanes Mow
A.M. Dally for Buffals,
58 Stu Bi BRR
AM. Geneve, Rochester, Cal.
3:50 TE Os Sarat
. Niagara
for Lax
Geneve, Rochester,
Commects for Asburm week days oaly.
A.M. Week days for
. Tramans
Geneve, Roche
P. M. Dally for Geneva Rochester, Daf Two houses
3:31 iio, Misgura' Pala, Bntrett watt Su Lyfoiany uy
P. NM. Dally for Odeses house,
340) terape een vatots, Lodl, Gilbert ens. Phone 337.0 Vi
Rochas ¢, suitable for small
P.M. Daily, Macx Diamond Weyeaty.
B37 se Rochester Ten room brick
points west.
Lachwoed, Vas
ies, Tremors: Bare
BOtimore and Washisgton.
polats weet.
11:00 Ssnienias
Boguire of 0. Von ten,
P. M. Dally for Uhacs. Trumansburg room homse, cen losated,
il8 Bm iat ee oc A
FEE proremets Toure tt Wier 147
b:38 a Ee 5