The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 14, 1906, Image 2

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& CO.
Capital - $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking busi-
peas, and will pay you three per
cent. interest per annum for money
left on Certificate of Deposit or
Savings Account.
The department of savings iz a
special feature of thia Bank, and
all deposits, whether large or
small draw the same rate of
«+ Cashier,
CAREY, Editor.
jag st Murnlle’s Printing oe Sayre
Sabscri : 35 cents
ption, $3.00 per year; 15 cen
Pe Avertising rates reasonable, and made
known on application.
sada te An of Congress of March 1
“All the news that's fit to print”
Pyro outfits $1.50 at Strong's.
The village trustees will mzct
Boxes for burning 25c at Strong's
Gas arc lights and fixtures at
hall price Neaves drug store.
Leather for burning at Strong's,
S K. Osborn was at VanEtten
yesterday. He says that the roads
are so badly drifted that they drive
through the fields in some places
rr —_ et
Leather post cards at Strong's.
The W CT U held 2 meeting
this af.eranon. Mass Mary Drown
ol Newark Vill:y gave an account
of the raiional conventicn at
Boston last month
Mrs J, I. Woodburn received a
cablegram this morning that the
Rev. and Mrs, Bruce Corbin had
arrived safely in Liverpool. They
are going to Burmah as mission
T. Briggs & Co. of Elmira have
purchased the Sayder House and
will take possession in a few days
The name will be changed to Ho
tel Heifner. CW. Raub, the pres-
ent proprietor, who bas managed
the hotel for the past three years,
goes to Youngstown, Ohio.
Waverly—The only thing that
saved Tom Holmes from serving
the next so days in the Tioga
county jal was the fact that he
was wanted in Pennsylvania, where
he was released on a bail bond last
—— A P-
Free Free
Mra. A. C. Trainor, Colchester, Conn,
writes that a free sample bottle of
Bloodine helped her when she was all
ran down, Bloodine is a body builder
and system tomio of wonderful merit,
sod if you have not tried it, you should
today. The greatest Tonle in
the world. Sick Kidaeys jus pomitively
Sared 81 + oodine, Sold by OC, M,
William's Carbolic Salve With
~ Amica and Witch Hazel
The best Salve in the world for Cats,
ter, ands
The coal maa is beginning to
The inclement weather has put
C. A Neaves will open his
lunch room on N, Lehigh avenue
Have you a little money to in-
vest at 6 per cent. Address A. H
Sawtelle, Sayre.
The Lehigh Valley employes is
this section received th:ir monthly
pay checks tody.
The Record now has both
phones. The call on the Valley
phone is 128x and that on the B:ll
phone is 300
‘The Corner Grocery” is the
next attraction at the Loomis. An
excellent company will present it
on Friday evening.
~ - a. .
You can pay $5 or $10 a month
and buy interest in real estate,
also get © per cent on your money
Address A. H. Sawtelle, Sayre.
Kramm's crchestra of Waverly
scored a big hit at theinitial enter.
tainment of the Owego Social club
Monday evering, receiving frequent
applause. The musicil program
was so satisfactory that they
booked several engagements.
The regular semi-monthly meet
ing of the Sayre Acrie cf Eagles
will be held in their rocms tomor
row evening. Every member is
cirnestly requested to bz present
as cfficers are to Le reminated for
the ensuing year.
Tomorrow, Thursday, the big
auction lot sale at Westbrook
Heights. Commences at 10a. m
75 choice lots at what you think
they are worth. Free carriages
from Depot park. Everyone in-
vited. Be on hand for bargains
Tomorrow, Thursday, the big
auction lot sale at Westbrook
Heights. Commences at 10a m
75 choice lots at what you think
they are worth. Free carriages
from Depot park. Everyone in-
vited. Be on hand fr bargains
Sayre [and and Imp. Co
Mrs. Elmer Gregory entertained
Mrs. Sarah AE. Cable of Tama-
qua and Mrs, Mary N. Joslyn cf
Philadelphia, president and secre-
tary of the Rebekah assembly.
Also Mrs, Rice of the ledge at
Rome and the past noble grands
of th: Lady Williard Rebehah
lodge of this place.
Mosica Council held a very in
teresting session on last Thursday's
sleep. lnitiation after which res
freshments were served. All are
requested to attend the next coun
cil as the Past Pocahontas is going
to bring a roast pig. Refresh.
ments will bs served
“The Coraer Grocery” Daniel
Sully’s famous comedy hit aad fist
success, and remembered as being
one of the best ofthe comedy story
plays, will be given a revival,
scenicilly and musically at the
Loomis next Friday evening A
good company and strong special-
ty and musical numb:rs are prom.
EN ——.
The family af the late Lorer zo
V. Smith, wish to express their
most sincere thanks to the friends
and neighbors who so kindly as-
sisted at the time of the ilness and
death of their husband and father.
Aud also for the many beautiful
and Mrs. E. W, Smith, Mr. and
————— A —————
i Ww KN
‘Handsome Coats
‘Rich Furs
Choice Skirts
Exquisite Waists
This depart-
ment coffers the
of ready-to-wear
garments ever of-
fered in this sec-
tion and prices
are far below the
average asked
Coats, $5.48,$7.50,$8.50, to $27
Furs, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, to $87
Skirts, $3.50, $4.00, $4.25 to $12
Waists, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, to $7
A visit to this excellent department will
prove very profitable to any purchaser.
Table Linens
Napkins, Doilies, Tray Cloths
In endless variety and bandsome patterns.
Linens (0c yard, 59c¢ yard, up to $2.00 yard.
Napkins, 98¢, £1.19, $1.39 dozen up to $5.00
dozen. Tray Cloths all prices.
Dress Goods Hints
Fall shopping is in order now. Many
women know exactly what they wact; many
more do not. Those who know what they
want will find it here. Those who do not
know what they want will’ find something
here to please them.
Fancy Mixtures,
50c yard to $1.50 yard
Black Goods
In all styles, 50c yard up to $3.00 yard
Colored Gocds
Reds, greens and browns, 50¢ to $1.50 yd
Plaid Goods
llandsome efiects, 50c¢ to $2.00 yard
A rich stock of Black, Colored and Plaid
Silks. A look in the department will suffice.
BLACK SILKS, 75c¢, $1.00, up to $2.00 yard
PLAID SILKS, 50c, 75¢, up to $1125 yard
Facts Worth :
This st re possesses advantages which
everybody should profit by. We buy in
large quantities; we buy for cash and sell
at the lowest prices. Three ficors crowded
est prices.
Department !
Elegant Large Rugs for parlors, sitting
rooms, libraries, halls, in all sizes from 27 in.
square to 9x12 for $12.50, $14.50, $17.50, $20
up to $40.
Carpets in all grades. All wool, half wool,
fall designs,
1.35 yard,
— =x
Men's Suits at Rockbottom Prices
$1.98 for Men's fine Boits, comprising a grand assortment of
single and double breasted Sack Suits, in the season's most de-
sirable colorings and fabries, They are each and every one
a Fall aud Winter Creation '08. Better made garments have
pever been proflered by any concern under any con- 90
ditiors for less than $10.00. Bale Price......... .
$7.98 for Men's fine Dress Suits, extra values, equal in every re-
spect to fine custom work. This season's beat styles and best
sellers in casslmere, cheviots, Scotch mixtures, worsteds,
dressed and undressed and thibsts. Better value or better
made garments have never been cfered by any concern in
Pennsylvania. We claim them to be equal In vale 7 90
to any $14 00 suit on the market, Sale price .
Men's fine Deess Suits at $11.89 are such as you'll search for in
in vain in any other house in the Union at the price named by
us. You will pay fally twice ss much money for them else-
where, They come io unfinished worsted, imported thibels,
heavy worsted serges ocd other fabrics equally as desirable,
perfect Ot in guaraoteed with oH garment—no competing
boos in the whole Union ean sell them for less $11 08
Boys' Knee Pants
500 pairs of Boys’ Knee Pants, the kind that sell regular-
ly for 35e. Sale price . ved ou . 19c¢
500 pairs of boys’ Cassimere Knee Pants, extra well
made, tapped scams, well worth 60c. Bale price 39¢c
i doz Boys’ Vests, all wool, in sizes from 10 to 18. Were 23
60¢ and 76c. Sale price.
Men's and Boys' Underwear
Men's Extra Heavy Fleeced Underwear, all finished in the best
possible manner; all siz*s; regular 0c value. Bale 29¢
Men's fine, soft, Natural Camels Hair Shirts aod Drawers; also
Heavy Fleeotd Lined Shirts and Drawers. They are
regular $1.50 valaes. Bale price ‘rere 79¢c
Boys Fleeced Lined Underwear, regular 26¢ values. Bale
Extra Special
Cholee of 25 doz Boy
each, Sale price
Men's Shirts
Men's Fancy Shirts, worth 76e
Sale Pricy ead CSEa rk CASE rea EE 37c
Men's Furnishings
Men's 260 Neckwear
Sale prige PR OTOP TR
Men's Neckwear that fo i
Bale price .... id a for We v
Men's Neckwear, worth
Sale price ..... .. .. .
Men's black and tan hose, worth 10¢
Bale price “aire you
nan TG
. 9c
Men's black and tan hose, worth 150
Sale price Sia TE
Kindly Bear This in Mind
pt going out of business, but