The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 14, 1906, Image 1

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    J. Kiron,
: -
and Counselors
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A. Ne
| Negotisied, Insurance Writ
Diseases of Women znd of the Restam.
7x 198 Loakhat £4
flavor is to be found in
Ex-Governor Odell Describes
Campaign as Asinine.
Former State Chalrman Asserts That
Rossevelt’'s latervention Ia New
York State Polliles Was
us Mistake,
NEW YORK. Nov. 14. Reujamin B.
Odell, former guvernor and former
stale chairman of his party, declared
In an Inferview Lere that the Repub
lian campaign mmpagement fu the
Bght Just ended wax asinine and that
it bad left the party in deplorable
He sald the Intervention of President
Roosevelt to ald the ticket headed by
Charles E. Hughes was a mistake and
that defeat had nierely made Hearst a
stronger, more formidable political fac
tor than he had been before.
“What do you thiuk of the result of
the election” he was asked
“1 would Landly call it satisfactory
from a Republican standpoint. It
leaves our party in bad shape, very
bad shape, with au Importaut national
campaign coming on. I'm greatly con.
cerned over the future. Tle Repub
fican party ism't united as It ought to
“What do you think of the manage
meut of the Republican campaign
“It was most asitiine. There was
die most asitfine palicy 1 ever knew.
As a result we have omly elected the
Sead.of our ticket. As things stand
it looks protty mugh Ble 0 Democratic
‘ampaign at all and vo canvass,
bulk of the work was put on
Hughes’ shoulders.
“My advice was never asked once.
Many of my friends all over the state
Lad the same experience,
“The Republicans should get in shape
0 win the next campalgu In this state;
iso we must recognize the existence
of those things which Hearst repre
sents and typifies and meet them in a
*ouservative and sane way."
“Deo you think Hughes should recug-
alee some of the departments in Al
bany i”
“Well,” be replied, “there is this to
be sald, “If the people who are In
:harge of the various departments iu
Albany would pay wore atteution to
thelr business and less to politics they
would do better.
“That was oue of my own wistakes
When I was governor 1 should pot
Gave become chalrman of the state
“What was the effect of President
Roosevelt's luterest lu the CRUIpAIEN TT”
“It was unfortunate. Such a result
always follows federal luterference
The history of tls state shows that
alerference hy a president has al
ways been followed by disastrous re
“De you thiuk that Hearst is weaker
or stronger since his defeat?’
“Stronger. He made a remarkable
ampaign, Almost every newspaper in
he state except his own opposed him.
[be great run Le made vuder those
Arcumstances demonstrates beyond a
foubt that Le has unusual political
force. Mr. Hearst has also demon-
strated that be cau think and speak
for himself. I do not like him any
Letter thau does auy other Republican,
but this does not preveut we from
wcugnizing his force and ability”
the Republicaus wade no
Geod Pay For Corn Huskers.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—~Rocretary
» Agriculture Wilson has returned
froma Iowa, where he took an active
art In the campsigu and visited for
i week after election. He sald that
fowa and otber corn states farnish no
sxception to the rule iu regard to
seeding farmlands for the harvesting
of crops. The corn crop Is enormous,
tnd farmers are offering 4 cents a
bushel for buskers. This enables good
wen to make frow $8 to $4 a day and
Hany Protest Discharge of Negroes.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. ~The war
lepartment mails are heavy with let
ters protesting agaiust the discharge
without honor of the three companies
of the Twenty firth Infantry, colored.
Most of these originate In Massachu-
tells, but uearly every section of the
ountry Is represented. They can be
of no avail now, it Is suid, because the
Action was taken by direction of the
president, who alone ean relieve the
severity of the order.
A Brotherhood Bangyuet.
INDIANAPOLIS, lud, Nov, 14 -
Hugh H. Hauua of this city was the
astmuster wt the banguet last night
of the delegates here to attend the
Presbyterian brotherhood convention,
which opened here this morning. Re.
fponses were wade Ly Rev. Charles
Willlam Gordon of Winnipeg, Man:
William C, Lilly of Pittsburg and J. A
MeDonald, editor of the Toronto Globe.
Working For Irish Canse.
BOSTON, Nov. 1. -Richard ilazle
ton, M. P, and Thomas M. Kettle,
AM. PF, the two Irish represcutatives
who have been addressing meetings In
Massachusetts for ten days past in
support of the Irish cause, Lave Jeft
Boston for New York and Peuusylva-
Ria, where they will continue thelr
Pittsburg asd Lake Erie Wreek at
Edensburg, Pa.—Fireman Dedd.
NEWCASTLE, Pa, Nov. 14.—One
man was killed and three others were
seriously (probably fatally) lujured
when a fast eastbound passenger train
on the Pittsburg aud Lake Erle rail
road ran into a wagon heavily loaded
with logs at a grade crossing at Edens
burg, Ia. six miles west of this city.
Patrick Carnes, Pittsburg, fireman,
crushed under engine, Is dead, Harry
Neil, Pittsburg, baggagemaster, skull
fractured, will die, Lem N=, Holloway,
Pittsburg. engineer, was scalded. and
KE. Miller, Pittsburg, eXpress Wes
selger, seriously cut and hrolsed
The train was runulog at a high rate
of speed from Youngstown, O., to Pltts-
burg. Ax it reached the grade crussing
leadiug to the Edensburg highway
bridge it struck a wagon loaded with
logs. The cugiue Lecawe uncoupled
from tjge truln and rau 150 feet aloug
the ties and theu crashed into n grist
mill, partially wrecking the Lailding.
Firemau Carues remained at Lis post,
and when the engine overturned be
was crushed. The baggage car and
three duy coaches were thrown to the
side of the tracks, but fortunately re-
talued an upright position. The wagon
loaded with logs becamne fastened on
the cressing, and through carelessness,
It is sald. no warning was given the
Governor Elect In Adirondacks Hunt
Wears Red Cap.
CAMP KILKARE, N.Y, Nov. 14. If
there are any deer In the Adirondacks
they do not hang around Camp Ki
kare. “We have got on lots of tracks”
sald M. Lian Bruce aspologetically,
“but they were like some of those we
struck just before election. They turn-
ad out to be wroug ones.”
Mr. Hughes takes his exercise on the
main road leadiug from Raquetts Lake
to the camp, which Le traverses haif-
way and back. In view of the fact
that there are v0 many persons scout-
lng around who are more couversant
with kuives and forks thau Kuus, pre-
caution Is taken by Mr. Hughes to
Wear a bright red cap as a danger sig
afl. Mr. Hughes does not care for
bunting. which Las proved to him so
far that it Is purely a waste of time
Friction Over Seal Fishing.
irmation of the report that two Rus
san converted crulsers Lad been sunk
9y 8 Japauese destroyer in the ueigh-
borbood of the Seal islands can Le Lad
Jere at the Russian or Japauese em
Jassles. Reports are 10 the effect that
there has been much friction between
tho Itussiau guards patrolling the seal
tookeries Iu the ueighborbiood of Cop-
per Island sud Japanese seal pouch
srs similar to the friction which bas
irisen In the case of our own seal Is
auds, and the officials would not be
iurprised if bloodshed had resulted off
~opper island
More Crime In Pittsburg.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 14.—Holdups on
the streets of this city continue to
owe to light with each succeeding
lay, sud, while the police refuse to
give out any that are reported, still a
number flud their way to the ears of
the public. EH, McMurray, 4 restau-
faut keeper, was accosted by two meu,
f negro, sudk a white wan, ou Clue
street. McMurray had been beld up
the morulug previous sud bad arued
blwaeelf, aud wheu be drew his pistol
the wen fed, dropplug a club, The po
ice later arrested two men as suspects,
but McMurray was unable to Identity
Her Lite of Charity Ended.
CHICAGO, Nov. 14. Sister Mary Ju
Ua, founder and mother superior of
St. Vincent's Orphan nsylum in this
ty, who gained au juteruational repu
tation lu religions circles because of
her benevolence and assistance to the
poor, 1s dead at the orpbavage of pneu
wonla. Sister Julla, whose fortaer name
was Sophie Woelfel, entered the cou-
vent of the Sisters of Charity of St
Viacent de Paul society at Ewmitis-
Surg, Md, when she was fifteen years
old and for the last twenty-five years
bas been actively connected with the
religious aud charity work of the socl-
Robber Locked All In Vasile,
NEWTON, Kan, Nov. 14.—The Mid-
land bauk of Newtou was Leld up by
ome man and robbed of $1,000 lu cur-
reacy. The robber presented a leiter
to Herman Suderman, the casbler, stat
Ing who he wax aud what he wanted.
also advising the clerks aud bystand.
ers that they would all die together
should any effort be made to detain
him. Six or seven persons were In
the bauk, and all were ordered luto
the vault and locked In. The robber
then secured what CUrrency was In
sight and esc pad,
Castro Cannot Recover.
WILLEMSTED, Island of Caracao
Nov. 14. Latest advices from Caracas
coufirm previous reports that President
Castro's llloess is spproaching a olf
imax and that Lis physiclans believe It
Impossible for bm to recover. The
Venezuela rebel leader Montilla is
again In arws bas twice defeated gov.
ernment troops and has threatened to
pillage the town of Barquisimeto,
Award Rockefeller I8 Counts.
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov, 14. <The conrt
of appeals affirmed the judgment of
the courts below which awarded Wil
lam Roc 18 cents damages and
81 costs axsiust Oliver Lainors o
Noted Western Lawyer Will
Defend Harry K. Thaw.
Trial That Holds Fate of Young
Plttaburger Who Shot and Killed
Stanford White ¥Fized by
Jerome For Dee. i.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14 —Evelsu Nes
Bit Thaw holds the Hfe of her husband
at her command, or at least this Is
sald 10 be the bellef of Delphin M
Delmas of Califorula, the cmivent law-
yer who has been retained for $100,
0 to comduct the defense of Harry
Thaw iu his trial for killiug Stauford
Thaw aud his counsel, accendiug to
information lu the hands of the dis
trict attoruey, Lelleve thet she holds
the key of the situation and that Ly
going ou the stand and giving testl
wony to prove that ber busbend was
jastilled {u shooting White she will be
able to sway the jury to acquit him
Mr. Delmas, who bus wou fame as
the “Napoleon of the Pacific coast
bar” sald Le was sure Thaw would
be saved by pleading the “higher” or
"nawritten” law
District Attorney Jerome has fixed
Dec. 3 as the date for the trial before
Recorder Goff or Judge Greenbaum Iu
the supreme court.
Judge Delmas called ou Lis client in
the Tombs and for the first time heard
from the lips of Harry Thaw the story
of the Killing of Stanford White as
Thaw looks at tke tragedy and as he
lesives the Jury te look at it,
This was the second weeting be
tween Junge Delmas and Thaw, The
first ocenrred in September, when the
great California lawyer was first con-
sulted about taking up the case. On
that occasion the crime was discussed
in outline. It may be sald ns the re
sult of the couference that the work
of preparing the defeuse of Harry
Thaw Is really under way for the first
time since Lhe was locked up in the
It Is reported iu circles in which Har-
'¥ Thaw moved before the tragedy
that outside of Evelyn Nesbit Thaw
30t wore than half a dozen witnesses
will be called for the defense. They
will testify that Thaw was driven to
the verge of lusanity by revelations
onceruing the relations existing be
iween Stauford White and Evelyn
lu cases shilar to Thaw's, in which
4¢ has beeu sugaged by Mrs. William
Thaw, Judge Delwas bas successfully
Invoked the “unwritten law” That
will be the Thaw defeuse. The killing
of Stanford White, accordlug to the lo
formation of the prosecution, will be
Justified Ly Judge Delisas upon the
worn confession, it is sald, of Evelyn
Neshit Thaw to the Judge aud jury
that her relations with Stauford White
1d not cease after she wuarried Thaw
Under the skilled stage jnsnagement
of nu lawyer of the experience of Judge
Delmas the dramatic possibilities of
such a defense way Le Imagined. It
will be necessary to ask the wife of
Harry 1baw but cue question, aud
this might be 50 framed as to balk auy
extended cruss examination. The con
fession of a beautiful wowsan that the
man her husband Killed had disbeu
ored her or tried to disbionor ber Las
gone a long way with juries In the
Ne Rallread Strike In East.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. —There uno
longer apgwears to be any douger of a
strike of rallroad employees lu the
cast. The New York, New Haven and
Hartford and the New York Central
rallroads came to an agreeweut with
soluuiitlees representing the freemen of
the two roads affectiug the status of
the wen ou the new electric locowo-
tives, nud the adjustwent committee of
the Erle locomotive euglueers an-
nounces that it has come to an agree
ment with the officials of that system.
Leading Cltisen Indicted.
AUGLSTA, Ga., Nov. 14~E. R. Der-
ry, ene of thls city's leadlug business
en and secretary and treasurer of the
Augusta Real Estate sud Bullding as
sociation, has Leen indicted for embez
tling from the association a sum ap
proximating $100,000. The accused {as
sixty years old, a wember of an hon
wed and lufluential family and has for
years occupied a high position fn Lusi
ness aud church circles.
Boy Lost Iu Weeds,
LANCASTER. N. H., Nov. 4. —After
searchilug two days for Phllip Courvy,
i sixteen yearold boy who strayed
from a cswp on Kilkenny mountain
fast Sunday. a party of 200 wen ceased
thelr efforts last night tn the Lellef
that the lad perished from exposure
The party had two blosdhounds, but
the anlwals were nuable to find a trace
In the deep snow
Four Yeurs Vor Cheek Frauds.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 14.-E BE. Clark
af Columbus, O., arrested Lere after
2 desperate fight with officers, charged
with passing forged checks on the
Merchants’ Saviegs and Trost cow
sany aod earrylug concealed wedpous
was sentenced to serve four years iu
the Western Peunsylvania peuiten
tlary. Clark pleaded guilty,
Fauper Lets Fortune of $30,000.
NEWBURG, N. Y., Nov. 14 Theo
dore ost, aged sisty-two, of Glen.
Lham, Dufchess county, who hns been
AB lnwmate of the poorbiowse for the
ME years, has received no.
be baw a
Ormende’s Right. Favorite. Won the
Chief Event at Aqueduet.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14 -Orwonde's
Right, the 3 te 5 favorite, won the
Stony Brook selling stakes. ofie wile
sud a sixteenth, at Aqueduct.
Califoruia King Boished first. Lut
was disqualified for fouling Ormonde’s
Right in the stretch. Five favorites
and a secotd choice won. Summaries:
First = Race. — Sister Frances, first:
Consistent, second: Zienap, thinl
Necotd Race. —Frauk Gill, first: Ora
wu, second; Purslane, thind
Thin Race —~Ormonde’s Right
Wes. second: Sir Ralph. third
Four Race Martin Doyle
Aglle, second; Angler, thind
Fifth Race—1. JI. Hayman. first;
Nellie Burn, second: Battleax, third
Sixth Race — Deuce, first; Sadler. se
sud; Kiug Henry, thind,
Rockefeller Dog Leads.
WORCESTER, Mass. Nov. 14 The
class for dogs over thirteen luches aud
uo! over fifteen Inches was run off at
the thirteenth annual field trials of the
New England Beagle clab io the Graf
tou Country club covers. Admiral of
the Rock Ridge kenuels of Greenwich
Coun, owned by William G. Rockefel
ler of New York. was winner Tyrant
fT Round Plain beagles, owued by
Jolin Caswell of Prides Crossloug,
Mass, got second aud Sir Trixtou of
Sir Sister kennels, owned by Chetwood
Swith of Worcester, third
Players Will Have to Pay Fares. '
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—As the re
sult of the passage of the railroad rate
Lill the cadets of both the Military and
Naval academies, who have heretofore
been transported by the ratlroad com
panies to the annnal football game be
tween these two schools without
charge, will in the future have to pay
their own fares. The war department
after a full investigation of the matter
decided that It was illegal for the offer
to be teudered or accepted
® —
Form Players | pact.
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 14 The formn
players were giveu a cotiplete upset at
Latonia only one favorite winuiug
The defeat of Dr. Leggo Leasvily play
ed favorite, by Tartan hn
the worst Lilow Hazel
tured the feature event
six furlongs
iP Huse wis
Thorpe « up
4 bapdicap at
Sallors In Canadian Pacific Wreck.
VANCOUVER. B «© Nov. 14. -A
rallway accident iu which ous life was
lost occurred at Tranquil Siding, near
Kamloops, B. C, caused Ly the sec.
md section of au eastbound Canadian
Pacific railroad traln runulug inte the
frst section, which was waiting to
meet the westbound passenger ex
oress. The first section carried a par
ty of time expired naval weu return
ug tv Eugland from Esquiwalt, B. ¢
Au officer in charge of their cowwis
car was slightly hort, snd five
of the naval sallors were lujured. The
wok of the commissary car, pated
Rowe, was killed, aud the chef aud
another waiter were badly jujured
Ihree cars caught fire and were de
Would Net Abolish Death Penalty.
MONTPELIER, Vt, Nov. 14.—-Not
withstanding the agitation a year age
n opposition to the Laugiug of Mary
Rogers the lower Lrauch of the legis
lature by a vote of TU to 140 has re-
fused to pass to a tuied reading a bill
abolishing capital punishment The
debate on the Lill lasted three hours
An effort was made to substitute a
provision fu the bill maklog imprison
ment for life the punishment for a wo-
man convicted of murder in the frst
legree, Lut this was also voted down
Big Roads Incrense Wages.
lug out the action taken by the board
of directors of the Pennsylvania Rail
road compauy, the directors of the
Northern Central rallway, the West
Jersey and Seashore railroad and the
Philadelpbla, Balttwore and Washing
tou rallroad, which cowpanles are con
trolled Ly the Pennsylvaula ralleoad,
authorized au locrease of 10 per cent
ln wages of all parmavent employees
receiving less than $200 a wouth.
Root and Straus Acoept.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—Secretary
Root has accepted an Invitation to at-
tend the dedication of a window to the
late John Hay lu the synagogue of
Keueseth Israel congregation, Phila
delpbla on Dec. 2 Oscar Solomon
Straus. who Is to succeed Secretary
Metcalf as the head of the department
of commerce aud labor, also will ut
teud the dedicatory cervinonles.
Stokes Wine Decislon.
ALBANY, N.Y, Nov. 14
of appeals handed down a decision
which awards to W. ED Stokes of
New York city $22,100 damages nigalust
the Continental Trust company. This
was his pro rata share of the differ
ence between the price at which un Is
sue uf new stock was sold to a private
banking firmn and the warket value of
the stock ou the same duy
Mie court
A Village Wiped Out,
MARTIN'S FERRY, 0, Nov, 14
Two lives were lost and the village of
Richland, near bere, was practically
wiped out by a fire which was caused
by au explosion of gas. Two children
of a foreign miner were burned to
death lu the fames which swept over
the place, alded Ly a brisk wind. The
village Las vo fre department.
Wisconsia Multimillionalre Dead.
OCONOMOWOC, Wis, Nov. 14 —
Henry H. Shuleldt, seventy (wo years
old, a multimillionaire, is dead at his
oountry residence. Mr. Shofeldt was
of the best knowa distillers In the
Sayre Rendering
Covers More Surface,
(3 timesas much)
Wears Longer,
(6 times as loag)
Dries Quicker,
(in 10 minutes)
Than Any Enamel,
If your dealer hasn't it, Bolich Bros. have
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales,
Lda" k
top Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA
At the Lowest Possible Frices.
Orders can be left at West Gayre Drug
* ore, both phones; or at the Erle street
race ad Bayre. Both Phones.
i ——
WEE roe
ayia sow To FAL. ;
oben fries
Bare thew send punt orders is Lhe
UNITED MEGICAL CO. non 74, Lancasten Pa
Sold in Sayre by the West Sayre
Pharmacel Co.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Special attention to Pent'ca Paper,
Valley Picoe 11 ¥,
(2 Dosw rd Ctreet,
Contractor and Bullder
Plans and Estimates Furnished
210 Miller Bt. Sayre. Pa.
Practice limited to diseases of the Rye,
, Nose and Throat. Glasses accurately
fitted. Hours 10 to 13 a.m. 3 to& 7 to
8 p.m. Ofice and residence, 211 th
Elmer Ave. Valley ‘phone 158x.
Palater, Decorator and Paperhanger.
First-class work dope
reams Niven amon
r | Salle
- - i dia
oF dregalet dare nett
promptly al rea-
Residence: —190 Sproce Bi. Athens, Fa
OR. A. 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake 80. West Sayre,
8 $0 11:00 a. m., 2 to €:80, 7:00 to 8:00,
Genito and chroanie diseasre a
ho ident 4 phonea.
Our Annual
Linen Sale
We back our statements of Nov.
12 and 13 with the following price
5Cc unbleached damask 43¢.
53¢ unbleached 60 and 62 in. pure
fax 48¢.
: 0c unbleached 70 in. pure flax
75¢ unbleached 70 ip. extra heavy
pure lax 68¢,
50c b eached 62 in, pure flax 480.
75¢ blesched 70 in. pure flax 88e.
$1.00 bleacted 72 in. pure flax 88¢
Every price exactly as quoted and
every siatement true.
Napkins Specially Priced
$1.00 grades, all linen 88¢.
1.25 grades, all linen $1.12.
1.50 grades, all linen 1.88,
1.75 grades, all linen 1 58.
2.00 grales, all linen 1.78.
2.25 i 1.98.
3.25 grades, all linen
Towelings Reduced
7c grade, 18 in. te.
8c grade, 18 in. 7e.
10c grade, 19 in. 9c.
1Cc Russia 9c.
llc grade, 21 in. 10c.
12{c grade, 22 in. llc.
807 linen 17x34 10c.
80% linen 18336 12}c.
All linen Webb weave, 17x34 15¢.
All linen Webb weave, 22x44 10¢c.
” 35¢c Damask H. 8. and all linen
Underwear Specials
Ladies 50c union suits, fleeced 39¢
Ladies’ 50c separate garments
30c or 75¢ suit.
Men's 50c grey fleece lined 39¢ or
75¢ suit.
Children's fleece lined, union 25¢
up. -
Children's grey separate ganasnis
10¢ up.
Children's shaped gar-
ments 124c.
Wednesday Specials
Best Teazledowns, light and dark
grounds. Many new styles Just re
ceived. Wednesday special 7 7-8.
Globe Warehouse,
Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave.
We Do Not Ask You
to Believe Us
That we are the best Tailors, but
those who have tried us are con-
vinced of the fact. Those who
have not tried yet are cordially in-
vited to give us only one trial—af-
ter that, they will be regular pas
We Are Genuine
A. Atkins,
Over Raymond & Haupt's Confec-
tionery Store, Lockhart St.
Will pay $1.00{a head at the barn
or $2.00 delivered—with hides on.
All calls promptly attended to day
or night. Valley telephone at store.
Bell telephone in house.
Susquehanna St. Athens, Pa.
Carpet Cleaning
H.A, Perry's carpet cleaner is
now in operation at the Wilson
Laundry on Waverly street, Waver-
N.Y. secvics,
Able rates, all guaranteed