and Buffe's. aT Most complete in the Val- GRAF & CO. OF SAYRE. Qapital - $50,000.00 $12,000.00 ‘The Valley Record _H. MURRELLE, Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Mtoe, Published every afternoon except Sun- day ab Murrelle’s Printing Office, Bayre, Subscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents per month, Advertislog rates reasonabls, and made mown ou appllestion. ats matter May at Sayre, Pa. Congres of March 8 —_— — EE - “All the news that's ft to print’ . TURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1908 WAVERLY FRANE KE WOOD, Representative © News and advertising matter may be ~ Jelt at Oregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the malo office at Bayre, Valley ‘phone 128X. Patrick McHale is seriously ill, F. W. Merriam went to New York today. Miss Grace Westcott returned to ‘her home at Mahopac yesterday. One of the water mains under Broad street burst this morning. Harry Conant has installed an eletric masrage in his barber shop) ——— T.J VarZ et ard daughter of Hogytville are visitiog H. C. Van Zant of this place Elwin Tisdel has returned to Jestershirc after visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry Crayton of Waverly, The work of replacing the paves ment on Broad St. is going on rapidly and will likely be completed today. The Berea classs of the Baptist ~ church will serve supper in the church parlors tomorrow evening The price is 10c. “A Race for Life” was presented to the patrons of the Loomis last evening by an average company. The specialties between the acts ~ were well received, while the play itself elicited round after round of applause, being particularly pleas- ing to the audience in the top part of the house. Waverly—-For some time past a girl has been banging around Waverly and Sayre, who bas been ‘very anxious to be married. She ' has even requested the juvices of the peace and several members of the legal fraternity to procure a and make him marry her. She seems to be rather weak in H.C Thatche went to Elmua POOR BILL REDUCED Waverly — Ia a ditiog the accounts of the Town of Burton it is found that the poor bill has fallen ¢ff about 40 per cent from last year. This is all the more remark- able when we come to consider the LOCAL NEWS Coats, caps and tams at McMa- han's, Winter appears to be scheduled for an eatly appearance. You can save money on waists, skirts and petticoats at McMahan's. ———— Men's Fieecelined Shirts and Drawers 30: at H, Sattless. Shoes, shoes a large selection al low prices at H. Sattlers. mm ‘Bister Brown" and ‘Tige” at the Lecomis this evening Ladies’, gent’s and children’s un derwear and union suits at McMa hau's. Childrens Suits worth $200, on sale for $125 this week at H. Sattlers. 159 5 You can dress will for little money if you buy your Suits and Overcoats at H. Sattlers Men's Working Pants, pocd value at $1.50 Sale Price this week only g8¢c at H, Sattlers. The employces «f the 1chigh in this section will recive their monthly pay- checks tomorrow When having business with The Valley Record do not fcrzet that it has been removed to its new home oa Lockhart street, just west of the Wheelock building. Murphy & Blish are not goisg out of business, but they will inau- gurate 2 mammoth salejof clothing tomorrow, and will be found here after the finish ready to back up their word. To Preserve the Eyesight. Wearing glazees need not be perms pent. If the first hint of derangement in the eyes is heeded, a short time passed under the direction of an ccu list will safeiy tide over the difficulty. Jt is most restful to close “the eyes frequently for a few winutes This rest does them great good. Particu- larly should this be done iu trains and street cars. Mapy a headache and smarting pain may thus be saved Original of Britannia. Frances Stewart, afterward duch- ess of Richmond, was one of the most beautiful women of her time, apd her figure has been immortalized as Brit- nia” on the copper coinage of the realm for more than 200 years. The head Is of singular grace and charm, but does not show vivacity or intelli gence, nor was she supposed to pos sess them. One of her pictures 1s treasured In Buckingham palace. pp - Traffic Accident in Colon. Wednesday morning a team sud denly went loto one of the deep holes in the street in front of this office The driver fell off his seat into the mud —Colon, Panama, Independent Discouragemerit for Beggars. Under Edward VI. not only were beggars fogged and branded In Eng jand. but the giver was fined ten times the amount of Lis alms Change in Postal Methods. The number of registered letters and parcels seat by post in England is slowly decreasing It fell two per cent last year. William's Carbolic Salve With Arnica and Witch Hazel The best Salve in the world for Chis, a - OF —— — =F Men's Su ts at Rockbottom Prices $1.98 for Men's fine Saits, cowprising a grand assortment of single and double breasted Sack Suits, in the season's most de- sirable colorings and fabrics. Thay are each and every cne a Fall and Winter Creaticn ‘00. Better mide garmen's have never been [otiered by any concern under any con- ditiops for less than $10.00. Sale Price........ 90 $7.98 for Men's fine Dress Suits, extra values, equal in every re- spect to fine castom work. This season's best styles and best sellers in cassimere, cheviots, Booteh mixtures, worsteds, dressed and undressed and thibsts. Petter value or better made garments have never beea cflered by any concern in Peapsylvania. We claim th m to be equal in valoe to apy $14 00 suit oa the market. Sale price 7.90 Men's fue Dress Suits at $11.80 are such as you'll search for in in vain in any other house in the Union at the price named by us. You will pay folly twice as much money for them else- where, They come in unfinished worsted, importedthibets, heavy worsted serges otd other fabrics equally as desirable, perfect fit is guaranteed with every garment—no competing house in the whole Union can sell them for less $ thn $18.00. Eale price 11.98 Boys' Knee Pants AT PRICES THAT WILL ATTRACT ECONOMICAL MOTHERS 00 pairs of Boys’ Knee Pants, the kind that sell regular- Ig. for 5c. Sale price io cnr : 19¢ G00 pairs of boys’ Cassimere Kaee Pante, extra well mde, tapped seams, well worth lle. Bale price 39¢c 5 doz Hoye’ Vests, all wool, in sizes from 10 to 18. Were E0e and 76c. Sale price rites 23c Men's and Boys’ Underwear Men's Extra Heavy Flesced Upderwear, all finished in the bist pessible mauncr; all siz 5; regolar 0c value, Sale price ‘ea 29c Men's fine, soft, Natural Cawels Hair Shirts and Drawers; also Heavy Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers. They are regular $1.50 valoes. Sale price a 79c Boys' Fleeced Lined Underwear, regular 25c values. Bale price . ee . 19¢c each, Nale price Sale Price oA Men's 25¢ Neckwear Rale price .... ... Sale price . .. Sale price .... : tale prie® Sale price Kindly Bear This in Mind OUR GUARANTEE garment marked plainly. One price to all. THURSDAY, LOTS O AT Every article and SBORN'S LIVERY Heavy and Light Draying and Moving Haggage called for and delivered In any part of Ba Atheas and Waverly and all kinds of work attended promptly. Livery 207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x Maynard, Maynard & Schrier Attorneys and Counselors. nn, M. P. A Block, Sayre, Pa. May- nard Block, Athens, Pa. WANT A Rates : —Wanted, Lost, Bale, ete, § cont a word each for first three times, } cent a insertion thereafter. less than 15 cents. Situations wanted, free to pald-in-advance subscribers. LEE ie ! Wanted. Typewriter snd stenographic work wanted to do after office hours, Will SH for work. L. Smith, Valley . . Lost % » A bunch of keys between high school A. and Etevenson street. Ret ooo oon. Rowad — Two erowbars, one about 4 f and one b feet _t Tioga Polat . Windes leave at this office. Saitable reward. For Sale. A portion of the Old M. Thompson, 300 Bpring Thoroughbred Eaglish uy cheap. Inquire 311 South Kier ave. pause to Tent, Sorue of Bloirmand ri streets, ire of Decker. 110 West Cooper ong BO De : Seven room house, centrally loeat suitable for small family, city et Inquire of Mrs,.Con Ryap, No. 214 How- ard street, Waverly. 18 Ten room brick houses, modern fm- provements. Inquire ab this olen. 147-1