. . . $7.98 to $27.50 Marchioness. They are man-tailored in the “Wooltex” workshops and fulfill ~ Others $1.87 and up. prices must be right, jud ging from the way they go out these days. - Came in this morning. The delivery from the maker is 4 weeks overdue, “to 6 years of age. a8 well as Tams to match Bril in colorings and material, in greys, white and Persian, liant Array of Millinery our previous efforts. A New York trimmer and an assistant in charge brings suit your fancy without disturbing your purse strings but little. : jou prefer. All sorts of weights, Women's Gloves Fer fall and winter. The present farge assortment see Lockbart St. Window) deserves special men- tion on our part and special investigation on yours, for in all we have brought in over $1,000.00 worth of kid gloves alone on import order which you and the style all sorts of siyl:s. are sugars, creamers, bow today we could resell at better than 20. over contract price to dealers, but they are here at old prices. They include 8, 12 and 16 button lengths. We sell the “Trefousse,” and a good guarantee goes with each sale. Also black and white silk SPECIAL on SILK GLOVES in white, elbow length, 89c. We rit all Glores if you wish is, cups and sau- hile they last 10c, Floor Oil Cloth and Lat 79, 90c and $1.10. Oil cloth . Oil cloth squares $1.25, $1.50, b An Exposition of the Newest and Best Dress Goods You will pardon, we beliere, the personal pride wo take in our dress goods department. We save you money and the annoyance of shopping about Linoleum Inlaid 29¢, 35¢, and 50¢ eautifal patterns people shop here because of the enjoyed. thrive on comparison. looking for the wanted effects. Our Mr. Rice a dress goods and domestic expert of vears of ex- perience has a hobby of gaiting the new things and selecting the good from the bad offered by looms. We cannot comprehensively tell you how good you will find us fixed on stocks but wa are told this department is a revelation hereabouts to the average lady. Splendid valves, 12lc up to Most thrifty many advantages S5th—we W. T. CAREY, : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OFFICE ROOM 6, M. P. A. BUILDING. | ; | LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. {Ia effect May 13, 1908.) Trains eave Sayre aa (2am EASTBOUND, Dally far Towends, Tunr Wilkes Barre, Thane: AM. - . Eanssck, x Chunk, Allentown, Betticher New 5 le, Baltimore avd Weshinging I A.M 1 . Daily for Towards, Tunkhan- : Pitiston, Wilkes Baire, Glen Sum Sd , Manch Chauch Allentowr, : New York and Philadeiphis A sc A.M) Weex “avy Athens TU Tr, Towsnds, Mow m, New Albany, Duskore, Satie: Wralering, Lacey vibe, , Pittston and Wilkes-Barre Dally ©» AM. averly £335 A. NM) a Tockxhanacey Two Wilkes-Barre, Glen Summit Springs Haven, Pena Haven Junction, Mesc Allentows, Bethickem, Mew York, I'h) i pe Be a araln Telephone 246y. A M. Sanday only, for Athens Milan 5 ister, Towends, Wyeiaeing Lemmy ville, Meakoppen and Tankieanvock ey P.M (Waverly 1723 P.M) Day for Tunkhannock, Piibton Wilkes Summit Spricgy Wew ». tach sok, Allentown LES , Philsdeiphis, Baltimore ard Dually, Bist Dismend Rx n . M. re for a, Tusknasasck | Fitton. Wihkes Barre, Giem fur EL , Alleatown, Fethioporn wn. The expedition against the | candidate of the organ zition, the 'hoboes was organized by Officer | 53me organization that has tolerat- |Shiffzr. Recently two Lehigh | ed the capitol steal, and Congress- | freight cars were broken open in| man Lilley is glad to be found ral. the Sayre yards. From one of them | lying to Stuart's support, It is 10 suits of clothes, a dozen pairs of | said that Lilley would have been shoes and a quantity of beer and better pleased had he not been were laken. On | compelled to express himself so far | Thursday Officer Shaffer learned | 3s the state ticket is goncerned. He that two mea had offered a suit of knows that the Stuart mea in clothes for sale at a certzin house | Bradford county can almost be Waverly. The price | counted on the fingers cf on: hand asked for the clothing was so small | Therefore Lilley preferred to keep RAIDED BARN BUT TRANPS HAD FLOW Valley Officers Were in Quest of Loot which Had Been Stolen from Lehigh Freight Cars. Armed with John Doe warrants the chiefs ot yolice of Sayre, Ath ens and Waverly, accompanied by County D:tective McGivern, Con stable Spencer Brougham and Le high Valley special officers, T. B Shafi:r ard J. J Johnson, went to {a barn situated near the D. I. & | W. bridge west of Waverly yester dav afterncon to raid a gang of merchandise in Scuth that it aroused the suspicion of the In fact it is said that he barn nearthe L. L. & W, bridge | He went before Justice Carey, ses | John Doz warrant and enlisting the | services of the officers named above | went to the barn yesteiday after noon. The barn was carefully | searched and one suit of clothes | stolen from the Lehigh cars was | found, but the hoboes had departs led. The remains of Mrs. Simon Gla | ser, whose sudden death occurred | yesterday morning, will be taken ly at 8:32 o'clock. The funeral will be held in the Jewish syna- gogue at that place. SURPRISED BY FRIENDS Last evening about 40 friends of Mr. and Mrs. James Adam sur. poised them at their home on Stev- enson street. The first part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre. The ladies’ first prize was won by Mrs, Jas. Adam, whils the gentlemen's prize was won by Mr, Fred Meyers, and the booby prizs freshments were served, then dan- cing was in order for the rest of the evening. Try The Record. News and advertising matier may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 11 o'clock noon call the main office at Bayre, Valley ‘phone 138X. Leather post cards at Strong’ s Robt. Basset, Esq, of Owego, is in Waverly today. Postage stamps at Strong's. A. E. Trea went to Moravia to- today and will stay over Sunday Wood boxes 25¢ at Strong's. Miss Mame Griffin of Towanda is the guest of Miss Cassiz Miller Pyro outfils $1.50 at Strong's, Mrs. F. L.. Lord went to Elmira this morning to remain over Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A C. Munsey have returned home after a visit to New York city. Gzod reliable min wanted to work in lunch room. C. A. Nzaves Waverly. 145-2t R. H. Scureman of Kingston, Pa 1s visiting his brothsr G:orge Scureman. Headaches relieved by proper glasses. Trea, eyesight specialist, office at Neaves' drug store. cod t If you love your wife, buy her a Drop Light of the Gas company. Fifty per cent. off this month, sn N. H. Lockerby’s Waverly street barber shep is now ruaning four chairs. First class work no wait- iag, 145 6t Miss Alice Lang will entertain a small party of Owego and Waverly frierds at a dinner parly this even- ing. ——— C O loagland and J F. Shoes maker are giving thar offices a new coat of pant and repapenng them pp rmennins Edwin B, Robbins, supcriaten- cent of the Waverly schools went to Albany today to attend an edu cational convention. The Rev. Alansoa Tilden has returned home alter atteading the state coavention of the Baptist church at Albany, N. Y. eye fo mei The Pastime foot ball team and the O:ioles of Sayre are scheduled to play foot ball cn the Liicoln street grounds this afterncon, ——— Feund—A purse containing a sum of money. Owner may have samc by proving property at Bar- rts music store, Waverly. 1466 tee eer Miss Maud Thayer and Miss Narcy Beagent, juniors in the E's mira college arc visiting at the home of F. A, Bell and will remain over Sunday. F. L. Towner of Providence street is laid up at his home. He is a yard conductor for the Lehigh and a rod that was lying on the track was hit by an engine, and flying np struck him on the leg, temporarily disabling him, RE — TAG SALE SUCCESSFUL Waverly—The sale of tags is going on ata great rate today, and a substantial sum has been realized. The proceeds will go toward defraying the expenses of the celebration that is being plaa- ned to take place on the soth anni. versary of the founding of the Waverly high school. Waverly people are very much interested and the person who appeared on the street today without a tag on was considered somewhat of a curi- osity. SURPRISE PARTY A number of the friends of Lloyd Collins surprised him at his home on Lincoln street last evening. The evening was pleasantly spent with games and music from a phono~ graph, and at the end of the even ing refreshments were served, He horse with the fire department and rang in an alarm from the box at the corner of Broad and Cayuta streets. The department responded with alacrity, and soon the entire only visible damage. The mem had he been caught. and some one will be caught and spend some time in jail if it con- tinues. rn sr — A fp — in IN POLICE COURT Waverly—Martin Liddy a fres quent caller at police headquarters was arrested last night for being drunk. He was arraigned this morning and plead guilty. He had not been in to see the judge for some time and was allowed to go after paying a fine of $5 and promising to leave town. Another man, who had been on a three week's spree also fell into the hands of ths police, and was allowed to go but was ordered ont of town. REOPEN TROLLEY LINE Waverly—Th=» South Waverly trolley line will be reopened this evening, and it is not likely that it will ever again cease ac'ive oper- ation. The new bridge at Elmira street, the building of which was the cause of discontinuing the line for a time, has beea nearly enough completed to allow the cars to pass over it, and the planking is being laid for the roadway, and it will be cpen for travel in a shor LOCAL NEWS Luthern Church—Moming and evening scrvices and Sunday