The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 25, 1906, Image 3

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siry today.
siness has grown—
shall strengthen our
money, the best
t is the only claim we
We have the new model
$18 and $20. Every
A success—not an ex-
Regular price $5 each.
Our special sale price
while they last
$2.50 Each
A new Departure in
Gas Heating. A pure
moist air, guaranteed ab-
solutely odorless. Burns
85% sir and 15% gas.
Consumption of gas 15
feet per hour. Can be
operated for 1ic per hour
218 Desmond St., Sayre.
322 8. Main St,, Athens.
The Man Who
“Gets There”
ke he man who has bloud
a ped
Briggs’ Wise of Cod Liver ON
Makes blood—iots of 1—
75c Per Bottle.
|G. M. Driggs
Prescription Druggist.
penk Ballling, - Sayre, Pa.
~The Valley Record
“All the mews that's it te print”
Just received over 800 vol-
umes of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to £2 00 each,
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta-
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards,
Lockhart St.
Georgie, the six-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs, John Chester Mac-
Cracken of South Waverly is seri-
ously ill,
Ed Moore, a Socialist speaker
from Philadelphia will deliver an
address at the West Sayre hose
~ President Roosevelt has desig~
pated November 29 as the as the
per cent. off this month, sar
“My Wife’s Family” is the next
ion at the Loomis opera
The date is October 31.
Justice of the Peace W. T. Car
All members of Local 257 Bare
tenders International League are
requested to meet at P. O, S.of A.
Hall at 8:30 a. m. to attend funeral
of Mrs James R. Vail. By order
of Edward Kelsey, Pres.
William Tillman and Alexander
Craft, the two men who were ar
rested on Monday by Officer Spen-
cer Brougham, charged with taking
coal aad wood from the property
of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company, were arraigned before
Justice Carey last night. After a
hearing both men were discharged,
The Whitney production of “My
Wife's Family,” which will be seen
at the Loomis Opera House on
Wednesday, Oct. 31, is just the
kind of an attraction to go to if you
want to be divorced from dull care
and worry, and to spend an even-
ing in laughter and enjoyment
Everything goes with dash and
sparkle, The "comedy abounds
with clever specialities. New mu-
sic and speciality featured have
He Was Wanted on a Charge of
the Lehigh Valley
On Monday night a Lehigh Vals
ley freight car standing in the Sayre
yards was broken open and robbed
of 10 pairs of shoes and 10 suis of
men's clothing. The amount of
plunder secured is valued at $iso.
The thicves broke the seal on the
car door and have so successfully
covered up their tracks that no
trace of them has been found by
the officers who at once went to
work on the case. Last night,
however, Sam Vanderpool, better
knowa as “High Top Sammy,"
was rounded up at the Cove on
suspicion of having been connected
with the robbery of the car. He
was arrested by Chief Mulligan of
Athens and taken before Justice H.
F. Johnson. There was no evi-
dence forthcoming connecting him
with the robbery of the car, but as
there was plenty of it to convict
him of stealing brass and lead from
the company’s property he was
sent to Towanda until the grand
jury meets.
Recently the Lehigh officials
have had their hands full in taking
care of petty thieves. Nearly
every day someone has been ar-
rested charged with pilfering coal
and wood from the company's
“Boss” Lilley is onthe run. He
is met with a frost, “aye, a killing
frost,” wherever he goes. Mial is
receiving the frozen heart and it is
jarring his nerves. He has lost his
usual equilibrium and self poise,
and is getting irritated. That ex
pansive smile, which heretofore has
been highly successful in securing
votes has changed to a look of cha-
grin. Mial sees the handwriting
on the wall and he shows it. With
Mr. Kipp, the Democratic candi~
date, things are difierent. He is
being accorded a hearty welcome
wherever he goes. The voters
realize thatthey are talking to a
man who can be relied upon to
support the interests of the people
instead of a corrupt political ma-
chine. He is winning votes every
day, and Mial is getting ruffi=d.
tis well ‘tis so,
The promoters of the Stuart
meeting which is to be held in the
Packer hose rooms tomorrow night
are still looking for a man to act as
master of ceremonies. All day
yesterday the members of the gang
searched high and low for a man
who would agree to take the job.
Last night at 8 o'clock they had
not been able to fiad any one who
would cven listen to the proposi-
tion. In sheer desperation a meet-
ing was held in the late hours of
the evening and the situation was
discussed, The conference lasted
until midnight, and resulted, it is
understood, in adopting a resolu~
tion to allow Mr, Stuart to take
the job himself,
em Mf
All water rents are now due and
payable at the office of the Com
pany. Ten per cent discount
allowed on current flat rate bills if
paid on or before October 31st.
Metered bills and flat rate bills for
the past quarter will be treated as
delinquent after October 20th,
The Sayre Water Company, so31
tl ce ma—
Now that many persons will en«
gage in the occupation of burning
leaves in their back yards or in
front of their premises, caution
should be used in not allowing the
flames to communicate with out-
buildings, By exercising careful
The Majority of them Spend the
Greater Part of the Time in
Speaking of the arrest of Fred
and Harry Heeman, charged with
burglarizing Lockwood Brothers’
store at Lockwood, N.Y , the Brad-
ford Argus has compiled an inter
esting bit of history concerning the
family of which the two Heman
brothers are members. For ins
stance: Lyman has one son and
one grandson at present in the
house of refuge ; one son, Reuben,
in Auburn prison for burglary ; one
son, Francis, a fugitive from justice :
one son, Fred, in the Towanda jl,
wanted in two states and three
counties for larceny and burglary ;
one son, Lyman, Jr, same. one
son, Heary, same ; and one daugh.
terinlaw in the Towanda jail, charge,
larceny. Lyman's family has in-
deed been flseing from justice and
serving sentences in the peniten-
tiaries of New York and Pennsyl-
vania for the past 25 years. Yet it
is said that therc are men and
women among the Heeman family
who are good, industrions citiz+ns.
Mrs, Frank Mead is visiting her
brother at Scranton.
Mrs. Mary Pearsall, of Towanda,
1s the guest of her neice, Mrs. Paul
———— ————————
Jerry Hogan of Pittston is the
guest of his sister Mrs, James
Burke of Stevenson street.
Mrs. Peter Troutman and child
went to WilkesBarre this morning
to visit friends for a day or two,
Mrs E. M. Dunham and Mrs
O. L. Haverly went to Towanda
this morning where they attended
the Towanda Musical club enter-
tainment which was held in that
place this afternoon.
The Lehigh Valley tool train is
kept busy these days cleaning up
along the line of the road for the
coming winter, The tool train is
out nearly every day repairing
broken cars and picking up parts
of trucks, etc.
The trees in Sayre are nearly
stripped of their leaves.
Regular monthly paymecting of
Sayre Building & Loan Associa-
tion will be held tonight,
Charles Bennet, of Sayre ; James
Barry, of South Waverly, and Mrs.
Lewis Kelly, of Lopez, were dis-
charged from the hospital this af
There was a large crowd at the
matinee concert given by the Pryor
band at the Loomis this afternoon,
The concert is spoken of in the
highest terms,
The funeral of Mrs, Josephine
Vail will be held from the Church
of the Epiphany tomorrow morn
ing atg:30 o'clock. Prayer service
will be held at the house at 9.
All members of Weaver lodge,
No. 379, B. of L. F, are requested
to meet in the lodge room at 8
o'clock tomorrow morning to ats
tend the funeral of the late Mrs. Js
R. Vail.
That belongs to the working class
come to the West Sayre hose
house on Maple street tomorrow
night and hear political questions
discussed from your point of view.
Called to order at 8 o'clock. Las
dies invited,
With Him at Athens Yester-
ly's” seventeen thousand dollar
before the cadi he was asked to
to the treasury of that borou gh.
The borough needs the money but
quidate. He begged the mercy of
the court, acd promised to migrate
from Athens immediately if he were
given the opportunity. He was
giveh the opportunity, and he came
toward Sayre. It is said that Kel
ly’s money is so invested that he
cannot spend it as he wishes,
Kelly was arrested here this
morning by Constable Broughm
He was on the Lehigh Valley
tracks and in a wretched condition.
The constable dragged him frem
the tracks justin time for him to
escape being struck by a train
Kelly wis too drunk to navigate
0 the officer secured a wagon and
tcok him to the lockup, He will
aot be given a hearing until to-
morrow morning.
While walking through the Les
high Valley yards at Packe ton on
Monday evening an unknown indi-
vidual was struck by an engine
from the Wyoming division anc
hurled twenty f:ct in th: air, He
struck the ground with a dull sick
ening thud, but when several men
rushed to his assistance he was
found to be unipjured. He
walked away as unconcerned as if
the incident were an cvery day oc-
currence. When asked to describe
the sensation of being hurled in
the air he simply said that he re
membered being struck in the
head by the pilot of the engine
Those who witnessed the accident
say that it wasa miraculous escape
from instant death.
French Woman's Charm.
In a national beanty the
French woman would not rank second
or even third, but to the casual ob
server she would come ahead
She makes a study of -olor combina
tions and lines and almost arrives
Childish Doubts.
Felix—1 don't think poor Toby is
getting along well iu the other world
—Just look at him when he was alive,
the way the fleas always troubled him
~and now we have had him stuffed
and the moths are feeding on him. —
A Venerable City.
The city of Ripon, England, cele
brated recently with a procession and
various entertainments the one thou
sand and twentieth anniversary of its
Incorporation Each division in the
procession represented a century
Hottest Place In the World.
The hottest place in the world Is
the southwestern coast of Persia, on
the Persian gulf. Here In July and
August the thermometer climbs to
130 in the afternoon. and never, day
cr night, falls below 100
Cocaine in India
A bill has been introduce 1 In the
Indian council! proposing the curtall
ment of the sale of cocalne In India
on the ground that at present the co
calne habit constitutes a serfous dan
ger to the country
Costly Singing Birds.
The most costly living creature, Iu
proportion to its weight, [3 doubtless
a highly-trained song bird, a bullfineh
or canary that can whistle two or
three alrs from operas. Such cage
pets sometimes sell at the of
$1,000 a pound or more, a price which
would make a race horse worth about
$1,000,000 and a setter dog $50.000 or
“You're a Goat.”
Where did they ever get the Idea
that man sprang from monkey? If
from the goat. there would be some
sense In the theory. They have whis
kers a good deal alike and both love
to butt in. Besides, so far as known,
the goat is the only animal aside from
man that will chew tobacco —High-
land Vidette
Grave Was Quite Crowded.
We report with deep regret the
death of Mme. Aframmal, of low
Town, which took pluce on the oven.
Ing of the 12th Inst. She was bur
led next day with the amateur brass
band ~Gold Const Journal, ? 3
are destined (0 revoln-
ticnize howsewo:k by
the iatrodaction of sy
tem. They flor aon.
tion of the servant pub %
em. They cut in half the .
time snd streogth now
spent in eo k No
kitcher, hows rhe: =
ate, is complete without
ove. No kitchen, how=
ever modest, bat needs
gua. itis an ind} .
® article ineve ]
erly equipped Kitohes, gl
tween 18 and 60 years.
Call on
This is an excel-|
lent time of year to]
have a heating sys-|
NY tem installed and
ready for the hard
winter which the |
weather man says |
#9 is coming.
We would be plea- |
sed to offer sugges- |
tions or give esti-
| {mates on stcam, hot |
walter or hot air sys-
tems. We sell the
satisfactory “Win-
chester steam and
_~ hot water heaters, |
A "the American Rad-
jiator Co's radiators
and boilers and the
justly famous
“Cheerful Home"
furnace, making a
fine line for you to
- choose from.
Plumbing, ileating and Tinning.
(las Fixtures, Es aod
a ——
Beth "Phones.
Thursday Afternoor, Oct. 25 |
at 2:30 O'Clock.
The American Band Master
and His
at Asbury Park and Willow
Grove, Phildelpia
Precentiog a classical concert, to-
gether with a novel musical and
Military Spectacle.
The Triumph of Old Glory
(A Story of the Flag)
Arthur Pryor's World Renowned Trom-
bona Solos,
Arthur Pryor's “Whistler aud His Dog." |
Arthur Pryor's “Baby Parade.” i
Arthor Pryor's “Burlesque on Everybody |
Works But Father,”
Prices—25, 50, 75¢ and $1.
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales. |
10p Packer Avenue, BAYRE, PA
— ommomm
Diseases of the Fye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass-
ea. Hours—9-12; 1.5; 78; Sundays by
appoiutment, Offlos, Wheelock Block.
License Transfer
Application will be msde to the Court
on Monday, Oot 20th, 1808, for the
Ward of Ba
from Chan. |
Doslin to J
n L. Bre
Valley Ph
policies covering
Strength and ty.
are marked features of the insurames
companies which we represent, sffoedl-
ing through the most Wberal forms «
Policies protection to the nt
WHICh protects in every sense of the
word. Every man should make himself
acquainted with the systems we ofer.
He will have a better mediam of savisg
than is offered by any other way,
Sayre Rendering
Attorneys and Counselors.
nard Block, Athens, Pa.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Station.
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public >
Spesial attention to Pension Papers.
Valley Phone 11 X, :
Carpenter and Builder.
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
Street Sayre, Py,