The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 22, 1906, Image 3

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    n—that of giving
offer for
3 now at
Our Fall and Winter
We have the new model
Cars Plunged Over End of Tres-
tle and One Man Killed
An accident on the construction
work of the Lehigh Valley at To-
wanda yesterday resulted in the
A success—not an ex-
Regular price $5 each.
Our special sale price |
while they last
$2.50 Each
A new Dezparture in
Gas Heating. A pure
moist air, guaranteed ab-
solutely odorless. Burns
85% air and 15% gas.
Consumption of gas 15
feet per hour. Can be
operated for 1!c per hour
218 Desaend St, Sayre.
322 B. Main 8%, Athens,
The Man Who
“Gets There"
plsaiy of (3—in his body.
Briggs” Wise of Cod Liver OU
Makes blood—iote of 18 —
life-giving, bealn-nourish-
73c Per Bottle.
0. M. Driggs
- Prescriptiss Druggist.
ak Puliding, fare, Fa.
The Valley Record
“AU the news thet's 8t to print”
© Best grade Lebigh Valley and Bernice
~ ooal, well screened, prompt delivery;
- Bard and soft wood. Both phones at
. yard and office at Raymond & Haupt's.
~~ Politics has taken the place of
all other topics.
If you love your wife, buy her a
Drop Light of the Gas company.
Fifty per cent. off this month. sn1
Justice of the Peace W. T. Cars
~ This is the season of year when
the attendance at Sunday schools
increases materially. Christmas is
only two months away.
B. Worth Jennings, formerly of
county, who shot himself re«
at Jeaningston, Va. died
urday night from the effects
wounds. His funeral oc
I at Mehoopany this after-
Just received over 800 vol-
umes of Books of Fiction and
Poems. Prices ranging from
10 cents to $2 00 each,
We have everything that is
good as well as cheap in sta
tionery, novelties, etc.
We are headquarters for
Souvenir Post Cards,
Lockhart St.
Prince of Bums Is Said to Have
Fallen Heir to a Fortune
For the first time since his ap
pearance in Sayre about nine years
ago “King” Kelley yesterday afters
noon liquidated his fine for being
drunk and disorderly, During
those nine years the “King” has
made frequent visits here and each
hime has succeeded in getting into
jail. Shortly after the firemen's
parade the King” was gathered in
by the vigilant police, and after
being given an opportunity to get
sober he was ordered out of town
and told to never return. Disre-
garding the notice, the “King” ap
peared in Sayre yesterday. He
was accompanied by his usual load
of peaches, a new suit of clothes,
shoes, hat, etc. Since his last aps
pearance here dame fortune is said
to have smiled on the “King” in
the shape of a $17,000 estate be-
queathed to him by a relative, The
story of the fortune may or may
not be true, but at any rate when
he was arraigned before Justice
Nelson yesterday afternoon on a
charge of drunkenness and fined
one dollar and costs, he pulled forth
a wad and contributed to the bors
several cars which were being
used to draw gravel for a fll at the
east end of the new bridge.
Early yesterday morning a
string of seven cars was being
pushed on to a trestle at the east
end of the bridge by the D. S. &
S. engine No. 9. In the center of
the trestle which is 30 feet high,
is a steep grade, and as the cars
began descending a knuckle pin
on the end car broke, The releas-
ed car plunged forward and ran
into two cars standing on the ‘end
of the trestle, on which two Ital-
ians employed by Mutchler & Son,
were standing. One of them
jumped off, but his companion was
carried off the end of the trestle
with the cars to the ground He
was found pinned beneath one of
the cars, his chest having been
crushed in. Death must have re-
sulted instantly. The dead man's
rame was Angelo D. Donato, and
he had oaly been in this commu.
nity about fifteen months, He was
taken to the rcoms of a Towarda
undertaker, but no icquiest was
decm:d necessary. The accident
caused comsternstion among the
lralians, About 200 of them quit
work, acd up until this afternocn
the officials in charge of the con
killing of DeDonato frightened the
Italians badly and it 1s probatle
Two Men Were Arrested Last
Night and Others Are to Fol-
Last night Constable Spencer
Brougham arrested Alexander
Craft and William Tillman, who
reside in the vicinity of Milltown,
on a charge of larceny preferred by
T. B. Shaffer, special cfficer for
the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com.
pany. Craft is charged with taking
coal and wood from the company’s
property at Milltown, while Tillman
is said to have three car doors
belonging to the Lehigh in his
possession. At this season of the
year the Lehigh officials are pers
sistently annoyed by persons who
pick up coal along the tracks, The
majority of them, it is said, do not
stop at taking coal lying on the
tracks, but go on the loaded
cars and carry the fuel away in
large quantities. The company is
determined to put a stop to this
practice. Craft and Tillman will
be given hearings this afternoon
before Justice Carey.
The Sayre high school alumni
association held a meeting at the
high school hall last evening when
it was decided to give a lecture
course this winter. The course
tional lectures and entertainments
by musicians and impersonators,
There will be five numbers on the
program and they will all be strictly
high class. Oae of the lectures
will be by S. W., Gillilan, the man
who writes much of the funny stuff
that appears in Judge, America's
most humorous publication, Aa-
other lecturer whose services have
been obtained is Frank Dixon, one
of the most interesting lecturers on
the American platform today. The
whole course will cost only g1,
provided that a ticket for the whole
course is purchased. The course
Gompers Ssys That the Con-
gressman from This District
Is Unfair
Lilley says that he is a great
friend to the working man and that
he has always been found batttling
for their rights. There isa wide
difference, however, between Mr,
Lilley's claim and the opinion of
Samuel Gompers, the president of
the American Federation of Labor.
Recently a well known official of a
local labor organizition, in order
to satisfy himself on the subject,
wrote to Mr. Gompers and received
the following reply :
Dear Sir and Brother:
Your favor of October 2nd to
hand and contents noted
In reply would say that th only
bills of interest to organized labor
that were considered in the last
session of Congress was the one
which nullified the Eight Hour
Law in the construetion of the Pan-
ama Canal, and on this Bill Con-
gressman Lilley 1s recorded as be.
ing paired in favor of nullifying
the Eight Hour Law in the con-
struction of that work
After the adjournment of
last session of Congress,
ment known as Labor's Bill of
Grievance was submitted to the
members with a request for a reply
from them stating their attitude
on matters enumerated therein
Many replies were received and
were published in the September
issue of the American Federation.
1st. The members from whom no
replies were received were fur.
nished with a second copy to
gether with a similar request
Up to the time of writing no reply
has been received from Congress
man Lilley, With this attitude
favorable to the nullifying of the
Eight Hour Law on the Panama
Canal, and his refusal to reply to
either of the communications sent
him, does it not signify that if he
is not hostile, he is at least in-
different to the demands of Labor
Let the slogan go forth to our
fellow workers and friends, and
we urge that they act intelligently,
unitedly and pratically to accom-
plish the purpose they sect for
themselves—the enactment of their
lawful demands,
Labor men often underestimate
their own ability, and look up to
those who are members of Congress
as mortals of greatly superior
qualities. It is true that many of
our Congressmen are bridiantly
brainy, but their brillianey too oft-
en consists of trickery devices by
which the people are hoodwinked,
cajoled and tricked out of their
rights. Some of the most brilliant
speeches that are made in Congress
have their beginning and ending
for, of and by the dollar
A number of workmen from the
factory, workshop, farm, mi!l aud
mine would give a healthy tone to
our Congressional and legislative
halls and their sterling common
sense, honesty of purpose and ex-
perience would surely inaugurate
an era of plain, but honest legisla-
tion in the interests of the people
Wherever possible, let labor elect
its own men, but wisdom and
foresight forbid the nomination of
a labor man in a hopeless istrict,
particularly when that action may
result in the election of a man who
is n known and persistent oppon-
ent to the cause of labor, of justice
and right.
Let us stand by our friends, our
true friends, not those who simply
mouth their pretended frieadship
now, and whose past course has
given their pretentions the lie,
Let us administer a stinging de-
feat to all men or parties who are
either indifferent, negligent or hos-
With best wishes, I am,
Fraternally yours,
SAMUEL Gompiss.
American Federation of Labor
All water rents are now due and
payable at the office of the Com
pany. Ten per cent discount
allowed on current flat rate bills if
paid on or before October 31st.
Metered bills and flat rate bills for
the past quarter will be treated as
delinquent after October 20th,
The Sayre Water Company. so 31
Clarence Ely, the young man
who confessed to having robbed
the Lebigh station at Ithaca of
$1,200, has been admitted to bail.
He gave bonds in the sum of
$1,000 for his appearance before
a docu-
the next grand jury.
ing cry of the political pirates of
Pennsylvania, begging Republicans
gang candidate, Stuart, in order to
“stand by Roosevelt.”
heroic fight for the passage of the
railroad rate bill this selfsame gang,
velt's enemies, performed a remark-
able feat in political gymnastics,
treachery in the back of Theodore
William T. Creasey, the candi-
date for auditor peneral on the
reform ticket, cfered a strong res
olution erdorsing and encouraging
the president in his fizht. The
gang tapped Creasey on the back
and cried “Good, we will pass that
resolution.” The resolution was
adopted easily, and then what hap-
pened? The enemies of the peo
ple summoned the gang at once
They were plainly told that they
wanted no rate bill; they weuld
stand for no endorsement of the
president. Word was immediately
passed along the gang line, a right
about face was executed : the reso-
lution endorsing Roosevelt was
reconsidered and cctually voted
down with a hurrah, ia spite of a
determined stand by Creasey and
his fellowers.
ycu to vote for Stuirt on the plea
of “standicg by Roosevelt”
Stuart, the gang candidate for
governor did not have aa instruct
ed delegate at Harris! urg, yet Pen
rose, Andrews, McNichol & C ).,
imitating the Quay-Peanypacker
s‘untof [hur years ago, handed hm
the ncmination without even the
actual candidates before the con-
vention, Watres and Thompson,
were ordered to make his nomina-
tion unanimous; they were then
permitted to go hom: with their
delegates and prepare to exscute
further orders
Mr. Root, Roosevelt's secretary
of state and steadfast personal
friend, calls this same gang “a
criminal combination mac querading
under the pame of Republican.”
Dees any Republican honestly
loubt that Theodore Roosevelt
had ke a vote in Pennsylvania,
would cast it for Lewis Emery, Jn?
Why dd the gang select Stuart
as its candidat. > When the thun
ders of reform rolied over this state
shaking the aity of Philadelphia,
where the fight waged fizrcest, to
its very center, Stuart was secretly
plotting with the gang, or was too
cowardly to raise a fiager for the
people. His reward for this was
the gang nomination, He is now
macqueradiog with the “criminal
combination,” and wants you to
make him governor.
Oa the other hand, what of
Lewis Emery, Jr.? He has been
a steadfast champion of the people
for more than a quarter of a cen
tury. Often the Standard Oil
Company thought they had him
crushed as they had crushed
thousands of others, but he was up
and at them again. This heroic
struggle has saved to the people of
Pennsylvania, in the one single
item of oil alone, millions of dol-
Voters of Pennsylvania, your
champion, he who has fought your
fights for nearly a generation, is in
a death struggle with our common
foe. Will you rally to his support
now? We believe you will. We
believe that the chivalry of "G1 is
still alive in Pennsylvania's sons,
and that they will give to Lewis
Emery, Jr, on the 6th of next No
vember, such a majority as will
sound the death knell of political
piracy in Pennsylvania for all time
Bradford County Citizen.
formality of a singls ballot
Exposure Brings on Rheumatism
Painful in its mildest form,
becoming an agony or torture f neg-
lected, When yoa feel the frst pain
| in the muscles, the first alight stiffness
| In the joints take Bloodine. It acts im-
midlistaly on the Blood and Nerves, and
will positively oure Rheawrtiom, howe
ever severs, by C, M. Driggs, Bayre, |
vickly |
The fall rains are surely here,
Kitchen Cabinets
are destined {o revolu-
tionize houtewark by
the Introduction of sys.
tem, They offer a sola-
tian of tl e servant probe
lem. They eat in half the
time and s'‘rength pow
spent in cocking. No
kitchen, however olabor-
ate, is complete without
one. No kitchen, how-
ever modest, bat needs
one, It is an indispensa-
ble article in Very prop-
erly equipped kitchen,
205 Desmond St,
Just what you are lookin
actual cost,
tween 18 and 60 years.
Call on
Valley Phone 191 a.
3 ps + J FL
Teh) AN AN) A x. RN
writes policies covering
d each five years.
This 1s an excel-
lest time of year to
havo a heating sys-
Wtem installed ard
ready for the hard
water which the
| We would be plea- |
sed to offer SURZES- |
"tions or give est
mates on steam, hot
wator or hot air sys
We cll the
atisfactory “Win-
‘hester steam and
Pile bot waler Leaters, |
A— “the American Rad-|
—rjuator Co's radiators |
“SY and boilers and the
(justly famous
Cheerful - Heme"
furnace, making a
fine line for you to
— choose from.
Ulumbiug, esting and Uinniog
Gas Fixtures, Burners ard
kis "Fhoses. Foner Ava,
Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 22 |
at 2:30 O'Clock.
The American Band Master |
and His
Dircet from extended engagements
at Asbury Park and Willow
Grove, Phildelpia.
Presenting a classical concert, to-|
gether with a novel musical and
Military Spectacle
The Triumph of Old Glory |
(A Story of the Flag)
Strength and 1
are marked features of the insurance
Companies which we represent, sflords
ing through the most liberal forms of
policies protection to the de t
which protects in every sense of the
word. Every man should make himself
acquainted with the systems we offer.
He will have a better wedium of savicg
than is offered by sny other way.
Sayre Rendering
Remove dead borses and cattle at
{ides must be on
E, PA.
Attorceys and Counselors.
Lone Solos. |
Arthar Pryor’s “Whistler aud His Dog." |
Arthur Fryor's "Baby Parade,
Arthor Pryor’s “Burlesque on Everybody
Works But Father,
Prices—25, SO, 7S5c and $1. |
Wholesaler of
Wines, Beer and Ales.
Diseases of the Fye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, and the Proper Fitting of Glass-
appointment. Ofce, Wheelock Block,
License Transfer
Application will be made to the Court
on Monday, Cot 10th, 1006, for the
transfer of the hotel iiconse in the First
Ward of Baye borough from Chas. |
Donlla to John L. Brundage. }
Willis Gordon, Clerk,
Towanda, Oct, 10th, 1006.—10¢
pard Block, Athens, Pa.
Up-to-Date. Pired
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V, Baton,
H. H. Mercereau,
Attornay-st-Law 3
TMotary Public
8; ealal attention to Peanion Papers.
Vallsy Phone 11 X,
Carpenter and Builder.
Waverly. N TY.
Pool and Billiards in the Rear.
Lookhart Breet Sayre, Pr,