The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 22, 1906, Image 2

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& CO.
draw the mame rate of
Ww. T. CAREY, Editcr.
Murrelle's Printing Office, Bayre,
$3.00 per year; 15 cents
2 rates reasonable, and made
» 88 second-class matter May
a the st Sayre, Pa,
Congress of March 3,
the gews that's | fit to to print
Free Free
A. C. Trainor, Colchester, Conun.,
that a free sample bottle of
her whea she was all
ine is a body builder
il system tonic of wonderfal merit,
Ml If you have not tried it, you should
, The greatest system Tonic in
Bick Kidneys are positively
BY odinn Hold by C. M.
Cheap Rates West
he Brio Railroad Is again offering
ry low rates to the Pacific Coast and
ther western points. Inqaire of Erie
ket Agents or write J. (I. Webster,
Pass Agt., EBloira, N.Y. #90ctd0
—— A ——
Williams’ Kidney Pills
soted your Kideya?
RI eer ered your nervous sys-
iad caused trouble with your Kid-
Bladder? Have you paina io
pins, side, back, froin and blad.
Have yous flabby appearance of
, especially under the eyes? Too
§ desire to urine? If so
Ils will cure you
Free, mall 50c. Sold by
int jams Mg. Co, Props,
©. Bold by C, M. Driggs,
Very Low Rates
poist tickets are now on sale via
je Railroad to the Pacific Coast and
points. Thess rates are
ly low, and will be in effect un-
th. All RJeople desiring to get
far west id take advantage
rates. Call on Erie Ticket
tor J. Hl. Webster, Div. Pass. Agt.,
; $M cctd
DO to Niagara Falls and retuen
fay, Oct. 23d. Tickets good two
: 130
pr Chautauqaa passengers
® note that the Erie Railroad Co.
8 vestibule coach daily
one throagh to Jamestown
t chases of care 70
gmt, J. Clare. apply to Erie
Before buying call and
, McMahon's prices on
and Children's
its and Fars, cotton
wool, Blankets, Rugs,
ers, Winter Under-
of all kinds.
LO, 0. F. Block,
Pino 30d Malo Sts., Athens
ad ia The Record,
Dr. Lyman Abbott Favors Free Com-
petition In Trade
NEW HAVEN. Cann xt. 22
Praise for Sert ries Taft and Roet
as men who were doing Christ's work
in the world formed a part
by Hey Dr Lyman
York before the Yak
tell chapel
Dr. Abbott
of either, but referred to one
gone “to Cuba aml brow
of chaos” and to the
had “made a throngh
America harmonizing tl
the south’ He also
political campaign now
of a sermon
Abbott of New
students at Bat
did not mention the pame
who had
izht order out
north with
referred to the
on in New York
After defining the Kingdom of
ind as one Ii each man shall de
but shall please to
which an
shall have mo
other as one
in whi
tagonism and jealousy
part, he continued
‘At the preseut time there is a great
wer the differ
trust and the frea
There is a
great desire to break down the oon
Bath sides
ia wy state
ite wrong, The
in the combinations: it i=
t in the free competition
The cause of the
the same as in ths
difficulty is much
oll parable Each
tree has tos mach to Jo for itself ta be
er the rest. The lawyer amd
the merchant say they are tos
£0 into palitic=, but the bramble is
ix Jones of Min
neapolis, Folk of Missouri, Salbv of
New Jersey and Jerome of New
ire saving to we tha
t there is a8 wavy in
which this country can be rated long
the € of righteousness
When one of our
itd peace
great statesnen
ughit onder ont of
wir rich wen left
d went ints
made a journes
outh America
with the south
Chinst on earth’
A Hundred or More Injured When
Syracuse Grand Stand Gave Way
SYRACUSE, N.Y, Oct. 22 During
vil half
i the two teams
iargest wid that
i footlnll game
Fhe were Now) persons in
the stands and bleachers aud on the
side lines
iH yr
went was at fev heat when
suddenly there was « wh ud plen
: shirieks rose above the din as Arty
feet of the way, ahd
thie © } hn » ¥ hr ! nto one
His '
The game wa clayed only about
ten mitiutes by hie 1 dent When
it bane Killed
there were repeals {
Hine Know that none was
ries of
th the HT from all sides
“(10 un
Magoon Fiads Deplorable ( anditions.
HAVANA, Oct. 22 - Governor Ma
sited the Nutioua! Iuspne nsy
lam here and discovered a deplorable
misamd six
and odd
ity for
sleeping on
brokeu st relies of the lust Amer
Congress nmimle an
state of aflairs One th
hnndred nd sixty
are crowded juto Aithy
et] Ludldings
HX) people only Y are
persons of
Se tes
inpidat With a capac
can occupat
but the mo
to enlarge the asylnm
Mey Was never expended
litle Letter
instant steps to erect
remedy the
than under Spanish control
Magoon will take
rdditional buildings and
WASHINGTON Oct y #4 he
innounces that all
tropical storm that
in ita path from Cuba
a shal
depression prevalling
ver sonthern Florida, It has wo dan
gerons features A Severe spon storm
with freezing femper
Colorado Wyoming, Utah, n
New Mexies, northern Arizous and
northern Texas The iowstorm ex
tends through the Rocky mountain dis
tricts and the plains states castward
of the
wronght havis
icrose the |
florida keys 8 now
ture. f4 raping in
Sewnrk's New Dally
NEWARK, N. 1. Oct, 22 The
ark Dally Advertiser Publishing rom
pany has begun the
new dilly newspaper to be called the
Morning Star. James Alfriin, former
ly managing editor of the New York
Tribune, who recently Lecame the own
er of the Advertiser, will be at the
publication of a
N. F. Walker was in Towanda
C. IL. Lacey was in Towanda on
business today.
Hotel "Mulligan sheltered one
tramp last night.
D.E McMahan and wile were
in Elmira today.
Mrs. D. W. Tripp visited friends |,
in Sheshe quia today.
D. W, Tripp is serving as juror
at Troy court this week,
James Drake of Vawter was io
Athens on business tcdy.
E. G. Smith of Black was a guest
of George L. Fuller last night.
De. C. L. Stevens was in Lacey
ville today on professional business
Mrs. P. A. Hines of Port Byron,
N.Y, is the guest of Mrs. George
E. Vail
Constable C I, McCracken of
Towanda was in Athens on busi
ness last evenino,
Mr: William Atwood went to
Rumme: field this morning to spend
the day with fiends.
Rogers & M:
seme beautiful pirlor screcas just
imported from Japan.
iller hive received
M:s J]. E Swyers returned fron
2 visit with her sister, Mrs C. H
Morgar, in Buffalo last evemag,
If you love
1 Drop Light
Fifty per cent
your wife, buy her
of the Gis company
off this month, sn
Mrs. Ellen Keiley has been visi
ing her daugh’er, Mrs John Wit
tug and reiureed to Smuthh:ld this
wor ig
H A. Scrauvton of Parish,
Y, 1s viating lus
B Wilson, Hc
will r tum this everiaz
go county, N
brother in law, G
Miss Kate Cowell has bren vis’
ng Ler brother, Lewis Cowell
Bimpwvilie and en darth fond
over last nigh*, clung
warda this mornin?
Pa‘rick Slow, a colored corarade
of Su hivan (x A KR. 30
was 1
yesterday visiting his
ra Slow, return
Mis Cel. C. H. Graws, Lady
Ministeria at Stockholm, Sweder,
is trying to induce her parents,
Mr. ard Mrs. D. W. Tripp, to take
ard visit her
neXt season
Joha R Davis has returned frem
the Arnot- Ogden hospital where
he has been seme time for treat-
ment to one of his eyes. The treat-
was not successful and he
loses the sight of the eye.
Samuel Webb of Menroe, N Y,
has been making a two week's visit
with friends in Black ard came to
Athens last cveniag, s'aying over
night with G. L. Fuller, resuming
his homeward journey today,
Orson G. Carrer of Chiloco,
Oklahoma, is in Athens on a four
weeks vacation. He left Athens
two years ago to take a position in
the Indian reservation school and
he has charge of one cf the des
partments there. The school num.
bers 820 children and they are
making great progress in the arts
and science of civilized hfe.
Thete will be a sub~district Ep
worth League Rally at the Metho-
dist church tomorrow afiernoon
and evening. Special -music has
been arranged for the cccasion and
it 1s expected that there will be a
large atteadance. Papers will be
given by members of the different
leagues and an out of town
preacher will deliver a sermon tos
Morrow evening.
The Athens High School course
will be a success again this year,
Gillilan, the humorist, is a good
one to open with for all the teach.
ers heard him at Towanda on the
institute course and are talking
about him to their friends, The
sale of seats is now on at Sanford’s
drug store. The proceeds of the
on “The Women of
to the scholars of Athens High
Mist Margaeet Bar pave » tal
heard in the high school course)
ciated and erjoyed by those who!
at that time, She is now with the
an evering in Waverly yesterday,
A Hog of Parts
Ar Jas of this city
hog in Ch ith county that hd
temper some time
ft Bas to breathe th
In order to i
WAYS carries a
order to keep the
dnd excej
Wild Flowers
The wild flo r
most beautiful (nt
in Alaska
son iaslis only three
ing that !
“A Speedy Cure for
Constipation, Piliouspess, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Liver Complaints, Tired Feeling, Fad Taste ia
the Moath, lad Complexion, Nervouseess and all
diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowel
* Bloodline Liver Pills
act pently, yet thoroughly upon the bowels, liver
stomach and digestive organs The pails, in oid
and chronic cases of constipation and indigestion,
ACT af once, withog! gripieg. sor do they Icave any
eapleasant after-effects, nor for 3 3 constant |
of purgicg, prod ed by other cathartic rapedies
Bloodine Liver Pills’
restore the deranged and t pid liver to its normal
condition aud bealthiul action. Remove ac 54 pre-
vent constipation by securing a nateral asd rego
lar operatic in of the bowel ls, and relieve tha a2 un.
pleasant symptoms which attend 3 diseas
morbid condition of the liver, stomach an
To assist In attalning tas end, the folic
gestions are offered
REMARKS. Everyone who uses pails for
their action on the liver, should know that large
doses rarely prove as satisfactory as small ones
Large doses simply purge and fam o o i of the sys.
tem, cseally keaving the bowels constipated, and
seldom removing the cause of the ou ie, or im
prove the general health On the other hand,
small doses develop the alierative effect of the
medstine, da pot brvinate of connipate the bowels,
but gently stimulate the liver and prevent the
accumulation of bile by directing its Bow into the
proper channels Therefore it is advisable to come
uttatt by taking not over oue or two pills at bed.
increase dose a8 Decessary
FPostiaxp, Ma,
Gexys: ~1 fad your * Bloodice Liver Prila™
the most efective pill | ever used They cause
Bo griping or conatipative alter effect as most liver
pills do. Yours truly,
Liver Pills
25¢abox. 5 boxes 1.00
Bioodine Ofntment cures Piles, goc a bog.
Sold by C. M. Driggs, Sayre
Fr rhisais Messrer orem
pviz REOwA TO Fall. fst Rare} Bue
C418 por den: iis rd the awn ral be be pied far
when reiisved Bampios Free J ys breggiot does Bed
Bare thisa & ul yous orders to
UNITED MEOICAL CO. vox T4, Lancasrrn, Pa
Soild in Sayre by the West Sayre
Pharmacel Co.
We Challenge
any exponent of
the present system
to come to the
West Sayre Hose
house on Maple St.
next Thurday night
and give reasons
why Socialism is
not right.
Will Speak at That Time.
Do you know that Blostein Bros. pays
the highest prices for Rags, Rubbers,
Iron, metals, ete. It will pay you to
call on us before disposing of your junk.
We handle it wholesale and retail. Bell
phone 80w, Calls promptly attended to.
Good weight guaranteed. Write for
prices. BLOSTEIN BROS, corner John-
son & Broad streets, Waverly, N. Y.
Heavyand Light Draying and Moving
Pegaes called for for aod de od delivered in
hp Rope work attended ; atbond %
promptly. Er aa ae
207 N. Lehigh Ave. Valley Phone 308x
to Believe Us
That we 3 Ta lors, bu
those 13 are con
vinced of th t Those who
nave t 4 «My 1n-
vited to give us only one tr 1al—af-
ter th
We Are Gunite!
A. Atkins,
Over Raymond & [Haupt's Confec-
tionery Store, Lockhart St,
iT pas
and furnaces.
r night. Valley telephone at store
Bell telephone in house.
Athens, Pa
DR. A. 6. REES, M.D.
100 Lake Bt. West Bayre,
8 to 11:00 a. m.,, 2 to 4:20, 7:9) to 8:00,
Gealto vrinary and chronle diseases a
spaalalty. Both phones.
Flay acd Esilizetes Furnished
525 Elevenson Sk, Valley Phones was ty
Susquehanna St.
Practice limited to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. (lasses accurately
Elmer Ava. Valley ‘plors 154g.
Paloter, Decorator and Paperbanger.
Flrst-clame work ame promptly at rea-
Residences: —130 Spruce 84, Athens, Ps
‘The Cayuta Land Company
[2 Se so, Pa, desires to announce that
ve some very desirable building
Pret for sale on cheap and easy terms,
{and that they have placed the agency
for eolling them la the hands of Andrew
Evarts of this place. All those wishing
to provide themselves with homes or to
invest in lots for speculative parposes
will do well to consult with Mr, Evarts
before purchasing elsewhere. This plot
of land is nearly surrounded by indus-
trial plants, with beaatifal scenery and |
all the advantages of a modern indus- |
trial town. Terms to suit purchasers.
= | Steps are already being taken to supply
all the land comprising this plot oe
full supply of the best water the valle
affords, ANDREW EVARTS, 108 Hospi-
tal place, Sayre, Pa. Phone 244c,
Carpet Cleaning
now in operation at the Wilson |
Laundry on Waverly street, Waver-
ly, N.Y. Prompt service, reason- |
able rates, all work guarantsed. Both |
Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 25.
Ratss : —Wanted, Lost, Fouad, For
Sale, ete, | cent a word each insertion
| for first three times, | cent a word each
insertion thercafter. None taken for
| less than 25 cents. Bituations wanted,
| free to paid-in-advance subscribers,
| Want ads Inserted by persons not hav-
| Ing a lodzer account with The Record
| mast be fald for when ordered printed,
Ye poli yay cannot charge want ads
Era Tro om
ep ooll entirely ou
proportion to the amount involved ved In
the transaction,
For Sale.
Nive room house on Lehigh avenue.
inquire at Thos. Maroney's ry
Say re,
Ten room modern house, 312 8. Wilbur
avenue, Sayre, corner Chemung street;
all conveniences, Inquire RE Bison
on premises,
For sale cheap for cash or on easy
terms, or exchange for Sayre improved
| realty, 70 acre Sheshequin-valley farm.
Burton Macafee, Washington, D.C.
A farm of 178 acres in Overton town-
ship for sale or exchange for village
property in Athens or Bayre. Good
bulidings and fruit on the premises,
Apply or address C. A. Heavener, R. FV,
0. 24, Athens, Pa. 128-1m*
A rtion of the Old Spring Home-
property in Sayre, uire of B
a Thompson, 200 Spring St., Bayes;
i " Beveral houses and lots for sale in de-
sirable locations in town. Terms to
suit purchasers. Inquire of W. Q,
Behrier, Maynard Block, Athens, 30
For Rent
For rent, office rooms In the Wheelock
Block, 364
Small house for rent to small famil
immediately. Mrs. J. E. Wheelock, 1
B. Elmer avenne, Sayre, 140¢
Two offices for rent in the M &
Page block. Conde
House for reat, Rlm street, Sar
near Main street car line, Desirable
house for small family.
| seasion, $12.00 per month, Eau
Chemung street Green Houses, 414 Che-
> mung street, Waverly, N.Y 119
Large furnished front room for
“lu leman. Bteam heat and electric
Ihe bath room. 620 S. Main street,
| ens, Pa. ha
! Wanted.
Sharp, reliable boy to work out of
school hours. No other need appl
Gregg’ s Racket store i
| ~ Sewing and feceensallog the
| Plain sewi uire at
Jeuidence, 1 I ry » KY lo
acoln 8 ‘next .
ai reliable an Jo
i | CoA. No Neaves, ako ror Tn ase
First class
FT le